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International Journal of Sports Science

& Coaching
A systematic review of volleyball spike 0(0) 1–17
! The Author(s) 2020
kinematics: Implications for practice Article reuse guidelines:
and research DOI: 10.1177/1747954119899881

Leonardo dos Santos Oliveira1 ,

ulio Bernardo Macedo Alfano Moura1,
Andr elix Rodacki2, Markus Tilp3 and
e Luiz F
Victor Hugo Alves Okazaki1

The volleyball spike represents one of the more sophisticated attack actions, and the study of its kinematics has been the
aim of several studies. This systematic review summarized and critically appraised the literature on the volleyball spike
kinematics. Studies that analysed the 3D kinematics of the volleyball player during spike movements were searched in the
PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus databases. Eighteen studies met the eligibility criteria and were
assessed as high (n ¼ 7), good (n ¼ 6) and limited quality (n ¼ 5). There are strong indications that the spike jump height
depends on the velocities of the centre of mass and that the ball speed seems to be related to velocity variables of the
spike arm and the trunk of the volleyball player. Cross-court spike performance from position 4 seems to be associated
with the trunk rotation of the volleyball player. In addition to the kinematic differences between the sexes, studies
analysed the relationship between spike technique performance and injuries. However, further studies are required
before a clear relationship can be established. These results may support sports coaches in optimizing athletic perfor-
mance with adequate technique training and using kinematic cues from the opposing volleyball players to anticipate
spike direction.

Athletic injuries, athletic performance, biomechanics, motor skills, sports

Introduction injury prevention.5,10,18,20 Nevertheless, no consensus

Volleyball is one of the five most practised sports in the has been reached regarding technique differences
world, and the spike is the primary attack action, which between men and women and the experience level.
is closely related to the outcome of the match.1,2 The
spike is a specific skill of the volleyball with high coor-
dinative demands that is characterized by several
Reviewers: Mikko H€ayrinen (KIHU – Research Institute for Olympic
phases: a run, the countermovement jump, a set of Sports, Finland)
explosive overhead actions in the air and a landing Yu Ozawa (Waseda University, Japan)
phase.3–5 The complexity in the analysis of the spike 1
Centro de Educaç~ao Fısica e Esportes, Universidade Estadual de
advanced in the last decades and has generated practi- Londrina, Londrina, Brazil
cal implications for coaches and athletes.6 Physical Education Department, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba,
The success in performing the spike depends on phys- 3
Institute of Sports Sciences, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Graz,
ical7,8 and psychological9 attributes that may be cap- Austria
tured by a number of kinematic variables of the
movement2,4,10 and the ball speed after the impact.2,11– Corresponding author:
13 Leonardo dos Santos Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina,
Three-dimensional kinematic studies have provided Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, Pr 445 Km 380, Campus Universitário, 86057-
relevant information on spike performance regarding 970 Londrina-PR, Brazil.
sex,14–16 level of experience,10,14,17 technique18,19 and Email:
2 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

A large number of methods and approaches applied eligibility criteria. Full-text articles were retrieved and
to determine the central spike kinematic features have assessed for relevance. Finally, the references of the
produced a myriad of information.4,5,10,14,17,19,21,22 selected studies were also hand-searched for relevant
Previous studies devoted to revising biomechanical publications. Two reviewers (LO and TM) indepen-
aspects of the spike that are associated with jumping dently assessed each article for eligibility and quality.
and reaching height, ball trajectory, and injuries have A third reviewer (VO) was consulted when discrepan-
not been systematically synthesized.4,23 Furthermore, cies occurred.
the studies devoted to revising the literature critically
failed to apply precise methods to identify, select, Eligibility criteria
appraise and summarize the recent publications,
Manuscripts had to be peer-reviewed original research
although results critically rely on the approach used.
(not conference proceedings or reviews) and written in
This study aimed to critically review and summarize
English, Spanish or Portuguese. Only 3D kinematic
the existing analyses of the volleyball spike kinematics
assessments of the volleyball spike published from
in order to identify: (a) the kinematic parameters asso-
1990 to 2018 were included. The studies were excluded
ciated with jump height, ball speed and direction and
when (a) the outcome included only vertical jump var-
(b) differences in the kinematics according to sex, level
iables; (b) performers were younger than 18 years old;
of experience, technique and injury presence/absence.
(c) assessing the validation or reliability of the volley-
It was hypothesized that kinematic parameters are
ball spike methods; (d) involved movement simulation
associated with the jump height, ball speed and direc-
without using net or ball; (e) an intervention program
tion. It was also hypothesized that differences in the
was performed.
kinematics are related to sex, level of experience, tech-
nique and injury presence/absence. The volleyball spike
represents one of the more sophisticated offensive abil-
Quality assessment
ities,24 and a better understanding of its kinematic The quality of the studies was determined using a cus-
characteristics may assist coaches, athletes and tomized quality assessment tool based on the STROBE
researchers to design more effective training sessions statement26 and previous systematic reviews involving
and to provide elements to improve tactical aspects. motion analysis27,28 (Table 1). The quality assessment
tool used for this systematic review was developed
regarding the major research aims. A formal quality
Methods score for each study was completed by applying a
This review was performed based on the Preferred three-point scale: zero (no description), one (limited
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta- description) or two (good description) to each ques-
analyses statement.25 tion. The quality of the studies was deemed as ‘limited’
(total score <70%), ‘good’ (70% < total score < 80%)
Search strategy and review process or ‘high’ (total score 80%). Inter-rater agreement was
quantified by the kappa (j) statistic approach29 accord-
Potential studies were identified applying an electronic
ing to the following categories: ‘very poor’ (<0.20),
search in the following databases: PubMed, SCOPUS
‘poor’ (0.21–0.40), ‘moderate’ (0.41–0.60), ‘substantial’
(Elsevier), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) and
(0.61–0.80) and ‘almost perfect’ (0.81–1.00). When rel-
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO) in December
evant, we computed a posteriori statistical power
2018. The searches included the combination of a set of
(1  b) of significant differences in the selected studies
keywords (‘biomechanics’, ‘kinematics’, ‘3D kinemat-
using G*Power 3.1.9 (Franz Faul, Universit€at Kiel,
ics’, ‘motion analysis’, ‘volleyball’, ‘spike’, ‘spiking’,
‘spike styles’, ‘spiking technique’ and ‘spike jump’)
and were performed using the following search
syntax: (biomechanics OR kinematics OR 3D kinemat- Data extraction
ics OR motion analysis OR video analysis) AND (vol- Data were extracted and examined by one of the
leyball AND spike) OR (volleyball AND spiking) OR authors (LO) and independently verified by another
(volleyball AND spike styles) OR (volleyball AND author (TM) according to a predefined template. The
spiking technique) OR (volleyball AND spike jump). template included information on the aim and design,
The records were transferred to a reference manage- participant characteristics (age, sex and experience
ment software (EndNote X7, Thomson Reuters, level), spike data (attempts, spiking position and direc-
Canada), and the duplicates were removed. Articles tion), kinematic analysis (body region, experimental
were selected based on publication date, language and setting, motion analysis system and sampling frequen-
publication type. Titles and abstracts were assessed for cy) and primary outcomes. The controversy was
Oliveira et al. 3

Table 1. Quality analysis form used in the systematic review.

