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[ viewpoint ]


Posterior Shoulder Tightness:

To Treat or Not to Treat?
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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2018;48(3):133-136. doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.0605

houlder pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint that symptoms following interventions target-
is difficult to treat because of the biomechanical complexity ing the impairment.33,37
of the shoulder region, the interplay between mobility and
stability, and the vital role played by the shoulder in moving, The “treat or not treat” question begins
Copyright © 2018 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

positioning, and providing stability for hand function. Despite with a clinical examination to determine
advances in biomechanics and pain science, there is still much to learn whether PST is present. The assessment
about how impairments influence shoul- tendon extensibility. The significance of PST requires measurements of shoul-
der function and health. One impair- of each alteration for shoulder function der range of motion bilaterally to consid-
ment, posterior shoulder tightness (PST), and the interaction among them re- er differences related to arm dominance.
is often noted in individuals with shoul- main unclear. It is also unknown if, or Measurements for PST include:
der pain and consequently has generated to what extent, these impairments can 1. GHJ internal rotation range of mo-
much discussion and debate in recent be resolved through interventions. This tion measured at 90° of shoulder
years. The clinical interest in PST evolved raises a clinically relevant and straight- abduction13
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

from observations of symptomatic throw- forward question: when PST is present, 2. Shoulder HAD or cross-body
ing athletes with seemingly related defi- should we treat or not treat? In this adduction17
cits in shoulder internal rotation and Viewpoint, we will debate this ques- 3. Low flexion2 range of motion
horizontal adduction (HAD) flexibility tion and propose that physical therapy 4. Extension plus internal rotation7
of their throwing arm. interventions have the potential to im- range of motion
Asymptomatic throwing athletes with prove only 1 of the 3 tissue alterations These measures all assess GHJ motion
greater PST are also prone to increased contributing to PST. and give insight into shoulder posterior
injury rates,29,36 prompting discussion capsule and/or muscle/tendon extensi-
regarding preventive strategies. Impor- Clinical Background bility. An additional measurement, the
tantly, PST is also often present in indi- The relatively high incidence of PST in bicipital forearm angle (BFA), is used to
viduals with impingement symptoms or both athletic3 and nonathletic popula- quantify humeral retroversion.6,20
nonspecific shoulder pain and no history tions14 suggests its relevance to musculo- The measurement of GHJ internal ro-
of throwing-sport exposure.14 skeletal shoulder pain. Posterior shoulder tation is highly reliable13,17 and has been
Range-of-motion shifts and deficits tightness is considered a contributor to used as the reference standard to evalu-
are the clinical indicators of PST, with 3 posterior impingement,33 rotator cuff ate the validity of HAD measurements.34
tissue alterations potentially contribut- tendinopathy,3,10 and subacromial im- Horizontal adduction is quantified in
ing to these modifications: (1) increased pingement syndrome,10,18 collectively sidelying or supine, with measurements in
humeral retrotorsion (retroversion), termed rotator cuff–related shoulder both positions demonstrating excellent re-
(2) reduced posterior glenohumeral pain.18 The clinical significance of PST liability and strong correlations with mea-
joint (GHJ) capsule extensibility, and is also supported by the observed combi- surements of GHJ internal rotation.17,22,34
(3) reduced posterior shoulder muscle/ nation of improved motion and reduced While GHJ internal rotation and HAD
Western Sussex Hospitals National Health Service Foundation Trust, Worthing, United Kingdom. 2Department of Physical Therapy, College of Saint Scholastica, Duluth, MN. The
authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the
article. Address correspondence to Dr John D. Borstad, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Saint Scholastica, 940 Woodland Avenue, Duluth, MN 55812. E-mail: Jborstad1@ t Copyright ©2018 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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[ viewpoint ]
are frequently used, the construct validity internal rotation potentially associated is it theoretically possible for the inter-
relating these measurements to posterior with the presence of PST. The BFA may vention to be effective in the intended
shoulder tissue alterations is limited. Low help inform this decision. way? We contend that no intervention,
flexion range of motion, quantifying GHJ Posterior GHJ Capsule: To Treat or Not regardless of how it engages the capsule,
internal rotation with the shoulder at 60° to Treat?  Decreased posterior shoulder can effectively resolve the hyperplastic
of flexion, has strong validity and reliabil- capsule extensibility has long been im- changes. Joint mobilization techniques,
ity for assessing GHJ posterior capsule plicated as the source of PST in throwing used clinically, apply forces that are be-
extensibility.2 Glenohumeral joint exten- athletes,23 with 2 proposed mechanisms: tween 3 and 14 kg,38 while the posterior
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sion plus internal rotation, where internal (1) response to repeated tensile loading GHJ capsule has a modulus of elasticity
rotation of the GHJ is measured with the during throwing, and (2) response to de- of 683 kg/cm2.12 It is therefore unlikely
shoulder in 60° of extension, may quan- generative joint processes. that even our most skillfully applied,
tify infraspinatus passive stiffness, but In theory, mechanoreceptive cells sub- capsule-specific mobilizations will reach
further testing is needed to confirm this jected to repetitive tensile loading during the elastic limit of the tissue. Even sup-
relationship.7 arm deceleration trigger capsule tissue posing that an intervention can influence
Humeral Retrotorsion: To Treat or Not hyperplasia, increasing thickness and only the posterior capsule, any change in
to Treat?  The angle between the lines reducing extensibility. Imaging confirms tightness of the capsule and its poten-
bisecting the humeral head and through increased posterior capsule thickness in tially related GHJ range of motion would
the humeral epicondyles is used to quan- throwers’ dominant shoulders,31,32 but likely be the result of a temporary visco-
tify humeral retrotorsion (retroversion).26 while the mechanism is plausible, sup- elastic effect. This evidence suggests that
Copyright © 2018 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Retroversion angle is near 70° in young port through animal models or longitu- if the therapeutic goal is to permanently
individuals and is reduced to approxi- dinal analyses is lacking. modify posterior capsule extensibility,
mately 30° by skeletal maturity.9 When The construct/meaning of the word then manual therapy and exercises are
increased retroversion is observed in the tightness as it relates to the posterior cap- unlikely to be effective and are therefore
dominant shoulder of throwing athletes, sule warrants consideration. The litera- not indicated. If manual therapy to the
it is thought that the high GHJ external ture uses the term tightness to indicate posterior capsule proves effective at im-
rotation torsional forces, such as those both increased stiffness/loss of extensi- proving/restoring GHJ range of motion,
generated during throwing, inhibit the bility and physical shortening of a tissue. then the mechanisms are likely through
reduction in torsion that normally occurs Both interpretations could reduce GHJ processes other than modified capsule
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

