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Personal Philosophy of Education

Estephanny Prado

College of Southern Nevada

Education 201

Steven J. Saladino

April 24, 2022


Personal Philosophy of Education

Education consists of many elements such as management, learning environment,

education content, the teacher and teaching methods. Without these elements a well-structured

education plan would not be possible. An educator must contain all that is needed to have a

successful school year.

A teaching profession gives you the opportunity of shaping the next generation by

providing the knowledge needed to help them influence the future. Choosing this profession

gives me the opportunity to teach teamwork, problem solving skills and most importantly

become a friend which can sometimes play a big role in children’s emotional development. The

world is changing and many students need us to help them get through the obstacles of everyday

life. Therefore, I am choosing this profession to make a change. Throughout my personal

experience in school, I was moved by many teachers that would go out of their way to make sure

their students were fed and groomed to start the day. Though their job was simply to teach they

made sure a student felt their best first. Inspiring me to want to be that change not just in

education but for those that face challenges. Skills sets that I am capable of providing will be

communication skills, patience, organization, teamwork, and conflict resolution skills. These

skills will help myself in the long run and help the students achieve the best education possible.

Complexities that are being faced are parent involvement, poverty, bullying and safety. We have

been facing many safety issues throughout our school systems. Changes have been implemented

to provide safety for the students and teachers.

Education philosophy that dictates my current beliefs of education is metaphysics which

is concerned with explaining, as rational and as comprehensive as possible. That is when we base

school curriculum on reality. I want to help students find what it is they want to be when they

grow up, to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Help them understand they are the author

of their story and that anything is possible. Humanistic psychological orientation dictates my

beliefs in education by having me understand that personal freedom, and personal responsibility

as well as achievements and feelings of a human being. Which helps with individual self-

actualization. Historical education events and laws help me understand that children need us to

help make sense of the world and to educate them. To help them with understanding things now

so that in the future they are ready to achieve it all. When it comes to schools we need to put our

foot down and strictly implement rules and regulations.

The implementation of strategies can help be organized and synthesize new information.

Strategies I will implement will be addressing mistakes, providing feedback, and inductive

learning. My personal approach with learning would be to be able to have everyone on track to

fully pay attention to those that seem to have issues understanding the curriculum. By helping

students understand student diversity and the differences among students we can create long

lasting friendships. Creating culture awareness can help students feel valued and respected. The

idea of teaching is that every student is special in their own unique way. So, student variability

will be taught by giving those who need the extra help to help them achieve just like the rest.

Behavior will have its set rules as to what is not acceptable with a rundown of the consequences.

Towards the end of every lecture an assessment will be conducted to fully have an understanding

of who is catching on with the lecture and who is not. That way they are helped in the way that is

needed for them to understand.

To keep moving on with my career in education I will need to possess the qualities of

patience because many students face many struggles I will also need to have empathy, adapt and

always find different ways to grow as a teacher. Towards my mission I will need to continue at

CSN to obtain my bachelor’s degree. Later on, moving to UNLV for my masters. A state-

approved teacher preparation program, pass required exams and submit Nevada teaching

credential application.

Fulfilling the needs of the students that will someday shape the future is what I desire to


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