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Problem Solving DQG([HUFLVHSheet

([HUFLVH 17±21
Exercise -2 22±28

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-1

1. An electron at rest has a charge of 1.6 1019 C . It starts moving with a velocity v  c / 2 ,
where c is the speed of light, then the new charge on it is -
(A) 1.6 1019 Coulomb (B) 1.6 1019 1    Coulomb
1.6 1019
19 2
(C) 1.6 10    1 Coulomb (D) Coulomb
1 1

1  

2. Which one of the following statement regarding electrostatics is wrong ?

(A) Charge is quantized
(B) Charge is conserved
(C) There is an electric field near an isolated charge at rest
(D) A stationary charge produces both electric and magnetic fields

3. Two similar charge of Q , as shown in figure are placed at A and B.  q charge is placed at
point C midway between A and B. q charge will oscillate if

(A) It is moved towards A. (B) It is moved towards B.

(C) It is moved upwards A B. (D) Distance between A and B is reduced.

4. Two point charges in air at a distance of 20 cm . from each other interact with a certain force.
At what distance from each other should these charges be placed in oil of relative permittivity
5 to obtain the same force of interaction -
(A) 8.94 102 m (B) 0.894 102 m
(C) 89.4 102 m (D) 8.94 102 m

5. A certain charge Q is divided at first into two parts,(q) and (Q-q). Later on the charges are
placed at a certain distance. If the force of interaction between the two charges is maximum
(A) (Q / q)  (4 /1) (B) (Q / q)  (2 /1)
(C )(Q / q)  (3 /1) (D) (Q / q)  (5 /1)

6. Three equal charges (q) are placed at corners of a equilateral triangle. The force on any
charge is-
Kq 2 Kq 2 Kq 2
(A) Zero (B) 3 2 (C) (D) 3 3
a 3a 2 a2

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 1
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
7. Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square ABCD, as shown. The force on +ve
charge kept at the centre of the square is

(A) zero (B) along diagonal AC

(C) along diagonal BD (D) perpendicular to the side AB

8. Two fixed charges 4 Q (positive) and Q (negative) are located at A and B, the distance A B
being 3 m .

(A) The point P where the resultant field due to both is zero is on A B outside A B.
(B) The point P where the resultant field due to both is zero is on A B inside A B.
(C) If a positive charge is placed at P and displaced slightly along A B it will execute
(D) If a negative charge is placed at P and displaced slightly along AB it will execute

9. Two free positive charges 4q and q are a distance l apart. What charge Q is needed to
achieve equilibrium for the entire system and where should it be placed form charge q ?
4 l 4 l
(A) Q  q (negative) at (B) Q  q (positive) at
9 3 9 3
l l
(C) Q  q (positive) at (D) Q  q (negative) at
3 3

10. Three charges Q,q, Q are placed respectively, at distance, d / 2 and d from the origin, on
the x -axis. If the net force experienced by Q , placed at x  0 , is zero, then value of q is:
(A) Q / 4 (B) Q / 2 (C) Q / 4 (D) Q / 2

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 2
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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-2

1. Two charges 4q and q are placed 30 cm . apart. At what point the value of electric field will
be zero
(A) 10 cm . away from q and between the charge
(B) 20 cm . away from q and between the charge
(C) 10 cm . away from q and out side the line joining the charge.
(D) 10 cm . away from 4q and out side the line joining them.

2. A point charge 50C is located in the XY plane at the point of position vector r0  2iˆ  3 ˆj .
What is the electric field at the point of position vector r  8iˆ  5 ˆj
(A) 1200 V / m (B) 0.04 V / m (C) 900 V / m (D) 4500 V / m

3. A point charge q is placed at origin. Let E A , E B and E C be the electric field at three points
A(1, 2,3) , B(1,1, 1) and C(2, 2, 2) due to charge q . Then [i] EA  EB  ii] E B  4 E C
select the correct alternative
(A) only [i] is correct (B) only [ii] is correct
(C) both [i] and [ii] are correct (D) both [i] and [ii] are wrong

4. Two identical point charges are placed at a separation of l . P is a point on the line joining the
charges, at a distance x from any one charge. The field at P is E . E is plotted against x for
values of x from close to zero to slightly less than l . Which of the following best represents
the resulting curve ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. Six charges three positive and three negative of equal magnitude are to be placed at the
vertices of a regular hexagon such that the electric field at O is double the electric field when
only one positive charge of same magnitude is placed at R. Which of the following
arrangements of charges is possible for P, Q, R, S, T and U respectively?

(A) +,-,+,-,-,+ (B) +,-,+,-,+,- (C) +,+,-,+,-,- (D) -,+,+,-,+,-,

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 3
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
6. Three charges q, 2q and 4q are connected by strings as shown in the figure. What is
ratio of tensions in the strings A B and B C.

