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The bar chart illustrates the propotion of administration spending on road

and vehicle of 4 countries in 1990 to 2005. The data is shown as percentage.

Overall, in can be seen that the goverments in Italia and Portugal spent most
money on road and transportation. Administration of the UK, on the other hand,
spent the least budget compared to other nations.

In 1990, Portual’s government spent around 28 percent of their budget on

road and vehicles, followed by Italia at about 22 percent, while the US and the UK
only spent around 10 percent of their budget. Until 1995, all the government
spending budget had a tendency of reducing around 5-10 percent.

By 2000, while the money of Portual kept decrease to around 22 percent,

Italia started to increase and overcomed the Portual at around 24 percent. The UK
and USA had both increased spending in 2000 by about 3%. In 2005, all countries
except USA further reduced their spending with Portugal, Italy, UK and the USA
at 20%, 19%, 8% and 15% respectively.

174 words.

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