Resource Planning and Optimisation Report

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Resource Planning and Optimisation Report

Submitted by: Disha Gowani (RBA- 10)

Harshad Khodwe (RBA-11)

Rasika Deshpande (RBA-20)


Content Page Number

Case Study 3

Introduction 4

Question 1 6

Question 2 11

Question 3 16

Question 4 18

Question 5 20

Question 6 22

Question 7 24

Question 8 25

Question 9 26

Case study
A manpower contractor company ‘iSource’ has been providing its services (manpower
supply) to a US-based BPO firm since May-2013. iSource has experienced dynamic
work hour requirements from its client over the last 5+ years and considering the
inflation and market competition, it has been periodically revising the salary structure
of its resources. iSource has to forecast and prepare for the allocation of work hours to
its manpower to serve the client. The business success of iSource lies in the optimal
allocation of manpower at minimum cost while meeting the future demand (work hours)
of a client.

You are provided with historical work hour data of all 15 resources of iSource and their
unit cost which is set to revision in 2020. Your pivotal task is to forecast the resource
requirement and suggest iSource planning of these 15 resources to minimize the total
cost expenditure for the year 2020.

Operational research encompasses the development and the use of a wide range of
problem-solving techniques and methods applied in the pursuit of improved decision-
making and efficiency, such as simulation, mathematical optimization, queueing
theory and other stochastic-process models, Markov decision processes, econometric
methods, data envelopment analysis, neural networks, expert systems, decision
analysis, and the analytic hierarchy process.

It uses mathematics and statistics to answer optimization and simulation questions.

Whenever we translate a business question in an optimization question, it is primordial
that we have clear definitions of a cost to minimize or a benefit to maximize.

The three key items of any Operations Research topic:

1. Algorithms and Statistics - Operations Research relies heavily on algorithms,

mathematics and statistics. A very important family of algorithms in Operations
Research are Optimization Algorithms: algorithms that try to find a maximum or a
minimum, given a certain set of possibilities.

2. Optimization - Optimization can be about maximization or Minimization of a cost or

benefit that is decided on before starting.

3. Simulation - This type of task is close to optimization since we could simply use the
optimization algorithm with a different input configuration to simulate what would be
the optimal outcome with those different inputs.


Many businesses, from small start-ups to large companies, opt to outsource processes,
as new and innovative services are increasingly available in today's ever-changing,
highly competitive business climate.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a method of subcontracting various business-

related operations to third-party vendors.

Companies are often drawn to BPO because it affords them greater operational
flexibility. By outsourcing non-core and administrative functions, companies can
reallocate time and resources to core competencies like customer relations and product
leadership, which ultimately results in advantages over competing businesses in their

BPO offers businesses access to innovative technological resources that they might not
otherwise have exposure to. BPO partners and companies constantly strive to improve
their processes by adopting the most recent technologies and practices

The problem statement for our project work also revolves around a BPO company and
its functionality.

1) Perform exploratory and visual analysis of the data. Check the time
series trends and comment if there are any major findings.

Exploratory And Visual Analysis.

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is used by data scientists to analyze and
investigate data sets and summarize their main characteristics, often employing
data visualization methods. It helps determine how best to manipulate data
sources to get the answers you need, making it easier for data scientists to
discover patterns, spot anomalies, test a hypothesis, or check assumptions.

About data
This data consists of 2 variables that is hours worked and cost per hour. Each
variable consists of observations of 15 resources for each month starting from
May 2013 to December 2019. The hour’s worked variable has 15 resources data
in an order such that the number of working hours is continuously decreasing in
the same fashion from resource one to resource 15. Also cost per hour for each
resource is increasing after a certain period as a part of pay revision. In the
historical data the pay revision is seen to be in the form of first pay revision is
after 15 months from May 13 for $2 in the month of August 2014, second pay
revision is after 40 months for $1 for each resource in the month of December
2017, and the 3rd pay revision is after 9 months that is September 2018 but the
amount for each resource was different. There are also some missing values in
the column of hours worked which was filled with the help of moving average
in the later question.

