Như Khánh - B1U3123 REPORTED SPEECH G8

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Grammar Reported speech Co ¢ 2ech = stig Gre pee Use _ Example To report what someone else said My dad said that he'd written a song. Form Direct speech Reported speech present simple past simple ‘Twant to build a new house,’ said Jil _ il said she wanted to build a new house. present continuous past continuous ‘We are making a dress,’ they said. They said they were making a dress. present perfect continuous past perfect continuous ‘Ihave been drawing all dey,’ said Debbie. Debbie said she had been drawing all day. past simple past perfect simple ‘Jim made a card for me yesterday,’ Amy said. past continuous ‘Iwas writing a poem,’ said Tina. Amy said Jim had made a card for her the day before. past perfect continuous Tina said she had been writing a poem. wll would ‘Iwill make you a scarf,’ my grandma said. My grandma said she would make me a scar!. am/is/are going to was/were going to ‘They are going to make a new one,’ said Joe. Joe said they were going to make a new one, can ‘could ‘Lean draw quite well,’ Emma said. Emma said she could draw quite well. must / have to had to "You have to visit the fashion show,’ she said. She said we had to visit the fashion show. may might ‘may visit the White House next week,” said Polly. Polly said she might visit the White House the following wel mao We often have to change other words apart from the verb form. pronouns time and place sl = he/she here = there = next week — the following week * you = V/me/theyfthem = now = then/at that moment + yesterday = the day before swe = they + tomorrow = the next day * last week = the week before sus = them tonight = that night + ago = before «my = his/her * your = my/their a) + We only make tense changes when the reporting verb (say, ete) sin the past. ¥ Tony says he is going to study architecture. x Tony says he was going to-stidy architecture: + We don't change the past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous. ¥ Thad seen the picture before.’ = He said he had seen the picture before. ‘= We also don't change would, should, could and might. ¢ ‘Iimight take up painting,’ = She said she might take up painting. + We can use verbs like apologise, deny, promise, refuse and suggest in reported speech. ¥ Jan apologised for losing the picture.’ v Charlotte to let me see her painting. ¥ He denied breaking the statue. + My dad suggested going to an art galery. ¥ Terence promised to help me decorate the house. 130 1 ‘ma big fan of U2," Derek said. Derek said he a big fan of U2. Awas B has been Chad been 2. We're watching TV,’ said the twins. The twins said they . Awatched B were watching Chad watched 3 ‘You've been annoying me all day!’ my mum said. My mum said | ‘annoyed B was annoying C had been annoying 4 “The dog ate my homework! said Ivan. Ivan said the dog his homework. Awas eating Bhad eaten Chas eaten her all day. sing the his © their » them © there 1 ‘Tm seeing Simon tomorrow,’ Mary said. Mary said she was seeing Simon 2 ‘We moved into the area two years ago,’ Bella said. Bella said they had moved into the area two years 3 ‘Our teacher is giving us a test!’ said Michelle. Reported speech ‘At one o'clock, | was having lunch,’ said Molly. Molly said she lunch at one o'clock. Ahad been having Bhas had Cis having “You'll get wet without an umbrella,’ Dad said. Dad said | wet without an umbrella Awill be getting B got C would get ‘He can juggle five balls! said Angie. Angie said he five balls. A juggled B would jugele C could juggle “You must give me your essays,’ Mrs Vine said. Mrs Vine said we give her our essays. Awere having to B had to C would have to ds and phrases in the boxes. before + that night + the day before = the next day J Michelle said their teacher was giving atest. 4 ‘My dad gave me fifty pounds!’ said Neil Neil said dad had given him fifty pounds. 5 ‘Iscored a great goal yesterday,’ Marina said. Marina said she had scored a great goal 6 ‘We saw our cousin at the fair,’ said Ben. Ben said they had seen 7 ‘left my wallet here,’ Frank said. Frank said he had left his wallet . 8 ‘til sleep well tonight! said Arnie. Amie said he would sleep well cousin at the fair. 131 Unit 31. Grammar C]} Underline the mistake in each second sentence and write the correct wo! 1 ‘There's a mouse in the kitchen!’ said Martha, Martha said there had been a mouse in the kitchen. 2 ‘We've won every match this year,’ Amy said. Amy said they won every match that year. 3 ‘I broke my leg two weeks ago,’ said Spencer. Spencer said he had broken his leg two weeks ago, ori 4. ‘We'd heard the song before,’ Rory said. Rory said he had heard the song before. 5 ‘ve been working since four o'clock,’ said Dad Dad said he was working since four o'clock. 6 ‘We're spending tomorrow by the swimming pool,’ Belinda said. Belinda said they have spent the next day by the swimming pool. D has a similar 1 ‘im going to bake a cake,’ said Mum. she Mum $85 nn “ cnnu to bake a cake. 2 ‘Richard has passed his driving test,’ Andy said. passed Andy said his driving test 3 ‘We're staying in tonight to watch TV,’ Jim said, that Jim said they to watch TV. 4. ‘Im thinking of going on a diet,’ said George. he George said .. : of going on a diet. 5, ‘My sister lived in Russia for a year,’ Carol said. lived Carol said in Russia for a year. 6 ‘Iwent snowboarding last year,’ Jil said. year Jill sid she before. 7 ‘il call you tomorrow,’ Karl said to me. next Karl said he - day. 8 ‘We'e flying home next week,’ said Arthur. the Arthur said they week E] Rewrite the sentences in reported in 1 ‘Tm sorry | told everyone your secret,’ my sister said. apologised 2 ‘I didn't give the money to John,’ said Al. denied 3 Millove you forever! Francis said to Elizabeth. promised 4 ‘No, | won't open the door!’ said Mandy. refused 5 ‘Why don't we give Jenny a call? Albert said. suggested wa COU Seer a Grammar Reported questions, orders, requests Use ‘To report what someone else asked/ordered/requested Form yi e der/request questions beginning with have, do or be ‘Have you been to the gallery?’ he asked her. ‘Do you want a sweater” my mum asked. ‘Are you making a skirt?’ | asked Anne. requests > Example Pat asked me if | had tried the jeans on in the shop. Reported question/order/request He asked her if she had been to the gallery. ‘My mum asked if | wanted a sweater. asked Anne if she was making a skirt questions beginning with a modal | ‘Can you paint” Mary asked her friend. ‘Will you make me one?" | asked Terry. ‘Shall | wear a jacket? | asked Mum. “May | borrow your coat? Mr Jones asked me. {questions beginning with a question word ‘What kind of shoes are in fashion now?" my mum asked me. ‘Who did you see at the fashion show?" asked Ben. ‘Which one do you want?" Sarah asked Liam. ‘When will they finish the house?’ | asked. ‘Why did you say that” my sister asked me. ‘How much did your hat cost?’ Ed asked Carl Mary asked her friend if he could paint asked Terry if he would make me one. asked Mum if | should wear a jacket. Mr Jones asked me if he might borrow my coat. My mum asked me what kind of shoes were in fashion at that moment. Ben asked who / had seen at the fashion show. Sarah asked Liam which one he wanted. asked when they would finish the house. My sister asked me why I had said that. Ed asked Carl how much his hat had cost. | orders | ‘Put your clothes in the drawer,’ Mum said. ‘Don't wear the red one,” Alice said. Mum told me to put my clothes in the drawer. Alice told me not to wear the red one. requests ‘Will you make me one?’ | asked Terry. ‘Please don't move my pictures,’ said Oiga. | asked Terry to make me one. Olga asked me not to move her pictures. Ei We can also use whether instead of ifn reported questions. 7 He asked her whether she had been to the gallery. ne, . RE (Waxes) Remember not to use question word order in reported questions. ¥ | asked when they would finish the house. X tasked when would they finish-the house: 133 (34 o Grammar the correct answe 1 ‘Has your brother gone out” Mum asked me, Mum asked me if my brother has gone / had gone out. 2 ‘Do you know the answer?’ Miss Smith asked Ruby. Miss Smith asked Ruby if she knew / had known the answer. 3 ‘s this your car?’ the police officer said to the man. The police officer asked the man if it is / was his car. 4. ‘Have you been to see the exhibition?’ | asked Benjamin, | asked Benjamin if he went / had been to see the exhibition. 5 ‘Does your laptop need a new battery? Jerry asked me. Jerry asked me if my laptop needed / will need a new battery. 