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B U L L’ S - E Y E S


A familiar class of cell-surface
receptors turns out to offer an array
of fresh targets that could yield new
treatments for disorders ranging
from HIV infection to obesity


By Terry Kenakin

An amazing fraction— roughly half— of all the medicines prescribed today

have a striking commonality. At the molecular level, any other class of cell-surface receptor. For instance,
they act on the same type of target: a serpentine the natural molecules to which GPCRs respond range
protein that weaves seven times through the mem- in size from neurotransmitters that are only a few
brane that envelops the cell. External parts of each times as massive as a single carbon atom all the way
serpent serve as an antenna for molecular signals up to proteins 75 times larger than that. Moreover,
approaching the cell, and internal parts trigger the GPCRs participate in just about every bodily function
cell’s responses to such cues, beginning with the that sustains life, from heartbeat and digestion to

activation of a signal processor called a G-protein. breathing and brain activity. The drugs that target
The serpents themselves are thus known as G-protein these receptors are equally diverse. The list includes
coupled receptors, or GPCRs. blood pressure reducers (such as propranolol), stom-
As a group, GPCRs show far more versatility than ach acid suppressors (such as ranitidine), bronchodi-

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 51
snakes through the cell membrane seven
times, typically issues no messages into a cell
Inactive GPCR (top) until a signaling molecule, such as a
hormone or a neurotransmitter, binds to a
region called the active site. This binding
(bottom) causes the receptor to activate a
molecule called a G-protein, which triggers a
Signaling series of intracellular interactions culminating
molecule in a change in the cell’s behavior. New insights
into the functioning of GPCRs suggest novel
avenues for treating disease.

Active site
words, despite the wealth of medicines
Cell interior already known to act on these fascinat-
Cell membrane ing receptors, many more may lie ahead.
The search for such pharmaceuticals is
still in early stages, but a few agents, in-
Active GPCR cluding some for HIV infection (the
cause of AIDS), are now advancing
through human trials.

G-protein Shape Matters
u n t il a bou t 10 y e a rs ago, phar-
maceutical researchers thought that to
influence the activity of GPCRs they
would have to aim drugs at a receptor’s
active site. During the body’s normal
operation, a neurotransmitter or other
information-bearing molecule (or “li-
Internal signaling cascade
leads cell to change behavior gand”) at the cell’s outer surface essen-
tially plays the “key” to the active site’s
“lock.” So a substance that plugged the
lock could prevent unwanted signaling
lators (such as albuterol) and antide- neurotransmitter, hormone or other through the receptor by any key and
pressants (such as paroxetine). The dis- molecule that normally signals through serve as an inhibitor. Conversely, some-
orders these medicines treat include the GPCR, or they interfere with a natu- thing that mimicked the natural ligand
hypertension, congestive heart failure, ral signaler’s ability to act on the anten- could essentially open the lock and
ulcer, asthma, anxiety, allergy, cancer, na. Over the past 15 years, a technolog- therefore take the place of the natural
migraine and Parkinson’s disease. ical revolution has furnished investiga- key if it were missing.
Incredibly, today’s GPCR-targeting tors with new eyes with which to see Scientists thought as well that the
drugs all work in one of two ways — they GPCRs at work. Consequently, other best way to evoke a selected physiologi-
either attach to the “antenna” region of ways of manipulating GPCR activity cal response was to choose a compound
the receptor (also known as the active have emerged and are beginning to be that interacted with a specific form of a
site) and mimic the effect of the natural mined for drug discovery. In other receptor but ignored other variants. The
neurotransmitter norepinephrine, for
Overview/New Drug Targets instance, activates two types of GPCR,
called alpha and beta adrenoceptors, of
■ Proteins called G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), which sit on the cell which the first has four subtypes and the
surface, convey signals from hormones and the like into cells by activating second has three. These various recep-
G-proteins — signal processors residing just under the cell membrane. tors, in turn, govern different life-sus-
■ About half of all pharmaceuticals on the market act on GPCRs, binding to the taining processes. In the heart, beta1
sites normally targeted by the body’s own extracellular signalers. adrenoceptors quicken the heart rate

