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Written by

Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, S.H., M.H.

Zenny Rezania Dewantary, S.H., M.Hum.

Translated by
Ulya Yasmine Prisandani, S.H., LL.M

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School

By: Zenny Rezania Dewantary, S.H., M.Hum.

In searching for the truth, humans use various methods to achieve valid data and
conclusions. The series of methods to achieve such conclusion is then summarized in a
study. Research is very important in the academic world, where it also has an important
role in the practice. In order to present a study with high level of comprehensiveness
and quality, researchers are expected to understand the aspects that are included in a
study. Research methods and research writing help researchers in understanding the
studies conducted, as well as acting as a reference in writing a good research. This
module contains general types of research and data types, which is continued with the
types of legal research and types of legal research materials. Furthermore, technical
guidelines for writing research are also included, for instance, footnotes writing guides
and guidelines for writing bibliography. This module is to be used by the academic
community of the President University Law Study Program in particular, as well as the
accademic community of President University and researchers outside the academic
community of the President's University in general.

1. Types of Research
a. According to Soerjono Soekanto, the types of research can be examined
from its character, and can be categorized further into:
i. Exploratory research
Often referred to as a feasibility study, this research is carried out in
the initial conditions where knowledge concerning the things to be
researched on is still very minimal or even nonexistent. The purpose
of this type of research is to get the initial data.
ii. Descriptive research
In this type of study, researchers usually already have the initial data,
also using theories or hypotheses. Descriptive research is
explanatory in nature, with the purpose of obtaining a complete
description of the social symptoms or legal events under study.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
iii. Explanatory research
This research is explaining, in order to reinforce the old hypothesis
or theory, or even test and reject the hypothesis or theory that already
b. Types of research examined from its form, known as the following:
i. Diagnostic research
Diagnostic research is a research to get information about the causes
of indications.
ii. Prescriptive research
This research is aimed at getting advice on a solution for certain
iii. Evaluative research
Research featuring activities which provide assessments of the
benefits, values, and balance of a program. Evaluation activity
constitute as an important part of this research.
c. Types of research examined from its purpose, categorized as the following:
- Fact-finding research, namely the research that is carried out to get facts.
- Problem finding research, which aims to find problems. Fact finding
research can be continued with problem finding research.
- Problem-solution research, which is a research which aims to overcome
d. Types of research based on its implementation, can be further categorized
- Pure research (fundamental research). Pure research is usually intended
for the development of science or theory. Also used in developing research
- Problem-focused research (research focuses on problems). This research
can be said to link between pure research and applied research. In this study,
the theoretical framework is used to find problems, with a practical
framework for solving problems.
- Applied research. Applied research focuses on solving social problems,
which are practical in nature.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
e. Types of research based on the applied science and methodology, known as
the following research:
- Mono disclipinary. Research based on one type of science and using that
certain science methodology.
- Multi disciplinary. Research is based on a combination of several sciences
with each methodology applying research to the same research object.
- Interdisciplinary. This study uses intensive interaction between one or
more same-field sciences in an integrated way to solve a problem.
f. Qualitative and quantitative research:
- Qualitative research is intended to understand the phenomenon of what is
experienced by the research subject, such as behavior, perception, actions,
and others, holistically by way of description in the form of words and
narratives in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific
- Quantitative research is research that aims to explain, predict, control
phenomena through focused data collection from numerical data.

2. Data Type
a. Primary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the first hand (society).
For example: questionnaires, focus group discussions, panels, interviews with
an expert.
b. Secondary data. Secondary data is data obtained from existing scholarly
materials. According to Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji, characteristics of
secondary data include:
- Secondary data in general takes the form that is ready to be used.
- The form and content of secondary data has been formed and filled by
previous researchers, so the researchers are not involved and have no
supervision on the collection, processing, analysis and construction of
- Not limited to time and place.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
3. Legal Materials
In a legal research, there are legal research sources which are called legal materials
and non-legal materials.
a. Legal Materials, which consist of:
- Primary legal materials
According to Peter Mahmud Marzuki, primary legal materials are
authoritative legal materials. Primary legal material consists of laws, official
records or minutes in the making of laws, as well as decisions of judges.
- Secondary legal material
Secondary legal materials are all publications about law that are not official
documents. For example, text books, legal dictionaries, legal journals, and
comments on court decisions.
b. Non-Legal Materials
If necessary, a legal research can use non legal materials. Non-legal materials
can be in the form of books on disciplines other than law, for example books on
political science, economics, sociology and philosophy. Included also in non-
legal materials are non-legal research reports and non-legal journals. The most
important thing is that it must be relevant to the research conducted.

