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Unemployment in India

Unemployment suggests under-utilization or non-utilization of offered man-power. Unemployment

refers to the state of being unemployed or not having a job i.e. joblessness. A person is stated to be
out of work if she or he is searching for work or wants to operate at the prevailing wage but is not able
to find the task. India, with a huge population of over 2 billion individuals, is dealing with the biggest
problem of the century in the form of joblessness of deserving and productive citizens. Our country is
set to be progressing by leaps and bounds in the matter of economy however this progress is low
sided that the net results is the sharp boost in the variety of jobless. Population of our nation India is
increasing day by day. It is the 2nd highest populous nation on the planet. Today, we have more than
1.15 billion people in our nation and so is the increasing unemployment rate. Today, we have actually
both informed and ignorant jobless individuals. We have knowledgeable and inexperienced
unemployed youths both in the city and the backwoods. Even degree holders are unemployed. In
India the problem of joblessness is extremely severe. In the cities there are countless informed
individuals who either have no task or are required to use up some work which is not commensurate
with their capabilities. In the backwoods a great deal of people remain jobless for numerous months in
a year. Unemployment is not just a cause of hardship but likewise prevents chance to earn a
livelihood. In India the linkage in between hardship and unemployment is complex. Unemployment
rate is much lower that what would be expected given the extent of hardship. In 1993-94, 36 percent
of the population was bad but joblessness was just 5.9 percent, the big gap in between the incidence
of hardship and of unemployment is due to a phenomenon known as disguised work, individuals in
very low efficiency and low income activities. Unemployment rate has actually revealed a constant
pattern. It has been increasing for many years, provided the increase in population and the addition to
labour force this has actually meant that the absolute number of out of work has actually increased
significantly because the 1990s. Unemployment means lack of work for those persons who are willing
to work. There are two categories of unemployed persons-uneducated persons and educated
persons. Unemployment among the educated people is increasing. Besides, unemployment, there is
under employment also. Under employment means insufficient employment. For example, a farmer is
under employed because he does not have work for the whole year. Unemployment is one of the
major problems of the Indian economy. We know India is an underdeveloped economy and therefore
the nature of unemployment here differs from the one that prevails in a developed economy.
Unemployment has two aspects — rural unemployment and urban unemployment. The bulk of the
increase in the rate of unemployment comes from the rural sector. Rural unemployment is either
seasonal or disguised. Seasonal unemployment in rural area results due to crop rotation and
disguised unemployment is the underemployment due to the lack of proper opportunities at the rural
level. Urban unemployment is either industrial or educated unemployment. The educated unemployed
are the individuals who are either unemployed due to their high qualifications or are underemployed
as a result of the wrong job profiles they are in. In either case, frustration forces them to shift to a new
job, which could make them either underemployed or unemployed. In 1990s one of the factors that
cause an increase in unemployment was a decline in agricultural growth. The impact of an overall
slowdown of the agricultural sector would be more severe on the poor because of their dependence
on it. The casual agricultural workers who constitute 35- 40 percent of the rural workers also form the
bulk of those below the poverty line. They are more vulnerable to underemployment also depending
on the changing demand in agricultural sector. Farmer suicides is indicative of the structural nature of
the problem. It has to do with persistence of deep socio-economic inequalities relating to caste, class,
ownership of land assets, and access to education, health care, credit and social insurance. The
eleventh five year plan wants to double agricultural production, 4 percent. Women constitute less of
the labour force. They only account for one third of the total labour force; it is due to the unequal
opportunities provided, socio-cultural preferences relating to maternal, household responsibilities and
the lack of educational attainment. (gender inequality). The same argument also explains the labour
participation of the SC and ST communities in the rural workforce. They constitute the majority of
households involved in casual wage labour in agriculture. The great disparity in the nutritional,
educational and social status of the SC and ST communities is a cause for their poverty. It curtails
real opportunity, something that economic growth fails to take care of. In India there is chronic under-
employment or disguised unemployment in the rural sector and unemployment among the educated
classes in the urban areas. The main cause of unemployment among the educated lot is the slow rate
growth of the economy in relation to increase in the number of educated persons. Several factors are
responsible for the problem of unemployment. Our defective system of education which lays too much
emphasis on literary training is perhaps the main cause of unemployment. Our government's faculty
planning is also responsible of this problem to a great extent. It fails to create suitable job