Central Tendency
In statistics, the central tendency is the descriptive summary of a data set.
Through the single value from the dataset, it reflects the center of the data
distribution. Moreover, it does not provide information regarding individual data
from the dataset, where it gives a summary of the dataset. Generally, the central
tendency of a dataset can be defined using some of the measures in statistics. In
simple words, the central tendency is stated as the statistical measure that
represents the single value of the entire distribution or a dataset. It aims to
provide an accurate description of the entire data in the distribution.

1. The mean values for the given data, i.e., from resources 1-15 is decreasing in
nature referring to the decremental working hours among these resources.
2. The mean value for the resource 1 is 239.87, which is highest amongst all,
whereas for resource 15, mean value stands at 101.15 these figures determine
that the resource 1 has the highest contribution in terms of hours, and resource
15 has lowest hours contribution.

3. The median for all the resources, is in descending nature. In which, the
resource 1 has the highest value of median, and at the same place the resource
15 has lowest value of median.

Mean Median

Resource-1 239.875 239

Resource-2 230.2875 229
Resource-3 220.40775 223
Resource-4 209.725 210.5
Resource-5 200.35 201
Resource-6 190.1 188.5
Resource-7 179.6125 182
Resource-8 169.9875 170
Resource-9 161.1375 163
Resource-10 150.025625 150
Resource-11 141.5875 144
Resource-12 128.6166667 126
Resource-13 120.5125 123
Resource-14 110.925 113.5
Resource-15 101.15 98.5

Central Tendency

Hours worked


150 Mean

100 Median

Skewness refers to a distortion or asymmetry that deviates from the symmetrical
bell curve, or normal distribution, in a set of data. If the curve is shifted to the
left or to the right, it is said to be skewed. Skewness can be quantified as a
representation of the extent to which a given distribution varies from a normal
Among all the resources only resource 1 2 5 7 11 and 15 Has positive skewness
whereas all other resources show negative skewness. Positive skewness means
that the given resource has mean greater than median greater than mode.

And negative skewness means the given resource has mode greater than median
greater than mean.
Also, positive skewed resources Means that the resources have worked more in
terms of hrs in later months of the historical data. negative skewed means that
the resource has worked more in terms of hours in earlier months of the historical

Resources Skewness
Resource-1 0.02
Resource-2 0.12
Resource-3 -0.01
Resource-4 -0.02
Resource-5 0.07
Resource-6 -0.01
Resource-7 0.05
Resource-8 -0.08
Resource-9 -0.04
Resource-10 -0.10
Resource-11 0.08
Resource-12 -0.05
Resource-13 -0.14
Resource-14 -0.08
Resource-15 0.10

Box Plot
Considering the nature of a Boxplot, the outliers represent the values that differs
significantly from all the other values of the data. Following up with the same thought,
we can identify that no resource has any sort of outlier, representing that:

1.The employees have not indulged in any sort of over extensive work or over time
working, neither

2. The employer has expected from its employees some additional hardship in order to
improve the outcome of the organization.

Major findings:
1. Resource 7 and resource 13 as the same cost per hour throughout the historical
data but there's a difference between hours worked by these to resources.
Resource 7 has a mean working over as 180 approximately whereas resource 13
has a mean working hour as 120 also the median of the 2 resources has a notable
difference that is median of resource 7 is 182 and median of resource 13 is 123
so does the mode also has a difference mod of resource 7 is 169 and mode of
resource 13 is 109.

Resource-7 Resource-13
Mean 179.6125 120.5125
Median 182 123
Mode 169 109

Resource (Work Hour)


















Resource-7 Resource-13

Resource (Cost per hour)




















Resource-7 Resource-13

2) Impute the missing values in the dataset using the appropriate technique
and substantiate that.
While going through the data, we used descriptive statistical tool, just in order to come
across that there are several null values present in the dataset. By manually scanning
the data, we have been introduced with the point of missing values, i.e., resources
3,6,10 as well the resource 12 are acquired with several unknown values.

The numerical description of the number of missing values is as such.

1. Resource 3 has 5 missing values

2. Resource 6 has 5 missing values

3. Resource 10 has 5 missing values

4.Resource 12 has 6missing values

Now in order to calculate these values, we have used the Moving Average Method.

The simple moving average (SMA) is a straightforward technical indicator that is

obtained by summing the recent data points in a given set and dividing the total by the
number of time periods.

