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Barron GRE word list - G gadfly gaffe gainsay gait galaxy gale gall galleon galley gallows galvanic

galvanize gambit gambol gamely gamut gangrene gape garbled gargantuan gargoyle garish garner garnish garrulity garrulous gastronomy gauche gaudy gaunt n. fly that stings horses and cattle n. social blunder; indiscreet act or remark v. (arch ) (usu in negative sentences or questions ) contradict (sb/sth); deny (sth) n. manner of walking or running n. any of the large systems of stars in outer space n. very strong wind storm (at sea) 8 n. bitter liquid secreted by the liver; bile n. large Spanish sailing-ship used from the 15th to the 17th century 1517 n. long flat ship, usu rowed by slaves or criminals; ancient Greek or Roman warship ; n. wooden framework on which criminals are put to death by hanging adj. producing an electric current by chemical action to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock n. opening movein chess in which a player sacrifices a piece in order to win an advantage later v. (US also -l-) jump or skip about playfully adv: fight, struggle, etc gamely, ie bravely but perhaps unsuccessfully , n. the gamut complete range or scale n. decay and death of body tissue when the blood supply has been stopped v. ~ (often derog ) stare with an open mouth, usu in surprise adj. confusedor misleading adj. enormous; gigantic n. stone or metal spout in the form of a grotesque human or animal figure, for carrying rain-water away from the roof of a church, etc adj. unpleasantly bright; over-coloured or over-decorated, esp in a vulgar way v. ~ sth ~ sth (in/up) (fml ) collect sth in and (usu) store it v. ~ sth decorate (food for the table) with small additional amounts of food garrulousness ns talkativeness adj. talking too much, esp about unimportant things n. art and science of choosing, cooking and eating good food adj. socially awkward or clumsy adj. (derog ) too bright and showy, esp in a vulgar way adj. made exceptionally thin by hunger or illness; haggard

gavel gawk gazette genealogy generality generate generic genesis geniality genre genteel gentility gentle gentry genuflect genus geriatrics germ germane germinal germinate

n. small hammer used by an auctioneer or chairman as a signal for order or attention v. ~ (infml ) stare impolitely or stupidly; gawp n. official journal with public notices and lists of government, military, legal and university appointments n. study of family history, showing who the ancestors of particular people were and how they were related to each other n. general statement, esp one that is vague or indefinite v. cause to exist or occur; produce adj. shared by or including a whole group or class; not specific n. (fml) beginning; starting-point; origin n. quality of being genial n. particular style or kind, esp of works of art or literature grouped according to their form or subject matter adj. polite or refined in an affected or exaggerated way n. genteel manners and behaviour; social superiority adj. mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe n. people of good social position next below the nobility v. bend the knee, esp in worship , n. (biology ) group of animals or plants within a family(4), often itself subdivided into several species(1) n. branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of old people n. portion of a living organism capable of becoming a new organism; embryo of a seed ; adj. ~ (fml ) relevant adj. in the earliest stage of development v. start growing

gerontocracy government ruled by old people gerontology gerrymander gestate gesticulation ghastly gibberish gibe n. scientific study of old age and the process of growing old v. arrange the boundaries of or divide (an area) for voting in order to give unfair advantages to one party in an election evolve; as in pre-natal growth n. gesticulating adj. causing horror or fear n. meaningless sounds; unintelligible talk; nonsense v. ~ (at sb/sth) jeer at or mock sb/sth; make fun of sb/sth

giddy gild gingerly girth gist glacial glamor glare glaring glaze gleam glean glib glimmer glitter gloat gloss glossary glossy glow glower glut glutinous glutton gnarl gnarled gnome goad gobble gorge gory

