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Creative Writing

Quarter 3 – Module 3
Creative Writing Versus
Utilizing Language
Academic/Technical to
Evoke Emotional and
Intellectual Responses
from Readers

Aldous A. Angcay
Subject Teacher

1|P age
Creative Writing
Quarter 1 – Module 2
Utilizing Language to Evoke Emotional
and Intellectual Responses from Readers

This is your self-instructional learner module in Creative Writing. All the activities provided
in this lesson will help you learn and understand: Creative Writing as you do Utilizing
Language to Evoke Emotional and Intellectual Responses from Readers.


We have learned that sensory details play a vital role in writing. It makes the reader
imagine and feel what is being read. With that, the reader can get a vivid image of the
content of the text and eventually get ideas about it.

Do you still remember the calamities/social issues/ health problems the Filipino
people experienced for the past years? What are those?

Filipinos are known for being optimistic. Despite several crises, Filipinos remain
positive about their situation. They surpass any problems with courage and hope.
Today, we will go back to some of the unforgettable issues in Philippine history. I
will share with you short passages from poems and a speech written by Filipino writers.
So put yourself to the reading text for you to feel and convey its message.
The first reading text is an excerpt from the poem “The Haiyan Dead”, Let us all

2|P age
the Haiyan dead are looking for the moon washed out in
a tumult of water that melted their bodies
they are looking for their bodies that once
moved to the dance to play
to the rhythms of love moved in the simple ways--before wind
lifted sea and smashed it on the land-of breath talk words shaping in
their throats lips tongues

Can you visualize the setting of the poem? Are these the image you see as you read it?
makeshift-mortuariesoverrun.html ning-doesnt-look-like-drowning/ /21/the-haiyan-dead/

So how do you feel about this poem? Everybody is traumatized by the effect brought
by this typhoon. Many people became homeless with the loss of their properties and loved
ones. Haiyan is one of the deadliest typhoons in the Philippines. Haiyan dead in the poem
refers to the victims of Yolanda. The lines from the poem give us an idea that the victims
are not ready to die and cannot rest in peace. Haiyan victims were no longer doing their
habits, instead they are searching for their missing bodies.
Let us read another excerpt from a speech of President Rodrigo Duterte on
his 3rd State of the Nation Address (SONA) last July 23, 2018.

“Our concern is human rights, mine is human lives. The lives of our youth are
being wasted and families are destroyed, and all because of the chemicals called shabu,
cocaine, cannabis, and heroin”.
“Human rights to me means giving Filipinos, especially those at the society’s
fringes, a decent and dignified future through the social and physical infrastructures
necessary to better their lives. The lives and freedoms and the hard-earned property of
every Filipino whose condition we wish to improve shall be protected from criminals,
terrorists, corrupt officials, and trafficker’s contrabands”.
You worry about the present; I am concerned about both the present and the future.
I worry about the future because I know what crimes can do to the youth of this country.

3|P age
If not stopped, crimes can make human cesspools of succeeding generations. I will not
allow it to happen. Not during my term.
What do you think about the President’s speech? Do you find him a good leader?
Pres. Duterte is known for being an anti-drug leader. He believes that drugs would
ruin the lives of many Filipinos. With that, he said that he won’t let it happen during his

Guided Practice

A student from the United States has shared his reflection as part of the
Global Student Stories Project “A Day in my Life: living under the Covid19 Pandemic”. Try
to answer the following question. Choose the letter of the best answer.

A Day in my Life, written by Sutter, 18, USA

The coronavirus has changed the way we live. My sister had to come home from
college in New York. My sister in Los Angeles is feeling sick. My parents have to work
from home, and I have to go to school from home. Everything is closed. We can’t go the
movies, to
restaurants, to stores, or meet friends. We’re all waiting at home, so we don’t all give it
to each other.
My grandparents say they have never seen anything like it in their lifetimes. Where I
live and in more places around the country, we have to stay in our houses unless we have
to leave the house for medical care or to buy food. So, I haven’t been out of the house
much in two weeks. I miss everybody at school and missing the rest of my family. One
thing we’ve started to do is meet up with my dad’s big family over the internet using
Zoom. We did this for my grandpa’s birthday, and we could all see each other on the
screen at the same time. Grandkids from all over the world were there, from Australia,
New York, Hawaii and from all over California. It was pretty amazing and really fun to
see all my cousins. It was a nice way to celebrate my Grandpa’s 85th birthday since none
of us could be there.
1. Which emotions is NOT expressed by the student in his reflection?
a. Sad b. curious c. worried d. afraid
2. What makes the student feels worried?
a. He is worried about not seeing his loved ones personally.
b. He is worried about not going to his favorite places.
c. He is worried that they may run out of money to support their necessities.
d. He is worried about the life style they would have because of Covid.

4|P age
3. What makes them connected even in a distance?
a. They send letters to communicate.
b. They used televisions and radios to get news about their loved ones.
c. They call and text.
d. They meet over the internet via zoom.


Activity 1
Write I if the situation requires intellectual response and E if the situation requires
emotional response.

1. Many people around the world donated cash to help the victims of flood.
2. ABS-CBN franchise is still under investigation.
3. Dep-Ed finds ways in making education possible during COVID-19 pandemic
4. Transportation becomes a challenge to Filipino workers.
5. Save money for future.


Activity 2
Choose the letter of the best answer. Refer to the excerpt passage above.
1. What level of diction is used by Pres. Duterte during his SONA?
a. Formal c. Slang
b. Informal d. Colloquial
2. Which is the best example of personification in the poem?
a. --before wind lifted sea and smashed it on the land—
b. the Haiyan dead are looking for the moon
c. they are looking for their bodies that once moved to the dance to play
d. of breath talk words shaping in their throats lips tongues
3. What line in the poem shows that the victims were once have a happy life
a. Line 1-2 c. Line 5-7
b. Line 3-4 d. Line 8-10
4. What destroys human lives according to Pres. Duterte’s speech?
a. Human trafficking c. Drugs
b. Corruption d. Sexual harassment
5. Who will be greatly affected if crimes can’t be stopped?
a. Parents c. Workers
b. Leaders d. Youth

5|P age
I have learned that the problem

Problems are normal. Problems makes us strong and confident. Even though we had
a lot of struggles in our life, we should never lose hope. Be optimistic and be brave.


Direction: Draw a / if the statement is essential in creative writing and X if it’s not.

1. Imagery in writing helps the reader put him or herself in your shoes.

2. Figures of speech makes writing expressive, flowery and interesting.

3. Sensory detail gives strength to writing.

4. Experience is not really important in sharing story.

5. Formal diction should be always be the language in writing.

6|P age

7|P age

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