The formula for Simple Moving Average is written as follows:

SMA = (A1 + A2 + ………An) / n


A is the average in period n

n is the number of periods

Resource-3 5
Resource-6 6
Resource-10 5
Resource-12 6

3) Rank-order the resources in terms of their contributions (work hours) and
For the available data, we have initiated to find the ranking order of averages from top
to bottom in accordance with the working hours and the cost per hour.

Approach 1:

Starting up with the calculation of the ranking order for the resources on the basis of
their overall contribution done through them in the terms of cost per hour as well the
working hours.

In order to avail the ranking order for the available resources, several major steps are
incorporated, which are mentioned below:

1. Majorly, we have two factor which enable the overall functioning of the case, i.e.,
the working hours and the cost per hour for all the resources. By using this available
data, we have calculated the salaries earned by all the resources, through the formula

2. Following up with the process we have calculated the total salary earned by each
resource, throughout the considerable tenure, i.e., from MAY 13 to DECEMBER 19,
by adding up the value salaries earned by them in each specific month mentioned in the

3. Similarly, we have also calculated the total hours worked by each resource,
throughout the considerable period of time.

4. At this stage of the process, we have exact data referring to the values of total salaries
earned and total working hours for each of the involved resource for the total time
duration. Now going ahead with this calculated data, we have tried to calculate the value
of AVERAGE COST PER HOUR, in order to attain the approximate consideration of
inputs or work done or the contribution done by each resource in accordance with the
companies’ goals/targets.

Approach 2:

For this process, we have calculated the average values of all the 15 resources based
on working hours and the cost per hour. Further, we have ranked the data using
working hours as well as cost per hour, i.e.,

1. Based on working hours, we have ranked the various available resources. As

presented in above table, resource 1 is indulged in work for the higher amount of
time(239.875Hours), whereas the resource 15 is working for the least number of
hours(101.15Hours) as compared to all other resources.

Resources Hours

Resource-1 239.875
Resource-2 230.2875
Resource-3 220.40775
Resource-4 209.725
Resource-5 200.35
Resource-6 190.1
Resource-7 179.6125
Resource-8 169.9875
Resource-9 161.1375
Resource-10 150.025625
Resource-11 141.5875
Resource-12 128.616667
Resource-13 120.5125
Resource-14 110.925
Resource-15 101.15

2. Now, based on cost per hour, we have tried to rank the concerned resources.
Referring to the table presenting the similar data, it can be understood that the
resources 7 is at stake of highest cost per hour value (Rs.98/Hour), and the
resource 5 caters to the least value of cost per hour (Rs23/Hour)

Resources Cost per hour

Resource-7 38
Resource-8 38
Resource-13 38
Resource-14 36
Resource-15 34
Resource-6 33
Resource-1 31
Resource-2 30
Resource-9 29
Resource-10 28
Resource-11 27
Resource-12 26
Resource-3 25
Resource-4 24
Resource-5 23

4) Forecast the client’s monthly work-hours demand for the year 2020.
For Forecasting the work hours demand for the year 2020 we have used
FORECAST.ETS function.
The Excel FORECAST.ETS function predicts a value based on existing values that
follow a seasonal trend. FORECAST.ETS can be used to predict numeric values like
sales, inventory, expenses, etc. with a seasonal pattern.
Syntax = FORECAST.ETS (target_date, values, timeline, [seasonality], [data
completion], [aggregation])
• target_date - The time or period for the prediction (x value).
• values - Existing or historical values (y values).
• timeline - Numeric timeline values (x values).
• seasonality - [optional] Seasonality calculation (0 = no seasonality, 1 =
automatic, n = season length in timeline units).
• data_completion - [optional] Missing data treatment (0 = treat as zero, 1 =
average). Default is 1.
• aggregation - [optional] Aggregation behaviour. Default is 1 (AVERAGE).

Exponential smoothing is a method in statistics used for smoothing time series data
by assigning exponentially decreasing weights to future values over time. This
differs from a simple moving average where past observations are weighted equally.
The predicted value is a continuation of the historical values in the target date range,
which should be a continuous timeline with an equal interval between dates. It can
be used to predict future sales, inventory requirements or general consumer trends.

