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Emcee Script for A Wedding Reception

a. Introductory word:
(Good day, may we request everybody to please find their most comfortable seats for we are about to start
this ceremony in just few minutes)

God is love and in some mysterious ways drawn two people together in love. Today, love has triumph and has
manifested in the lives of Mark and Ellen. Today, we will witness the promise sanctified and blessed by the mighty
source of love – Jesus Christ.

I welcome all of you to this solemn and memorable occasion. This is a festivity of union. Two separate individuals
have found each other, tie the knot to become one – we therefore have to celebrate.

b. Prelude: (SONG)
c. Entourage
At this moment, we will be witnessing the entourage. Lead by our officiating minister Pastor Noe Peralta. Let us
welcome our very handsome and dashing groom, Mr. Mark Aquino, Proud son of Mr. ________ and ___________.
Our principal sponsors-:_________________
The bible bearer : Ethan Lorenzo Ochave, the ring brearer: Isiah Ochave, The coin bearer: Daniel Ochave, And now
ladies and gentlemen our lovely bride Ms. Ma. Ellana Ochave who will be Mrs. Aquino after this ceremony. She is
escorted by her proud and supportive parents Mr. ____________ and Mrs._____________.


Introduction: (Reception)

Alright, Once again Good day everybody. Today calls for a day of celebration. I am extremely delighted that
all you are here to celebrate this important milestone in Mark’s and Ellen’s lives.. We are done with the solemn part
of the celebration and in behalf of the newlywed, we thank those particular people who were with us earlier during
the wedding ceremony. And for those who just join in, Welcome!

Entrance of the Parents and Sponsors:

Before anything else, I would like to acknowledge the key persons who took great part of this joyous affair. For
without their support, this event would not be possible. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to introduce
to you the parents of the Bride and Groom, _______________________________.

And now, may I introduce to you the people who stood witness to the couple as they took their vows: The Principal
Sponsors (Read the names in the wedding invitation).

We would also like to acknowledge the following people who have also played significant roles during the
ceremonies: The Secondary Sponsors (Read the names in the wedding invitation).
Note: Lahat ng abay at kasama sa program.. ipakilala at pasalamatan

(Entrance of the Newly Weds): (Pwede din ditto kumanta ng live)

And finally, may I request everyone to stand up as I introduce the newlyweds. Ladies and Gentlemen, the very
reason why we are all gathered here today. Without further ado, It is with distinct pleasure as present to you the
newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. _________________. Let’s give them a warm round of applause.

First Dance of the Newlywed. ( Live song from Daisy’s cousin ________________)

Let us witness the first dance of the couple. This dance may serve also as their prosperity dance so to those who
want to help our newlywed may you pin or give your blessings to them. (agsabit kayo kwarta kanyada) ****

Give special thanks to the relatives and friends.

Alright, so let’s move on to our next stop. A wedding is not complete without traditions. The first one must be the
cutting of the wedding cake.

Cutting of Cake

May I request __________________ to prepare for the cake ceremony. The cake, which has been a part of wedding
celebrations since the Roman times, it is a symbol of good luck and fertility. The sharing of this food symbolizes the
couple’s willingness to fulfill each other’s needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong. Message from

Sharing of Wine:

The wine that the couple is about to share is a representation of life's adversities. Life indeed is not a bed of roses, as
(Groom's Name) and (Bride's Name) drink the wine, they affirm their pledge of loyalty and fidelity even in the most
trying times of their married life. Let us pray that during these moments, they will cling to no one but to the Lord, the
very foundation of their love.

Prayer for the Food (by pastor Noeh Peralta)

The guidance of the Lord is for always the best thing we should consider, may I request everybody to please rise for
the prayer.

Please bow down our heads and put ourselves in the presence of God.

Heavenly father, Love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and a woman which
matures into marriage. Today, we celebrate that love. Lord for the joy of this occasion, we thank You. For your
presence here and now and at all times, we thank You. Protect, guide and bless _____________ and everyone
present here. Surround us with Your love now and always.

Wine Toast ( Priane Morano’s Speech)

Our next tradition is the wine tossing. Raising a glass together is a way for everyone to share in wishing good health
and happiness to the newlyweds. As the wine is poured, our newlyweds now make wishes for their good fortune, a
better future and the best life possible for them. Let’s join them in their fervent wishes through good fellowship and
camaraderie, love and happiness. SPEECH from the Parents:

Special Speech from one of Ellen’s mentor:

At this point of time, may we listen to one of Ellen’s mentors as she gives her message to the newly wed. It will serve
as words of encouragement as they have entered a new chapter of their lives. (Marriage Life).

Entrusting of Boquet
At this juncture, I know all of us are waiting for the tossing of bouquet, but since we are in the modern era and we
do love breaking the rules. We decided to call this part as entrusting of bouquet. Wherein the bride will entrust
(give) the bouquet to her chosen friend giving pressure (good pressure) to get married next. So to Ellen’s friends get
ready. (And let us witness who will that lucky girl.)
(No rush! Just as you really need to get married.)

Closing speech from the couple Closing ceremony:

Well I guess that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the end of our program. It has
been such a great day! Congratulations Reagan and Lovely and best wishes to the both of you. We wish you to be
blessed with long and happy life together with your future children. Once again, in behalf of Reagan and Lovely, we
would like to thank everyone for coming. Thank you for
sharing time and effort in this momentous event of their _______________ lives. This is DIOMEDES COLAR, signing

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