(A) 1: 2 (B) 1 : 3 (C) 2: 1 (D) 3: 1

7. The variation of electric field between the two charges q1 and q2 along the line joining the
charges is plotted against distance from q1 (taking rightward direction of electric field as
positive) as shown in the figure. Then the correct statement is :-

(A) q1 and q 2 are positive and q1  q 2

(B) q1 and q 2 are positive and q1  q 2
(C) q1 is positive and q 2 is negative and q1  q 2
(D) q1 and q 2 are negative and q1  q 2

8. Particle B of charge Q and mass m is in equilibrium under weight and electrostatics force
applied by a fixed charged A , which is directly beneath the particle B as shown in figure.
When particle B is disturbed along vertical, the equilibrium is

(A) stable (B) unstable

(C) neutral (D) there can not be in equilibrium

9. The fig. shows the distribution of three charges Q,  Q and Q on the X-axis. Which of the
following figures shows the possible electric field lines for the distribution?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
10. Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle triangle OAB (see figure). The
resultant electric field at point O is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then Q1 / Q2 is
proportional to:

x13 x x x22
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 2
x2 x1 x2 x1

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-3

1. A semi-infinite insulating rod has linear charge density . The electric field at the point P
shown in figure is :-

2 2 2
(A) at 45° with AB (B) at 45° with AB
 40 r  40 r 2

2 2
(C) at 45° with AB (D) at perpendicular to AB
40 r 40 r

2. The direction (q) of E at point P due to uniformly charged finite rod will be :-

(A) at angle 30° from x-axis (B) 45° from x - axis

(C) 60° from x-axis (D) none of these

3. As shown in the figure, an insulating rod is set into the shape of a semicircle. The left half of
the rod has a charge of + Q uniformly distributed along its length, and the right half of the rod
has a charge of –Q uniformly distributed along its length. What vector shows the correct
direction of the electric field at point P, the centre of the semicircle ?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

4. A nonconducting ring of radius R has uniformly distributed positive charge Q. A small part
of the ring, of length d, is removed (d << R). The electric field at the centre of the ring will
now be
(A) directed towards the gap, inversely proportional to R .
(B) directed towards the gap, inversely proportional to R .
(C) directed away from the gap, inversely proportional to R .
(D) directed away from the gap, inversely proportional to R .

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
5. The maximum electric field at a point on the axis a uniformly charged ring is E0. At how
many points on the axis will the magnitude of electric field be E0/2 :-
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

6. A particle of mass m, charge –Q is constrained to move along the axis of a ring of radius a.
The ring carries a uniform charge density +  along its circumference. Initially, the particle
lies in the plane of the ring at a point where no net force acts on it. The period of oscillation
of the particle when it is displaced slightly from its equilibrium position is
0 ma 2 20 ma 2 40 ma 2  ma 2
(A) T  4 (B) T  2 (C) T  2 (D) T  2 0
Q Q Q 2Q

7. The surface charge density of a thin charged disc of radius R is s. The value of the electric

field at the centre of the disc is . With respect to the field at the centre, the electric field
2 0
along the axis at a distance 3 R from the centre of the disc :
(A) reduces by 70.7% (B) reduces by 29.3%
(C) reduces by 86.6% (D) reduces by 13.4%

8. A small circular ring has a uniform charge distribution. On a far-off axial point distance x
from the centre of the ring, the electric field is proportional to-
–1 –3/2 –2 5/4
(A) x (B) x (C) x (D) x

9. Two infinite planes each with uniform surface charge density + are kept in such a way that
the angle between them is 30°. The electric field in the region shown between them is given
by :

  x̂    3 xˆ 
(A) (1  3)yˆ  2  (B)  1   yˆ  
20 0 
 2  2 

  x̂    3 xˆ 
(C) (1  3)yˆ  2  (D)  1   yˆ  
20 20  2  2 

10. For a uniformly charged ring of radius R, the electric field on its axis has the largest
magnitude at a distance h from its centre. Then value of h is:
(A) (B) (C) R (D) R 2
5 2

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-4

1. In a region of space, the electric field is in the x direction and is given as E  E0 xiˆ . Consider
an imaginary cubical volume of edge a, with its edges parallel to the axes of coordinates. The
charge inside this volume is
1 1
(D)  0 E 0 a 2
(A) zero (B) 0 E0 a (C) E0a 3
0 6

2. Electric flux through a surface of area 100 m lying in the xy plane is (in V-m) if
E  ˆi  2 ˆj  3 kˆ
(A) 100 (B) 141.4 (C) 173.2 (D) 200

3. The volume charge density as a function of distance X from one face inside a unit cube is
varying as shown in the figure. Then the total flux (in S.I. units) through the cube if ( 0 =
–12 3
8.85 × 10 C/m ) is :

(A) 1/4 (B) 1/2 (C) 3/4 (D) 1

4. A hemisphere (radius R) is placed in electric field as shown in fig. Total outgoing flux is -

2 2 3 2
(A) R E (B) 2R E (C) 4R E (D) (R E)/2

5. A uniform electric field E  a ˆi  b ˆj , intersects a surface of area A. What is the flux through
this area if the surface lies in the yz plane –
(A) aA (B) 0 (C) bA (D) A a 2  b2

 1 
6. A point charge q is placed at the center of a spherical shell of radius R    m . Electric
 
flux through a position of sphere having surface area = 0.2 m is :
q q q 0.2q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
o 20 o 10 o o

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 8
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
7. The electric field intensity at the centre of a uniformly charged hemispherical shell is E 0.
Now two portions of the hemisphere are cut from either side and remaining portion is shown

in figure. If a  b  , then electric field intensity at centre due to remaining portion is :
(A) 0 (B) 0
3 6
(C) 0 (D) Information insufficient

8. The wedge-shaped surface in figure is in a region of uniform electric field E0 along x axis.
The net electric flux for the entire closed surface is –