Hours worked






















Resource-1 Forecast(Resource-1)
Lower Confidence Bound(Resource-1) Upper Confidence Bound(Resource-1)

20 279 265 259 249 236 231 222 203 203 191 178 171 160 149 151
20 276 271 260 250 240 236 224 213 204 191 180 172 161 154 144
20 280 287 261 251 262 241 232 209 205 194 180 184 162 163 158
20 278 274 262 248 242 231 225 207 206 191 181 167 162 156 154
20 277 280 263 253 241 233 222 211 207 191 182 174 164 154 144
20 273 277 264 254 245 231 216 202 203 190 180 174 165 156 147
Jul-20 282 281 259 255 249 237 229 211 209 197 188 176 166 150 152
20 283 276 265 255 246 243 230 212 210 197 186 175 167 160 149
20 282 282 266 256 258 247 238 213 211 200 186 177 167 162 150
20 282 281 267 254 255 238 231 211 212 197 187 179 168 155 151
20 281 286 268 258 251 239 228 215 213 199 188 177 169 156 152
20 283 267 269 259 236 237 222 206 209 196 186 168 170 141 140

5) Suggest the revision of the unit cost of each resource individually based
on their current cost, previous pay revisions, and historical contributions
(work hours).

Approach 1:
While working on the data ascertained with several loopholes, the measure used must
be anticipated with outcomes. Similarly, to predict the future values of cost per hour for
all the available resources, we have undertaken a small procedure using the forecasted
values of the working hours and the basic formula for calculate the overall pay i.e.,
working hours × cost of per hour. For the very step, we calculated the overall
salary/total pay for each individual resources for all the mentioned dates.


Now we have predicted the salary for JAN 2020 to DEC 2020 with the help of historical
data using FORECAST.ETS

Then, we have used the data, predicted before, regarding the working hours in the near

For the next step, we tried to calculate the cost per hour for the future course of time,



By running through this process, we can find out that the future values presenting the
cost per hour in incremental in nature.

As we are aware that future holds on a lot of potential for growth, exposure, and
experience, and similarly the resources and able to generate higher level of money on
per hour basis, as compared to the past.

Jan-20 35 34 28 28 27 35 40 41 31 31 28 29 40 37 36
Feb-20 35 34 28 28 27 35 40 40 31 31 28 29 40 37 36
Mar-20 35 34 28 28 27 35 40 41 31 31 28 29 40 37 36
Apr-20 35 34 28 28 28 36 40 41 32 31 29 30 40 38 36
May-20 35 34 29 28 28 36 41 41 32 31 30 30 40 38 37
Jun-20 36 34 29 28 28 36 41 41 33 31 30 30 40 38 37
Jul-20 36 34 29 28 28 36 41 41 32 31 30 30 40 38 37
Aug-20 36 35 29 28 28 36 41 41 32 31 30 30 40 39 38
Sep-20 37 35 29 28 28 36 41 42 32 31 30 30 40 39 38
Oct-20 37 35 29 29 28 37 41 42 32 32 30 30 40 40 38
Nov-20 37 35 30 29 28 37 41 42 32 32 31 31 40 40 38
Dec-20 37 35 30 29 28 37 41 44 33 32 31 33 40 40 38

Approach 2:

Alternatively, we have used the historical data available until 2019, and applied
FORCAST.ETS in order to predict the future values of cost per hour.

This method utilises the available historic data based on seasonality, and further helps
in predicting the future values.

Jan-20 35 35 28 27 26 37 41 41 33 32 30 29 41 39 37
Feb-20 35 35 28 27 26 37 41 41 33 32 30 29 41 39 37
Mar-20 35 35 28 27 26 37 41 41 33 32 30 29 41 39 37
Apr-20 35 35 28 27 26 37 41 41 33 32 30 29 41 39 37
May-20 35 35 28 27 26 37 41 41 33 32 30 29 41 39 37
Jun-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 41 41 34 33 31 30 41 39 37
Jul-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 41 41 34 33 31 30 41 39 37
Aug-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 42 42 34 33 31 30 42 40 38
Sep-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 42 42 34 33 31 30 42 40 38
Oct-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 42 42 34 33 31 30 42 40 38
Nov-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 42 42 34 33 31 30 42 40 38
Dec-20 36 36 29 28 27 38 42 42 34 33 31 30 42 40 38

6) Design an optimal resource allocation plan by assigning work-hour to each
resource for each month of the year 2020, with the following requirements:

• The overall cost expenditure for resources must be minimized.

