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Unit 4 : Distribution Systems & Substation (Question Bank)

1 Define the terms feeder, Distributor and service main.

2 Briefly discuss different types of distribution systems?
3 Compare AC and DC distribution systems?
4 Compare primary & secondary distribution systems?
5 Compare overhead and underground distribution systems?
6 Derive the equations for voltage drop in a radial feeder with concentrated loads of I1 and I2 and fed at one
7 What are the distribution system losses.
8 Explain the various methods of distribution.
9 Explain Radial, Ring main and interconnected systems of distribution.
10 What are the advantages of ring main distributed system?
11 Explain requirements and design features of distribution systems?
12 calculations with concentrated and distributed loads
13 A 2 wires dc distributor cable AB is 2km long and supplies loads of 100A,150A,200A and 50A situated
500m,1000m,1600m and 2000m from the feeding point A. Each conductor has a resistance of 0.01ohm
per 1000m.calculate potential difference at each load point if a potential difference of 300V is maintained
at point A.
14 A single phase ac distributor AB 300m long is fed from end A and is loaded as under (i) 100A at 0.707 p.
f lagging 200m from point A (ii) 200A at 0.8 p.f lagging 300m from point A. The load resistance of
distributor is 0.2Ω and 0.1Ω/km. Calculate the total voltage drop in the distributor and the load p.f. refer to
the voltage at the far end.
15 A single phase distributor, one km long has resistance and reactance 0.4 Ω and 0.6 Ω (go and return)
respectively at the far end voltage VC=240V and the current is 100A at the power factor of 0.8 lagging at
the midpoint B of the distributor the current of 100A is tapped at the power factor of 0.6 lagging with
reference to voltage VB at the midpoint. Calculate the supply voltage Vs for the distributor and the phase
angle between supply and receiving end.

16 B.Substation
17 Give the Classification of substations.
18 Give the comparison of Indoor & Outdoor substations.
19 State the advantages of outdoor substations over indoor sub stations.
20 Give the layout of Air insulated substation.
21 Draw the single line diagram of gas insulated substations.
22 List different types of Gas insulated substations.
23 Explain about Comparison of air insulated substations and gas insulated substations.
24 Explain (a) Air insulated substation (b) Indoor and outdoor substation
25 Draw the Substation layout by showing the location of all substation equipments.
26 substation grounding & earthling,
27 merits & demerits of indoor & outdoor substation,
28 Write Advantages of Gas insulated substation.
29 What are the limitations of Indoor substation?
30 Explain different busbar arrangements with neat sketch.
31 What do you mean by bus bar? And explain about single bus bar and sectionalized single
bus bar.
32 Discuss with a neat diagram the various bus bar arrangements in a substation.
Unit 5 : Corona and Power Factor Improvement (Question Bank)

1 Explain the concept and phenomenon of corona.
2 What are corona losses? Discuss its significance and permissible limit.
3 Give the theory of corona formation.
4 Elaborate and give the expression for the following terms with respect to corona i) Critical disruptive
voltage ii) Virtual disruptive voltage iii) power loss due to corona
5 Explain the term power loss due to corona.
6 Give the advantages & disadvantages of corona.
7 What is the effect of corona on line design?
8 What are the factors affecting corona?
9 What are the methods of reducing corona effect?

10 B. Power Factor Improvement

11 Write the causes for low power factor in power system?
12 Write the advantages of power factor improvement.
13 Discuss the importance of power factor correction
14 Explain the methods of improving power factor.
15 Explain (i) Phase advancers (ii) Static capacitors
16 Write notes on how an over excited synchronous machine improves power factor?
17 How do you justfy economically the connection of capacitors for the improvement of p.f.
18 Derive the expression for most economical value of power factor which may be attained by the consumer.
19 Asynchronous motor improves the power factor of load of 220KW from 0.8 lagging to 0.9 lagging.
Simultaneously motor carries the load of 90 KW. Find
i) Leading KVAR taken by motor. ii) KVA rating of motor.
iii) Power factor at which motor operates.
20 A 3-phase, 5 kW inductions motor has a power factor of 0.85 lagging. A bank of capacitor is connected in
delta across the supply terminal and power factor raised to 0.95 lagging. Determine the kVAR rating of
the capacitor in each phase?

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