■ In the past 10 years, researchers have learned that GPCR activity can also be and increase the force of each beat; in
modulated by compounds that bind to other sites on GPCRs. This discovery the lungs, beta 2 adrenoceptors widen
opens new possibilities for treating cancer and other major disorders. the air passageways. Hence, to open
constricted airways without unwanted


effects on the heart, pharmaceutical deed, CCR5 now appears to be a central the receptor are bound. But the number
makers might seek an agent that mim- player in HIV infection; people whose of receptors can do more than control
icked norephinephrine’s ability to stim- genetic makeup causes them to lack a “volume.” It can actually influence
ulate beta 2 adrenoceptors but without functional form tend to be extraordi- which of several G-protein species be-
binding to beta1 adrenoceptors. narily resistant to HIV. come stimulated and can thereby lead to
Many medicines do, in fact, func- Several allosteric modulators that activation of distinct pathways (cas-
tion as inhibitors or agonists (mimics) hold CCR5 in a shape inimical to bind- cades of molecular interactions) inside
by interacting with the active site of a ing by HIV’s gp120 have already reached a cell.
specific GPCR. But an emerging drug human trials. Blocking the gp120-CCR5 G-proteins come in four major forms,
development strategy has to do with the interaction by delivering these tiny with subtypes in each class. Each has a
“allosteric” nature of GPCRs: the shape drugs is an achievement comparable to, different proclivity for working with any
of one part of the receptor can affect the in a geophysical analogy, an island the given GPCR, and for its part a GPCR
conformation, and thus the activity, of size of Fiji preventing two Australias may not be equally active toward all G-
a distant part. from coming together. In more allegori- proteins. A scant supply of a given recep-
GPCRs constantly adopt somewhat cal terms, if such drugs work they will tor might therefore result in activation
different shapes, essentially sampling a be the David that smites Goliath. of only the most sensitive G-protein,
library of conformations. When a natu- whereas a greater abundance might lead
ral signaling molecule binds to the ac- Beyond Volume Control to responses by multiple G-proteins,
tive site, it stabilizes the arrangement t h e e f f e c t s produced by GPCRs eliciting a different cellular behavior.
that activates G-proteins. But it turns depend not only on the extracellular Accordingly, a GPCR can no longer
out that certain molecules, known as al- molecules that bind to them but also on be seen as simply a toggle switch turned
losteric modulators, can bind elsewhere how many copies of the receptors are on by a hormone or neurotransmitter
to influence form and activity. Some sta- accessible on the cell surface. As might and turned off when the natural signal
bilize GPCR conformations that pro- be expected, when extracellular signal- diffuses away from its binding site. It is
mote signaling, whereas others main- ers bind to many copies of a receptor, a much more sophisticated information-
tain shapes that impede it (say, by bury- the cell receives a “louder” message and processing unit.
ing the active site so that it becomes undergoes a more pronounced behav- Theoretically, the variety of response
inaccessible to its natural ligand). ioral change than when few copies of patterns a given GPCR can generate will
The implications are profound. The
entire receptor can theoretically offer
binding sites, at any one of which a
diminutive molecule might stabilize a The products listed below are just a sampling of marketed compounds
shape that yields some biological effect. targeting GPCRs; they act on various receptors.
This property greatly enlarges the vista
for therapeutic modification of GPCR BRAND NAME (GENERIC NAME) AND MAKER EFFECT
Allegra (fexofenadine) Aventis Blocks histamine action, to control allergic
AIDS researchers are among those responses
actively pursuing the potential of allo-
Duragesic (fentanyl) Janssen Relieves pain
steric modulators, trying to fi nd ones
able to block HIV from infecting cells. Flomax (tamsulosin) Boehringer Ingelheim Eases symptoms of enlarged prostate
Biologists have long known that the vi- Imitrex (sumatriptan) GlaxoSmithKline Eases migraines
rus attacks cells called helper T lympho-
Lopressor (metoprolol) Novartis Lowers blood pressure
cytes by adhering to a cell-surface pro-
tein named CD4. But in the mid-1990s Oxycontin (oxycodone) Purdue Relieves pain
they learned that this protein does not Pepcid (famotidine) Merck Counteracts stomach acid
act alone.
Phenergan (promethazine) Wyeth Blocks histamine
To enter cells, the virus also has to
bind to an additional anchor: a GPCR Serevent (salmeterol) GlaxoSmithKline Opens airways
known as CCR5 (or, in late-stage infec- Singulair (montelukast) Merck Controls airway inflammation
tion, a GPCR called CXCR4). Normal-
Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) Pfizer Eases nasal congestion
ly CCR5 responds to any of three che-
mokines, natural signals that can attract Zantac (ranitidine) GlaxoSmithKline Counteracts stomach acid
immune system cells to a site of infec- Zyrtec (cetirizine) Pfizer Blocks histamine
tion. Unfortunately, it also offers a hook
Zyprexa (olanzapine) Eli Lilly Eases symptoms of various psychoses
for the virus’s coat protein (gp120). In-

