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Solo Re ection Time Thurs 9/6/2020

Tomorrow I am heading to Warburton to spend 4 days in solo re ection time.

This is time for me to consider the course & direction I am taking in life. To
re ect on the person I am, the path I am walking and the example I am
setting for my kids.

So what are some of the things I want to journal and re ect on?

How long do I want to stay in Dynamic and why?

Bohdi’s Questions:

1. What makes you proud of yourself as you re ect on the past 12

2. Who have you “lit up” this year and how?
3. What was my biggest challenge this year and what did I learn from
4. Where in my life have I not gone “All In”?
What does “All In” look like for me?
5. What was the best thing I discovered about myself in the last year?
6. In what ways did you meet your edges and dance in vulnerability?
7. How do I want to feel in 2020? (1-3 words)
8. What clarity is being whispered to my soul moving forward?

*How do I settle tension in my solar plexus?

How do I notice & stop stress & frustration?





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