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Internship Report on

Manglot Wildlife Park,Nizampur Nowshera Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

Submitted by

Naheed Akhtar_2020/WUM/NZM-ADP-ZOO-510 (2020-2022)

Ayesha Bibi_2020/WUM/NZM-ADP-ZOO-501 (2020-2022)
Ambreen Bibi _2020/WUM/NZM-ADP-ZOO-530 (2020-2022)

Women University Mardan

Government girls degree college Khan Kohi Nowshera


Certificate of Approval ........................................................................................................................... 3

Dedications ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................. 5
Abstract: .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction:............................................................................................................................................ 7
What is Wildlife: ................................................................................................................................. 7
Overview of the Manglot National Park: ................................................................................................ 7
Importance of Wildlife:........................................................................................................................... 8
Organizational Structure: ........................................................................................................................ 8
Plan of Internship program: .................................................................................................................... 9
Study area: .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Starting and ending date : ................................................................................................................... 9
Number of employees: ........................................................................................................................ 9
Observations: .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Animals: .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Reptiles: .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Birds: ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Reflective Journal: ................................................................................................................................ 10
Work Sample: ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Analysis about the organization: ........................................................................................................... 14
Strengths of Manglot Wildlife Park: ................................................................................................. 14
Weakness of Manglot Wildlife Park: ................................................................................................ 15
Treats to wildlife in Manglot Park: ................................................................................................... 15
Opportunities: ................................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Recommendations: ................................................................................................................................ 16
References:............................................................................................................................................ 16

Certificate of Approval

This is to certify that the work contained in this report entitled as

Manglot Wildlife Park,Nizampur Nowshera Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

was performed by the following internees under my supervision and that in my opinion, it is
fully adequate, in scope and quality, for the degree of AD Zoology from Women University
Government girls degree college Khan Kohi Nowshera

Name of Internees Approved By:

Naheed Akhtar ______________ Supervisor:_____________________
Ayesha Bibi ______________ Signature: _____________________
Ambreen ______________


Our Parents
We dedicate this research to our loved parents who always teach us to trust in ALLAH, believe
in hard work. Our parents support and prayers laid the foundation for the discipline necessary
to successfully execute this research work.

Our Teachers
Teacher’s sincere guidance and prudent leadership guided our way clearly not only to excel in
achieving this dissertation but also in many other aspects.


In the very commencement, we are very thankful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY who enabled us
with all the will, strength and ability to walk through every situation and maintaining us in
good position by achieving our goals.

It is difficult to overstate our gratitude to our internship supervisor,Ma’am Musabiha. With

her enthusiasm, her inspiration, and her great efforts to explain things clearly and simply.
Throughout our internship, she provided encouragement, sound advice, good teaching, and
lots of good ideas.

Besides our supervisor, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who
helped us throughout in completing our work. This includes our teachers as well as all the
other technical staff of internship area who helped in providing the materials of use to us.


Indian Sub-continent has almost exceeded 2060 different species of birds.In

our country Pakistan, this range is more or less than 600 species of birds which belong to 23 orders and
74 families. In this report, we have presented the study of different animal species which are present in
Manglot wildlife park, located in Nizampur, District Nowshera, Khyber Pukhtunwa,Pakistan.We
visited there in the duration from April 2022 to May 2022.The mammals that were found there include
Chin,Porcupine,Wolf ,Urial and many others.Reptiles were also seen there in which the most abundant
were snakes and lizards. We noted that 136 species of birds that belong to 10 orders and 27 families
living in this area. The order of Passeriformes was found the most abundant with 16 families and 31
species. Falconiformes, Galliformes and Columbiformes were recorded along with other species
belonging to different order. The birds species that were found were categorised as least common
(LC).However, the core finding of the study is the presence of white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis)
in the study area. This is critically endangered and is found at only few places in the country.Also, the
diversity index of avifauna was also high in winter season.The study showed that Manglot wildlife park
contains a diverse and different species of animals specially the population of white-rumped vulture
that needs to be monitored regularly.


What is Wildlife:
Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to
include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.Wildlife
was also synonymous to game: those birds and mammals that were hunted for sport

Overview of the Manglot National Park:

