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Long Term Aging of Electronics Systems & Maintainability Strategy

for Critical Applications

James Loman • GE Global Research Center • Niskayuna

Anthony Arrao • GE Power Systems • Schenectady
Roger Wyrick • GE Power Systems • Atlanta
Key words: Electronics Maintenance, Electronics Aging, Electronics Degradation, Electronics Life


Many electronic systems, such as computers and The “Reliability Bathtub” curve, shown in Fig.1,
consumer goods, have a short life, typically two to five illustrates clearly the basic problem with proactive
years. However, there are critical applications, e.g. in the maintenance for electronic systems. Industry standard
case of power plants, where life may be 20 years or more. references state that electronics fail randomly, i.e. in the
While proactive maintenance is normally practiced for middle portion of the curve (Ref 1), or that a “First Year”
mechanical components, we have not found references in multiplier (Ref. 2) enhances these random failures.
the technical literature that address the question as to Removing otherwise functional electronic circuit cards,
whether or not proactive maintenance for electronic and replacing them with new cards would result in cards
systems may be warranted in cases of very long term with a higher chance of failure, since this will put the
usage. system back to the far left of the bathtub curve. This will
result in increasing failure rate, and added expense, which
Electronics reliability models that are commonly used is clearly not a desirable result from a maintenance action.
include MIL-HDBK 217F (Ref. 1) and Telcordia Proactive card replacement makes sense only if the
Reliability model (Ref. 2). In the former model failures existing cards are in the far right portion of the curve, i.e.
are assumed to be “random,” i.e. exponentially they are wearing out and their failure rate is increasing in
distributed. A model such as this has no “infant mortality” time. We have fielded systems, which are now 30 years
or “wearout” region. The latter, Telcordia, model does old. While the reliability performance of these cards has
add a “First year multiplier” to account for infant been excellent, the likelihood of this continuing into the
mortality but no factors for well-aged components. future is unknown.
Physics of failure approaches (see e.g. Ref. 3) come
closest to describing the “life” of electronic products.
They are useful in cases where life is limited by
predictable physical mechanisms. These models work
well, e.g., for the case of solder joint fatigue by thermal
cycling. However, POF approaches are not adequate for
large systems, with disparate part types, where the
environmental conditions are benign. In our applications,
units are operated in a control room with carefully
controlled environmental conditions.

So, we conducted a large measurement program on

samples of aged control circuit cards to determine what Fig. 1: Reliability Bathtub Curve. Electronics failures
are usually classified as either “Infant Mortality” or
components age, and by how much, over 20 years or
Random,” i.e. occurring within the “Useful Life”
more. We used the results, in concert with additional
analysis, to determine a maintenance strategy for older We studied the issue of “Wearout,” the far right side of
control systems. the curve.

0-7803-7717-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Therefore, the key questions that need to be asked and loop gain, offset voltage, offset current, bias current and
answered are: common mode rejection ratio. Simple components were
• When will these components wear out? measured on analog equipment such as curve tracers.
• How will we know when that time is coming? Some of the more sophisticated components were
• Is it wise to arbitrarily extend the life of systems measured on ATE (Automated Test Equipment).
indefinitely, without this knowledge?
In other words, do electronics wear out- and at what We also examined the mechanical interconnections, such
point? as the connectors, connector pins, and solder joints. We
noted no anomalies. Our study differs from a Physics of
2. PROCEDURE Failure aging study (e.g. Ref. 3). In POF, the time to
failure, e.g. a mechanical interconnection such as solder,
We obtained electronic circuit cards that were used by a is estimated based upon a stress stimulus such as a
major utility. The use environment would best be thermal cycle. In our study the physical stimulus is small,
described as “Ground Benign,” i.e. the cards were used in so indefinite life would be anticipated.
racks in a controlled environment. Sixteen boards were
examined. They are only a sample, since our older control 3. RESULTS
systems may contains 200 board types. The boards were
25-33 years old, except one that was only 11 years old. Despite the advanced age, we found that most
Boards were visually examined and defects noted. Boards components (94%) were in specification at room
were then deconstructed, that is, components were temperature. At maximum rated temperatures, about three
removed and electrically measured. The parts used on the times more parts were out-of-specification, but we will
cards were “high quality” parts for their time of not discuss this in detail.
manufacture, i.e. late 1960’s and early 1970’s, meaning
that many components were hermetic can or DIP For the 6% that were out of specification, at room
construction. The part types included both “military” and temperature, we found three s-significant categories that
“commercial” quality. We wanted to see if significant showed systematic aging, and could eventually lead to
electrical degradation in components is occurring, and if circuit card/ system malfunction, depending on the nature
aging appears to lead to system anomalies. We collected of the design.
data on 770 components from the 16-card sample.
Interconnects used through-hole technology. The density
of components was very low compared to current
Tantalum and metalized paper construction capacitors is
assembly technology. Fig. 2 shows an example card.
the first category which showed aging effects. We found
that capacitance decreases in an aged population. Figure 3
shows a histogram of our results for Tantalum capacitors
that illustrates the finding.

Fig. 2: An example of circuit card used in the aging

study. This particular card was produced in 1969 and
operated for more than 30 years.

On each component, there was a minimum of three

measurements; on some components there were more
than 100 measurements. The actual measurements varied
depending on the type of component. In simple cases, the Fig. 3. Histogram showing the data on aged Ta
measurement might be as simple as the resistance of a capacitors in the aging study. These capacitors have a
carbon composition resistor at room, high and low limit of +/-20%; the limits are marked as USL & LSL
temperature. In the more sophisticated cases, such as for “Upper (Lower) Specification Limit.” The curves
integrated circuits, the measurements would include open “LT” and “ST” are “Long Term” and “Short term”


normal fits to the data using Minitab statistical aged parts. Fig. 5 contains an example histogram for the
software. case of 5% tolerance parts.