4. Legal Research Method

The characteristics of legal research have several spectrums. The dogmatic nature is
rational-theoretical and the reasoning model used is logical-deductive, while the science
of legal theory (legal sociology, legal anthropology, law, law and history) is empirical-
theoretical and the reasoning model used is inductive logic. Legal philosophy is ethical-
speculative and legal politics is practically functional.

Legal research can be done through several legal research methods, including:
a. Juridical-normative legal research method / Doctrinal Legal Research.
Normative legal research tends to carry out law characteristic as a prescriptive
discipline, where it only examines the law from the standpoint of its norms. The
themes of this research include research on:
- Legal principles
- Legal systematics

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
- Synchronization of vertical and horizontal laws
- Comparative law
- Legal history
In this method, the steps of the analysis carried out refer to IRAC (issue, rule,
analysis / application, conclusion):
- Issue: identifying problems through legal questions or problems that arise
in the case faced by the client.
- Rule: identifying the law governing the problem referred to in the study.
- Analysis / application: determining how legal rules are applied to the
- Conclusion: is the conclusion of the legal analysis.

b. Juridical-empirical legal research method.

This research method is basically a combination of normative research methods
with various empirical elements. Research systems and procedures use normative
methods, but also use factual elements in society, for example legal cases both
litigation and non-litigation as well as social symptoms, through primary data
c. Juridical-sociological legal research method.
Juridical-sociological research methods have a function in knowing how the
factual law works in society. This legal research takes legal facts on social
symptoms. This research method is done to get primary data and find the truth
through inductive logic.
d. Socio-legal research.
Socio-legal research is another approach model in examining law as the object of
its research, in this case the law is not seen as merely a prescriptive and applied
discipline, but also empirical or legal reality. The identification carried out in socio-
legal studies is not limited to text, but also deepening of the context, which includes
all processes, for example from 'law making' to 'implementation of law' (working
law). The socio-legal approach is a combination of approaches within the clusters
of social sciences, including political science, economics, culture, history,
anthropology, communication and a number of other sciences, combined with
approaches known in law, such as learning about principles, doctrine and hierarchy
of legislation. The socio-legal approach thus becomes a single concept

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
for the combination. Prof. Arief Sidharta stated that socio-legal is neither a legal
sociology, nor it is reduced to mere juridical-empirical method, socio-legal research
requires a proper normative legal research capability.

5. Legal Research Approach

In order to get information from the aspects studied, researchers can use several
approaches in legal research. The legal research approaches include:
a. Statute approach. Through this approach, research is carried out by reviewing
all the laws related to the issue the law under study.
b. Case approach. The case approach is done by doing a study of cases that become
research issues that have received a permanent binding court judgment. Please
note that the case approach is different from the case study. In the case approach,
several cases are examined as references to a legal issue. In a case study, a case
study is a study / study of a particular case from various legal aspects.
c. Historical approach. This approach is carried out by examining the background
and development of the regulation regarding the issue at hand.
d. Comparative approach. The comparative approach is done by comparing the
laws of a country with other countries or several other countries regarding the
same issue. In addition to the law, the comparison can also be in the form of
court decisions in several countries for similar cases.
e. Conceptual approach. This approach departs from views and doctrines in legal

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
By: Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, S.H., M.H.

Thesis Format
In general, the thesis can be further categorized into 3 (three) parts namely
preliminary section, content section and the final section.