6 ‘Are you having a barbecue?’ | asked the Browns. | asked the Browns if they were having / had been having a barbecue. Write one word in each gap 1 Will you be at the party?" Richard asked me. Richard asked me if | be at the party. 2 ‘May | ask you a few questions?’ the woman asked Ted. ‘The woman asked Ted if she ask him a few questions. 3 ‘Can we go to the z00 tomorrow?’ Jane asked her father. Jane asked her father if they go to the zoo the following day. 4 ‘Shall | study maths or English?’ Sally asked her best friend. Sally asked her best friend whether she study maths or English. 5 ‘Can you write with your left hand?’ Val asked me. Val asked me whether | eet write with my left hand. 6 ‘Shall we play tennis or volleyball?” Debbie asked her sister. Debbie asked her sister if they......... play tennis or volleyball. 7 ‘May | leave the table” Samantha asked her parents. Samantha asked her parents if SHE 0: leave the table, 8 ‘Will our bus leave on time?” Mum asked the driver. Mum asked the driver whether our bus leave on time. 0 that it ha: and five words. to the first 1 ‘When did your brother join the army?’ Rudy asked.me. Rudy asked me 2 ‘How was your trip to Turkey? | asked Katherine. \ asked Katherine how been. 3. ‘How will we find your keys in the dark?’ Ashley asked Susie. Ashley asked Susie cennnw Keys in the dark. 4 Why was Rob on TV?" Denise asked me. Denise asked me on TV. 5 Who saw you at the park?" the police officer asked me. The police officer asked me at the park. 6 ‘Who did you see at the park?’ the police officer asked me. The police officer asked me sn the army. at the park. and complete the sentences. — {Listen careflly) ‘sop following me) = 1 My mum told......... . 4 The parrot 21 . 5 Jenny's grandma 3. The man 6 The magician Choose the correct answe 1 ‘Could you pass me the salt, please?’ | asked the man next to me. \ asked the man next to me... me the salt, Apass B if he passes C to pass 2 ‘Would you mind waiting a moment” the shop assistant asked the woman, The shop assistant asked the woman for a moment. Ato wait B waiting C she wait 3 ‘Please don't leave your dirty football boots in the hall’ Mum said to Doug Mum told Doug - his dirty football boots in the hall. Athat he doesn't leave B not to leave C don't leave 4 ‘Could you tell us where you were at six o'clock?’ the police officers asked Barry. The police officers asked Barry he had been at six o'clock Ateling them where B where he tells them C to tell them where 5 ‘Could have your email address?’ | asked Mariella. asked Mariella email address. Ato give me her B give me your C give me her 6 ‘Can | have a new Xbox for my birthday? | asked my mum. Vasked my MUM nnn @ NEW XDOX. A that she get me B get me C to get me the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (). If it is wrong, write the ct word or phrase \ asked Toni why had she taken my CD without asking me. Roger told Isabelle don’t make any plans for the weekend, Madison asked me how much my new jeans had cost. ‘Alexander asked his dad giving him some money for his school trip. I told Jeremy you don’t move while | took his photograph. Annie told her dog to sit, but it didn't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 135 | Unit (E}) 136 Vocabulary Creating and building GRICE ‘see page 196 for definitions "ancient (ad) maintain (v) checked (adi) match (v) cotton (n) material (n) create (v) notice (v, n) design (v, n) pattern (n) fix (v) pile (n) fold (v) practical (adj) gallery (n) rough (adj) improvement (n) shape (n) loose (adi) Peer nets) cutoff completely remove by cutting do up button/zip up a piece of clothing fill up make sth completely full have on —_wear (a piece of clothing) leave out not include put on —_start wearing (@ piece of clothing) take off remove (a piece of clothing) try on € Reece artist, artistic break broke, broken, (unbreakable compose composition, composer exhibit exhibition free freedom Qe adjectives amazed at/by disappointed with familiar with involved in similar to change sth (from sth) into verbs sleeve (n) ‘smooth (adi) stretch (v) striped (adj) style (n) suit (v, n) suitable (adj) tear (v, n) tight (adi) tool (r) || atthe back (of) | atthe end (of | in fashion/stye | infront of | in the corer (of) __out