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issue focus

undergone helps him or her filter and

process the information in a systematic
manner. For example, which medical signs
should be assessed first, and in what
order? How do the indications combine to
sort a casualty into a triage group? Should
first aid be administered before moving
on to triage the next casualty? The more
questions like these that the paramedic
needs to consider, the more detailed and
accurate the triaging will be, but at the
cost of a more complex and intensive
process, implying more training required
for triagers, more time required to triage
and greater opportunity for error.

Over time, medical triage has evolved to a

point that balances the accuracy and Even in a market like India where the cost Complete View of an Improved Claims
benefit of the triage and the complexity of labour is relatively low, only the use of Triage Process
and resource requirements of the process. software enables a truly scalable claims
The following diagram shows a flowchart
One relatively recent innovation in triage process – hiring staff to triage
depicting a claims triage process that
medical triage is the use of software on claims leads to the same problems
incorporates the advanced improvements
handheld devices that performs the historically faced by medical triage:
discussed earlier.
triaging based on medical inputs entered
• Having to trade-off the benefits of an
by the paramedic. The software alleviates Note the salient aspects:
intricate sorting process with the
the need for the paramedic from having to
time and training of triagers required 1. Scoring models that can incorporate a
apply the triaging rules (or scoring
to administer it combination of many fine details are
model), which has several benefits: the
used to sort claims into different
scoring model can be significantly more • Inconsistencies in the accuracy of
handling processes
detailed, and the model is consistently triage depending on the individual
applied regardless of the experience of skill of the triager, which would result 2. Empirical outcomes are fed back into
the paramedic. This in turn reduces the in inefficiencies such as fraudulent the scoring models via statistical
training required, and allows the claims being fast-tracked or simple analysis to allow the models to evolve
paramedic to focus on aspects of medical claims being sent for intensive and adapt
diagnosis and first aid. editing
3. Software is used to ensure low
A claims triage process is faced with far Implementing claims triage in software marginal costs without sacrificing
more data than medical triagers have complements the other improvements robustness
access to currently. As discussed earlier, harmoniously: software easily handles
The concept of triage greatly improved
consideration of more detailed data greater detail with almost zero marginal
the efficiency and effectiveness of medical
allows greater accuracy in sorting and cost, applies scoring models consistently
care. Prudent and careful application of
leads to more efficient treatment. and rigorously, can be tightly integrated to
triage techniques can help insurers
Fortunately, as part of the regular claims statistical analysis (which is typically done
manage the bottom line without chasing
irda journal January 2013

handling process, much of the relevant using software anyway) and models can
their own tails. The savings to the insurer
data will be stored in a structured manner be updated automatically with new data
in terms of reduced fraud, limited claim
in a database, and so it is a inputs whenever necessary. Like with
inflation, increased subrogation recovery
straightforward extension to design many other aspects of business, using
and better retention through improved
triaging software to do the processing. software in claims triage defeats the false
customer service can simply be pocketed
compromise between detail and cost.
to boost solvency or reinvested to increase

The doctor giving the treatment has previously been
involved in a repudiated claim for suspicion of fraud ✓ +2.0
Treatment was given at an out-of-network hospital +0.5
The treatment provided is the same type of

treatment provided in a previous claim -0.5
The treatment provided is unusual given the

diagnosis that was made +2.5
The treatment is one-off in nature and leaves

little evidence that it was provided +2.0
The treatment is major surgery -1.0
The claimed amount is less than `5,000 -1.0
The claimed amount is more than `1,00,000 +1.5

irda journal January 2013

The author is Program Director,

International Insurance, LexisNexis Risk


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