Q1 – Is there in the abstract an explication of what has been done and found?
Q2 – Is the scientific context clearly explained?
Q3 – Are the objectives clearly stated?
Q4 – Is the sampling size stated?
Q5 – If yes, is the sampling size statistically justified?
Q6 – Are the characteristics of the subjects (height, weight, sex, athlete, healthy or pathologic subject) described?
Q7 – Is the motion analysis system described?
Q8 – Are marker locations accurately described?
Q9 – Is the spatial model defined?
Q10 – Are the movement tasks defined?
Q11 – Is the accuracy/reliability computation described?
Q12 – Is the mathematical sequence for angular calculation (e.g. Cardan, Euler, Quaternions) described?
Q13 – Is the data processing (filter, normalization, derived) described?
Q14 – Are the statistical tools used to show significant differences?
Q15 – Are the results about the accuracy/reliability described?
Q16 – Are the results interpretable?
Q17 – Are the limitations of the study discussed?
Q18 – Is the conclusion clearly stated?
Questions were scored as follows: 0 ¼ no description; 1 ¼ limited description; 2 ¼ good description.

resolved through detailed discussion by the reviewers which is characterized by a loading phase of the
or consultation with a third author (VO) until consen- spike where the arms swing forward in the sagittal
sus was reached. plane and during the flight phase; the forward–
upward movement of the shoulders is initiated at
Definitions of technical terms take-off and is continued over 90 , until full extension
Spike position. It was the position of the court where the is achieved and (b) the backswing style (alternative
volleyball spike was performed (positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, technique), which is characterized by the loading
6).30 For instance, position 1 (right back-court zone), phase that starts with a semi-circumduction of both
position 6 (middle back-court zone), position 5 (left upper limbs; the right shoulder does not reach the
back-court zone), position 4 (left front-court zone), full flexion and stops at approximately 90 , while com-
position 3 (middle front-court zone) and position 2 pleting the full horizontal abduction. Also, the two seg-
(right front-court zone). ments of the upper limb move following a whip-like
pattern before hitting the ball.10 Figure 1 illustrates
Tempo of attack. It was defined as the tempo of attack these techniques.
was defined as the temporal interaction between the
setting and the attacker.31,32 Three categories were con- Shoulder-hip separation angle. It was defined as the angle
sidered32: (a) the first tempo, when the performer jumps between the horizontal of the lines joining the acro-
before or during the setter’s pass; (b) second tempo, mion processes and the anterior–superior iliac spine
when the performer takes two or three approaching processes.4,13
steps for attack after the setting and (c) the third
tempo, when the performer waits for the ball peak tra- Results
jectory to begin the approach.
Overview of the studies
Spike direction. It was defined as the trajectory of the
ball regarding the following aspects: (a) cross-court The search results and a flow diagram of the selected
spike, with follow-through of the hitting arm across studies are presented in Figure 2. The initial search
the body midline;17 (b) straight-ahead spike, with identified 2571 potentially relevant studies. After the
follow-through of the hitting arm along the ipsilateral initial eligibility screening, 31 full-text articles were
body side17 and (c) centre spike, in which spike is retrieved, and two further studies were selected from
directed to position 6 (middle back-court zone). the references of these studies.13,33 Based on the eligi-
bility criteria, 15 studies were excluded, and 18 articles
Spike technique. It was defined as the style applied to remained for further analysis. Only one article was
perform the volleyball spike. Two styles were consid- written in Spanish,34 while the others were written in
ered10: (a) the elevation style (traditional technique), English. Table 2 summarizes the participants, design,
4 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Figure 1. Arm swing techniques: (a) elevation style; (b) backswing style.

Figure 2. Flow of studies through the review process.

aim and main results of the selected studies. The major- authors, and a full consensus was achieved after
ity of the studies (83.3%) presented a cross-sectional/ discussion. The assessment scores ranged from 1822
descriptive design.3–5,10,13,14,18,19,21,22,34–38 The investi- to 32.10,36 Seven studies (38.9%) presented high-qual-
gations highlighted: (a) kinematic differences between ity.3,5,10,13,14,18,36 Six studies (33.3%) presented good
different types of sports,21,36,37 technique,10,19 sex14 and quality,17,20,21,35,38,39 and five studies (27.8%) pre-
experience;14 (b) jump and reach height, volleyball sented limited methodological quality4,19,22,34,37
spike kinematic analysis related to ball speed or spike (Table 3). Most studies reached the quality criteria
direction4,13,17,18 and (c) safety and/or injury regarding research aims, participant characterization,
prevention5,10,17,18,20,22,35,38,39 (Table 2). description of the motion analysis system, interpreta-
tion of results and conclusions. However, many stud-
ies failed to analyse sample size and to describe the
Study quality accuracy/reliability aspects (Table 3). Only the work
There was 94.1% agreement on the study assessment of Seminati et al.10 presented a sample size
criteria (k ¼ 0.823, CI95%: 0.752–0.884) between calculation.
Oliveira et al. 5

Table 2. Participants, design, aim and main results of the selected studies (n ¼ 18).