Established on the hilltops and plains of Khwara

Range near the Indus River in Nizampur area of Nowshera district, the Manglot Wildlife Park is
providing a sanctuary to endangered wildlife species and serving as a scenic recreational resort for the
tourists. The park was set up in 1990s to serve as a sanctuary for the wild species besides creating
awareness among people about importance of bio-diversity and to provide recreational facilities to the
visitors. After passage of almost 20 years, the park is presenting a success story of the efforts being
made for preservation of natural environment for protection of endangered wild species. A visit to the
Manglot Wildlife Park disclosed that the sanctuary, spread over an area of 1,756 acres, is covered
with thick forest green and dry land can also be felt through taking a satellite view of the park through
Google maps. The aerial view clearly differentiates fenced area of the Manglot Wildlife Park,
showing it as dark green while the nearby area is of soil color. The park was established with an aim
of making a sanctuary for conservation of wildlife through protection of its habitat, said District
Forest Officer KPK Wildlife Department Asad Lodhi while talking to a group of journalists who
visited the recreational area. He added, it was not only conserving the wildlife in the province but was
also instrumental in re-introduction of endangered species in other areas by shifting the additional
animals to parks and sanctuaries of the KPK.
Lodhi said that in some cases common leopard was also spotted in the park, which reflects its
ecological health. He said the animal visited the areas where it found food and protection. The
Wildlife Department, he said, captured two leopards in the park through special traps and shifted them
to Kund Park for visitors. Top predators are not allowed in the park because it is fenced and thus
provide limited area to animals to escape for safety. Within the park, the Wildlife Department has also
constructed an mud track of 15 kilometres for providing an opportunity to the visitors to have a look
of different scenic views of the park besides viewing in some places cluster of different animals while
drinking water from pots. Elevation of the track ranges from 700 feet to 3,000 feet.The park is also
playing role of the economic lifeline and health of population of the region by providing job
opportunities to the local people besides providing them clean environment. The officer said the locals
benefited from limited vegetation for their livestock, in prevailing circumstances when country is
facing rain shortage besides obtaining fuel wood. A number of bee honey traders also benefit from the
greenery and flowers of the park. The forest in the park is also maintaining water level high in the
region benefiting the dwellers in obtaining water through wells besides cultivation of different crops.

Importance of Wildlife:
The park is also playing role of the economic lifeline and health of
population of the region by providing job opportunities to the local people besides providing them
clean environment. The officer said the locals benefited from limited vegetation for their livestock, in
prevailing circumstances when country is facing rain shortage besides obtaining fuel wood. A number
of bee honey traders also benefit from the greenery and flowers of the park. The forest in the park is
also maintaining water level high in the region benefiting the dwellers in obtaining water through
wells besides cultivation of different crops.

Organizational Structure:

Division office of the Manglot wildlife park is located in

Nowshera.Range office is located in Manglot Nizampur.The overall staff of officers and workers is
28.Forest department is present at manglot national park. SDFO(Sub Divisional Forest Officer) and
Deputy Ranger perform their duty in Manglot park.Deputy Ranger assign the duties of workers and
watcher through out the area.Deputy Ranger is responsible for the whole area ranging upto
Cherat.Manglot park is now converted into Manglot National park which includes Maglot
park,Whole Nizampur area and breeding centre.SDFO name is Amir sb.Deputy Ranger name is Fazal
muhammad.Animal keeper incharge is Zohrab gul.Head watcher is Jamroz.The name of field
incharge is Pervez khan.Their is also check posts whose incharge is Khursheed. Wildlife traditionally
refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild
in an area without being introduced by humans.[1] Wildlife was also synonymous to game: those
birds and mammals that were hunted for sport. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts,
forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all
have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are
untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human
activities.[2] Some wildlife threaten human safety, health, property, and quality of life. However,
many wild animals, even the dangerous ones, have value to human beings. This value might be
economic, educational, or emotional in nature.Humans have historically tended to separate
civilization from wildlife in a number of ways, including the legal, social, and moral senses. Some
animals, however, have adapted to suburban environments. This includes such animals as
domesticated cats, dogs, mice, and rats. Some religions declare certain animals to be sacred, and in
modern times, concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest against the
exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment.

Global wildlife populations have decreased by 68% since 1970 as a result of human activity,
particularly overconsumption, population growth and intensive farming, according to a 2020 World
Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Report and the Zoological Society of London's Living Planet Index
measure, which is further evidence that humans have unleashed a sixth mass extinction event.[3][4]
According to CITES, it has been estimated that annually the international wildlife trade amounts to
billions of dollars and it affects hundreds of millions of animal and plant specimen.[5]

Plan of Internship program:

Study area:
❖ Monglot national Park or monglot wildlife park.
❖ Forest department.
❖ Breeding centre.

Starting and ending date :

Our internship duration was from from 1 April 2022 to 1 May 202.First of
all all these information are given by or who can guide us ,was Zohrab Gul ,the watcher.Their
boundaries walls are made of fence.fence are 20km.One main office and a rest house and 5 veiw
points.Total 136 species are present their ,25 are in breeding center .Breeding center is the part of

Number of employees:
❖ Total 28 employees work there.
❖ 1 deputy ranger
❖ 9 watchers
❖ 16 class-IV (gardeners, cook , watchman etc)


The animals which can be found in Manglot wildlife park are the following:
❖ Hog deer
❖ Common leopard
❖ Wolf
❖ Wild boar
❖ Jackal
❖ Porcupine
❖ Hare
❖ Chinkara deer

❖ Snakes
❖ Wild lizards


❖ Chakur
❖ Three varieties of Partridges
❖ Rock pigeon
❖ Dove
❖ Rabbits
❖ Several sparrows from different species.