opportunities for all. Population explosion is a big reason to bring this problem into existence.
Population of our country is increasing at fast rate but job opportunities are not increasing
accordingly. Increasing Population i.e. High population growth, Recessions, Inflation, Corruption,
Disability to do the job, Nepotism, Demand of highly skilled labour, Attitude towards employers,
Undulations in the business cycles or agricultural sector comprising of the factors such as low
production, natural calamities such as drought, famine or any natural disaster, Unsatisfied incomes or
salaries of the employees, Willingness to work: Young people are not ready to take jobs which are
considered to be socially degrading or lowly and Deterioration in Industry and business.
Unemployment results in low productivity and nil or very low incomes. This also leads to the further
degradation of household standards and poverty is perpetuated. There is a net loss of national
income and the economy suffers on account of low productivity. Add to this, the violent measures
taken up by the youth, agitations and individual frustration, which reaches a new pinnacle every day.
Low economic growth is the one of the outcomes. Unemployment can lead to emotional and mental
stress, A person can also get demoralized, he can do wrong things like he can indulge in the habits
like alcohol and drug abuse or even may commit suicide and Higher income inequalities and
disparities leading to nothing but poverty. Our government has taken several important measures to
solve this growing problem. With a view to increase employment government has made sincere
efforts to adopt and encourage labour intensive investment and production programmes. In this
connection attention was paid on agriculture, agro-based industries, and cottage industries. Since
1976 a weekly Journal-"Employment News" is being published both in English and Hindi. Education is
also being planned in such a way that educated youths should be free from employment problem.
Vocational education with the needs and requirements of the country is being arranged. A new
education policy, 1986 has been launched. With the primary objective of generating additional
employment, especially in backward regions and weaker sections, a number of employment
programmes have been started by the Govt, of India. Public employment generation schemes have
existed for a long tie. Food for work programmes were created to provide income and food security in
1970. These are IROP, The Desert Development Programme, the National Rural Employment
Programme, The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme; the National Scheme of
Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment increase in employment has been one of the major
objectives in all Five-year Plans of India. In many of these programmes food grains have been used
as a component of wage. Technical and Vocational education is being given in schools. Family
planning is encouraged among the young men and women to control population. Different technical
and professional colleges are being established in every state. This is a good sign that government is
trying its best to uproot this problem. The State must contribute by launching more infrastructure
based projects and core sector units. The wasted crop lands should be cultivated and should be
issued only to the landless unemployed people. Private sector should launch more process industries,
which employ large number of skilled and semi- ‘killed people in the rural areas. The main remedy lies
in the Rapid Industrialization. The need of faster economic growth to generate more jobs, The need of
improvements in the education and training provided to the youths with a greater focus on vocational
skills and self-employment, The Government support to struggling industries is necessary to try to
save jobs and Promoting education especially female education and motivating people to have small
families. In response to public campaign right to work in November 2004, government launched a
food for work programme in 150 backward districts for 100 days to BPL families. A bill was then
drafter, national rural employment guarantee bill; this obligates the government to provide atleast 100
days of wage to every household whose adult worker volunteers to do unskilled manual labour. It was
launched in 200 districts in 2006. (1) The State is encouraging labor-intensive industry so that more
individuals could be employed. (2) The emphasis is being laid on agriculture, agro-based industries
and cottage industries. The small scale industries also fall under this category. (3) A number of
employment programmes have been initiated IRDP’ JRY’ HRY’ SEPVP are some of the main
programmes by the government. (4) Vocational education is being stressed upon to eliminate the
unemployment menace. Vocational education can make them adept at one particular skill so that they
could start contributing from day one. (5) Many of the unemployed individuals are from backward
classes. State employs them through special recruitment drives/the newspapers and magazines
advertise these vacancies regularly. “Employment News”reflects this effort of the government. (6)
State Governments have set up Employment Generation Councils, which look after the employment
needs of their respective districts. (7) The Ninth Five Year Plan lays adequate stress on the measures
for reducing the already high unemployment levels in the country. We must conclude by stating that at
unemployment issue must be tackled with utmost care and seriousness as it has already assumed
alarming proportion in the social and economic scenarios of our nation.

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