A. The preliminary section of a thesis consists of:

1. Cover Page
2. Title Page
3. Thesis Advisor Recommendation Page
4. Panel of Examiners Approval Page
5. Statement of Originality
6. Foreword
7. Advisor Approval for Journal or Institution’s Repository
8. Scientific Publication Approval for Academic Interest
9. Abstract (both in Bahasa Indonesia and English)
10. Table of Content
11. List of Tables (if necessary)
12. List of Appendixes (if necessary)
13. End of page, Turnitin / Plagiarism Report

a. Cover Page
The cover page is the front part of a scientific work, this page must provide
concise, clear and non-dual meaning information. The cover page of a thesis
must consist of the title, type of scientific work (paper / thesis / dissertation),
the identity of the author, institution, and year of endorsement. The thesis cover
page, generally has the following characteristics:
1) Thesis Cover Page is made of thick cardboard coated with pink
magenta linen paper.
2) All letters are printed in black ink with single spacing and size in
accordance with the given requirements.

Cover Page Requirements

a. Symmetrically typed in the center. Titles are not allowed to use
Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
abbreviations, except names or terms (for example: PT, CV, etc.) and

must not take the form of a question sentence and do not need to be
closed with any punctuation. The Cover Page is typed in Times New
Roman font 12pt (except title 14pt) in bold, and written in capital
• President University logo with a diameter of 3.5 cm
• Title
• Name
• Student Identification Number
• Information (can include the words “This Thesis is submitted to the
Humanities Faculty of President University as a part of and one of
the requirements to obtain Bachelor of Law degree)
• Year
b. The information listed on the back of the cover page is: the author's
name and Student Identification Number, the final title, the President
University logo, and the year of the thesis. The thesis title is listed
entirely using capital letters, Times New Roman 12 Point fonts, and is
written in the middle back of the cover page.
c. The cover page should not be equipped with iron edges (siku besi).

B. Other information

• Measurement of each page ; Left 4 cm, Top 3 cm, Right 3 cm, Bottom 3 cm
• Print your Thesis with A4 paper, 80 gram
• Submit 1 Hard Cover signed by all of the Examiners and also the Advisor
• Submit 1 CD contained your final thesis to Study program
• Submit 1 CD contained your final thesis to Library

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
Cover Page Example





MONTH, YEAR (of the defense)

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
b. Title Page
In principle, the Title Page contains information similar to the Cover Page, but
there is additional information that must be placed on the Title Page, namely
the purpose and designation of scientific work or thesis. The Title Page
writing format is the same as the Cover Page writing format.

Title Page Example


Submitted as one of the requirements
to obtain Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum) degree

Student Name
Student Identification Number

MONTH, YEAR of defense

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
c. Title Page
This page contains a statement from the thesis advisor with regard the readiness and
feasibility of the thesis in order to be submitted in the exam or thesis defense. The
Advisor Recommendation page is written in the font Times New Roman 12 pt, spacing
1.5, with the following example:

Thesis Advisor Recommendation Page Example


I / We as the advisor(s) of the Thesis entitled "THESIS TITLE" which is writtend by

Student Name as part of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Law from the Faculty
of Humanities, President University Law Study Program, has examined and stated that
the Thesis is feasible to be presented and defended in the Thesis Defense.

Cikarang, Date/Month/Year (of draft submission)


Advisor I


Advisor II

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
d. Panel of Examiner Approval Page
This page contains the statement from the Thesis Panel of Examiners regarding the
results and evaluation of the thesis defense that has been carried out. The Examiners
approval page is written with the Times New Roman font 12 pt, Spacing 1.5, with the
following example:

Panel of Examiners Approval Page Example


We, the Thesis Panel of Examiners with the thesis title of “THESIS TITLE”
submitted by "Student Name" has been accepted and can be defended properly at
dd / mm / yyyy (the date of the Thesis Defense)


Examiner I


Examiner II


Examiner III

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
e. Statement of Originality
This page contains a written statement from the author that the thesis made is the result
of his own work as well as having followed a good scientific writing method. The
Originality Statement page is written using the Times New Roman 12 pt, Spacing 1.5,
with the following example:

Statement of Originality Page Example


In my capacity as an active student of President University and as the author of the

thesis/final project (underline your choose) stated below:
Name :
Student ID number :
Study Program : Law Study Program
Faculty : Humanity

I hereby declare that my thesis/final project entitled TITLE IN CAPITAL/CAPSLOCK

LETTER is to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work based on
sound academic principles. If there is any plagiarism detected in this thesis/final
project/business plan, I am willing to be personally responsible for the consequences of
these acts of plagiarism, and will accept the sanctions against these acts in accordance
with the rules and policies of President University.