Study Participants Design and aim Main results

Coleman et al.4 Male players from Indonesia Descriptive, to describe the A correlation was found between
(n ¼ 3), China (n ¼ 2), Poland spiking actions used by players the square of the COM vertical
(n ¼ 1), Czechoslovakia in top-level competition and velocity at take-off and jump
(n ¼ 1), Japan (n ¼ 1), Algeria to examine the relationships height (r ¼ 0.78). No correlations
(n ¼ 1) and Korea (n ¼ 1) between movement kinemat- were found between lower limb
Age: NR ics and ball speed. angular kinematics and COM
vertical velocity at take-off or
jump height. The ball speed was
correlated to the maximum right
humerus angular velocity
(r ¼ 0.75).
Richards et al.38 Male players from the Canadian Descriptive, to quantify the The maximal angle of left knee
National team (n ¼ 10), six lower extremity kinematics flexion during the spike jump
with history of patellar and dynamics of jumps in a landing was a significant indicator
tendinitis high-risk group of athletes and of patellar tendinitis. A deeper
Age: 23  1 years determine the potential pre- left knee flexion angle during the
dictive relations between vol- spike landing increased the play-
leyball spike jump dynamics er’s chance of having patellar
and patellar tendinitis. tendinitis.
Richards et al.35 Male players from the Canadian Descriptive, to quantify the ankle The maximal external tibial rotation
National team (n ¼ 10), three joint complex dynamics during occurred at or near maximal
with patellar tendinopathy volleyball jumps and to deter- dorsiflexion while maximal inter-
Age: 23  1 years mine the potential relations of nal tibial rotation coincided with
volleyball jump ankle joint maximal plantarflexion. A cluster
dynamics to patellar of variables was linked to patellar
tendinopathy. tendinopathy.
Tilp et al.36 Male indoor/beach players from Descriptive, to compare the The movements on the sand were
the first or second Austrian kinematics of volleyball (on a slower and resulted in lower
Indoor Volleyball League hard or indoor surface) and jumping heights. The athletes
(n ¼ 8) beach volleyball (on a sand tried to compensate for the dis-
Age: 25  4 years surface) spike jumps. advantageous compliant proper-
ties of sand by altering their
approach technique and amplify-
ing lower joint amplitudes. No
differences in upper limb move-
ments were observed.
Bergün et al.37 Female players from the Turkish Descriptive, to demonstrate two In the backswing phase, there were
Volleyball Super League (n ¼ 9) different overarm movements, differences in the angular width,
Age: 24  4 years one in throws and one in velocity and acceleration between
spike, by investigating back- the volleyball players and handball
swing and acceleration phases players on the transverse, vertical
as well as kinematic analysis and sagittal planes of the motions.
and technical differences. In the acceleration phase, the
difference was found in the angu-
lar width of the arm segment
motion on the transverse plane.
On the sagittal plane, the differ-
ence was found in the angular
width, velocity and acceleration
of the arm segment motions
among sports.
Wagner et al.3 Male players from the first and Descriptive, to determine the The asymmetry of the spike jump
second Austrian Indoor influence of upper and lower revealed differences in angles,
Volleyball League (n ¼ 16) extremity movements on the angular velocities of the right and
Age: 23  4 years volleyball spike jump and how left legs and arms and a difference
6 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 2. Continued.
Study Participants Design and aim Main results

this movement may differ from between the distances of the left
the standing vertical jumps and right foot centre to the
due to its asymmetry. COM. The optimal approach
technique to reach a maximal
jump height in the volleyball spike
jump is important.
Marquez et al.20 Male players, champions of the Experimental, to assess the The landings under the Long jump-
All-Japan University League effects of jumping distance ing distance condition produced
(n ¼ 6) (normal or long jump) on the higher COM velocities and larger
Age: 20  1 year landing mechanics after a vol- mean loading rates. Landing
leyball spike, to help in injury motion was asymmetric, and the
prevention and training for a left leg was considered to play a
safer landing. more critical role in the absorp-
tion of the landing impact. The
trunk and hip positions at the
initial contact with the floor and
the range of motions of the knee
and ankle were key kinematic
parameters for reducing the ver-
tical peak ground reaction forces
and extending the time from the
initial contact to the occurrence
of this peak force, which conse-
quently reduced the mean loading
rate upon landing.
Reeser et al.17 Female players from the National Experimental, to verify the kine- Angular velocities at the shoulder
Collegiate Athletic matics of the upper limb in and elbow were lowest for the
Association Division 1 different spikes and serves. off-speed spike (roll shot) and
(n ¼ 14) second-lowest for the floater
Age: 21  2 years serve. No differences were
detected between the cross-
court and straight-ahead spikes.
Shoulder abduction at the instant
of ball contact was approximately
130 for all skills.
Marquez et al.5 World-level male players from Descriptive, to investigate the A moderate backswing position of
Brazil (n ¼ 2), Japan (n ¼ 1) motions during the airborne the trunk and neutral alignment of
and Bulgaria (n ¼ 1) phase and their relations with shoulders and hips at the ball
Age: 25  3 years single-legged landing positions impact can be critical motions to
in elite male players during be observed in evaluating this
official games, and gain insights technique. These motions con-
into techniques for a safe tribute to maintaining proper
landing. balance after the ball impact and
to landing with the whole body in
a straighter position, which is
crucial for a safe landing.
Dong22 Male players from the Henan Descriptive, to study the rela- Shoulder and elbow as well as the
Mechanical and Electrical tionship between college ath- surrounding muscles’ injury most
Engineering College (n ¼ 8) letes spike technique and happened in the spike action,
Age: 22  1 years sports injury. while the leading cause of the
injury as the shoulder abduction
angle during the push instant and
elbow maximum abduction angle
in the ball contact moment.
Oliveira et al. 7

Table 2. Continued.
Study Participants Design and aim Main results
Mitchinson et al. Male players from the Australian Descriptive, to quantify differen- No differences were detected
Institute of Sport and the ces in the upper arm and between the injured and unin-
West Australian National, trunk kinematics during the jured groups. Thoracic rotation
injured (n ¼ 13) and uninjured spike between elite volleyball and shoulder abduction at impact
(n ¼ 11) players with and without a and range of shoulder rotation
Age (injured): 24  7 years recent history of recurrent velocity differed between cross-
Age (uninjured): 26  7 years shoulder overuse injury. court and straight-ahead spikes.
West et al.39 Female players from the state- or Experimental crossover, to No effect of bracing on knee kine-
national-level indoor volleyball examine the effects of ankle matics during any task. Wearing
(n ¼ 15) bracing on knee kinematics the Active Ankle T2 brace will
Age: 22  3 years during volleyball tasks. not impact the knee joint range of
motion in volleyball players.
Wagner et al.21 Male players from the Austrian Descriptive, to analyse upper- Shoulder internal rotation pre-
Volleyball National Team body kinematics and pelvis sented high maximal angular
(n ¼ 2), first and second rotation in overarm move- velocity. Maximal angular veloci-
Austrian Volleyball League ments (team-handball throw, ties occurred in a specific proxi-
(n ¼ 8) tennis serve and volleyball mal-to-distal order starting with
Age: 24  3 years spike) and to compare the pelvis rotation followed by trunk
differences in the proximal-to- rotation, trunk flexion, elbow
distal sequence of the maximal extension, shoulder internal
joint movements as well as rotation and shoulder flexion in
maximal angles and angular all analysed overarm movements.
velocities among the different
overarm movements.
Brown et al.13 Female players from the National Descriptive, to examine the Cross-court spikes were significant-
Collegiate Athletic relationship of both shoulder ly higher than for straight-ahead
Association Division I (n ¼ 14) and hip angular kinematics spikes. The shoulder-hip separa-
Age: 21  3 years with ball velocity during the tion angle (S-HSA), shoulder
volleyball spike. angular velocity and hip angular
velocity were all significantly cor-
related with cross-court spikes.
S-HSA was the most significant
predictor of cross-court spikes as
determined by regression
Seminati et al.10 Male (n ¼ 11) and female (n ¼ 10) Descriptive, to assess whether The trajectory of the humerus is
players from the first and the elevation style or back- different for the elevation style,
second Italian Indoor swing style spiking technique with maximal flexion of the
Volleyball League presented advantages from an shoulder reduced by 10 and
Age (male): 22  6 years injury prevention perspective horizontal abduction 15 higher.
Age (female): 23  8 years while maintaining athlete No difference was found for
performance. external rotation angles, while
axial rotation velocities were
higher in backswing style, with a
5% higher ball speed. Results
suggest the backswing style as a
potential preventive solution to
shoulder chronic pathologies,
reducing shoulder flexion during
Serrien et al.14 Male (n ¼ 8) and female (n ¼ 10) Descriptive, to analyse differen- Top-level players had higher impact
professional players from the ces in the three-dimensional speeds and jumping height than
Belgian volleyball teams spike kinematics of the pelvis, junior elite players for both gen-
(Liga A) trunk and spike arm shoulder ders and the male players had
Age (male): 23  3 years and elbow between male and higher impact speeds and jumping
8 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 2. Continued.
Study Participants Design and aim Main results