(A) 9 E0 (B) 15 E0 (C) 12 E0 (D) Zero

9. A +q1 charge is at centre of an imaginary spherical Gaussion surface ‘S’, and – q1 charge is
placed nearby this +q1 charge inside ‘S’. A charge +q2 is located outside this Gaussian
surface. Then electric field on Gaussian surface will be :
(A) due to – q1 & q2 (B) uniform (C) due to all charges (D) zero

10. A charge Q is placed at a distance a/2 above the centre of the square surface of edge a as
shown in the figure. The electric flux through the square surface is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 0 6 0 2 0 0

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 9
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-5

1. A charge q is accelerated through a potential difference of V. Find its kinetic energy.

(A) q V (B) qV/2 (C) V (D) None of these

2. Two point charges 4C and 2C are separated by a distance of 1 m in air. At what point in
between the charges and on the line joining the charges is the electric potential zero?
(A) In the middle of the two charges (B) 2 / 3 m from 4C
(C) 1 / 4 m from 2C (D) Nowhere the potential is zero

3. Three charges 2q, q and q are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. At the
center of the triangle -
(A) the field is zero but potential is non-zero
(B) the field is non-zero but potential is zero
(C) both field and potential are zero
(D) both field and potential are non-zero

4. The variation of potential with distance R from fixed point is shown in figure. The electric
field at R  5 m is

(A) 2Vm1 (B) 2.5Vm1 (C) 0.4Vm1 (D) 0.4Vm1

5. Mark correct statement -

(A) IfE is zero at certain point, then V should be zero at that point.
(B) If E is not zero at certain point, then V should not be zero at that point.
(C) If V is zero at certain point, then E should be zero at that point.
(D) If V is zero at certain point, then E may or may not be zero.

6. Two identical rings P and Q of radius 0.1 m are mounted coaxially at a distance 0.5 m
apart. The charges on the two rings are 2 and 4C , respectively. The work done in
transferring a charge of 5C from the center of P to that of Q is -
(A) 1.28 J (B) 0.72 J (C) 0.144 J (D) 2.24 J

7. A solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly. At what distance from its surface is the
electrostatic potential half of the potential at the center?
(A) R (B) R / 2 (C) R / 3 (D) 2 R
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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 10
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

8. When the separation between two charges is increased, the electric potential energy of the
charges -
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) remains the same (D) may increase or decrease

9. A positive charge is moved from a low potential point A to a high potential point B. Then, the
electric potential energy of the system.
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) will remain the same (D) nothing definite can be predicted

10. An electric field is expressed as E  2i  3j . Find the potential difference  VA  VB  between

two points A and B whose position vectors are given by rA  ˆi  2jˆ and rB  2iˆ  ˆj  3kˆ .
(A) 1 V (B) 1 V (C) 2 V (D) 3 V

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 11
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-6

1. Three points charges are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side L as shown in
the figure, find out the dipole moment of the system

(A) 2 2 qL (B)  3 qL (C) 2 qL (D) 3 qL

2. The dipole moment of a system of charge  q distributed uniformly on an arc of radius R

subtending an angle  / 2 at its centre where another charge q is placed is
2 2qR 2qR qR 2qR
(A) (B) (C) (D)
   

3. An electric dipole is kept on the axis of a uniformly charged ring at distance R / 2 from the
centre of the ring. The direction of the dipole moment is along the axis. The dipole moment is
P , charge of the ring is Q and radius of the ring is R . The force on the dipole is nearly:
4kPQ 4kPQ 2kPQ
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) (D) Zero
3 3R 3 3R 3 3R 3

4. Point P lies on the axis of a dipole. If the dipole is rotated by 90 anticlock wise, the electric
field vector E at P will rotate by :
(A) 90 clockwise (B) 180 clockwise
(C) 90 anticlock wise (D) 180 anticlockwise

5. Two short electric dipoles are placed as shown. The energy of electric interaction between
these dipoles will be

2Kp1p 2 cos  2Kp1p 2 cos  2Kp1p 2 sin  4Kp1p 2 cos 

(A) (B) (C) (D)
r3 r3 r3 r3
JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (
Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 12
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
6. An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere. Mark the correct answer :
(A) The electric field is zero at every point of the sphere
(B) The electric potential is zero everywhere on the sphere
(C) The electric potential is zero on a circle on the surface
(D) All are correct

7. An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30 to a non-uniform electric field. The dipole will
(A) a translational force only in the direction of the field
(B) a translational force only in a direction normal to the direction of the field
(C) a torque as well as a translational force
(D) a torque only

8. The electric potential in a region is given by the relation V(x)  4  5x 2 . If a dipole is placed
at position (1,0) with dipole moment p pointing along positive Y -direction, then
(A) Net torque on the dipole is zero
(B) Net torque on the dipole is not zero and it is in clockwise direction
(C) Net torque on the dipole is not zero and it is in anticlockwise direction
(D) None of these

9. A dipole is placed at origin of coordinate system as shown in figure, find the electric field at
point P(0, y) .

(A) (i  2 ˆ) (B) (ˆı  2 ˆ) (C) (ı  2 ) (D) (i  2j)
2y3 2y3 2y3 2y3

10. Two point dipoles pk and k are located at (0,0,0) and (1m,0, 2 m) respectively. Find the
resultant electric field due to the two dipoles at the point (1m,0,0).
7 8  7 
(A) kpk (B) kpk (C) kpk (D) None
8 7 8