• The maximum utilization (work-hour) of a resource is determined by
its historical performance. Also, as per labor law and company
policy, no resource can work for more than 250 hours
• s a month from the year 2020 onwards.
Per the company’s policy the cooling period of a resource is 2 months i.e., any
resource discharged from the allocation for any given month, cannot be re-
assigned in the immediate next month.

For the purpose of optimal allocation of resources by assigning work-hour to each

resource for each month for the year of 2020, we have used the "SOLVER" function.

Solver is an add-in programming tool supported by MS Excel. It is an optimization tool

that uses operational research techniques to determine the optimal solutions

and fetch the desired outcomes by altering the assumptions for objective problems. It is
a type of the 'What-if-analysis' that is useful when the user wants to find out the "best"
outcome for a given set of two or more assumptions.

OBJECTIVE FUNCTION - Minimization of the overall cost expenditure for the



1. As stated in the labour law, there is a limitation to maximum number of hour any
individual resource can work for a particular month. It is stated that from

January 2020 no resource can work for more than 250 hours a month.

2. Also in order to acquire maximum utilization of any particular resource, we must

escribe it with the past performances of the resource, in order to have heads up regarding
the efficiency, output and the cost per hour associated to it.

3. Taking the past data into consideration, basic information regarding the resources can
be acquired which will enable the organization to create sound decisions and allocate
the best

resource as per the need or demand of the client company.

Now, by carrying on the procedure, we use solver in the following steps -

1. In the solar function we provide an objective function in accordance with the pre-
established goal of optimization.

2. We have involved several cells, involving data referring to the hours worked by
particular resource from JANUARY 2020 to DECEMBER 2020, we have considered it
as variable sales/ the demand

made by the client company.

3. Now, in order to meet the demand of the client, in terms of minimization or

maximization, we have formulated constraints and enabled it in the solver function.

(Special caution to be taken care of that each resource will have at least 2 constraints of
upper bound and lower bound)

4. Adding to it we have also considered the demand for each month for all the 15
resources as per the forecasted data for the year of 2020 and tried to add it to constraint
in relation to demand, wherein we have worked in the direction of optimum allocation
of resources and supplying efficient bulk of resources, in correspondence to the demand.

5. Further, we have used the simplex method

The simplex method is a systematic procedure for testing the vertices in the lines of
most optimum solutions possible.

a. For the very first step, the method assumes that there is an availability of an extreme
point in the dataset.

(If no extreme point is given, a variant of the simplex method, called Phase I, is used to
find one or

to determine that there are no feasible solutions.)

b. Following up to the procedure, using an algebraic specification of the problem, a test

is conducted in order to determine whether that extreme point is optimal or not.

c. Now, if the test for optimality represents negative results, an adjacent extreme point
is sought along an edge in the direction for which the value of the objective function

at the maximum possible rate. Sometimes one can move along an edge and make the
objective function value increase without bound. If this situation takes place, the
procedure terminates with a

prescription of the edge along which the objective goes to positive infinity. If not, a new
extreme point is reached having at least as high an objective function value as its

predecessor. The sequence described above is cyclic in nature, i.e, it continues for a
vital period of time.

Termination occurs when an optimal extreme point is found or the unbounded case
occurs. Although in principle the necessary steps may grow exponentially with the
number of extreme points, in practice the method typically converges on the optimal
solution in a number of steps that is only a small multiple of the number of extreme

After considering the 3rd constraint given in the question for the cooling period of 2
months, it is not able to precisely define that whether every resource has to undergo the
cooling period or any sort of specification regarding the months allocated for the several
resource in terms of cooling period.

So, we need to assume on the basis of certain corporate experiences and further utilize
it to formulate constrains and set it up in constrain bar.

7) If the company wants to cut the resources by 2 no. s for the year 2020, which
resources should be laid off, and accordingly what will be the impact on your
optimal resource allocation design?