Age (female): 24  2 years female top-level and junior height than the female players for
Male (n ¼ 8) and female elite volleyball players. both levels of expertise.
(n ¼ 11) youth players from The interaction effects between
the Topsportschool sex and level of expertise were
Age (male): 15  1 year mostly observed in variables from
Age (female): 15  1 year the shoulder and elbow, whereas
pelvis and trunk velocities only
presented significant main effects.
Garrido-Castro et al.34 Female players from the Spanish Descriptive, to characterize the Many parameters were described as
Superleague and National kinematic parameters players spiking flight time, vertical impul-
League (n ¼ 3) in a group of experienced sion speed, ball speed after and
Age: 24  3 years women senior class volleyball range of movement in the domi-
using 3D motion capture and nant arm, among others, with
analysis system. similar values to those published
by other authors.
Zahalka et al.19 Male players from the top league Descriptive, to describe and The trajectory of players with goofy
in the Czech Republic (n ¼ 12) compare kinematics in two approach seemed to be conve-
Age: 28  4 years types of execution of attack nient for the rotation of should-
hit: the goofy and regular ers and hips in the moment of ball
approach. contact. Players with a goofy
approach had a more prolonged
flight phase compared to regularly
approaching players.
COM, the centre of mass.
Age presented as mean  standard deviation.

Table 3. Quality analysis of the selected studies (n ¼ 18).

Study Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 (max ¼ 36) % Quality

Coleman et al.4 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 25 69.4

Richards et al.38 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 27 75.0
Richards et al.35 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 28 77.8
Tilp et al.36 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 32 88.9
Wagner et al.3 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 2 2 29 80.6
Bergün et al.37 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 23 63.9
Marquez et al.20 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 28 77.8
Reeser et al.17 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 27 75.0
Marquez et al.5 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 30 83.3
Dong22 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 18 50.0
Mitchinson et al.18 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 30 83.3
West et al.39 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 28 77.8
Wagner et al.21 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 28 77.8
Brown et al.13 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 30 83.3
Seminati et al.10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 32 88.9
Serrien et al.14 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 30 83.3
Garrido-Castro et al.34 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 23 63.9
Zahalka et al.19 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 23 63.9

Questions were scored as follows: 0 ¼ no description, 1 ¼ limited description, 2 ¼ good description.

Participant characteristics presented patellar tendinitis/tendinopathy35,38 and

Two hundred and thirteen players (20 < age < 32 years) shoulder injury history,18 respectively. Dong22 did not
were analysed, from which 64.8% were males. It was mention how many injured players were analysed.
noticed that about 4.2 and 6.4% of the players Seven studies reported the experience
Oliveira et al. 9