I also declare that this work, either in whole or in part, has not been submitted to another
university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, date, month, year of draft submission

( your name and signature).

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
f. Foreword
The Foreword page in principle contains appreciation and expression of gratitude to
those who have supported the author in the thesis writing process. Acknowledgments
were made as part of the Foreword. Preparation of Foreword must pay attention to the
good writing rules. The terms of writing the Foreword are as follows:
i. Foreword title is written using Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, bold and
capital letters;
ii. The contents of the Foreword are written using Times New Roman font 12 pt, 1.5
iii. A maximum of 3 pages;
iv. Parties listed in the Acknowledgments must be clear and the reasons for giving
such thanks are included. Specifically for name of a person, it must be written in
full name (not nickname or alias).

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
g. Advisor Approval for Journal or Institution’s Repository
The Advisor Approval for Journal or Institution’s Repository is written using the Times New
Roman 12 pt, Spacing 1.5, with the following example:

Advisor Approval for Journal or Institution’s Repository Page Example



As an academic community member of the President's University, I, the undersigned:

Name :
ID number :
Study program : Law Study Program
Faculty : Humanity

declare that following thesis :

Title of thesis :
Thesis author :
Student ID number :

will be published in journal or institution’s repository (select one by underlining your choice)

Cikarang, date month year of draft submission

( Advisor’s Full name & signature )

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
h. Scientific Publication Approval for Academic Interest
The Scientific Publication Approval for Academic Interest is written using the Times New
Roman 12 pt, Spacing 1.5, with the following example:

Scientific Publication Approval for Academic Interest Page Example


As an academic community member of the President's University, I, the undersigned:

Name :
Student ID number :
Study program : Law Study program

for the purpose of development of science and technology, certify, and approve to give
President University a non-exclusive royalty-free right upon my final report with the title :
................................. TITLE IN CAPITAL / CAPSLOCK LETTERS

With this non-exclusive royalty-free right, President University is entitled to converse, to

convert, to manage in a database, to maintain, and to publish my final report. There are to be
done with the obligation from President University to mention my name as the copyright owner
of my final report.

This statement I made in truth.

Cikarang, date month year of draft submission

Student’s Full name & signature

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School

i. Abstract
Abstract is part of a scientific paper, specifically a thesis that contains problems,
objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts is required to be
written by the author to facilitate the reader in understanding the overall contents of the
thesis. The provisions of abstract writing are as follows:

i. Consists of 75 to 250 words in one paragraph, typed in the Times New Roman
12 pt, and single spacing.
ii. Abstract is written in 2 (two) languages, namely Indonesian and English (if
possible, both of these abstracts are placed on the same page).
iii. Student Identity (without Student Identification Number) must be stated above
the abstract.
iv. The keywords must be written at the bottom of the abstract.
v. All foreign terms, unless the name, is italicized.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
Abstract Page Example


Name :
Title :

Abstract consists of one paragraph (75 – 250 words) which consists of:
1. Problems
2. Purpose
3. Research Method
4. Result
5. Conclusion

Keywords :


Nama :
Judul :

Abstrak terdiri dari satu paragraf (75 – 250 kata) yang memuat:
1. Permasalahan
2. Tujuan
3. Metode Penelitian
4. Hasil
5. Kesimpulan

Kata Kunci :

g. Table of Content
Table of Content contains all sections in the Thesis along with their respective page
numbers. To prevent the Table of Contents for being too long, the second and third
degree sections are not required to be written. The Thesis Table of Content general
requirements as follows:
i. All letters are written in Times New Roman 12 pt and single spacing.
ii. Title of the Section is written in Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, and written in
capital letters.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School

Table of Content Example



TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................i

THESIS ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION FORM ...............................................ii

