Ôn Tập Về Sự Phối Hợp Thì

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A. CAC QUY TAC dign ta hanh dong xay ra néi tiép nhau = Trong QUA KHU: WHEN + S + V (qua khir don), S + V (qua khir don) Eg: When he saw me, he smiled at me. Trong TUONG L. WHEN + S + V (hign tai don), S + V (tuong lai don) Eg: When I see him, I will remind him to call you. dién ta mét_ | * Trong QUA KHU: hanh déng | WHEN + S + V (qua Khir don), S + V (qua khir tiép dién) dang xay ra_| Ea: When I came to see her, she was cooking dinner. WHEN | thicohanh |= Trong TUONG LAL déngkhac | WHEN +S + V (hién tai don), S + V (twong lai tiép din) xen vao Eg: When you come in, your boss will be waiting for you there. = Trong QUA KHU: dign ta mot | WHEN +S + V (qué kh don), S + V (qué Khir hoan thanh) hanh dong | 59: When | arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off eae = Trong TUONG LAI: hanh déng | WHEN +S+V (hign tai don), S + V(twong lai hoan thanh) kde Eg: When you return to the town, they will have finished building a new bridge. a} 45 Scanned with CamScanner = Trong QUA KHU: AS SOON AS+S+V (qua kh don), S + V (qua kh on) as | diéntahanh | Eg: As soon as she saw. @ mouse, she shouted and ran away dinesayea —_——_—___—_ —— Soon nite 4 = Trong TUONG LAI: 7 _ | AS P AS SOON AS +S + V (hién tai don/hién tai hoan thanhy, 5, nhau V (twong lai don) a: will call you as soon as | have finished/finish the work | | Ea as soon as insane neh ane dién $+V (hign tai hoan thanh) + SINCE + V (qua khit don) SINGE | neta" Eg: We have known each other since we were at high school, khi” dién ta hanh | © Trong QUA KHU: ae dong két BY + trang tir cia qué khit + S + V (qua khir hoan thanhy thictinh | gg By fast month, we had worked for the company for 9 years BY | dén mét [eee +-TIME | diém nao ae | * Trong TUONG LAI: BY + trang tir ca twong lai + S + V (twong lai hoan thanh) | trong qua khi/twong | Eg: By next month, we will have worked for the company for 9 | lai years. = Trong QUA KHU: dién ta hanh | AT THIS/THAT TIME + trang tir cla qua Khir + S + V (qua déngdang | khir tiép dién) AT | xayratai | gg: At this time last week, we were preparing for Tet. THIS/ | mét thoi ; ue diém xac * Trong TUONG LAI: TIME | dinhtrong | AT THIS/THAT TIME + trang tir cita twong lai +S +V quakhi/ | (twong lai tiép dién) tuong lai Eg: At this time next week, we will be having a big party inthe |, fi garden, \ = Trong QUA KHU: BY THE TIME +S + V (qua khir don), S + V (qua khir hoa" thanh) BY THE ae a Eg: By the time she came home, everyone had gone to bed. nghia “vao TIME | ye. *Trong TUONG LAT: BY THE TIME +S + V (hién tai don), S + V (twong lai hoa” thanh) Ea: By the time she comes home, everyone will have gose #4 46 j Scanned with CamScanner dién ta hanh . Trong QUA KHU: AFTER + S + V (qua khi¢ hoan thanh), S + V (qua khit don) dong xay ra_| gg. after she had done her homework, she went out for a walk. AFTER | xong roi méi t6i hanh = Trong TUONG LAI: déngkhac | AFTER +S + V (hign tai hoan thanh), S + V (hién tai don) Eg: After she has done her homework, she goes out for a walk. "= Trong QUA KHU: dién ta hanh | BEFORE + $ + V (qua khir don), S + V (qua khit hoan thanh) dong oe Eg: Before she went to bed, she had locked all the doors. xong truéc BEFORE | khicé hanh | " Tong TUONG Lal: dongkhac | BEFORE +S+V (hign tai don), S + V (tong lai hoan thanh) téi Eg: Hurry up or the film will have ended before we go to the movie. i S+V (tuwong lai don)/ V(bare)/DON’T + V(bare) + UNTIL/ aren ‘a ho | UNTIL/TILL +S + V (hign tai don/hign tai hoan thanh) TILL a ar © | Eg: 1 willwait for you until it is possible. Wait here until I come back. Scanned with CamScanner

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