Other capacitor types in contrast did not show a

s-significant aging effect. While there was a systematic s-
bias of the aged ceramic capacitor population (33 units) to
be low compared to the nominal value, all were
nonetheless within the specification limits. We also
examined 30 aged metalized Mylar capacitors of various
values; we found one outlier, i.e. with a value 30% low
compared to nominal, but otherwise the population was
centered at the nominal value, and the remaining 29 items
were within specification.

3.2 Integrated Circuits

Fig. 5: Population histogram for aged Zener diodes.
Linear integrated circuits (operational amplifiers The original tolerance was +/- 5%. These are 30 year
and comparators) represent the second category of parts old Zener diodes and show a negative shift; Cpk=0.47,
that showed aging. We found parametric degradation ignoring one part failed.
occurs, in the old linear integrated circuits, leading to an
inability in some cases to meet output voltage high Other semiconductor devices examined included rectifier
(VOH) specification limits and other parameters such as diodes and transistors. Most of the rectifier diodes were
offset voltage (VOS). This effect is illustrated in Fig. 4. within specification, and centered on nominal values, a
few devices showed random deviations from nominal. All
of the bipolar transistors were within specification.

3.4 Resistors

Carbon composition resistors were largely (26 out of 27

measured) within specification. Fig. 6 illustrates the aged
population. Metal film resistors showed a similar
performance (310 out of 312 were within specification).
A sizeable percentage (6 of 16) of aged precision (1% and
0.1% tolerance values) wire wound resistors did not meet
the specification limits; however, all (14 of 14) of the 5%
and 10% precision units were within specification.

Fig. 4: Histogram of aging effect on one parameter in

type-741 operational amplifiers. Similar changes were
found in other analog integrated circuit types and in
other parameters in the same type.

On the other hand, the digital integrated circuits,

based on bipolar Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
technology, showed little significant change compared to
nominal specifications.

3.3 Discrete Semiconductor devices

Zener diodes are the third category, which

showed s-significant changes in the aged population. The Fig. 6: Population histogram for aged carbon
effect is mainly a decrease in the reference voltage for the composition resistors. The original tolerance was +/-


5%. These are 30 year old resistors and show a slight 3. Product Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability
positive shift; Cpk=0.67, including one part out of Handbook, M. Pecht, ed.; Chapter 5, Hardware Reliability, A.
specification. Dasgupta, author, CRC Press, 1995

3.5 Relays

From our previous work, we knew that relays are subject BIOGRAPHIES
to aging effects, so they were not further studied here.
James M. Loman, Ph.D.
GE Global Research Center
Room KWC-1609
These results are useful in enhancing maintenance Niskayuna, NY 12301-0008 USA

strategy. Electronic circuit cards need to be examined e-mail:

after >20 years of use (10 years for cards that contain
James Loman is the manager of the Advances Photonics and Electronics
relays). The effect of every potentially out of specification Laboratory at the GE Global Research Center. Dr. Loman holds a Ph.D.
part on the performance of the circuit board needs to be Degree from the University of Delaware, a M.S. degree from the Univ.
considered. We found that in our system design, out of of Notre Dame, and a B.S. from Villanova University. He has worked
for GE and Lockheed Martin for 19 years, and is responsible for
specification performance of a component was reliability at GE as well as R&D in electronics and photonics. He is also
insignificant or minor in many cases. However, in some a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and co- author of GE’s “Design for Six
Sigma” training program.
instances, noticeable system effects could result from
parametric changes in device operation. Where such cases Anthony Arrao
GE International, Inc.
are identified, proactive card replacement is probably 1 River Road
warranted. Furthermore, adequate cooling must be Building 40-306
ensured at all times, as aged cards were found to be more Schenectady, NY 12345 USA
temperature sensitive than new ones. e-mail:

Anthony S. Arrao is Manager, Controls Service Engineering for GE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Power Systems in Schenectady, New York and leads the aftermarket
controls engineering team. He has worked for GE for 21 years starting
The authors would like to thank Fred Schinkowski, Frank his career with GE Aircraft Engines in new product development and
advanced technology development. Mr. Arrao transferred to GE Power
Anderson, Pat Callen, Mike Molitor and Dennis Watson Systems in 1993 and has held a number of leadership positions in
of GE Power Systems for their help and for many useful engineering and services. He possesses a Master's Degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a
discussions without whose input this work would have Master's Degree in Management from the M.I.T. Sloan School of
not been possible. We would also like to thank Keith Management both located in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Park, Donna Sherman of GE Global Research, and Steve
Roger Wyrick
Moyer and Bob Gigliuto of Lockheed Martin, for taking GE International, Inc.
the data we discussed herein. 4200 Wildwood Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30339 USA
REFERENCES Roger Wyrick is Customer Program Manager for GE Energy Services
Technology. Mr. Wyrick holds a M.S. degree in nuclear engineering
1. MIL-Handbook 217F, Notice 2, 1995 from the University of Illinois, a M.S. in physics from the University of
California, and a B.S. in physics from Indiana University. He has
2. Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment, worked for two years in GE product service and customer programs and
Telcordia Technologies Special Report SR-332, Issue 1, May 2001 previously worked for 25 years for various organizations in nuclear
reactor safety and operations.


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