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Example 4

Platform dimension

Outside radius R = 7 m
Inside radius r = 5 m
Height of cable h = 12 m
Centroid X = 7.0000 m
Platform area At = 75.3982 m2

Weight of platform Wp = 303 KN

Imposed floor load q = 5 KN/m2

Total load Q = 1395.2 KN Radius of cable r = 5 m

Eccentricity distanc e = 7 m Number of point load np = 6
Moment M = 9766.4 KNm Cable Yield strength ftu = 1580 N/mm2

Inertia Load Tensile Cable Diameter

Point load θ lx ly L h Lc
Ix Fv Fc Øc cal. Øc pro.

1 45 3.4645 3.5355 4.9500 8 9.4076 12.0025 319.2907 375.4690 17.3946

2 45 3.4645 3.5355 4.9500 8 9.4076 12.0025 319.2907 375.4690 17.3946
3 45 10.5355 3.5355 11.1129 8 13.6930 110.9975 496.3647 849.5885 26.1656
4 0 12.0000 0.0000 12.0000 8 14.4222 144.0000 533.0379 960.9478 27.8276
5 45 10.5355 3.5355 11.1129 8 13.6930 110.9975 496.3647 849.5885 26.1656
6-column 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8 8.0000 0.0000 232.5333
Total 68.6233 390.0000 Fc Max = 960.9478 27.8276
Example 5
Platform dimension

Ouside radius R = 6 m
Inside radius r = 4.2 m
Height of cable h = 4 m
Centroid X = 3.2805 m
A1 = 56.5487 Ẋ1 = 2.5465
A2 = 27.7088 Ẋ2 = 1.7825

Weight of platform Wp = 303 KN

Imposed floor load q = 5 KN/m2

Total load Q = 533.54 KN Radius of cable r = 4.2 m Total load

Eccentricity distan e = 3.2805 m Number of point load np = 7 Eccentricity distan
Moment M = 1750.259 KNm Cable Yield strength ftu = 1580 N/mm2 Moment

Inertia Load Tensile Cable diameter

Point load θ lx ly L h Lc Point load
Ix Fv Fc Øc cal. Øc pro.

1 60 2.1000 3.6373 4.2000 4 5.8000 4.4100 145.6747 211.2283 13.0468 1

2 30 3.6373 2.1000 4.2000 4 5.8000 13.2300 196.5191 284.9527 15.1535 2
3 0 4.2000 0.0000 4.2000 4 5.8000 17.6400 215.1294 311.9377 15.8548 3
4 30 3.6373 2.1000 4.2000 4 5.8000 13.2300 196.5191 284.9527 15.1535 4
5 60 2.1000 3.6373 4.2000 4 5.8000 4.4100 145.6747 211.2283 13.0468 5
6-Support 90 0.0000 4.2000 4.2000 4 5.8000 0.0000 76.2200 6-column
7-support 90 0.0000 4.2000 4.2000 4 5.8000 0.0000 76.2200
Total 40.6000 52.9200 Fc Max = 311.9377 15.8548 Total
Example 6
Platform dimension

Outer length a1 = 7 m
Inside length a2 = 4 m
Height of cable h = 9 m
Platform area At = 14.2894 m2

Weight of platform Wp = 210 KN

Imposed floor load q = 5 KN/m2

l load Q = 324.32 KN Radius of cable r = 4 m

ntricity distanc e = 7 m Number of point load np = 6
ment M = 2270.24 KNm Cable Yield strength ftu = 1580 N/mm2

Inertia Load Tensile Cable diameter

θ lx ly L h Lc
Ix Fv Fc Øc cal. Øc pro.

60 5.0000 3.4641 6.0828 9 10.8628 25.0000 88.1410 106.3841 9.2590

60 5.0000 3.4641 6.0828 9 10.8628 25.0000 88.1410 106.3841 9.2590
60 9.0000 3.4641 9.6437 9 13.1909 81.0000 115.4112 169.1531 11.6753
0 11.0000 0.0000 11.0000 9 14.2127 121.0000 129.0462 203.7880 12.8149
60 9.0000 3.4641 9.6437 9 13.1909 81.0000 115.4112 169.1531 11.6753
0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0000 0.0000 54.0533
62.3200 333.0000 Fc Max = 203.7880 12.8149

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