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 53
Most drugs on the market target the active site of some cell-surface receptor,
and many aim for the active site of a specific GPCR (below). Yet molecules ALLOSTERIC MODULATORS
acting at regions outside the active site can also influence GPCR activity
(right). Recent studies encourage hope that small molecules targeted to those
additional sites could be administered to activate or quiet GPCRs involved
in various diseases.

Signaling modulator
Activated GPCR unable
to bind to
Classic receptor

Inactive GPCR
Classic receptor-
activating drug Inaccessible active site
(agonist) Inactive GPCR

These agents stabilize the conformation of a GPCR in a

Pharmaceuticals that act on GPCRs today usually fi t into the active site and way that enhances (not shown) or decreases (above)
either mimic the action of a natural signaling molecule (left) or prevent the native the receptor’s activity, such as by causing the active
signaler from docking with the receptor and thus from acting on a cell (right). site to become inaccessible to a signaling molecule.

depend on both the range of ligands it GPCR activity per se, should be valu- also serve as therapies to which the vi-
can detect and the mix of G-protein spe- able as well. rus could not adapt. After all, no change
cies it can activate. If, for example, a re- This last strategy could be pursued that HIV could undergo would enable
ceptor can detect any of three different for combating HIV. One problem that it to latch onto CCR5 if that receptor
signals and can activate any one, two, might arise from relying on allosteric were removed from the cell surface.
three or all four of the major G-proteins modulators to prevent the viral coat
(as is known to be the case for the GPCR protein from fi nding its docking site on Stopping Renegade
responsive to thyrotropin, the pituitary CCR5 is that the virus mutates rapidly. Signaling
hormone that stimulates the thyroid This mutability could lead to the cre- be yon d be i ng controllable by allo-
gland), the receptor gains the theoreti- ation of a coat protein that would bind steric modulators, GPCRs may exhibit
cal capacity for dozens of forms of be- quite well to an allosterically altered another biologically important behav-
havior, each seen at one time or another. CCR5. A plausible way to avert this ior, known as constitutive activity—
If it were only a toggle switch, it could threat would be to banish the receptor that is, sometimes they activate G-pro-
have only two. from the cell surface, thereby denying teins even without being “told” to do so
Research also suggests that drugs the virus its point of attack. by a bound ligand. As is true in other
can take advantage of this complexity in Like all other GPCRs, CCR5 is syn- forms of GPCR functioning, this one
receptor function. Distinct substances thesized endlessly by the cell, stationed arises from a particular shape in the
might cause a receptor to hold different at the surface and then drawn back in- receptor’s repertoire. The conforma-
biologically active shapes, each of which side for degradation or recycling. And tion, however, is one that the receptor
might interact with a distinct G-protein certain chemokines are known to pro- rarely takes. Under normal circum-
or G-protein combination, triggering mote CCR5 internalization. This ob- stances, the number of molecules that

the activity of divergent intracellular servation raises the possibility of fi nd- adopt it will therefore be quite small,
paths. Agents that can cause cells to in- ing pharmacological agents that would and so they will have little effect on the
crease or decrease the quantity of recep- not only accelerate the removal of cell’s overall behavior and will be hard
tors at the surface, rather than altering CCR5 from the cell surface but would to detect. But if the constitutively active



molecule Constitutively
denied active GPCR
access to Uncontrolled
Internalization inducer target signaling

Cell absorbs
receptor No signaler at active site

Inverse agonist

Quieted G-protein

Inverse agonists take aim at “constitutively” active GPCRs. Such receptors

improperly behave as if they are bound by a stimulant even when they are
Internalized GPCR
not (top). Attachment of the inverse agonist quiets the signaling (bottom).
Cancer cells often have high numbers of constitutively active receptors
Internalization inducers cause receptors to leave the cell that theoretically could fuel uncontrolled cell division; inverse agonists,
surface. They thereby block signal delivery into the cell. therefore, could potentially become a new form of cancer treatment.