A. Background
B. Problems
a. ....
b. ....
C. Purpose of Writing
D. Benefit of Writing
E. Conceptual Framework / Operational Definition
F. Writing Method
G. Writing Systematics


1. Sub Chapter
a. ......
i. Etc.



A. Conclusion
B. Suggestions


Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School

A. Thesis Content Section

Thesis content must be presented in several chapters. President University's Law Study
Program determines that the number of thesis chapters from Introduction to Closing
can consist of 4 to 5 chapters depending on the needs and instructions of each Advisor.
The content section contains analysis and elaboration carried out by the author. The
systematic writing of the thesis that is commonly used is as follows:

Chapter 1 Introduction
B. First Degree Sub-Section
1. Second Degree Sub-Section First Point
2. Second Degree Sub-Section Second Point
a. Third Degree Sub-Section First Point
1) Fourth Degree Sub-Section
a) Fifth Degree Sub-Section
(1) Sixth Degree Sub-Section
(a) Etc.

Writing requirements for each chapter

a. Each chapter starts on a new page
b. The entire chapter title is typed in capital letters, symmetrical in the middle, bold,
without an underscore, no period (.) at the end, and a symmetrical middle space if
it is more than one line.
c. The chapter title is always preceded by the writing 'CHAPTER' then Arabic
numbers that indicate numbers from the relevant chapter and written in capital
letters type Times New Roman, 12 pt, and bold

Chapter Writing Example


Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
d. Transition between articles do not need to be inserted in a special page.
e. A non-subordinate title must be written with the following format:
• Bullets or letters if they will not be referred to in other parts of the
thesis may use any form, provided that it is a basic form (round,
square, minus sign), and is consistent in the whole thesis.
• Letter: if it is to be referred to in another part of the final assignment,
letters must be used to avoid confusion with the use of numbers for
chapters and sections. The form is free, provided that it is consistent
throughout the final project. Example: a. or a) or (a). This is the last
degree, in the sense that it cannot have sub-details in it.

Examples of the use of prohibited sub-details are as follows:

Types of game console that are available in the market includes:

• Xbox
• Playstation
o Playstation 2
o Playstation 3
o Playstation Vita
• Nintendo
o Super Nintendo

C. Final Section
1. Bibliography
Bibliography is a list of readings that become sources or references as well as
serving as the basis of thec thesis writing. This bibliography can contain books,
journal articles, magazines or newspapers, and other written references. It is
recommended that 80% of the bibliography used be the latest issue (the last two
years) and international scientific journals. The growing type of media allows
writers to search for sources of information from various types of media. This
development was followed by the development of various

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
quotation writing formats and bibliography. The following sources are not
allowed to be used as references:
a. Wikipedia and the like if it is not known exactly who made it;
b. Individual blogs created by people whose capabilities are unknown; and
c. Social media.

2. Appendixes (if available)

Appendixes are data or complementary information or processed results which
supports the thesis, but are not included in the contents of the thesis, because it
will interfere with the continuity of reading. Appendixeds that need to be
included are grouped by type, including schedules, tables, questionnaires,
pictures, graphs, and designs.

The requirements for the appendix part are as follows.

a. The number and title of the attachment are written in the upper right corner
of the page (right-aligned) with an upright type of Times New Roman 12
b. The attachment title is typed in a row replacing the capital letter at the
beginning of the word.
c. Attachments that are more than one page, are given on the next page with
the “continued" indication in parentheses at the top corner of the page.

D. Writing Format
1. Paper
The Thesis must be printed on papers with the following specifications:
• Type: HVS
• Color: Plain White
• Weight: 80 grams
• Size: A4 (21.5 cm x 29.7 cm)
2. Typing
The technical requirements related to the typing format of the thesis are as
• One-sided printing;