of fashion/style put on (a piece of clothing) to see how it looks and if it its handful, handle imagination, imaginative inteligence perfection, imperfect Preparation describe sth as explain sth to remind sb of remove sth from ‘nouns an influence on a picture of cresting and bulding Unit 3 Topic vocabulary Match the pictures with the verbs in the box. create » design » fix » fold » match + stretch + tear [B] Ezch of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word ‘These jeans are too ancient. Do you have a smaller size? | don't like your smooth dress. It makes you look like a zebra! It's good to have rough skills, like being able to make your own clothes. uch! These shoes are far too checked. Have you got any in a bigger size? Wear that suitable shirt, the one with the red and white squares. ‘The woman asked the assistant if they had any jackets loose for 2 one-year-old girl. This woollen jumper is really striped. | don't like wearing it because it makes me itch! ‘The practical Egyptians almost always wore white clothes. Feel this material. It's so soft and tight. | bet it's really expensive. WOUVHAHEONE 137 138 Vocabulary C] Circte t ect word 1 They've got some fantastic paintings in the local art gallery / style. 2 Amy asked me if | had seen her silk / shape blouse. 3 We pay someone to maintain / notice the block of flats we live in. 4 The latest fashion is short piles / sleeves with lots of bright colours. 5 The assistant said the T-shirts were made out of cotton / suit. 6 | asked my mum what tools / improvements | needed to tix the car. 7 Oscar bought some material / pattern to make a costume for the fancy-dress party. Phrasal verbs Dress to impress Do you think carefully about what you (1) sna ON @aCh Morning when you get dressed? What do the clothes that you (2) on say about you? If you want to make the right impression, try these easy tips. When you buy clothes, always (3) them on. Ask a friend's opinion if you're not sure-"And check that what you buy is the right size! If it’s a jacket, for example, make sure that you can (4) and (5) = off. Clear out your wardrobe. Take everything out and only put back those things you actually like. (6) out all the things you never weer. It will create space for new clothes and you'll be able to (7) 2 ~wmunae it up with things that suit you. Finally, try making your old clothes more fashionable. You could (8)... the sleeves off an old shirt or change the colour. Have fun, and always dress to impress! it up property. And make sure it's easy to put on in each sentence there is a nissing word should go ai show where the write the word 1 My parents said they wanted to build a play area at the back our house. 2 Those silver boots are really fashion at the moment! 3. Jan said it would look nice if we put some candles the corner of the room. 4 We need to design a new sign to go in front the shop to attract customers, 5. What's going to happen at end of your story? 6 Things become fashionable and then go out style very quickly. Creating and building Unit 9 Word formation 1 She must have a lot of - to think of ideas like that. IMAGINE 2 | love the way they've designed this cup without a HAND 3 Kevin said he loved classical music and his favourite COMPOSE was Mozart. 4 When you look at his notebooks, you can see that Leonardo da Vinci was really INTELLIGENT 5 Todd is really vs - He loves painting, playing music and ART writing poetry. 6 Would it be safer if all houses had windows made OUt Of... BREAK glass? 7 Ittook a lot of to get the show right, but it was worth it. PREPARE 8 Mum asked if | wanted to go to the Dali and | said yes. EXHIBIT 9 You might create something that’s wonderful, but remember that it's impossible PERFECT to achieve 10 Our art teacher gives us a lot of — to paint what we want to. FREE Word patterns el Tina is only two, so | was amazed by / with the picture she drew. Picasso has been a huge influence in / on me as a painter. Writing poetry is similar to / with writing a song in some ways. Look at this wonderful stl life ~ it's a picture from / of fruit in a bowl. | like Stephen King’s books, but | was a bit disappointed from / with his last one. There's a lot involved in / on writing a symphony. It takes a lot of hard work. Derek asked if | was familiar on / with an artist called Titian and | said yes. Noorene plete usi orm of the verbs from the box. A ner W you change * describe » expl remind » remove 1 We need to the old wallpaper a the walls before we put the new one up. 2 Could you how you make concrete... me? 3 I would this style of painting -« Quite modern. 