Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte: Instituto Metrópole Digital Bacharelado em Tecnologia Da Informação

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Bacharelado em Tecnologia da Informação
Disciplina: Práticas de Leitura em Inglês
Profa. Ms. Lorena Azevedo de Sousa
Aula 16
Tom is looking for his key.
He can’t find it.
He has lost his key.

It means that he lost it a short time

ago and he still doesn’t have it.
Have you ever…?
We use the present perfect when we talk about
a time from the past until now – for example, a
person’s life.
Have you ever…
… been to Salvador?
… played golf?
… flown in a helicopter?
… eaten Japanese food?
… broken a leg?
… sailed on a boat?
… talked to a foreigner in English?
… cheated on an exam?
O texto é um todo significativo e não um
aglomerado de palavras. Para que um texto seja
bem escrito e, consequentemente, bem
compreendido, dois elementos são necessários:
a coesão e a coerência.
What is cohesion?
Coesão: "é o uso explícito de elementos
linguísticos para indicar relações entre frases e
partes de textos". (Ulla Connor, 1996, p. 83)

Esses elementos coesivos são palavras ou

expressões que ajudam o leitor a associar
enunciados anteriores com os subsequentes.
What is coherence?
A coerência dá sentido a um texto.
Teun van Dijk (1977, p. 93) afirma que a
coerência possui propriedades semânticas, pois
é formada por meio da interpretação que o
leitor faz de cada frase em relação às demais
encontradas em um texto.
What is coherence?
Coherence n. “a reasonable connection or
relation between ideas, arguments,
statements, etc.” (LONGMAN, 1995, p.250)

"A text is coherent when the ideas, sentences

and details fit together in a way that helps
readers follow the writer's train of thought."
(HAMP-LYONS; HEASLEY, 2006, p. 127)
(01) actually (11) most (21) for instance
(02) currently (12) the most (22) even though
(03) instead of (13) unless (23) to purchase
(04) rather than (14) enough (24) budget
(05) besides (15) whether (25) to manage
(06) furthermore (16) therefore (26)to understand
(07) however (17) to avoid (27) entrepreneur
(08) as well as (18) threat (28) to wear
(09) while (19) to accomplish (29) to measure
(10) almost (20) duty (30) likely
(01) same (11) ordinary (21) enterprise
(02) through (12) between (22) to encompass
(03) in order to (13) to exchange (23) to employ
(04) such as (14) knowledge (24) thus
(05) goal (15) to improve (25) although
(06) field (16) to achieve (26) to overcome
(07) task (17) aim (27) to provide
(08) resource (18) wealth (28) to enable
(09) skill (19) to retrieve (29) to increase
(10) environment (20) business (30) growth
A father built a prosthetic hand for his 12-
year-old son using a 3-D printer

Paul McCarthy, from Marblehead Massachusetts,
made the inexpensive yet functional prosthetic hand
for his son Leon, who was born without fingers on
one of his hands
Two years ago he began searching for a way to
help his son whose hand did not grow due to
the restricted blood flow in the womb
The youngster admitted at first he thought
that the idea was 'crazy' but once it was
assembled he said the hand was 'awesome'
The cost allows the pair to experiment with
different designs and change the prosthetic
as Leon grows
'This thing costs us $5-$10, it was nothing,'
said Mr McCarthy. He said a prosthesis would
have cost the family in upwards of $30,000.
Boy gets prosthetic hand
made by 3-D printer
5-year-old makes strides with help from
Microsoft technology
5-year-old makes strides with help from
Microsoft technology
Five-year-old Braylon O’Neill was born without tibia
and fibula bones in both of his legs, but that hasn’t
stopped him from engaging and interacting with the
world in much the same way other kids his age do.
“We use Microsoft technology to analyze Braylon’s
gait mechanics,” says Treacy Lewander, Braylon’s
physical therapist. “We’re able to slow down his
movements and watch them, or track where his
joints are in space to make any suggestions we may
have for his prosthetic alignment, or where he may
need more strength.”
5-year-old makes strides with help from
Microsoft technology
When he was 11 months old, Braylon was fitted for
his first pair of prostheses – and now he plays ball, he
jumps, he walks. In fact, Braylon participated in
the San Diego Triathlon Challenge, where he entered
in his first kids’ race and won a medal.
“I think the technology has changed Braylon’s life by
opening up the world for him and really making it the
limitless world, which is what every parent aspires for
their child,” says Kelli O’Neill, Braylon’s mother.

Braylon O'Neill: Making Strides

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