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
• Margins are arranged with a left border of 4 cm (including 1 cm for
binding), the right border is 3 cm, the upper limit is 3 cm, and the lower
limit is 3 cm;
• Each page in the thesis, starting from Abstract to Bibliography must use
"auto text" title in the footer with the words of President University
(Arial 10 points in bold), written in the right aligned position;
• The letters use the Times New Roman 12 Points type and are typed right
and left;
• Typing is done with 1.5 spaces, while more direct quotes from three
rows use 1 point space;
• The printed letter must be black;
• The start of the paragraph protrudes / enters as many as 5-7 typing,
distance between paragraphs remain 1.5 spaces, while the distance
between chapter titles and scripts 3 space;
• The italics replace the underline. Italic letters are usually used to
emphasize a word or sentence, stating the title of a book, magazine or
legislation, and stating foreign words or phrases; and
• Writing numbers up to ten must be written in letters. Numbers more than
ten may be written in numbers. Numbers cannot be used to initiate a

E. Quotation
In writing scientific papers, an author often borrows opinions or uses the words of
others obtained from their reading sources. Additionally, in writing legal papers, it
is also possible to quote articles in the law. As for the typing, a writer is not allowed
to make changes, an author must provide a statement that the quote has been
changed if it wants to make changes through bold letters or give a statement with
square brackets. Then if the quote is omitted, it must be stated by affixing the three-
point mark. The following is how to quote what the author must pay attention to:

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
a. Direct quotations which consists of less than three lines
Writing direct quotations that are up to three lines in length are done as follows:
1) Quotations are integrated with the script;
2) Distance between rows with lines 1.5 spacing;
3) Quotations enclosed in quotation marks;
4) The end of the quote is given a serial number which is typed half a space up.

This opinion is in line with van der Pot's opinion which states that "Constitutional Law
is the rules that determine the required bodies and their respective authorities, their
relationship with each other and their relationship with individuals in their activities."12

b. Direct quotation which consists of more than three lines

A direct quote consisting of more than three lines, is written as follows:
1) Quotations are separated from text with a distance of 3 spaces;
2) Distance between rows is single spaced;
3) The end of the quotation is given the sequence number which is typed in half
space up;
4) Quotations are not enclosed in quotation marks;
5) All typed quotes must protrude into the paragraph between 5-7 types, and
must be parallel to the beginning of the new paragraph.

Constitutional Law is the law that regulates the state organization and the
positions within it, which according to Logemann are as follows:

Position is a juridical definition of function while function is a sociological

understanding. Because the state is an organization that consists of functions in
relation to one another and the whole, then in a juridical sense, the State is an
organization of positions. 9

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
F. Footnote Writing and References
President University Law Study Program uses a systematic footnote writing and
reference based on the Chicago Manual of Style (Kate L. Turabian) in which the
footnote writing in each chapter must start from number one. The advantage of
using this type of footnote is, the author can freely add information that is not
directly related to the scientific work on the footnote.

The preparation of reference lists or bibliography is done alphabetically by the

author's name. Writing the author's name in the bibliography is done in reverse,
starting from the family name followed by commas. Family name in this case
includes parents' name or husband's name. For authors who do not have a family
name, writing names begins by writing the last word of the author.

Here is an example of how to write a footnote and reference list:

1. Book
a. Book written by one author:
Vago, Law & Society, 9th Print. (New Jersey: Pearson, 2009), p. 23.

Vago, Steven. Law & Society. 9th Print. New Jersey: Pearson, 2009.

b. Book written by two authors:

dan Adri Desafuryanto, Hukum Perlindungan Anak, 7 th Print,
(Jakarta: PTIK, 2016), p. 90.

Abdussalam dan Adri Desafuryanto. Hukum Perlindungan Anak. 7 th Print. Jakarta:

PTIK, 2016.

c. Book written by three authors:

Asyhadie, Arief Rahman, dan Mualifah, Pengantar Hukum Indonesia,
(Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2014), p. 5.

. Asyhadie, Zaeni, Arief Rahman, dan Mualifah. Pengantar Hukum Indonesia. Jakarta:
Rajawali Press, 2014.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
d. Book written by more than three authors:
4Rosa Agustina, et al., Hukum Perikatan (Law of Obligation), (Denpasar: Pustaka
Larasan, 2012), p. 5

. Agustina, al., Hukum Perikatan (Law of Obligation). Denpasar: Pustaka

Larasan, 2012.

e. Book edited by one editor:

Joana Shapland, ed., Justice, Community and Civil Society (A Contested Terrain),
(Oregon: Willan Publishing, 2008), p. 1

Shapland, Joana. ed., Justice, Community and Civil Society (A Contested Terrain).
Oregon: Willan Publishing, 2008.

f. Book edited by two editors:

Hellum dan Julie Stewart, eds., Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law South-
North Experiences in Developing Women’s Law, (Otta: Mond Books, 1998), p. 55.