4 This piece of music always aces ATT long summer evenings. 5 My drawing of a horse went a bit wrong $0 F..s.1it sn @ camel! 139 140 [B) m ll 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 21 22 Review 11 Dear Gemma, Hit How are you? ially persuaded muy wun to take mt shopping yesterday, tt wis great! tried (0... lots of clothes and 1 was amazed (2) the choice in all the shops. tt reminded me (3) the time we went shopping when you came to stay, We had a lot of fin, did't we? Anyioay, | fownd one of those jackets that are (4) fashion ct the moment — but | couldnt do it(s) so! needed bigger siz, but they didnt have ay. Oh, wel. Maybe Il have anther ook C) cow the end ofthis week, I bought some shes, thought — theyre sintlar (7) the nes you've got, the pink ones, t have thet (8) _ at the moment and they look great! (ht, and you Kvow that od blouse t had? Well, ve change (9) oon. 4 T-shirt! cut the sleves (10) and now itl be perfct for the suse Ihave to go now, Write soon and tll eal your news. Lots of ave, olivia (1 mark per answer) She described the picture she was A in designing buildings. painting B to Martin, but he didn't understand. My sister's an architect, so she's involved C from the exhibition because it was | like Picasso's paintings, but I'm not damaged. familiar D from a winter scene into a spring scene. I tried to explain how to use oil paints E_ of ahorse and it was briliant. They had to remove one of the paintings F on many other painters, Vincent Van Gogh has had an influence G as modern, but it looked quite Darren drew a picture old-fashioned to me. Adding flowers to my picture changed it H with his sculptures. (1 mark per answer) he word that it has a similar ‘I want to learn how to paint,’ Janet said, said Janet to learn how to paint, ‘We're building a house outside town,’ said Mrs Turner. they Mrs Turner a house outside town. ‘We're working on our website tomorrow,’ Keith said. day Keith said they were working on their website ‘Will you draw me a ects? Jenny asked. draw Jenny asked a picture. 23 24 2 26 27 28 29 30 35 3% 37 38 Unite 31, 2 and 33. Review ‘We have to paint a picture for art class,’ John said. they John -. to paint a picture for art class. ‘Can | see your drawing?’ | asked Amy. if V asked Amy von $88 her drawing, ‘Youll enjoy the show,’ Belinda said to me. 1 Belinda said sone the SHOW. ‘Please don't take my photograph,’ Hans said. take Hans asked ME enn sun sone PROtOFAH. Siemkrern toons rrect answe | asked her when finish making 31, Molly denied my camera her model. Ato lose Closing Awill she C would she B for losing D on losing Bianca Bshe send 32 Gary promised suse Me paint the Don said he had an art IeSSOM ..s outside of the house. right. Ahelping C that he helps Athat C this Bto help D for helping eas Dihose 33. My brother refUSEG enn» ME USE his My mum told my paints. digital camera, A that | move C to move to me Ato let C letting Be to move D to move me B that he let D for letting Tom apologised ink on my 34 | suggest sue € new architect Who picture. will understand what you want. Afor getting Cto get Ato find C for finding B that he got D for he gets B you to find D finding (1 mark per answer) se the correct answer Just put the statue suns the comer of 39. The gallery was too big to see it all in one day, the room for now. $0 WE snes Ut the modern paintings. Aon Cat Aput C went Bin Dover Bleft D made Do these ShO€S wun-nmnse My new skirt? 40. Why don't you your clothes in half Asuit € match before you put them in the drawer? B go D look Aix C create Don't get that colour - green went out B stretch D fold fashion last year! AL. My new shirt has une lke a Chinese irom with dragon on the back. Bof Don Atear C design This shirt is too around the Bile Bison neck, | can't breathe! 42 | filed the bucket with water. tight C rough Aout Cin B smooth D practical Bon Dup {1 mark per answer) 150 141 Total mark

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