adj. having the feeling that everything is turning round and that one is going to fall v. cover with gold-leaf(3) or gold-coloured paint adv. with great care and caution to avoid causing harm or making a noise n. distance round sth of approximately cylindrical shape n. the gist main point or general meaning adj. of the Ice Age [ glamour: ] charm and allure; fascination n. strong unpleasant dazzling light adj. dazzling v. fit sheets or panes of glass into n. brief appearance of light v. gather adj. (derog ) speaking or spoken fluently and without hesitation, but not sincerely or trustworthily v. send out a weak unsteady light v. ~ shine brightly with little sharp flashes of light; sparkle v. ~ express or feel selfish delight at one's own success or good fortune or sb else's failure n. brightness or shine on a smooth surface n. list of technical or special words explaining their meanings adj. smooth and shiny v. send out light and heat withoutflame v. ~ look in an angry or a threatening way v. ~ sth (with sth) supply sth with much more than is needed adj. of or like gluten; sticky n. person who eats too much any knotty protuberance or swelling on a tree adj. twisted and rough; covered with knobs dwarf; underground spirit n. pointed stick for making cattle, etc move on v. ~ sth eat sth fast, noisily and greedily (leaving nothing behind) n. narrow steep-sided valley, usu with a stream or river adj. (esp rhet ) covered with gore1

gossamer gouge gourmand gourmet gracious gradation graduate graduated granary grandeur grandiloquent grandiose granulate graphic graphite grapple grate gratify gratis gratuitous gratuity gravity graze gregarious grievance grill grim

n. fine silky substance of webs made by small spiders, floating in calm air or spread over grass, etc n. tool with a sharp semicircular edge for cutting grooves in wood n. lover of food; glutton ; n. person who enjoys and is expert in the choice of fine food, wines, etc adj. ~ (of persons and behaviour) kind, polite and generous (esp to sb who is socially inferior) n. gradual change from one thing to another n. ~ person who holds a degree (esp the first or bachelor's) from a university or polytechnic [ graduate: ] n. a person who has been awarded a first degree from a university or college n. building where grain is stored n. greatness; magnificence; impressiveness adj. using or being a pompous style of speech, full of words which ordinary people do not understand adj. planned on a large scale; (intended to seem) imposing v. form into grains or have a granular surface or texture adj. of visual symbols n. soft black substance used in making lead pencils, in lubrication, and for slowing down neutrons in atomic reactors v. ~ seize (an opponent) firmly and try to fight n. fireplace v. (fml ) give pleasure or satisfaction to (sb) adv. without payment; free adj. done, given or acting unnecessarily, purposely and without good reason n. money given to sb who has done one a service; tip ; n. force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and on the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet, so that things fall to the ground when dropped v. ~ (of cattle, sheep, etc) eat growing grass adj. liking to be with other people n. ~ real or imagined cause for complaint or protest (used esp with the vs shown) n. device on a cooker that directs heat downwards for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc adj. very serious and unsmiling in appearance

grimace grisly groom groove gross grotesque grotto grouch grouse grovel growl grudge grudging gruel grueling gruesome gruff grumble grunt guffaw guile guileless guise gull gullible gush gust gustatory gusto gusty guy

n. ugly twisted expression (on the face), expressing pain, disgust, etc or intended to cause laughter adj. causing horror or terror; ghastly n. person in charge of horses n. long narrow cut or depression in the surface of hard material n. (esp commerce ) twelve dozen adj. strangely distorted so as to arouse fear or laughter; fantastic n. cave, esp one made artificially as a garden shelter v. ~ (derog ) complain n. small dark bird of northern hilly areas, shot for sport and food v. (derog ) ~ (to/before sb) lie or crawl with the face downwards in a show of humility or fear v. ~ (of animals or thunder) make a low threatening sound v. ~ sth feel resentful about sth; do or give sth very unwillingly adj. unwilling; reluctant n. simple dish made of oatmeal, etc boiled in milk or water exhausting adj. filling one with horror or disgust; frightful adj. rough; surly v. ~ (about/at/over sth) complain or protest in a bad-tempered way v. (of animals, esp pigs) make a low rough sound from deep in the throat , v. give a noisy laugh n. deceit; cunning without deceit n. style of dress n. any of several types of large long-winged sea-bird with usu white and grey or black feathers . adj. willing to believe anything or anyone; easily deceived v. ~ (from sth) flow or pour out suddenly in great quantities n. sudden violent rush of wind affecting the sense of taste n. enthusiastic vigour in doing sth adj. with wind blowing in gusts n. rope or chain used to keep sth steady or secured, eg to hold a tent in place


n. device containing a wheel which, when its spins fast, always maintains the same orientation regardless of any movement of the supporting structure, often used in ships' stabilizers

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