level,3,10,13,14,21,22,36 which ranged from 3 to 14 years. Most of the reviewed studies reported data on the
Most studies included right-handed performers, and take-off phase,3–5,22,34–37 the flight
only three studies analysed left-handed performers. phase and the hitting action
Two studies did not state the handedness of the (ball contact).4,5,10,13,14,17,18,20–22,34,37,39
players.14,19 Although different spike techniques (traditional/ele-
vation vs. alternative/backswing) are reported in the
Experimental setting and motion analysis system literature, most performers preferred the elevation
style.3,4,10,21,36 Due to methodological differences in
Table 4 includes a summary of the key features of the the way positions, angles or velocity were defined,
experimental setting, and the motion analysis systems only a few kinematic variables are presented.
were used in the selected studies. Nine studies were The plant, downward and upward phases were char-
conducted in a volleyball court,3–5,14,19,21,34,36,37 seven acterized by negative and positive velocities of the
were performed in a laboratory-based centre of mass.3,4,36 The vertical position of the centre
setup and one study analysed players of mass at take-off ranged from 1.26 to 1.31 m, and the
that both simulated the volleyball spike in the labora- velocity was close to 3.6 m/s for elite male players.4,36
tory and executed the ball spiking on indoor/competi- In a ‘goofy’ approach (right-handers with an opposite
tion court.10 Only two studies were conducted during sequence of steps before take-off, i.e. with the right foot
official matches.4,5 Dong22 did not mention the data in front at take-off) from position 3, male elite players
collection environment. Ten studies reported the presented a maximal vertical velocity of COM between
spike position,4,5,13,19,20,34,35,37–39 from which 80% 2.91 and 2.96 m/s.19 Experienced players presented the
were performed from position 4. Spike direction was horizontal velocity of COM near to 3.7 m/s.3,34 Besides,
reported in 11 studies,3–5,10,13,14,17–20,34 and the cross- Wagner et al.3 concluded that due to the direction of
court spike was observed in 54.5% of the cases. The the acceleration, the right leg contributed predominant-
number of analysed attempts varied between studies ly to the vertical acceleration of the COM, whereas the
and ranged from 3 to 10. left leg stabilized the movement in the horizontal direc-
Regardless of the biomechanical model adopted, the tion and assisted in the translation of the acceleration
studies focused on the kinematics of the upper from horizontal into vertical.
limbs,4,10,13,17,18,21,36,39 trunk4,10,13,17,18,21,36,39 and During the spiking action, the shoulder abduction
lower limbs.3,4,35,36,38,39 Seven studies evaluated the angle ranged from 130 to 133 for NCAA female play-
full-body kinematics.3–5,19,22,36,39 Eight studies used ers17 and 130 –131 for elite male players.18 During the
an optoelectrical system operating at a frequency of spike, Tilp et al.36 and Wagner et al.3 verified a range of
250 Hz for 3D kinematic analysis.3,10,14,18,20,21,36,39 motion for shoulder flexion about 160 . In general, a
Other motion capture systems with sampling frequen- greater external rotation was observed when compared
to the internal rotation of the attacking arm.10,14,18
cies between 50 and 120 Hz4,13,19,22,34,37 were also iden-
Moreover, Marquez et al.5 reported that the trunk of
tified (Table 4).
elite male players was mostly twisted backwards after
the toe-off until it reached the maximum height, from
Volleyball spike characteristics which it was acutely twisted forward while swinging for
Authors defined several phases during the spike move- the ball hit. In a spike analysis from position 3,
ment,14,17,21 and the most detailed model was suggested Zahalka et al.19 verified that the trajectory of players
by Coleman et al.,4 comprising six phases: (1) with the ‘goofy’ approach seemed to be convenient for
‘Approach’, defined as the instant between the left the rotation of shoulders and hips in the spike action.
foot take-off and the ground contact of both feet The linear velocity of the attack hand ranged from
(last step); (2) ‘Plant phase’, defined as the period 19.2 to 21.9 m/s for elite male players4,10 and from 13.8
between the ground contact of both feet up to take- to 18.7 m/s for elite female counterparts.10,34 The elbow
off; (3) ‘Take-off’, which is the instant the feet lose angular velocity varied from 26.2 to 34.9 rad/s for elite
contact with the ground; (4) ‘Flight’ (integrating body male players4,14,21 and from about 17.0–28.2 rad/s for
movements, especially upper limbs, prior to ball con- elite female players.14,34
tact); (5) ‘Hitting action’ (ball contact) and (6)
‘Landing’, defined as the instants between the initial Jump height and reach
contact of the foot with the floor and the lowest posi- The volleyball spike jump for elite players was recorded
tion of centre of mass. For more details about the in six studies3,4,14,18,34,36 (Table 5). The mean jump
description of the spike phases, see Coleman et al.,4 height determined by COM kinematics ranged from
Tilp et al.,36 Wagner et al.3 and Marquez et al.5 62.014 to 68.2 cm18 for males and from 48.514 to
10 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 4. Kinematic analysis, spike position, spike direction and motion analysis system of the selected studies (n ¼ 18).

Spike position (Z) and

Study Kinematic analysis spike direction (D) Motion analysis system
Coleman et al. Full body Z: 4 Two Photosonics Biomechanics 500
Spike execution in official games D: Various spikes cine-cameras (100 Hz)
(? attempts)
Richards et al.38 Lower limb Z: 4 Four high-speed video digitizing
Spike execution in laboratory D: NR (200 Hz) þ Kintrak Motion Analysis
(three successful attempts) software
Richards et al.35 Lower Limb Z: 4 Four high-speed video digitizing
Spike execution in laboratory D: NR (200 Hz) þ VP 320 Kintrak Motion
(three successful attempts) Analysis software
Tilp et al.36 Full body Z: NR Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in court (best D: NR system (250 Hz)
8 of the 12–15 attempts)
Bergün et al.37 Upper limb Z: 4 Two Sony DCR-TRV330E camcorders
Spike execution in court (five D: NR (50 Hz) þ SIMI motion program
successful attempts)
Wagner et al.3 Full body Z: NR Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in court (best 6 D: Centre spike system (250 Hz)
of the 10 successful attempts)
Marquez et al.20 Trunk and lower limb Z: 4 Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in laboratory D: cross-court spike system (250 Hz) þ Visual 3D
(six successful attempts) software
Reeser et al.17 Upper limb Z: NR Eight-camera EVaRT 5.0 Motion
Spike execution in laboratory D: Cross-court and Analysis Corporation (240 Hz)
(five successful attempts per straight-ahead spikes
Marquez et al.5 Full body Z: 4 Two high-speed VTR cameras
Spike execution in official games D: Cross-court spike (250 Hz) þ Frame-Dias II VTR
(three successful attempts) digitizer
Dong22 Full body Z: NR Two high-speed JVC GR-DVL9800SH
Spike execution in NR (three D: NR cameras (100 Hz) þ Ariel
successful attempts) Performance Analysis System
Mitchinson et al.18 Upper Limb Z: NR Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in laboratory D: Cross-court and system (250 Hz) þ Vicon motion
(minimum of three successful straight-ahead spikes analysis software
attempts per skill)
West et al.39 Knee kinematics Z: 3 Fourteen-camera Vicon 3D motion
Spike execution in laboratory D: NR capture system (250 Hz) þ LabVIEW
(3 attempts) program
Wagner et al.21 Upper limb Z: NR Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in court (until D: Straight-ahead spike? system (250 Hz) þ Vicon Nexus
five successful attempts) software
Brown et al.13 Trunk and upper limb Z: 2 and 4 Ten-camera Raptor-E Digital Real Time
Spike execution in court (seven D: Cross-court and Camera System (120 Hz)
successful attempts) straight-ahead spikes
Seminati et al.10 Upper Limb Z: NR Eight-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike simulation in laboratory D: Straight-ahead spike system (250 Hz) þ High-frequency
and spike execution in court Casio Exilim camera (210 Hz)
(three successful attempts)
Serrien et al.14 Pelvis, trunk and upper limb Z: NR Six-camera Vicon 3D motion capture
Spike execution in court (10 D: Centre spike system (250 Hz) þ Vicon Nexus
successful attempts) software
Garrido-castro et al.34 Full body Z: 4 Five-high-speed Basler acA640-100 gc
Spike execution in court (five D: Various spikes behind camera (100 Hz) þ UCOTrack
successful attempts) the 3-m line system
NR, not reported.
?: imprecise information.
Oliveira et al. 11

Table 5. Volleyball spike jump and the reach height in the selected studies.

Study Sex Level of experience Jump height (cm) Reach height (m)

Coleman et al.4 M Elite 62.3 (0.1)

Tilp et al.36 M Elite 67.7 (5.7)
Wagner et al.3 M Elite 67.0 (7.0)
Mitchinson et al.18 M Elite 68.2 (7.5)
Seminati et al.10 3.04 (0.09)ES
M Elite 3.05 (0.10)BS
F Elite 2.72 (0.06)ES*
2.73 (0.06)BS*
Serrien et al.14 M Elite 62.0 (3.4)
F Elite 48.5 (4.5)*
M Junior 53.8 (6.3)*
F Junior 47.5 (7.3)*
Garrido-Castro et al.34 F Elite 54.3 (6.6) 2.54 (0.12)**
Data reported by mean and (standard deviation).
M, male; F, female; ES, elevation style; BS, backswing style.
*Difference for male elite players (p < 0.05; Statistical power 80%).
**Mean calculated from the original paper.

