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RT26 QAQC [] DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY FACILITY - means any facility in which an x-ray system is used in

any procedure for the purpose of diagnosis or visualization - offices of individual physicians, dentists,
chiropractors, veterinarians are examples of the radiology facility


[General Notes]

1. History

2. Any administration

3. Childbearing/pregnant

4. Consent

5. Privacy

6. Previous film and note review

7. Intervention, risk of bleeding

8. Bowel cleansing

9. Premedication

10. Through explanation

[] CONSULTATION BEFORE THE PROCEDURE - essential before getting an x-ray, especially if they are
breastfeeding or might be pregnant

- small amounts of radiation is dangerous for a developing fetus

- another test might be used to avoid radiation

[] NEED FOR FASTING - depends on the type of x-ray test

- common in the digestive tract

- do not consume for 8 -12 hours

- medicine with a small sip of water

[] ATTIRE - dress comfortably for an x-ray

- loose and easily removed

- hospital gown (Remove all jewelry, glasses, and metal objects)

[] EMPTY BLADDER PRIOR - procedure for an abdominal x-ray

- do not drink excessively on the morning of the procedure

() Post-Evacuation (Pooping) - Last step in Barium Enema

[] DRINK A CONTRAST MEDIUM - some x-ray tests require to drink a contrast medium that helps outline
a specific area of the body on the x-ray image

- drink a solution of barium or iodine

- swallow a pill

- receive an injection

[] SOME MANEUVER - holding breath to show up more clearly chest and lung on the x-ray image

- to hold still or move to diff positions

- body position between the machine and a plate that creates the digital image

[] PAIN - x-ray is the painless procedure during which x-ray beams pass through the body and record an

- procedure usually takes minutes for a bone x-ray but can go longer if a contrast medium is used

[] QUALITY ASSURANCE –high-quality images with minimum exposure of the Px and personnel

- a system that attempts to maintain a high quality of work all around

= Objective of QA = - maintain optimal quality of diagnostic images

- to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure to pt and staff

- to be cost-effective PROGRAM

- an organized effort by the staff operating a facility to ensure that the diagnostic images produced are
of a sufficiently high quality so that they


- design to verify that QC testing is effective

- tests perform regularly and correctly, results evaluated promptly and accurately and the necessary
action taken

- Include recommendations regarding the responsibility for quality assurance action, staff training,
equipment standards, and the selection of the appropriate equipment for each examination

[] PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE - performed on a regularly scheduled basis with the goal of preventing
breakdowns due to equipment failing without warning signs detectable by monitoring

- visual inspection

- following manufacturer's recommended procedures for cleaning and maintenance of the equipment

- regular inspection and replacement of switches and parts that routinely wear out or fail

[] TRAINING - QA program includes the means to provide appropriate training for all personnel with QA
responsibilities to ensure each meet a minimum level of competency to perform QC test correctly and
- companies whose sole purpose is training, as well as service and repair companies and the facility's
medical physicists can provide seminars and training courses on how to perform quality control tests

QA COMMITTEE - personnel responsible for oversight of the QA program, setting the goal and direction,
determining policies, and assessing the effectiveness of QA activities

- owns a documented strategy with clearly defined work plans to achieve the goals and objectives of the
radiology department


- medical physicist

- radiologist

- biomedical engineer

- medical imaging technologists or radiographer

- information technology technician

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