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Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Problem Solving Sheet Session-7

1. Two spherical conductors A and B of radii 1 mm and 2 mm are separated by a distance of 5

cm and are uniformly charged. If the spheres are connected by a conducting wire, then in
equilibrium condition, the ratio of the magnitude of the electric fields at the surfaces of
spheres A and B is
(A) 4 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 4

2. A spherical conductor A contains two spherical cavities. The total charge on the conductor
itself is zero. However, there is a point charge qb at the centre of one cavity and qc at the
centre of the other. At an equal distance r away from the centre of the spherical conductor,
there is another charge qd. Force acting on qb, qc and qd are F1, F2 and F3 respectively.
[Assume all charges are positive]

(A) F1 < F2 < F3 (B) F1 = F2 < F3 (C) F1 = F2 > F3 (D) F1 > F2 > F3

3. The figure shows a charge q placed inside a cavity in an uncharged conductor. Now if an
external electric field is switched on then :

(A) only induced charge on outer surface will redistribute.

(B) only induced charge on inner surface will redistribute
(C) Both induced charge on outer and inner surface will redistribute.
(D) force on charge q placed inside the cavity will change

4. Two spherical conductors B and C having equal radii and carrying equal charges in them
repel each other with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third spherical conductor
having same radius as that of B but uncharged, is brought in contact with B, then brought in
contact with C and finally removed away from both. The new force of repulsion between B
and C is
F 3F F 3F
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 8 4
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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 14
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

5. The electric field intensity at a point located at distance r (r < R) from the center of a
spherical conductor (radius R) charged Q will be -
(A) kQR/r3 (B) kQr/R3 (C) kQ/r2 (D) zero

6. Three concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges as follows +4Q on the inner shell,
–2Q on the middle shell and –5Q on the outer shell. The charge on the inner surface of the
outer shell is :
(A) 0 (B) 4 Q (C) –Q (D) –2Q

7. A solid metallic sphere has a charge +3Q. Concentric with this sphere is a conducting
spherical shell having charge –Q. The radius of the sphere is a and that of the spherical shell
is b (>a). What is the electric field at a distance r (a < r < b) from the centre?
1 Q 1 3Q 1 3Q 1 Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
40 r 40 r 40 r 2
40 r 2

8. A conducting sphere of radius r has a charge. Then

(A) The charge is uniformly distributed over its surface, if there is an external electric field.
(B) Distribution of charge over its surface will be non uniform if no external electric field
exist in space.
(C) Electric field strength inside the sphere will be equal to zero only when no external
electric field exists.
(D) Potential at every point of the sphere must be same

9. For a spherical shell

(A) If potential inside it is zero then it necessarily electrically neutral
(B) electric field in a charged conducting spherical shell can be zero only when the charge is
uniformly distributed
(C) electric potential due to induced charges at a point inside it will always be zero
(D) none of these

10. A point charge q is brought from infinity (slowly so that heat developed in the shell is
negligible) and is placed at the centre of a conducting neutral spherical shell of inner radius a
and outer radius b, then work done by external agent is:

kq 2 kq 2 kq 2 kq 2 kq 2
(A) 0 (B) (C)  (D) 
2b 2b 2a 2a 2b

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 15
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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced


Problem Solving Session – 1

1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (D)
8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)

Problem Solving Session – 2

1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (A)
8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (C)

Problem Solving Session – 3

1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (C)
8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B)

Problem Solving Session – 4

1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (C)
8. (D) 9. (C) 10. (B)

Problem Solving Session – 5

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (D)
8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (A)

Problem Solving Session – 6

1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (C)
8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (C)

Problem Solving Session – 7

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (D) 7. (C)
8. (D) 9. (D) 10. (C)

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 16
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Exercise # 1 [Objective Questions]


1. Two equal negative charges –q each are fixed at the points (0, a) and (0, -a) on the y-axis .A positive
charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will :
(A) Execute simple harmonic motion about the origin
(B) At origin velocity of particle is maximum.
(C) Move to infinity
(D) Execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion.
2. Three charges +4q, Q and q are placed in a straight line of length  at points at distance 0, /2 and 
respectively from one end of line. What should be the value of Q in order to make the net force on q to
be zero?
(A) –q (B) –2q (C) –q/2 (D) 4q
3. Two similar very small conducting spheres having charges 40 C and –20 C are some distance apart.
Now they are touched and kept at the same distance. The ratio of the initial to the final force between
them is :
(A) 8 : 1 (B) 4 : 1 (C) 1 : 8 (D) 1 : 1
4. Two point charges placed at a distance r in air exert a force F on each other. The value of distance R at
which they experience force 4F when placed in a medium of dielectric constant K = 16 is :
(A) r (B) r/4 (C) r/8 (D) 2r

5. A flat circular fixed disc has a charge +Q uniformly distributed on the disc. A charge +q is thrown with
kinetic energy K, towards the disc along its axis. The charge q :
(A) may hit the disc at the centre
(B) may return back along its path after touching the disc
(C) may return back along its path without touching the disc
(D) any of the above three situations is possible depending on the magnitude of K
6. A non-conducting solid sphere of radius R is uniformly charged. The magnitude of the electric field due
to the sphere at a distance r from its centre.
(A) increases as r increases, for r  R (B) decreases as r increases, for 0 < r <  .
(C) decreases as r increases, for R < r < . (D) is discontinuous at r = R
7. The linear charge density on upper half of a segment of ring is  and at + A
lower half, it is –  . The direction of electric field at centre O of ring is : +
(A) along OA (B) along OB D