receptors become sufficiently abundant, tors, notably one called ras. In those discovered hormone produced chiefly
their combined signaling can exert a cases, though, mutations in the recep- by the stomach, and the H3 subtype of
powerful influence. tor, rather than an aberrant plentitude histamine receptor; both receptors ap-
The consequences become especially of receptors, account for the behavior. pear to participate in the brain’s regula-
dramatic in illnesses such as viral infec- Standard pharmaceuticals cannot tion of appetite.
tion or cancer, which may advance by quell the cellular misbehavior triggered
inducing one or another receptor to be- by constitutively active receptors. A Exploiting Phantom Genes
have in ways that promote the disease. conventional receptor stimulant, or ag- a t l e a s t o n e o t h e r f o r m of
In a form of pancreatic cancer, for ex- onist, would only cause more receptors GPCR behavior remains to be mined for
ample, the receptor for a hormone called to hold an active shape, to the patient’s drug discovery. Cells sometimes mix and
vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) detriment. A conventional receptor match proteins, forming complexes that
might be such a bad actor. blocker, or antagonist, might prevent function as receptors having sensitivities
In a normal pancreatic cell that natural signals from activating recep- not seen in the individual components. In
displays this GPCR, activation of the tors, but such agents will have no effect the most extreme form of this activity,
receptor by VIP supports cell division. on receptors that need no outside the cell gains a responsiveness to a signal
But in people afflicted by this malig- prompting in order to act. Thus, a new

nancy, the receptor becomes overabun- kind of drug is required, one that forces TERRY KENAKIN has been applying con-
dant and the versions that act indepen- constitutively active GPCRs to maintain cepts of receptor pharmacology to drug
dently, without need for VIP stimulation, an inactive shape. discovery programs for almost three
become correspondingly numerous — Such agents, called inverse agonists, decades, most recently as a principal
together they acquire the capacity for might one day constitute an important research investigator at the pharma-
driving unconstrained proliferation of new form of cancer therapy. They are ceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline. He has
tumor cells. Oncologists have long been also being eyed for treating obesity. In written six books on pharmacology and
familiar with destructive constitutive this realm, the envisioned targets in- is co-editor in chief of the Journal of Re-
activity in certain non-GPCR recep- clude the receptor for ghrelin, a recently ceptors and Signal Transduction.

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 55
it would otherwise ignore. Individual In some cases, the novel receptor is of this type. Released by the same pan-
proteins have their blueprints in specific a complex consisting of two or more creatic cells that secrete insulin, amylin
genes, but these combination receptors GPCRs. In other cases, it consists of a modulates the effects of insulin on other
have no corresponding single blueprint GPCR and a co-protein— one that is not cells, but efforts to identify a single pro-
(from which their behaviors might be itself a receptor but gives the receptor an tein that serves as its receptor have
predicted), so they might be thought of altered set of properties. The receptor failed. What is more, analyses of the re-
as products of “phantom” genes. for a hormone called amylin seems to be cently completed human genome se-


At least two new kinds of drugs aimed at CCR5, a G-protein Allosteric modulators that change the shape of CCR5, making
coupled receptor, could one day fight HIV. This virus infects it unrecognizable to gp120 (top left panel), are already in
helper T cells of the immune system (top). To enter the cells, clinical trials. Unfortunately, though, viral mutations could
HIV first adheres to a molecule called CD4 (1), an attachment eventually alter gp120 so that it became able to attach to the
that facilitates the binding of a viral protein (gp120) to allosterically altered CCR5 and enter T cells (top right panel).
CCR5 (2). This connection induces the cells to take up the But an internalization inducer could potentially remove CCR5
attached virus (3), enabling the pathogen to release its genes from the cell surface (bottom panel), making it unavailable
and convert the infected cell into a virus-making machine. even to the mutated virus.


Surface of 3
helper T cell HIV gp120

HIV genes enter cell


Mutated HIV can

HIV cannot bind attach to reshaped
to CCR5 and receptor
cannot enter cell
Mutated virus enters cell

Allosteric modulator

Reshaped CCR5 Reshaped CCR5


Internalization inducer
No CCR5,
so no HIV entry
and no infection

Internalized CCR5


For the most part, investigators are only beginning to devise drugs that influence GPCRs in new ways. But many such agents can
be expected to enter pharmaceutical pipelines in the years ahead.

