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1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

Education History Timeline

Tasia Hatcher
EDU 201
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

Brown vs. Board • May 17, 1954

• Ruled that segregation in schools
of Education of violated the 14th amendment
• Rejects the separate but equal
Topeka doctrine that prevents African
American students from
attending schools with White
• Helped inspire civil rights
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Federally sponsored program to

National Defense promote research and
innovation in science,
Education Act mathematics, modern foreign
languages, and guidance
• Teachers trained with new
methods & materials at
• Schools given funds for new
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• The right to nondiscrimination

The VII of the • Prohibits discrimination in
Civil Rights Act of schools based on race, color, or
national origin
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Signed April 9, 1965

Elementary and • Part of President Johnson’s
Secondary Great Society Program
• Distributed federal funds on the
Education Act basis of the number of poor
children in school districts
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Provision of the Elementary and

Title I Secondary Education Act
• Provides all children with the
chance to receive an equitable
and superior education
• Close the achievement gap
• Designed to improve the basic
skills of low-ability students from
low-income families
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Women were guaranteed equal

Title IX educational opportunity in
educational programs receiving
federal assistance
• Passed as a part of the Education
Amendments of 1972
• Protects people from
discrimination based on gender
in education programs
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• A 1974 federal law that

Women’s guarantees equal educational
opportunity for females.
Educational • Expanded math, science &
Equity Act technology programs
• Encouragement for females to
participate in athletics
• Programs to increase the
number of educational
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Public Law 94-142

Education for All • Federal act that that guarantees
Handicapped a free and appropriate education
to all children with disabilities
Children Act • Referred to as mainstreaming
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

Nation at Risk • April 1973

• 36-page report by the National
Commission on Excellence in
• Examined the state of public
schools in America & how they
were failing
• How to improve the quality of
• States adopted standardized
content and tests to assess student
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Provides a free, appropriate

Individuals with education to disabled youth
between ages 3 to 21
Disabilities Act • Replaced the Education for All
(IDEA) Handicapped Children Act
• Changed the term “handicap” to
1954 1964 1965 1974 1983 2001

1958 1965 1972 1975 1990

• Replaced the Elementary and

No Child Left Secondary Education Act
Behind (NCLB) • Statewide testing in reading and
mathematics annually in grades
• Adequate Yearly Progress
• Schools provide evidence each
year that students are making

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