(C) along OC (D) along OD –
–– C

8. A positively charged pendulum is oscillating in a uniform electric field as shown

in Figure. Its time period of SHM as compared to that when it was uncharged.
(mg > qE)
(A) Will increase
(B) Will decrease
(C) Will not change
(D) Will first increase then decrease

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
9. At a certain distance from a point charge, the electric field is 500 V/m and the potential is 3000 V. What
is the distance ?
(A) 6 m (B) 12 m (C) 36 m (D) 144 m

10. Figure represents a square carrying charges +q, +q, –q, –q at its four corners as shown. Then the
potential will be zero at points : (A, C, P and Q are mid points of sides)
P +q
(A) A, B, C, P and Q +q
(B) A, B and C
(C) A, P, C and Q B
(D) P, B and Q –q

11. Two equal positive charges are kept at points A and B. The electric potential, while moving from A to B
along straight line :
(A) continuously increases (B) remains constant
(C) decreases then increases (D) increases then decreases

12. A semicircular ring of radius 0.5 m is uniformly charged with a total charge of 1.5 × 10–9 coul. The
electric potential at the centre of this ring is :
(A) 27 V (B) 13.5 V (C) 54 V (D) 45.5 V

13. The potential different between point A and B in the given uniform electric field is :
(A) Ea a

(B) E (a 2  b 2 ) E
(C) Eb
(D) (Eb / 2 ) A

14. An equipotential surface and an electric line of force :

(A) never intersect each other (B) intersect at 45º
(C) intersect at 60º (D) intersect at 90º

15. A particle of charge Q and mass m travels through a potential difference V from rest. The final momen-
tum of the particle is :
mV 2QV
(A) (B) 2Q mV (C) 2m QV (D)
Q m


16. If a charge is shifted from a high potential region to low potential region, the electrical potential energy:
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) May increase or decrease. (D) Remains constant

17. A particle of mass 2 g and charge 1C is held at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface at a distance of
1 m from a fixed charge of 1 mC. If the particle is released it will be repelled. The speed of the particle
when it is at distance of 10 m from the fixed charge is:
(A) 100 m/s (B) 90 m/s (C) 60 m/s (D) 45 m/s

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
18. When the separation between two charges is decreased, the electric potential energy of the charges
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) may increase or decrease (D) remains the same

19. Six charges of magnitude + q and –q are fixed at the corners of a regular hexagon of edge length a as
shown in the figure. The electro static potential energy of the system of charged particles is :
2  3 15  2  3 9 +q –q
q q
(A)   a  8  4  (B)   a  2  4 
0   0  
–q +q
q 2  3 15  q 2  3 15 
(C)   a  4  2  (D)   a  2  8 
0   0   +q –q


20. A uniformly charged sphere of radius 1 cm has potential of 8000 V at surface. The energy density near
the surface of sphere will be:
(A) 64 × 105 J/m3 (B) 8 × 103 J/m3 (C) 32 J/m3 (D) 2.83 J/m3

21. If ' n ' identical water drops (assumed spherical each) each charged to a potential energy U coalesce to
form a single drop, the potential energy of the single drop is(Assume that drops are uniformly charged):
(A) n1/3 U (B) n2/3 U (C) n4/3 U (D) n5/3 U

22. The electric field intensity at a point in space is equal in magnitude to :
(A) Magnitude of the potential gradient there
(B) The electric charge there
(C) The magnitude of the electric force, a unit charge would experience there
(D) The force, an electron would experience there

23. The variation of potential with distance r from a fixed point is

shown in Figure. The electric field at r = 5 cm, is :
(A) (2.5) V/cm
(B) (–2.5) V/cm
(C) (–2/5) cm
(D) (2/5) V/cm

24. In the above question, the electric force acting on a point charge of 2 C placed at the origin will be :
(A) 2 N (B) 500 N (C) –5 N (D) –500 N

25. The electric potential V as a function of distance x (in metre) is given by

V = (5x2 + 10x – 9) volt.
The value of electric field at x = 1 m would be :
(A) – 20 volt/m (B) 6 volt/m (C) 11 volt/m (D) –23 volt/m

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
26. Due to an electric dipole shown in fig., the electric field intensity is parallel to dipole axis :

(A) at P only (B) at Q only

(C) both at P and at Q (D) neither at P nor at Q

27. An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges each of magnitude 1.0 C, separated by a distance
of 2.0 cm. The dipole is placed in an external electric field of 1.0 × 105 N/C. The maximum torque on the
dipole is :
(A) 0.2 × 10–3 N-m (B) 1.0 × 10–3 N-m (C) 2.0 × 10–3 N-m (D) 4.0 × 10–3 N-m

28. An electric dipole is placed (not at infinity) in an electric field generated by a point charge.
(A) The net electric force on the dipole may be zero
(B) The net electric force on the dipole will not be zero
(C) The torque on the dipole due to the field may be zero
(D) The torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero

29. At a point on the axis (but not inside the dipole and not at infinity) of an electric dipole
(A) The electric field is zero
(B) The electric potential is zero
(C) Neither the electric field nor the electric potential is zero
(D) The electric field is directed perpendicular to the axis of the dipole