54.3 cm34 for female healthy players. The jump height female volleyball players were higher (computed statis-
for young players (age ¼ 15 years) was assessed only in tical power ¼ 63.6%) when the volleyball spike was
one study, which reported 53.8 cm for males and directed straight-ahead (17.5 m/s) compared to the
47.5 cm for females.14 cross-court spike (15.9 m/s). However, Reeser et al.17
The jump height has been related to the COM var- did not identify differences in ball speed between
iables such as the vertical velocity,36 the squared verti- straight-ahead (15.5 m/s) and cross-court (15.7 m/s)
cal velocity,4 the maximum horizontal velocity3 and the spikes for a similar sample. Finally, a mean ball
minimum height.3 In addition, Wagner et al.3 showed speed of 18.4 m/s was reported by Garrido-Castro
correlations of spike jump height with: knee flexion– et al.34 for Spanish elite female players, in which
extension range (during the approach/‘plant’ phase), spikes were driven to areas of the backcourt (cross-
maximum angular velocity of left shoulder hyperexten- court, straight-ahead or centre spikes).
sion (in the flight phase) and maximum angular veloc- For the straight-ahead spikes, ball speed correlated
ity of flexion of the left shoulder (in the flight phase). with the shoulder-hip separation angle (r ¼ 0.56),
Reach height was measured in two studies10,34 shoulder angular velocity (r ¼ 0.66) and hip angular
(Table 5). However, the anatomical landmarks on the velocity (r ¼ 0.47).13 Besides, Coleman et al.4 reported
hand differed between investigations, and a clear com- a high correlation between ball speed (for various
parison requires caution. Seminati et al.10 placed the directions of spikes during competitive matches) and
markers at the right hand, just below the right third angular velocity of the spiking arm (r ¼ 0.75).
metacarpus, while Garrido-Castro et al.34 did not pro- Spike direction was reported in seven stud-
vide details about the marker placement. The highest ies;3,4,13,14,17,18,20 however, only three studies focused
reach height was 2.73 m for elite Italian women and on such kinematic differences.13,17,18 Mitchinson
3.05 m for Italian elite counterparts.10 et al.18 found that elite male players rotated the trunk
more at the instant of ball impact (D ¼ 4 , CI95%:
0.9–7.7, p ¼ 0.015) with their upper arm positioned fur-
Ball speed and spike direction
ther in front of the trunk (D ¼ 4 , CI95%: 0.9–7.6,
The ball speed was recorded in six studies.4,10,13,17,18,34 p ¼ 0.016) during cross-court compared to straight-
Coleman et al.4 and Mitchinson et al.18 recorded mean ahead spikes. Furthermore, they reported that the
ball speed for healthy male elite players of 27.0 and range of shoulder rotation velocity was also higher
19.0 m/s, respectively. Seminati et al.10 verified that when performing cross-court spikes compared to
the ball speed was similar in different spike techniques straight-ahead spikes (D ¼ 236 /s).18 Brown et al.13
for male (elevation style: 25.6 m/s vs. backswing style: reported significant differences for the shoulder-hip
26.3 m/s) and female (elevation style: 20.1 m/s vs. back- separate angle between straight-ahead (9  5 ) and
swing style: 22.2 m/s) Italian elite players. Brown cross-court (13  5 ) spikes for the I Division
et al.13 showed the ball speed for I Division NCAA NCAA female volleyball players (p ¼ 0.043, computed
12 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

statistical power ¼ 61.9%). On the other hand, with a comparison to regularly approaching players. The
similar sample, Reeser et al.17 did not observe kinemat- authors described that the vertical position of COM
ic differences between the two spike directions. is similar to both approaches, and the highest differ-
ence was in width between the right and left foot during
Volleyball spike kinematic differences related to sex, the take-off, where the regular approach presented the
level of experience and technique value of 0.87 m and the goofy approach of 0.23 m
(computed statistical power ¼ 95.5%).19 In addition,
Comparisons of kinematic features of the volleyball
they reported that this fact appeared to be suitable
spike between sexes and levels of experience were per-
for the rotation of shoulders and hips at ball contact
formed by Serrien et al.14 with Belgium players. The
speed of the hand at ball impact instant was higher
(computed statistical power >80%) for elite male
(16.3 m/s) compared to elite female (12.4 m/s) and to Volleyball spike kinematics related to safety and
young male (13.9 m/s) and young female (11.2 m/s) injury prevention
players, with a significant main effect for sex.14 An Kinematic analysis of the volleyball spike, in isolation,
important difference observed in the spike kinematics did not provide evidence related to safety or injury pre-
of elite compared to young players was a higher elbow vention in three studies of this review.17,35,39
extension velocity associated with greater speed at the Investigating the shoulder range of motion and the
impact instant.14 Moreover, Serrien et al.14 reported humerus rotation in elite players, Seminati et al.10 sug-
that elite players had an earlier elbow extension gested that the backswing style technique is a potential
onset, and they hit the ball with the elbow in a more preventive solution for chronic shoulder pathologies,
extended position in comparison to young players. reducing shoulder flexion during spiking and therefore
Since Serrien et al.14 analysed the time series at various also reducing possibly dangerous impingements. When
time-spans, further statistical main effects were comparing players with and without shoulder injuries,
detected for shoulder horizontal abduction/adduction Mitchinson et al.18 did not verify differences in the
velocity (higher for elite male vs. young male players),
range of motion, ball speed or spike jump height.
shoulder rotation angle (greater for elite male vs. young
West et al.39 verified that wearing the Active Ankle
male players), pelvis tilt velocity (higher for male vs.
T2 brace did not impact the knee joint range of motion
female players), trunk velocity in the sagittal plane
in the sagittal plane in healthy female players. Richards
(higher for elite vs. young players), trunk rotation
et al.38 reported that among 10 elite male athletes, six
velocity (higher for elite vs. young players), and lateral
had a history of patellar tendinitis. These authors also
tilting velocity of the trunk (greater for elite vs. young
found that the likelihood of patellar tendon pain
players at the start of the motion and greater for female
during spike jump landing was significantly associated
vs. male players at the ball impact).
Seminati et al.10 investigated the differences between to the maximum left knee flexion angle, predicting cor-
sexes and spike techniques. While there was a higher rectly 10 of 10 cases by the logistic regression.
maximum height of the attack hand for the male in Regarding safe landing, Marquez et al.20 assessed
comparison to the female players (Table 5), the the effects of jumping distance on the landing mechan-
attack performed with the backswing style technique ics after a volleyball spike for male university volleyball
provided similar velocities of the hand at ball impact players. The results revealed that the landings under a
instant when compared to elevation style for both male long jumping distance condition (0.7 m augmentation
(elevation style: 20.7 m/s vs. backswing style: 21.9 m/s) in the jumping distance) produced significantly higher
and female Italian elite players (elevation style: 17.9 m/s centre of mass velocities and significant mean loading
vs. backswing style: 18.7 m/s).10 The hand velocity and rates for the ground reaction forces.20 The trunk and
ball speeds were about 14 and 18% higher for men, hip positions at the initial contact with the ground and
respectively, regardless of the spiking technique.10 the range of motions of the knee and ankle represented
These authors found that the humerus trajectory was key kinematic parameters for reducing the vertical peak
different in the elevation style technique, with the max- ground reaction forces. Loading rate upon landing
imum shoulder flexion reduced by 10 and the hori- could be reduced by extending the time from the initial
zontal abduction 15 greater than the backswing contact to the occurrence of vertical peak ground reac-
style. Furthermore, internal angular velocity was tion force.20 Moreover, a raised trunk with extended
approximately 35% higher for the backswing style hip and a slight knee flexion at the initial contact, fol-
technique in male players.10 lowed by large ranges of motion in the knee and ankle
Zahalka et al.19 found that the players with a ‘goofy’ before the heel strike, were essential elements of safer
approach had a more prolonged flight phase in landings.20
Oliveira et al. 13

