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JL Agnes Contribution

Knowledge/Comprehension (2 pts each @ 0.5 min))

1. In the simulation on vectors   θ1 = 290o  and m1 = 50 g. The force F1 is
a. 0.49 N; 70o SE.
b. 0.49 N; 290o SE
c. 50g; 290o SE
d. 50 g; 20o SE

2. In Rotational motion, what is true about the ant and the ladybug at any time?
a. They have different linear velocity.
b. They have different angular velocity.
c. They have different tangential acceleration.
d. They have the same linear velocity.

Problem Solving (3 pts each@ 3 min)

1. A force F1 = 5.00 N; South and a force F2 = 10.00 N; 45o SW   are added. The
resultant vector is about
a. 14 N N; 59.64o SW   
b.  15 N;  61.5o NE
c. 10 N; 63o SW
d. 7 N; 16o SW   

2. In Energy simulation and its Conversion a certain mass is released from a height
of 5 m and is observed to compress the spring, of k = 50 N/m, by 2.8 m. The
mass is equal to
a. 4 kg
b. 5 kg
c. 6 kg
d. 8 kg

3. In Rotational Motion, the ant is at r =20 cm and the linear velocity is 10 cm/s.
What is the linear velocity of the ladybug who r = 50 cm?
a. 25 cm/s
b. 50 cm/s
c. 0.5 cm/s
d. 5 cm/s

4. The period of your simple pendulum on earth is 0.2 s. You found out that the
period of your simple pendulum in a certain planet is 0.1 s. What is the
acceleration due to gravity on this planet?
a. 39.2 m/s2.
b. 2.45 m/s2
c. 9.8 m/s2
d. 19.6 m/s2

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