30. A square of side 'a' is lying in xy plane such that two of its sides are lying on the axis. If an electric field

E  E0 xkˆ is applied on the square. The flux passing through the square is :–

E 0a 3 E 0a 3 E 0a 2
(A) E0a3 (B) (C) (D)
2 3 2

31. Figure shows a charge Q placed at the centre of open face of a

cylinder as shown in figure. A second charge q is placed at one of
the positions A, B, C and D, out of which positions A and D are
lying on a straight line parallel to open face of cylinder. In which
position(s) of this second charge, the flux of the electric field through
the cylinder remains unchanged ?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

32. The figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a charged
body. If the electric fields at A and B are EA and EB respectively and if A
the distance between A and B is r, then
(A) EA < EB (B) EA > EB B
(C) E A  (D) E A 
r r2

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
33. Select the correct statement :
(A) The electric lines of force are always closed curves
(B) Electric lines of force are parallel to equipotential surface
(C) Electric lines of force are perpendicular to equipotential surface
(D) Electric line of force is always the path of a positively charged particle.
34. A charge Q is placed at a distance of 4R above the centre of a disc of radius R.
The magnitude of flux through the disc is . Now a hemispherical shell of radius R
is placed over the disc such that it forms a closed surface. The flux through the
curved surface (taking direction of area vector along outward normal as positive),
is -
(A) zero (B)  (C) –  (D) 2
35. The given figure gives electric lines of force due to two charges q1 and q2.
What are the signs of the two charges?
(A) Both are negative (B) Both are positive
(C) q1 is positive but q2 is negative (D) q1 is negative but q2 is positive


36. A neutral spherical metallic object A is placed near a finite metal plate B carrying a positive charge. The
electric force on the object will be :
(A) away from the plate B (B) towards the plate B
(C) parallel to the plate B (D) zero
37. A positive point charge q is brought near a neutral metal sphere.
(A) The sphere becomes negatively charged.
(B) The sphere becomes positively charged.
(C) The interior remains neutral and the surface gets non-uniform charge distribution.
(D) The interior becomes positively charged and the surface becomes negatively charged.
38. Three concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges as follows : +4Q on the inner shell, – 2 Q on
the middle shell and –5 Q on the outer shell. The charge on the inner surface of the outer shell is:
(A) 0 (B) 4 Q (C) - Q (D) - 2 Q
39. A charge q is uniformly distributed over a large plastic plate. The electric field at a point P close to the
centre and just above the surface of the plate is 50 V/m. If the plastic plate is replaced by a copper plate
of the same geometrical dimensions and carrying the same uniform charge q, the electric field at the point
P will become:
(A) zero (B) 25 V/m (C) 50 V/m (D) 100 V/m

40. A and B are two conducting concentric spherical shells. A is given a charge B
Q while B is uncharged. If now B is earthed as shown in figure.Then:
(A) The charge appearing on inner surface of B is -Q +++
++ +
+ A +
(B) The field inside and outside A is zero. + +
+ + ++
(C) The field between A and B is not zero.
(D) The charge appearing on outer surface of B is zero.

41. A positively charged body 'A' has been brought near a neutral brass
sphere B mounted on a glass stand as shown in the figure. The
potential of B will be:
(A) Zero (B) Negative
(C) Positive (D) Infinite
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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

Exercise # 2 [Previous Year Questions]

1. A long cylindrical shell carries positive surface charge  in the upper half and negative surface charge – in
the lower half. The electric field lines around the cylinder will look like figure given in:
(figures are schematic and not drawn to scale) [JEE-Mains 2015]

++++ ++++ ++++ +
+ +

++ ––
–– +

++ ––

–– +

++ ––
(A) (B) (C) (D)

++ –



–– –– ––––
–––– –––– ––

2. The region between two concentric spheres of radii 'a' and 'b', respectively (see figure), has volume
charge density ρ = , where A is a constant and r is the distance from the centre. At the centre of the
spheres is a point charge Q. The value of A such that the electric field in the region between the spheres
will be constant, is : [JEE-Mains 2016]


Q 2Q 2Q Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2π  b2 - a 2  
π a -b2 2
 πa 2 2πa 2
 

3. An electric dipole has a fixed dipole moment p , which makes angle  with respect to x -axis. When
 
subjected to an electric field E1  Eiˆ . it experiences a torque T1  kˆ . When subjected to another
  
electric field E 2  3E1ˆj it experiences torque T2  T1 . The angle  is: [JEE-Mains 2017]
(A) 60º (B) 90º (C) 30º (D) 45º

4. Three concentric metal shells A, B and C of respective radii a. b and c (a < b < c) have surface charge
densities + , –  and +  respectively. The potential of shell B is [JEE-Mains 2018]

  a 2  b2    b2  c2    b2  c2    a 2  b2 
(A)   c  (B)   a  (C)   a  (D)   c
0  b  0  b  0  c  0  a 

5. Let a total charge 2Q be distributed in a sphere of radius R, with the charge density given by (r) = kr,
where r is the distance from the centre. Two charge A and B, of –Q each, are placed on diametrically
opposite points, at equal distance a, from the centre. If A and B do not experience any force, then :
[JEE-Mains 2019]
(A) a = 8–1/4 R (B) a = 1/ 4 (C) a = 2–1/4 R (D) a = R / 3