In a later publication, these authors stated that a these studies did not use optoelectronic systems nor
moderate backswing position of the trunk and an reported the accuracy.19,22,37 These findings seem to
absence of trunk rotation in relation to the hip at the indicate that studies with simpler motion analysis sys-
ball impact contribute to maintaining proper balance tems present less control of methodological biases;
after the ball impact and to landing with the whole however, the reasons for this remain unclear.
body in a straighter position, which is essential for a Therefore, caution is required to evaluate the angular
safe landing for elite players.5 velocities and the related derivatives, as previously
mentioned by Wagner et al.21
According to the specificity principle, the players
Discussion and implications for practice tend to present the best performances when the data
and research are collected in contexts close to the competition con-
The present work summarized the analyses involving ditions. The studies performed by Coleman et al.4 and
the kinematic aspects of the volleyball spike. Due to the Marquez et al.5 were the only ones that analysed the
considerable variation in the number of participants volleyball spike during the game. Although the players
and different research aims, the results are more appli- performed the movements in official courts in about
cable for right-handed elite adult players (21–32 years 60% of the studies, the additional presence of the
old), and interpretations should prioritize the spike per- opposing block may have a significant impact on
formed from position 4. Moreover, considering differ- spike performance. It reveals a critical issue in this
ences in motion analysis systems, especially the field of research, as most studies are performed under
accuracy and the sampling frequency, and the isolated laboratory conditions. Another recurring detail was
evidence on the association between injuries and spike whether a second person set the ball (e.g. tossed by a
kinematics, data should be analysed with caution. setter or coach) or fixed it from a predetermined height.
Thus, the main findings regarding our hypotheses In this case, although the fixed ball can add an advan-
tage in the accuracy of the spike position, it is a situa-
were based on the quality of the studies.
tion far from what happens in the volleyball game and,
There was strong evidence that the height of the
therefore, less recommended. Thus, the proposal of
jump during the spike is closely related to the COM
Serrien et al.14 of quantifying the variability in toss-
variables, and the kinematics differ between sexes. The
up using the range on the location of ball impact
ball speed seems to be related to shoulder, humerus and
seems to be a useful research strategy.
hip angular velocities as well as to shoulder-hip sepa-
The jump height achieved during the spike depends
ration angle. Contrary, ball speed does not appear to
on the velocities of COM before the flight phase.3,4,36
depend on the ball direction or technique. Although the
Wagner et al.3 reported that high horizontal velocities
results for the spike direction were conflicting, the
of COM were related to greater spike jump height con-
cross-court spike seems to be associated with a larger tributing to the vertical acceleration of the COM.
trunk rotation of the player compared to the straight- Other studies reinforce that the approach before the
ahead spikes. Moderate evidence indicated that the vol- spike and a better use of countermovement41 and
leyball spike kinematics differ by the level of experience length of the orientation step during approach16 are
and by technique. Moreover, shoulder injuries did not important to improve vertical jump performance.
change movement kinematics and might be mitigated Hence, improving approach speed by appropriate
by using an alternative technique (backswing style). strength (e.g. heavy-resistance strength training and
Studies devoted to determining spike technique and plyometric training) and technical training (e.g. usage
injury are scarce, and more longitudinal studies are of trunk flexion and arm swing to refine the spike
required before a clear relationship can be established. motion and to facilitate the countermovement15)
Finally, a balanced position of the trunk and hip at the should be a significant objective for coaches and ath-
ball impact can contribute to a safer landing. letes seeking to improve jumping height and teaching
Regarding the quality of the reviewed papers, about of the spike.
39% presented high quality. One of the main limita- Additional to jump height, it is speculated that the
tions observed is the sample size calculation, which reach height should also contribute to the attack effec-
may increase the risk of type II error (reduces statistical tiveness2 since it is related to the ball speed in the
power) and affect the level of evidence of some spike.11 It is further reinforced as elite players hit the
results.40 Another important point comes from the ball with a more extended elbow position in compari-
accuracy/reliability of the analyses. Studies that ana- son to young players,14 which results in greater reach
lysed the volleyball spike with sampling frequency height. Hence, the reach height in competition-like sit-
less than or equal to 100 Hz, curiously, had the uations should be further investigated, and analysis of
lowest qualitative scores.4,19,22,34,37 Besides, three of ball speed and spike direction should be included.
14 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Consequently, coaches should emphasize that players trunk rotation. The main differences pointed out by
hit the ball with extended dominant elbow to increase Brown et al.13 for the shoulder-hip separation angle,
reach height and ball speed, providing a greater chance and by Mitchinson et al.,18 for the trunk rotation, pro-
of attack success.14 vide indications of this result since trunk rotation on
Previous research identified that the ball speed is an the vertical axis supports the acceleration of the spiking
essential element for the success of the spike since high arm.23 This finding is in agreement with a large trunk
speeds reduce the possibilities of the opponent’s twist from toe-off to ball impact5 and with the trajec-
defence.11,12 Our findings allowed us to conjecture tory of players from the goofy approach, which seemed
that the ball speed is not related to the spike direction, to be more convenient for the following rotation of
volleyball spike technique or even the presence of shoulders and hips at the ball impact instant.19 Sports
shoulder injuries. However, a recent study indicated coaches often indicate that goofy jumpers (e.g. right-
that ball speeds higher than 25 m/s present a negative handed players with the right foot in the front) are not
effect on its effectiveness.2 The history of pain in the able to hit off body spikes well, but are able to hit
preferred shoulder is also associated with a reduced ball cross-body spikes better, probably due to their whole
speed in the volleyball spike.2 Such divergences require body orientation. To the best of our knowledge, there
a more comprehensive analysis involving ball speed are no studies so far that investigated this phenome-
and spike direction. non, and we recommend future kinematic studies on
Considering that ball speed in cross-court and this topic.
straight-ahead spikes from position 4 are similar, Understanding the kinematic indicators of the spike
straight-ahead spikes appear more successful as the direction may provide relevant insights for organizing
ball reaches position 1 (usually the position of the the defensive system. In volleyball, kinematic cues
setter or the opposite) much faster in comparison to assist in anticipation of an imminent attack action.43
the defender of position 5 (usually the libero or Appropriate responses for volleyball defence are com-
middle-blocker) because the attacker is closer to the plicated due to the temporal constraints and the latency
defender. Therefore, it seems essential to improve the in processing sensory information.44,45 Responding to
positioning and overhead digs of the defenders for this the attacker’s action only after the availability of reli-
type of attack, but also the positioning of the blockers. able information from the ball flight (e.g. after hand-
Furthermore, coaches should perform spike training ball contact), it is sometimes not possible to be in the
(especially for young athletes) without favouring a right place of the court at the right time to perform the
single technique for spiking, since performance indica- defence.44,46 Thus, from the defensive point of view, the
tors are not related to the spiking technique. In addi- anticipation of the spike direction from torso kinemat-
tion, athletes with shoulder pain or injury did not have ics may contribute to blocking points or providing
decreased ball velocity in the attack. Training athletes better organization of defensive system for effective
with shoulder pain or injury should aim to identify counter-attacks. Coaches should, therefore, aim to
techniques that do not aggravate shoulder injuries.42 improve the perception of the blocking and defence
The ball speed during the spike was related to the players regarding the opponent’s trunk kinematics to
following variables: angular velocities of the humerus,4 increase the defensive performance. Despite this, visual
shoulder and hip13 and shoulder-hip separation information from the arm swing (e.g. dominant shoul-
angle.13 Using multiple regression analysis, Brown der and hand) can be more easily used by volleyball
et al.13 found out that a 0.2 increase in the shoulder- players.
hip separation angle increases the ball speed in the Differences in spike height and ball speed between
cross-court volleyball spike by 0.28 m/s. This result is sexes were significant and already expected due to
consistent with the theoretical considerations proposed physical attributes.7,8 Such differences were also
by Tilp23 that an active trunk movement considerably reported regarding the experience/competition
supports the acceleration of the attacking arm. level.14,41 In the spike execution, many kinematic dif-
Increased speeds are obtained by a specific proximal– ferences were observed by Serrien et al.,14 indicating
distal order of the segments that are initiated by the that the strategies between men and women and
pelvic rotation and trunk flexion and terminated by levels of experiences present specificities. Although a
elbow extension, internal shoulder rotation and shoul- recent study endorses the sex-specific technical-coordi-
der flexion when maximum angular velocities occur.21 native characteristics of the volleyball spike jump,15
Hence, trunk strengthening exercises should be a sig- coaches and athletes should focus efforts on keeping
nificant part of volleyball training both to reduce back the elbow above the shoulder throughout the swing
problems and to increase performance. and maximum elbow extension to throw the hand
The indication of the spike direction from the vol- toward the ball in order to improve the spike height,
leyball player kinematics seems to be related to the especially for young and female performers.
Oliveira et al. 15