Hellum, Anne dan Julie Stewart. eds. Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law South-North
Experiences in Developing Women’s Law. Otta: Mond Books, 1998.

g. Book edited by three or more editors:

D Kelly, et al., eds., Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2010), p. 67-83

Kelly, John D. et al. eds. Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 2010.

h. Translation/Adaptation:
8Gary Goodpaster, Panduan Negosiasi dan Mediasi [A Guide to Negotiation and
Mediation], translated by Nogar Simanjuntak, (Jakarta: ELIPS Project, 1999), p. 40.

Goodpaster, Gary. Panduan Negosiasi dan Mediasi [A Guide to Negotiation and

Mediation], translated by Nogar Simanjuntak. Jakarta: ELIPS Project, 1999.

i. Chapter/Part of book which s a collection of work of several authors and

edited by an editor:
A Sidharta,"Penelitian Hukum Normatif : Analisis Penelitian Filosofikal
dan Dognatikal”. In Sulistyowati Irianto dan Shidarta (Ed), Metode Penelitian Hukum
Konstlelasi dan Refleksi, (Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor, 2009), p 142.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
Sidharta, Bernard A,"Penelitian Hukum Normatif : Analisis Penelitian Filosofikal dan
Dognatikal”. In Sulistyowati Irianto dan Shidarta (Ed), Metode Penelitian Hukum
Konstlelasi dan Refleksi, Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor, 2009.

j. Book issued by an instution/organization:

Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha, Hukum Persaingan Usaha Buku Teks
Edisi Kedua, (Jakarta: Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha, 2017), p.134.

Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha, Hukum Persaingan Usaha Buku Teks Edisi
Kedua. .Jakarta: Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha, 2017.

k. Book without Impressum (Name of City, Name of Publisher, Year

If name of city is not written, replace it with s.l. (sine loco)

If name of publisher is not written, replace it with s.n. (sine nominee)

If year published is not written, replace it with s.a. (sine anno)

Vago, Law & Society, 9th Print. (s.l.: s.n., s.a.), p. 23.

Vago, Steven. Law & Society. 9th Print. (s.l.: s.n., s.a.)

2. Articles
a. Journal/Magazine
2GratianusPrikasetya Putra, “Kajian Atas Pertanggungjawaban Perbuatan Melawan
Hukum yang Dilakukan oleh Hewan Berdasarkan Hukum Indonesia dan Jerman,”
Problematika Hukum, (Volume 2 No. 1 August 2016), p. 11.

Putra, Gratianus Prikasetya. “Kajian Atas Pertanggungjawaban Perbuatan Melawan

Hukum yang Dilakukan oleh Hewan Berdasarkan Hukum Indonesia dan Jerman,”
Problematika Hukum, (Volume 2 No. 1 August 2016), p. 11.

b. Daily
12GratianusPrikasetya, “Urgensi Revisi UU Anti-Terorisme dan PMA” Bisnis
Indonesia, (6 June 2018), p. 2.

Prikasetya, Gratianus. “Urgensi Revisi UU Anti-Terorisme dan PMA” Bisnis

Indonesia, (6 June 2018), p. 2.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
3. Holy Book and Hadits
13Al Qur’an, diterjemahkan oleh Tim Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia,
(Jakarta: Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, 1984), Surat An Nisa (4): 78.

Al Qur’an. diterjemahkan oleh Tim Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. Jakarta:

Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, 1984, Surat An Nisa (4): 78.

An-Nasa’i, Sunan Nasa’i, ed. Abu al-Fath Abu Guddah, (Aleppo: Maktab al-

Mathbu’at al Islamiyah, 1460H), VII:289, hadis no. 4613.

An-Nasa’i, Sunan Nasa’i, ed. Abu al-Fath Abu Guddah. (Aleppo: Maktab al-
Mathbu’at al Islamiyah, 1460H), VII:289. hadis no. 4613.