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 22
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced

6. Two point charges q1  

10C and q2 (–25C) are placed on the x-axis at x = 1m and x = 4m and
x = 4m, respectively. The electric field (in V/m) at a point y = 3m on Y-axis is :
 1 
 Take,  9 109 N - m 2C2  [JEE-Mains 2019]
 4 0 
(A) (63 î – 27 ĵ ) ×102 (B) (81 î – 81 ĵ ) ×102
(C) (–81 î + 81 ĵ ) ×102 (D) (–63 î + 27 ĵ ) ×102

7. Three charges +Q, q, + Q are placed respectively at distance 0, and d from the origin on the X-axis.
If the net force experienced by +Q placed x = 0 is zero, then value of q is : [JEE-Mains 2019]
Q Q Q Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 2 4

8. In free space, a particle A of charge 1C is held fixed at a point P. Another particle B of the same charge
and mass 4g is kept at a distance of 1 mm from P. If B is released, then its velocity at a distance of 9 mm
 1 9 2 2 
from P is :  Take, 4  9 10 N - m C  [JEE-Mains 2019]
 0 
(A) 1.5 × 10 m/s 4
(B) 3.0 × 10 m/s (C) 1.0 m/s (D) 2.0 × 103 m/s

9. The electric field in a region is given by E = (Ax + B) î , where E is in NC–1 and x is in metres. The values
of constants are A = 20 SI unit and B = 10 SI unit. If the potential at x = 1 is V1 and that at x = –5 is V2,
then V1–V2 is : [JEE-Mains 2019]
(A) – 48 V (B) –520 V (C) 180 V (D) 320 V

10. A uniformly charged ring of radius 3a and total charge q is placed in xy-plane centred at origin. Apoint
charge q is moving towards the ring along the Z-axis and has speed v at z = 4a. The minimum value of v
such that it crosses the origin is : [JEE-Mains 2019]
1/2 1/2
2  1 q 2  2  4 q2 
(A) (B)  
m  5 40a 
  m  15 40a 

1/2 1/2
2  1 q 2  2  2 q 2 
(C) m  15 40a  (D) m  15 40a 
   

11. The given graph shows variation (with distance r from centre) of : [JEE-Mains 2019]
(A) electric field of a uniformly charged spherical shell
(B) potential of a uniformly charged spherical shell
(C) electric field of a uniformly charged sphere r0
(D) potential of a uniformly charged sphere
r0 r

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
12. A point dipole p = p0 x̂ is kept at the origin. The potential and electric field due to this dipole on the
Y-axis at a distance d are, respectively.
[Take, V = 0 at infinity] [JEE-Mains 2019]
|p| |p| p p |p| p
(A) 2
, 3 (B) 0, 3 (C) 0, 3 (D) ,
40 d 4 0 d 40 d 40 d 40 d 4 0 d3

13. Determine the electric dipole moment of the system of three charges, placed on the vertices of an
equilateral triangle as shown in the figure : [JEE-Mains 2019]
l l
l x
ˆj  ˆi ˆi  ˆj
(A) 3ql (B) 2ql ĵ (C)  3 ql ˆj (D) (ql)
2 2

14. An electric field of 1000 V/m is applied to an electric dipole at angle of 45°. The value of electric dipole
moment is 10–29 C-m. What is the potential energy of the electric dipole? [JEE-Mains 2019]
(A) – 9 × 10–20 J (B) – 10 × 10–29 J (C) – 20 × 10–18 J (D) – 7 × 10–27 J

15. Charges –q and +q located at A and B, respectively, constitude an electric dipole. Distance AB = 2a, O
is the mid point of the dipole and OP is perpendicular to AB. A charge Q is placed at P, where OP = y
and y > > 2a. The charge Q experiences an electrostatics force F : If Q is now moved along the
y y 
equatorial line to Psuch that OP=   , the force on Q will be close to   2a 
3 3 
[JEE-Mains 2019]

Q P'

q +q
(A) (B) 3 F (C) 9 F (D) 27 F

16. Two electric dipoles, A, B wit h respect ive dipo lemoments d A = –4qa î and d B = –2qa î
are placed on the X-axis with a separation R, as shown in the figure :
The distance from A at which both of them produce the same potential is [JEE-Mains 2019]
2R 2R R R
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

17. For a uniformly charged ring of radius R, the electric field on its axis has the largest magnitude at a
distance h from its centre. Then, value of h is : [JEE-Mains 2019]
(A) (B) R 2 (C) R (D)
2 5

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Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 24
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
18. An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite charges q with separation d. The charges have
same mass m. It is kept in a uniform electric field E. If it is slightly rotated from its equilibrium orientation,
then its angular frequency  is [JEE-Mains 2019]
2qE qE qE qE
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D)
md md md 2md
19. There is uniform spherically symmetric surface charge density at a distance R0 from the origin. The
charge distribution is initially at rest and starts expanding because of mutual repulsion. The figure that
represents best the speed v[R(t)] of the distribution as a function of its instantaneous radius R (t) is
[JEE-Mains 2019]
v[R(t)] v[R(t)] v[R(t)] v[R(t)]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

R0 R0 R0 R0
R(t) R(t) R(t) R(t)

20. A charge Q is distributed over two concentric conducting thin spherical shells radii r and R(R > r). If the
surface charge densities on the two shells are equal, the electric potential at the common centre is
[JEE-Mains 2020]
1 (R  r) 1 (R  2r)Q
(A) 4  R 2  r 2  (B) 4 2  R 2  r 2 
0 0