This information may aid in the development of train- These results may support sports coaches in optimiz-
ing programs according to age and expertise; however, ing athletic performance with adequate technique train-
more studies are necessary for supporting specific ing (especially concerning the phases preceding the
methods for teaching spiking. Additionally, attacking spike jump) and using kinematic cues from the oppos-
in different spike positions may demand movement ing volleyball players to anticipate spike direction.
adaptations that require further analyses, depending Considering that other sports have a similar pattern
on the sex and level of experience/competition. to the spike movement, the present study may also
None of the studies presented substantial evidence contribute to the kinematic analysis of these sports.
that a clear relationship between spike kinematics and Given the limitations presented, it is suggested that
injury exists. In part, this finding stems from the fact well-designed investigations may explore the gaps
that investigations on injuries in volleyball players have listed in this review, such as longitudinal studies on
applied other biomechanical analysis (force platform, injury prevention.
electromyography, isokinetic apparatus, etc.), and this
is a limitation of our study. The proposition of Acknowledgements
Seminati et al.10 that the backswing style technique is We thank the technical contributions to Prof Luis Augusto
a potential preventive solution for chronic shoulder Teixeira, PhD (USP, Brazil), Rodrigo Bini, PhD (LTU,
pathologies has still to be confirmed, although it is jus- Australia), Prof Felipe Moura, PhD (UEL, Brazil), Prof
tified by the idea that reduced shoulder flexion during Gustavo Conti, PhD (UFG, Brazil) and Norbert Schrapf
the spike may minimize injury incidence. Another for producing the arm swing technique figure in the final
interesting proposal for injury prevention in volleyball paper.
is based on landing technique, including both feet and
with greater amplitudes of the ankle and knee joints.5 Declaration of conflicting interests
This argument is further supported by the fact that The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
athletes with patellar tendinitis apply deeper knee flex- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
ion angles during landing, probably to reduce peak article.
stress on the tendon.38
The present work provided one of the first systema- Funding
tized reviews focused on volleyball spike kinematics,
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
which is essential for the advancement of assessment
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
and teaching methods and the physical and technical-
article: This work was supported by the Coordenaç~ao de
tactical training of players. It is known that kinetic data
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nıvel Superior - Brasil
analysis is very important for a wide discussion about
(CAPES) under Grant Finance Code 001.
volleyball spike; therefore, other investigation should
be performed. Despite systematizing the search in
large electronic databases and performing a qualitative
analysis of the included studies, the research did not Leonardo dos Santos Oliveira
include ‘grey literature’. Due to the sample size of stud-
ies, the statistical power is relatively small, and some
previous gaps in research could not be closed. Finally, References
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