during adolescence. Greater retroversion motions, but we contend that increased extensibility.
in adulthood is not clinically modifiable stiffness is the more appropriate inter- Muscles/Tendons: To Treat or Not to
but will impact GHJ range-of-motion ro- pretation of the alteration seen in the Treat?  The posterior rotator cuff and
tational measurements,1,26 necessitating posterior capsule. Increased stiffness is posterior deltoid are potential sources
bilateral assessment.21 Failing to identify consistent with the idea of hyperplasia of PST through their functions as GHJ
increased retroversion on the throwing in response to mechanical loading and external rotators and restraints to inter-
arm may result in false-positive range- the increased tissue thickness identi- nal rotation. These muscles are particu-
of-motion test results and increase the fied on imaging.32 While a large body of larly vulnerable in overhead throwing
risk of treating a nonexistent soft tissue evidence describes changes in GHJ ki- athletes because of repetitive eccentric
deficit. Retrotorsion may also be pres- nematics following experimental short- loading demands. While interventions
ent in nonthrowers, but the prevalence, ening of the posterior capsule, there is targeting these muscles have restored
contribution to symptoms, and mecha- no direct evidence for shortening of the GHJ motion,19,27 the mechanisms un-
nism are unknown in these individuals. posterior capsule in the presence of hy- derlying these changes remain unclear.
Because increased retrotorsion is a fixed perplastic change. This raises a dilemma Immediate increases in shoulder motion
bony adaptation after skeletal matura- about the validity of using experimen- following intervention make structural
tion, if the physical examination reveals tal capsule “shortening” to evaluate the muscular changes unlikely, suggesting
no deficit in total rotation motion of the effects of capsule “thickening” on joint that neuromuscular mechanisms are
GHJ, but a shift in the rotational range biomechanics. influencing tissue behavior. Magnetic
instead, then no treatment should be ap- The “treat or not treat” question for resonance imaging elastography shows
plied. However, when there is a deficit in the posterior capsule is based on 2 con- that symptomatic muscles demonstrate
total rotational range, the clinician must siderations: is there an intervention that increased stiffness,5 increased resting
determine whether the deficit is due to best “engages” the posterior capsule electromyographic signal intensity,4 and
lack of external rotation range of motion such that a treatment has the potential the presence of hypernociceptive chemi-
in a retroverted shoulder or lack of GHJ to be effective? And, more importantly, cals.28 Such features may develop when

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muscular demands exceed a muscle’s supports this perspective, the evidence when managing PST will help guide the
capacity or when articular dysfunction for posterior capsule thickening in clinician toward the articular, myofascial,
results in afferent reflex activity. Syn- throwers suggests that it also influences or exercise-based intervention most likely
ergistic activity between the shoulder motion.31,32 As is true for many informed to be effective.
capsule and related muscles exists, such dialogs regarding human movement, Future work to advance our under-
that electrical stimulation of the cap- our Viewpoint on this particular “treat standing of PST should focus on clarify-
sule mechanoreceptors causes shoulder or not treat” question may be part of ing the incidence of PST in nonthrowing
muscle reflex activity, most commonly of a normal pendulum swing. For many populations and on determining more
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the infraspinatus muscle.8,11,30 Posterior years, the capsule was considered the precisely the underlying mechanisms/
shoulder tightness in some populations main source of PST; however, recent causes of PST, particularly the poten-
may hypothetically arise from protective literature suggests that muscle tissues are tial myogenic adaptations. There is a
reflex activity of the infraspinatus, teres important structures to consider in the randomized clinical trial currently un-
minor, or posterior deltoid in response to generation of PST. As with many complex der way assessing the impact of treat-
afferent discharge from the GHJ capsule. problems, the definitive answer will likely ing PST as part of a multidimensional
In the absence of an obvious mechanism be multifactorial and variable across treatment program (
of tissue overload, this process may partly individuals. We propose that a muscle- ID: NCT02598947). The results may
explain the mechanism of PST genera- capsule interaction is quite likely and provide further insight on the interac-
tion in nonathletic populations. To treat, hypothesize that the relative influence tion between PST and shoulder pain and
in this scenario, may require a multidi- of muscle and capsule on PST lies on a impairments. t
Copyright © 2018 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

mensional rehabilitation program aimed continuum for most individuals.

at reducing protective muscle activity. While the recommendation to con-
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