With the help of ranking the resources according to hours worked and wages we have
seen that resource is resource 13 and Resource 8 having wages equivalent to Resource
7 but are working quite less according to historical data also after allocation these both
resources are quite underutilized as compared to resource 7. Therefore, we eliminate
both resources in order to optimize the cost incurred by the firm. And so does it can
give a bit of workload to another resource so that the efficiency of firm increases.

8) State your assumptions and their implications on your results.

We have taken following assumptions while solving this case study:

Assumption 1:

Simple moving average

While we were observing the data, we noticed that some of the values in the data set are
missing, to find those missing values we used “Simple moving average”.

SMA is the simple average of the data points in the given duration.

In this scenario, we calculated the moving average using 5 values.

Assumption 2:

During the procedure of calculating the future payments changes or pay revisions, we
have assumed that once there is a hike in the payments, there is a phase where they
remain stagnant until the next pay roll increment. Also referring to the constant nature
of working hours as well as cost per hour for that particular period of payment turnover.

Assumption 3:


• The maximum number of hours any resource can function for is 250 HOURS,
stated under the labour law and the company's policy as well.
• In the line of company's policy considering the cooling period of 2 consecutive
months, we have assumed the functioning and leaves period for each order in
relation with the pay hikes associated with them. In simpler terms, we have
assumed that every resource will be having their tenure of leave or the section of
cooling period during the months, which are just above the months of pay
revisions or the payment revisions.
• FOR EXAMPLE - Resource 9, is expecting a payment revision during the
months of November, thus the cooling period for this resource would be for the
months of September and October.

9) Summarize and elaborate your results focusing on the impact of demand
pattern, maximum work hours, labor law, unit cost and cooling period, etc. on
optimal resource allocation planning.

The fortune target company "iSource" has its footprints in the manpower supply
domain. The success mantra to the rapid expansion of the firm lies in the proper
management, control and allocation of the available resources with exponential
efficiency and at minimum possible cost.

For the following case, the company is expected to forecast and prepare for the
allocation of work hour to its manpower in order to facilitate its client, which is US
based BPO firm since MAY 2013.

Now in order to meet this demand we have undergone several statistical techniques on
the given case study, and during the process we have encountered several outcomes
which can be understood in order to meet the demands of the organization considering
the far-fetched future.

1) Based on the working hours the nature of several resources can be categorised as
Resource 1 is involved for total 239.875 hours
Resource 15 is involved for total 101.15 hours
Now, looking at this data, we can ascertain that resource 1 is nearly exploited by the
organization. As it is encouraged in the corporate industry to maintain a healthy balance
of life, by calculative assigning the working hours in inclination with personal life.

Thus, the company must try to allocate the work into a more efficient manner, in order
to maintain an in exploratory nature of working culture in the organization.

Even the government of India, has formulated laws to ascertain this process by, Labour
law also known as employment law which is the body of laws, administrative rulings,
and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people
and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between
trade unions, employers and employees. In other words, Labour law defines the rights
and obligations as workers, union members and employers in the workplace

2) Referring to the demand made by the client company, and encompassing it with
the predicted future demand in the same line of functioning, it can be observed
• The nature of demand made by the BPO is incremental in nature. This outcome
is very well aligned with the nature of market, and specially withing the new age

technology and optimization generation, this potent output predicts the overall
efficient functioning of both the companies, i.e., for iSource it can be an outcome
of utmost functioning by its resources, and for the BPO firm the increments in
the revenue could be a proper denotation of success for present as well as future.

3) As mentioned in one of the contexts of the case, the company follows a pedagogy
of 2 month cooling period, referring that any resource discharged from the
allocation for any given period, cannot be reassigned in the immediate next
months. Now as we can see in the above data, we can analyze the negative as well
positive impact of this system of functioning, i.e.,
• POSITIVE - This cooling period system will enable individuals to get an
extensive period of break from professional life and can stimulate the same in
the personal life, as well as the individual can spare some time in accordance
with self-development, fascinating in the field of interest or hobbies, putting
abundance of efforts heath and many other factors.
• NEGATIVE - This long tenure can prove to be a source of laziness or
inefficiency which will ultimately be a reason of lower performance in the near
future, also the outraged impact has to be faced by the other resources who are
still on duty, since the market demand in incremental in nature as well as intense,
thus leading to prominent fatigue for the other active resources.


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