Allosteric Aplaviroc (GlaxoSmithKline); CCR5 (binding by HIV helps the virus All are in phase II or III human
modulator Vicriviroc (Schering-Plough); enter cells) trials (early or advanced tests
UK-427, 857 (Pfizer) of efficacy)

HIV infection Allosteric AMD3100 (AnorMED) CXCR4 (this receptor, too, can help In phase III human trials
modulator HIV enter cells)

Internalization PSC-RANTES CCR5 Theoretical

inducer (several institutions)

Binder of a Symlin (Amylin) Complex consisting of a protein Gained U.S. approval in

Diabetes receptor formed by called RAMP and the GPCR for March 2005
two molecules calcitonin (a thyroid hormone)

Inverse agonist None yet Constitutively active ghrelin receptor Theoretical

in central nervous system
Inverse agonist None yet Constitutively active histamine H3 Theoretical
receptor in central nervous system

Cancer Inverse agonist None yet Various constitutively active GPCRs Theoretical

quence indicate that no gene for such a valuable as drug targets. One intriguing phrenia to gastrointestinal function.
receptor exists. On the other hand, a target is modulin, a co-protein that binds Researchers estimate that of the es-
complex consisting of the GPCR for the to receptors for serotonin. In the brain, timated 650 human GPCR genes, about
thyroid hormone calcitonin plus a non- serotonin is most famous as a mood- 330 might be blueprints for receptors
receptor protein called RAMP (receptor enhancing neurotransmitter. (Prozac well worth targeting by drugs. In the
activity–modifying protein) responds and related antidepressants work by in- past, pharmaceutical scientists would
strongly and selectively to amylin. Ap- creasing the brain’s serotonin levels.) have focused strictly on developing old-
parently RAMP makes the calcitonin Outside the brain, it acts on the intes- fashioned inhibitors or agonists aimed
receptor “multilingual”— that is, the re- tines and blood vessels. Perhaps unsur- at the receptors’ active site. But if many
ceptor is reactive to calcitonin if cells prisingly, serotonin receptors have nu- GPCRs offer multiple sites of attack, the
lack RAMP, but it is sensitive to amylin merous subtypes, and modulin further opportunities for devising new therapies
if cells contain RAMP. tunes the effects of serotonin on partic- explode. Because it can take 15 or even
A different co-protein, called RCP ular cells by altering a subtype’s sensi- 20 years to discover a drug, explore its
(receptor component protein), induces tivity to it. A drug that mimicked or in- actions, evaluate its safety, and get it to
the calcitonin receptor to obey signals hibited modulin, then, could in theory market, detailed forecasts would be pre-
from yet another substance — CGRP increase or decrease the responsiveness mature. Nevertheless, the new insights
(calcitonin-gene-related peptide), a of specific serotonin receptors on spe- into how GPCRs are controlled suggest
small protein that is the most potent cific cell types and might thereby be that these old standbys still have excit-
known dilator of blood vessels. This beneficial in realms ranging from schizo- ing tales to tell.
conversion becomes valuable during
pregnancy, when blood levels of the di- MORE TO EXPLORE
lating peptide soar and RCP levels rise Novel GPCRs and Their Endogenous Ligands: Expanding the Boundaries of Physiology and
in the uterine wall. As RCP concentra- Pharmacology. A. Marchese, S. R. George, L. F. Kolakowski, K. R. Lynch and B. F. O’Dowd in
tions increase, so do the numbers of cal- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 9, pages 370–375; September 1, 1999.
citonin receptors that become sensitive Drug Discovery: A Historical Perspective. J. Drews in Science, Vol. 287, pages 1960–1964;
March 17, 2000.
to the dilator, a change that enhances
G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Interacting Proteins: Emerging Roles in Localization and Signal
the blood supply to tissues important Transduction. A. E. Brady and L. E. Limbird in Cellular Signalling, Vol. 14, No. 4, pages 297–309;
for childbirth. April 2002.
Because co-proteins affect GPCR A Pharmacology Primer: Theory, Application, and Methods. Terry Kenakin. Academic Press
activity, they might themselves prove (Elsevier), 2003.

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