Reflective Journal:
First of all all these information are given by or who can guide us
,was Zohrab Gul ,the watcher.Their are hog deer,chinkara , black deer,urial which are in no mammals
catageries.Chinkara gives two babies in one year.
Birds fauna in manglot:
In park different species of birds are present which includes:
Chukur,three varieties of partridge,rock pigeon ,dove an d different types of sparrows
The three varieties of partridges are: chakur , gray and black partridges .
Food system:
Millet and sometimes wheat are given to them.
In breeding area these are present.
Full protection and care:
Large cage are present in which these species are kept..
Environmental condition are sutible for them.

Work Sample:

FIG. 1.
Map showing location of Manglot Wildlife Park, Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province
and sampling sites in the park.

Bar chart showing variation in population indices (species richness, diversity index and species evenness)
of the avifauna at Manglot Wildlife Park, Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province during summer and
winter seasons.

Analysis about the organization:
Strengths of Manglot Wildlife Park:
This park provides a wide area for many different species of animals and also plants
so that it breeds and increase more in quantity.Rare species are protected and there is no more

Weakness of Manglot Wildlife Park:
There are few weaknesses in this area which is threatening to the life of wild
animals.Some of them are discussed below.

Water Issue:
Water is one of the big problem in this area because here mostly the area is covered with
hills and large rocks.Tanks are made for water storage but these get full only when rainfall starts.In
summer season,this problem get more speed because of limited rainfall and also due to evaporation of
water in high temperature.

Treats to wildlife in Manglot Park:

When the animals inside park get their food for eating and get hungry,then the big animals
start hunting of the smalls animals inside the covered area and start eating them.This leads to
destruction of small species.

Hunting of Animals:
Hunting of animals inside the region of manglot wildlife park is also one the
sophisticated problem which leads to the destruction and removal of many species. Hunting is done in
many ways like through guns and dogs etc. Actions are needed to be taken in order to save the rare
species of animals.

Manglot wildlife park is located in the region where its hill tops provides a good
scscenery.It provides a good place for visitors to visit here

Wildlife is not only beneficial in the maintaining the balance of ecosystem but similar to forests,it is
also worthy from economic,recreational and aesthetic point of view.Decades ago,there was time when
the number of wildlife animals were in abundance and high because the interfere of humans was very
minimum and there was no necessity of providing protection conservation to wildlife.But with time
passage,due to the expansion of agricultural activities,industrial growth,developmental activities and
due to greeed of men,the species of wild animals are becoming lesser and lesser.Wildlife protection
Act is formed for the safety and protection of wild animals and it is needed to be implemented

strictly.It is now the need of time of strictly banning the hunting and killing of wild animals in general
and endangered species in particular in order to save them from vanishing form earth.Many species
of animals have pronounced extinct and several others are on the verge of extinction.Suitable
environment inside the residence of wild animals should be created so that the animals easily get
feeding and breeding. Deforestation is also one the main reason behind the vanishing of species of
wild animals.It may also be due to forest fires which destroy both trees and wild animals.Throughout
the world,there is large scale killing of animals for meat,bones,skin,fur,teeth and hair etc.Therefore,it
is necessary to conserve wildlife.Suitable environment should be provided to wild animals.Strict
action needs to be taken against all such offenders even at the level of granting of bail, lest such
offenders may harbour the idea that they can always commit offences and wriggle out of the clutches
of the judicial system.Wildlife staff should be properly trained and regular inspection of whole area of
wildlife need to be maintained.All the main problems such as water scarcity problem requires to be
highlighted again and again until it get solved.


❖ Staff is needed to be full provided to wildlife park and all the other necessary facilities such
water issues should be timely solved

❖ Rules should be properly followed such as not to allow any risky material with visitors that
can damage animals or can cause any fire activities.

❖ Should be kept in a proper condition so that people enjoy this beautiful placAnimals should
be protected and kept in safety.
❖ Animals should be provided good cages for habitat and necessary food on time.

[1]Usher, M. B. (1986). Wildlife conservation evaluation: attributes, criteria and values. London, New
York: Chapman and Hall. ISBN 978-94-010-8315-7.
[2] Harris, J. D.; Brown, P. L. (2009). Wildlife: Destruction, Conservation and Biodiversity. Nova
Science Publishers.

[3] Greenfield, Patrick (September 9, 2020). "Humans exploiting and destroying nature on
unprecedented scale – report". The Guardian. Retrieved September 10, 2020.
[4] Woodyatt, Amy (September 10, 2020). "Human activity has wiped out two-thirds of world's
wildlife since 1970, landmark report says". CNN. Retrieved September 10, 2020.
[5] Izzo, J. B. (2010). "PC Pets for a Price: Combating Online and Traditional Wildlife Crime
Through International Harmonization and Authoritative Policies". William and Mary Environmental
Law and Policy Journal.


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