Poster Presentation About Digital Marketing

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 Next, I will discuss some main reasons why digital marketing is far superior to traditional marketing.
 The first reason is cost. As you can see from the chart, a lot of money is paid for broadcasts,
newspapers, magazines and especially direct mail. However, with the same amount of money that
you spend on sending direct mails to your audience, you can reach out to 18x (36,000) more
people via digital marketing.

 Number 2. That is targeting. Let’s imagine if you’re driving on the highway and you see some
huge massive billboards, advertising, or certain things. They still have those which is fine but it’s
more like brand awareness. That’s traditional advertising - a billboard, you can’t really target who
is gonna see this billboard. You just write there and someone sees it good, but if someone doesn’t
see it, you don’t really know. However, with digital marketing or with online, you can precisely
target exactly who do you want to see your offer, your website, your business, or your bundle.
For example, with Facebook, you can also precisely target exactly who you want, what is the
interest, what's that profile that you are targeting so you could target very precisely, exactly
who you want for your customers or for your offer that you cannot do with traditional
marketing. When we were doing direct mail, we can target a little bit, meaning we can rent a list
of potential buyers, and send out those direct mail pieces but it's not very targeted. And we don't
really know what happens, right. In the good old days, direct-mail, we have a term called A-
pile B-pile, meaning that people saw the mail next to the trash can, garbage can, where they
know this is an ad, this is a flyer, this is something that doesn't interest me, it goes in the
trash can we call that the B-pile. The A-pile are all personal letters, it'd be letters from
someone that you know, or maybe statements and credit card statements and bills, those
will make it to the A pile, as a marketer back then when we were doing direct mail. The first
goal is not for people to buy. The first goal is to get people to make sure they don't throw
away our stuff, particularly make sure we make it to the A-pile. So now with digital
marketing, you don't need to do that anymore. You can put your offer, your product, your service
in front of precisely exactly who you want, when you want it, where you want it. You can choose
country, demographics, and psychographics extremely powerful.

 Next, is tracking. With direct mail, we can kind of track. We send out 1000 letters, 5000 letters, or
10000 letters, we kind of roughly know that out of 10000letters we got so many order forms back.
Back then, that's how people used to do it. They actually said people send back an order form
or send back the money or call a phone number to buy something but still not very precise
with internet marketing. But with digital marketing, you can track exactly what happens, where
that buyer comes from, and where that customer comes from. You can even track their journey,
maybe they first saw a particular video, and then they opt into a particular offer, and then they
didn't buy, and when we run retargeting ads then they bought in this period of time or they bought
because they saw email number four in your email sequence. You cannot do that with traditional
marketing, you could only do that with digital marketing. That’s extremely powerful.
 Finally, that is tweaking. Now think about back then, if I'm doing a big massive billboard and if
say that I don't like the billboard and I'm changing my message or now I have a different offer.
What do I have to do? I got to take out the whole Billboard, replace everything at reprint
everything. But, with digital, if there's an ad that I'm running but I don't like I can change it just
like that. I can split test different ads at the same time and have A/B testing or been
marketing call the A/B testing. We can tweak different things or the web page I'm testing on a
different guarantee, a different price point. 

 Now traditional advertising, anything that we do, there's a huge delay in terms of time, that gap
that makes it very expensive and very costly. So the benefits of marketing online and all those
things you can target, you can track, you can also tweak very quickly to get better results and
that's the upside.

 But there's a downside. The downside is that everybody could do the same thing. So the
marketplace is getting way more sophisticated, and your competitors are getting more
sophisticated. There are more ways for them to compete with you. Many people could be
running a pretty big company but it doesn’t matter. A 17-year-old kid living in a basement could
compete with you. So knowing that yes, with the technology digital marketing has so many
advantages. At the same time, knowing that it changes all the time that you have to do more to
keep up the pace to have that leading edge and always say if you are not the lead doc, the view is
always the same.

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