4. Thesis/Dissertation
. Satria Gumay, “The Implementation of Government Regulation No. 29 Year
2016 Regarding The Change of Authorized Capital Provision Related With Limited
Liability Company Establishment”, (Undergraduate Thesis of President University,
Cikarang 2018), p. 50.
Gumay, Panji Satria. “The Implementation of Government Regulation No. 29 Year
2016 Regarding The Change of Authorized Capital Provision Related With Limited
Liability Company Establishment” .Undergraduate Thesis of President University,
Cikarang 2018.

5. Laws and Regulations

Basic Agrarian Law, Law No 5 year 1960, LN Year 1960 No 10,
TLN. No.2043, Article 6.
Indonesia. Basic Agrarian Law. Law No 5 year 1960. LN Year 1960 No 10, TLN.
17Indonesia, Law on Regional Government, Law No 23 Year 2014, LN Year 2014 No

244, TLN No 5587, Article 9

Yogyakarta. Regional Regulation on the Implementation of Full Applicability of Law
No 5 Year 1960 in DIY Province. Regional Regulation of DIY No 3 Year 1984. LD
Year 1984 No. 34.

6. International Document
Nations, Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods,
(Vienna: United Nations Publication, 2010), Art. 1

United Nations. Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods. Vienna:
United Nations Publication, 2010.

7. Court and Other Resolution Body Decision

Indonesian Supreme Court, Decision Number 868 PK/Pdt/2017, p. 34

Indonesian Supreme Court, Decision Number 868 PK/Pdt/2017.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School

8. Internet
Gratianus Prikasetya, “Urgensi Revisi UU Anti Terorisme dan Kepercayaan Investor
Asing” revisi-uu-anti-
terorisme-dan-kepercayaan-investor-asing, accessed on 29 August 2018

Prikasetya, Gratianus. “Urgensi Revisi UU Anti Terorisme dan Kepercayaan Investor

terorisme-dan-kepercayaan-investor-asing. Accessed on 29 August 2018

9. Repetition
In the process of writing a footnote a scientific work, it is possible that a writer will
repeat the writing of the source to be used. In order to ensure convenient writing and
ease for the readers, there are several things that need to be considered if repetition is
taking place:

• Ibid
Ibid. is an abbreviation of ibidem meaning in the same place, its use is if the
quote is taken from the same source as the source of the previous quote, without
the insertion of other sources.

Purnawidhi. W Purbacaraka, Legal Philosophy (Ethical Aspect), 1st Print,
(Depok: Djokosoetono Research Center FHUI, 2011), p. 87
ibid, p. 22.

• Op. Cit
Op. Cit. is an abbreviation of opato citato meaning in the work that has been quoted.
The use of this repetition is if the source of the quote is the same as the source of the
previous quote that has been added by another source in between. But according to The
Chicago Manual of Style 16 Edition 2010, the use of Op. Cit. is no longer used. For a
replacement, what will be used is to use a short title or a short title from the source of
the quotation that has been quoted.

Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook
President University Law School
• Loc. Cit.
Loc. Cit. is an abbreviation of loco citato, meaning that in the place quoted,
and the requirements to use it are as follows:
• If the quote comes from a book that has been preceded by another source
in between but quoted from the same page.
• If the quote comes from a magazine or newspaper article that has been
preceded by another source.

But according to The Chicago Manual of Style 16 Edition 2010, the use of Op.
Cit. is no longer used. For a replacement, what will be used is to use a short title
or a short title from the source of the quotation that has been quoted.

• Short Title
Short title is a way of citing the same source of quotation before and has been
inserted by other sources. The use is as follows:

Boedi Harsono, Hukum Agraria Indonesia Sejarah Pembentukan Undang
Undang Pokok Agraria, Isi, dan Pelaksanaannya, 12th Print, (Jakarta;
Djambatan, 2008), p. 138.
Richard Schlatter, Private Property, The History of an Idea” 1st Print, (London;

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1951), p. 153.

Harsono, Hukum Agraria, p. 20.
Schlatter, Private Property, p. 100.


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