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What is the x-intercept of the line with the equation 2y = 8x - 14? QO -4 ® O-7 ® 6 7 ® 2 Of ® oF ® To accommodate the larger size of modern basketball players, a recent study suggested that the length of a basketball court be increased by 20 percent and the width increased by 40 percent. If these proposals were implemented, by what percent would the area of a basketball court increase? O 30 68 72 e® © © ® ® oO oO O oO 96 A circular fence surrounds a square corral, touching the corral only at each of the corral vertices. If the area of the circle is 3677, What is the length of each side of the corral? 3V2 ® 6y2 ® 63 @ Oo 0 0 0 0 ® If 80% employees of a company play soccer, what percent of the employees play golf? (1) 25% of the employees who play soccer also play golf. (2) 50% of the employees who play golf also play soccer. Acertain university spends all the money donated by The Goodwill Foundation in a certain year to fund three research projects P, Qand R. Project P receives a funding of $40,000, Both projects P and Qreceive 100% more funding than Project R. The donation made by The Goodwill Foundation to the university is 25% of the total donation received by the university during the year. If the university invests in projects P,Q and Ronly from the money received from The Goodwill Foundation, then what is the total amount, dollars, of donation that is not received by the university from The Goodwill Foundation? ». 50000 ». 100000 200000 300000 2. 400000 If the students were awarded only three grades-A, Band C-how many students in the class got grade a (1) 20% of the class got grade B and 50% of the class got grade C. (2) The 12 girlsin the class make up 40% of the class, Ina day care, 80% of the kids are American. 60% of the kids have started speaking. Of these, only 20% are under the age of 2 years. If the number of non-American kids at the day care is 40, what is the number of kids who can speak and are not under 2 years of age? 2. 24 50 96 120 160 Team Legato is competing against Team Forte in a musical duets competition where two members from each team play asong together. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place to the three winning duets overall, and not for the three best duets on each individual team. Team Legato has 1/ many members as Team Forte. Q.From the choices below, identify the number of members on each Team if there are 15 duos competing in total. 12 14 24 In December 2004, company XYZ reduced its headcount 20 percent. In December 2005, company XYZ increased its headcount 25 percent. If there were no other hirings or firings between December 2004 and December 2005, then what was the net effect of these two changes on company XYZ's headcount? It increased by 10%. It increased by 5%. It neither increased nor decreased. (ORLCRECREC It decreased by 5%. ® © ®© ® ® © _ Itdecreased by 10%. Ifx and y are both positive, is x greater than 4 axey 2) In the coordinate plane, the point (x, y) lies outside a circle of radius 5 centered at the origin. \fa,c,d, x, and y are positive integers such that ay < a and 4 is the lowest-terms atay zay is how much greater than d? (If = isan representation of the fraction vthenc integer, let d = 1.) (1) 5 is an odd integer. (a=4 If n= leaves a remainder of 1 after division by 7 for all positive integers n that are not multiples of 7, then m could be equal to O 2 ® O 3 ® Oa ® Os ® O.« ® what is a? Simplify the following expression. 1 2t-1+(2-1)? fezi, | o* ® Oo 2t-7 ® Oo 2t-2 ® Which of the following is an equation for the line shown in the graph? (6,-4) OQ yracr2 ® O- y=-4x-2 ® OQ ys-xe2 @ An open box in the shape of a cube measuring 50 centimeters on each side is constructed from plywood. If the plywood weighs 1.5 grams per square centimeter, which of the following is closest to the total weight, in kilograms, of the plywood used for the box? (1 kilogram = 1,000 grams) (Ay 2 (B) 4 () 8 () 13 (©) 19 The average (arithmetic mean) length per film for a group of 21 films is t minutes. If a film that runs for 66 minutes is removed from the group and replaced by one that runs for 52 minutes, what is the average length per film, in minutes, for the new group of films, in terms of t? 2 (A) t+ (A) +5 2 B) t-= (B) 3 (C) 21t+14 (D) t+ What is the least integer z for which (0.000125) (0.0025\(0.00000125) x 10? is an integer? (A) 18 (B) 10 (C) 0 (D) -10 (2) -18 pat He thousandths digit in the decimal equivalent of 5,000 ? (A) 0 () 1 (c) 3 (0) 5 f—) 6 \f x and y are integers such that 2

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