Labisto, Mary Cris (Discussion Paper 1)

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Southern Mindanao Colleges

Pagadian City
“The Maker of Today’s Leaders in Western Mindanao”

Reaction Paper 1
Organization Socialization

We know that organization socialization is the process by which a new

employee learns the organizational culture. When new employees enter an

organization they feel out of place because of the new surroundings, new

boss and new co-workers. Hence, it is the responsibility of the management

to orient the employees and to make the process of socialization smooth.

This will ensure that the new employees adapt to the organizational culture

as soon as possible. The process of adaptation is commonly termed induction

or socialization. People learn the values, norms and required behaviors of

an organization’s behavior. Now, there are benefits of socialization as

stated below:

 Socialization provides initial orientation of new employ on the job.

It familiarizes the new member with the organization’s culture, value,

history, rules, regulations, etc.

 Socialization helps new employee to play their rules efficiently and

effectively towards the achievement of organizational objective.

 Through socialization the organization can ensure that the rebellions

type of employee are either changes of employees are either changed or


 Socialization helps ensuring stability of organization by creating

commitment among the employees concern.

 Proper interpersonal relationships among employees can be ensured

through socialization.

 As the result of the socialization employees turnover is expected to

come down.

Now, Organization Socialization have roles and role behavior. Talking

about role, it is an activities, duties, responsibilities or required

behaviors. It is a contribution from the person in exchange for inducements

from the organization (pay, fringe, benefits). It must be roughly balance

for the person to accept the role. Role has an episodes where series of

role episodes communicate pivotal and communicate role behaviors, start

when an organization recruits an individual and continue during the early

employment period. There are also three stages in Organizational

Socialization as stated on the following:

1. Pre-arrival stage.

The socialization process contains three stages that occur

consecutively. It starts with the pre-arrival stage, which consists of

anything a potential organization member has learned about the

organization prior to joining.

Part of the pre-arrival stage is the selection process, which is used by

the hiring company to hire people who can adequately perform the job but

also to select people who will fit well into the culture of the company.

The selection process provides the organization with information about the

candidate but also gives the job-seeker information about the organization.

Candidates who find that their personal values do not match the core values
of the prospective company should disqualify themselves from the selection

process at this time.

2. The Encounter Stage

Once a candidate accepts a job offer, they enter the encounter stage.

This stage is where the expectations of the new employee meet the reality

of the job. If the reality of the new job is different than what the new

employee expected it to be, socialization methods are used to orient the

new employee to the existing culture and to help them make sense of the

culture of their new organization.

3. Metamorphosis

Finally, the new member must work out any problems discovered during the

encounter stage.

This may mean going through changes – hence, we call this metamorphosis

stage. The options presented in the above figure are alternatives designed

to bring about the desired metamorphosis.

Note that the more management relies on socialization programs that are

formal, collective, fixed, serial, and emphasize divestiture, the greater

the likelihood that newcomers’ differences and perspectives will be

stripped away and replaced by standardized and predictable behaviors.

Careful selection by the management of newcomers’ socialization experiences

can – at the extreme – create conformists who consider no organizational

practice sacred.
Successful metamorphosis should have a positive impact on the new

employee’s productivity and his commitment to the organization and reduce

his propensity to leave the organization.

Organizational Socialization is Important

Do those first days on the job really matter? If so, how do they matter?

First, from the newcomer’s perspective, beginnings are not easy.

Individuals face a great deal of uncertainty in their first few weeks and

months in an organization. They may want to prove themselves and their

worth, or they may merely want to make sure they keep their job.

Individuals also have a high need to belong. It is sometimes difficult for

a newcomer to break into existing employee networks and to feel at home in

a new work group. Meta-analytic evidence suggests that the tactics that an

organization uses, as well as efforts on the part of the newcomers

themselves, are related to higher levels of role clarity, social

acceptance, and self-efficacy. Higher role clarity, social acceptance, and

self-efficacy are also related to higher job satisfaction, commitment, and

intention on the part of the newcomer to remain with the organization.

Effective socialization is also critical to the organization in a number of

ways. The socialization tactics used by organizations, as well as

proactivity on the part of the newcomer, have been associated with

important organizational outcomes including job performance and turnover.

We are also learning more about how the first few weeks of an individual’s

experience with an organization shape newcomer attitudes and behaviors.

Good experiences may result in good outcomes, which may lead to additional

good experiences. For example, positive interactions with others in the

work group, as well as receiving challenging assignments and information

about one’s job, foster “learning, confidence, and credibility, thereby

paving the way for further growth opportunities and additional learning,

confidence, and credibility”. Overall, organizations and individuals do in

the organizational socialization process can make a big difference with

respect to a variety of important outcomes including employee satisfaction,

commitment, retention, and performance.

Organizational socialization helps new employees to reduce anxiety and

ambiguity by providing them with information regarding roles,

responsibilities, co-workers, and organization in general (Maanen & Schein,

1979). Even as different employees come and go, the socialization process

preserves continuity for an organization. As new employees become

socialized, they learn the history, values, and culture of an

organization. They also receive a sense of membership in the

organization. Once employees become fully socialized members of the

organization, they will participate in the socialization of new hires,

helping to preserve the long-standing values and norms of the


Taken from: › organizational-socialization.

Submitted by:
MAED Student

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