1 (R  r) 1 (2R  r)
(C) 4 2  R 2  r 2  Q (D) 4  R 2  r 2  Q
0 0

21. Concentric metallic hollow spheres of radii R and 4R hold charges Q1 and Q2 respectively, Given that
surface charge densities of the concentric spheres are equal, the potential difference V  R   V  4R  is
[JEE-Mains 2020]
3Q 2 3Q1 Q2 3Q t
(A) 4xs R (B) 16  (C) 4 R (D) 4 R
0 0 0 o

22. Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle triangle OAB (see figure). The resultant electric
field at point O is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then Q1/Q2 is proportional to
[JEE-Mains 2020]

x13 x 22 x1 x2
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) (D)
x2 x1 x2 x1

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Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
23. Two infinite planes each with uniform surface charge density + are kept in such a way that the angle
between them is 30°. The electric field in the region shown between them is given by:
[JEE-Mains 2020]

  3 1    3 1 
(A) 2  1   yˆ  xˆ  (B) 2  1   yˆ  xˆ 
0  2  2  0  2  2 

  3 1    3 1 
(C) 2  1   yˆ  xˆ  (D) 2  1   yˆ  xˆ 
0  2  2  0  2  2 

24. Three charged particles A,B and C with charges –4q,2q and -2q are present on the circumference of a
circle of radius d. The charged particles A,C and centre O of the circle formed an equilateral triangle as
shown in fig. Electric field at O along x-direction is : [JEE-Mains 2020]

q q 3 q 3 q 3
(A) 4 d 2 (B) (C) (D)
0 40 d 2  0 d 2 20 d 2

Q.25 A particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a uniform electric field. If there is no other force
on the particle, the dependence of its speed v on the distance x travelled by it is correctly given by
(graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) [JEE-Mains 2020]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 26
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
26. A solid sphere having radius R and Uniform charge density  has a cavity of radius R/2 as shown in
figure. Find the ratio of magnitude of electric field at point A and B i.e.
EB .
[JEE-Mains 2020]

18 11 9 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
19 17 17 19

27. A cube of side ‘a’ has point charges +Q located at each of its vertices except at the origin where the
charge is –Q. The electric field at the centre of cube is: [JEE-Mains 2021]

2Q Q   
(A) 3 3 a 2 (xˆ  yˆ  z)
ˆ (B) 3 3 a 2 (x  y  z)
0 0
2Q Q
(C) 3 3 a 2 (x  y  z)
   
(D) 3 3 a 2 (x  y  z)
0 0

28. Two electrons each are fixed at a distance '2d'. A third charge proton placed at the midpoint is displaced
slightly by a distance x (x < < d) perpendicular to the line joining the two fixed charges. Proton will
execute simple harmonic motion having angular frequency:
(m = mass of charged particle [JEE-Mains 2021]
1 1 1 1
 q2 2   md 3  2  20 md 3  2  2q 2  2
(A)  3  (B)  0 2  (C)   (D)  3 
 20 md   2q   q2    0 md 

29. A point charge of +12µC is at a distance 6 cm vertically above the centre of a square of side 12 cm as
shown in figure. The magnitude of the electric flux through the square will be ____ × 103Nm2/C.
[JEE-Mains 2021]

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 27
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced
30. A certain charge is divided into two parts and (Q-q). How should the charges and be divided so that
and (Q-q) placed at a certain distance apart experience maximum electrostatic repulsion ?
[JEE-Mains 2021]
(A) Q  (B) Q = 2q (C) Q = 4q (D) Q = 3q

31. An electric dipole is placed on -axis in proximity to a line charge of linear charge density 3.0  10 –6 C / m .
Line charge is placed on -axis and positive and negative charge of dipole is at a distance of and from the
origin respectively. If total force of 4 N is exerted on the dipole, find out the amount of positive or
negative charge of the dipole. [JEE-Mains 2021]
(A) 815.1µC (B) 8.8µC (C) 0.485mC (D) 4.44µC

32. The total charge enclosed in an incremental volume of 2  10 –9 m 3 located at the origin is ____, if
electric flux density of its field is found as D  e  x sin y ˆi  e x cos y ˆj  2zkC
ˆ / m2
[JEE-Mains 2021]

33. Two ideal electric dipoles A and B, having their dipole moment p1 and p2 respectively are placed on a
plane with their centres at O as shown in the figure. At point C on the axis of dipole A , the resultant
electric field is making an angle of 37° with the axis. The ratio of the dipole moment of A and B, p is

 3
:  take sin 37   [JEE-Mains 2021]
 5

3 3 2 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 2 3 3

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 28
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Physics | JEE Main & Advanced



1. (BD) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (AC) 7. (C)

8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (D)
15. (C) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (D) 21. (D)
22. (AC) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (A) 26. (C) 27. (C) 28. (BC)
29. (C) 30. (B) 31. (AD) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (C) 35. (A)
36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (C) 40. (ACD) 41. (C)

1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (A 5. (A) 6. (A) 7. (D)
8. (D) 9. (C) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (D)
15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (B)
22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (A) 26. (C) 27. (3) 28. (1)
29. (226) 30. (B) 31. (D) 32. (4) 33. (C)

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 29
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343

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