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Determination of Boundary Values of

Excitation Capacitance and Minimum Load

Impedance for Wind-Driven SEIGs
M.Senthil Kumar, N.Kumaresan and R.Karthigaivel M.Subbiah
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College,
Tiruchirappalli, India. Chennai, India,

Abstract- A simple method involving only a quadratic XC : capacitive reactance per phase of the
equation has been developed for calculating the minimum and excitation capacitance, Ω
maximum values of excitation capacitance that will sustain self- Z : load impedance per phase, Ω
excitation in an induction generator meant for isolated power
supplies. This approach has also been further extended for the Ze : per phase equivalent impedance at the
determination of maximum load of a given power factor that generator terminals corresponding to Rdc, Ω
could be applied to the generator without losing self-excitation, Zmin : minimum load impedance per phase to sustain
while operating with a specified capacitance and rotor speed. self-excitation, Ω
Both ac loads directly connected across the generator and also EAC : Extinction Angle Control
dc loads supplied through controlled rectifiers have been
NFAC : Negative Firing Angle Control
considered. Details of the various control schemes, which could
be adopted for the rectifier and the effect of varying the control PAC : Phase Angle Control
angle in each case, are presented. Experimental results obtained SAC : Symmetrical Angle Control
on a 400V, 3-phase, 3.7 kW, induction machine run as a α, γ, β : control angles in PAC & NFAC, SAC and
generator validates the derived expressions. EAC schemes, respectively, degree or rad
Keywords: Self-excited induction generator, capacitance I. INTRODUCTION
requirements, self-excitation, power converters
LIST OF SYMBOLS In Wind-driven Electric Energy Conversion Systems, Self-
Excited Induction Generators (SEIGs) are increasingly used
a : per unit (p.u.) frequency for isolated power supplies. The magnitude and frequency of
b : p.u. speed the emf thus generated depend upon the prime-mover speed
C : excitation capacitance per phase, F and the values of excitation capacitance, the machine and
Cmin : minimum capacitance per phase for self- load impedances. Further owing to saturation the
excitation, F magnetizing reactance also varies with the operating point. A
Cmax : maximum capacitance per phase for self- large number of papers are available on the various modes of
excitation, F operation and the method of predetermination of
E : air-gap voltage per phase, V
performance of the generator for a given terminal
fg : generated frequency, Hz
capacitance [1-6]. However, the necessary condition for
fr : rated frequency, Hz
sustaining self-excitation of the generator is that the
IR1 : Fundamental component of the rectifier input
capacitance must be greater (less) than a minimum
ac current, A
(maximum) value for a given prime-mover speed and load
N : actual rotor speed, r/min
Ns : Synchronous speed corresponding to rated on the generator. So an estimation of this capacitor range is
frequency, r/min the first step in the design of an SEIG system.
R, X : load resistance and reactance per phase, Ω Jabri et al have shown a method of calculating the
R1, X1 : per phase stator resistance and reactance, minimum capacitance for specific cases of purely inductive
respectively, Ω or purely resistive loads [7]. However for general RL loads,
R2, X2 : per phase rotor resistance and reactance (both this method involves a higher order polynomial in p.u.
referred to stator), respectively, Ω frequency. Chan has approached the problem and obtained
Rm, Xm : per phase core loss resistance and magnetizing an expression for minimum capacitance [8], which involves
reactance, respectively, Ω the solution of a sixth order equation in per unit frequency.
Rdc : load resistance at the output of the controlled Wang et al have attempted the determination of the
rectifier, Ω minimum and maximum capacitance using eigen value
Re, Xe : per phase equivalent resistance and reactance sensitivity approach [9]. Even for a steady state analysis, this
at the generator terminals corresponding to method uses a lengthy approach employing d-q axis
Rdc, Ω equivalent circuit model and iterative procedure. Eltamaly
Xmc : critical magnetizing reactance per phase, Ω has obtained an expression for minimum capacitance [10],
which involves the solution of a fourth order equation in per
This work was supported in part by the AICTE, India under Grant unit frequency. A subsequent paper by Chan et al deals only
“Career Award for Young Teachers”.
with capacitance calculation for three-phase induction D 4 = X + X1 ; D 5 = R 1 + R m ; D 6 = RX1 + R 1X
generator self-excited with a single capacitance and
D 7 = -a 2 R m D 2 D 6 - a 2 X 2 X m [RD 5 - a 2 XX 1 ]
supplying a single-phase load [11]. Recently Mahato et al
have attempted the determination of both the minimum and D 8 = aR 2 (R m D1 + X m D 3 + XR m )
maximum values of the capacitance required to start the self- D 9 = R 2 ( aRR 1 R m - a 3 R m XD1 - a 3 X m D 6 )
excitation process of a single-phase SEIG using a three- D10 = a[R m D 2 D 4 + X 2 X m (D 3 + R m )]
phase machine employing the first order eigenvalue
sensitivity analysis [12], which involves iterative procedure. D11 = a[RR 1 R m D 2 - a 2 XX 2 X m D 5
Again, in all these methods core loss has not been considered + a 2 X 1 (RX 2 X m - R m XD 2 )]
in the equivalent circuit.
D 12 = a 2 [R 2 R m D 6 + RR 2 X m D 5 - a 2 XX 1 X m R 2 ]
In this context, a straightforward equation for the
minimum and maximum capacitance would be useful for the From (3), equating {M2/M1} = {N2/N1} and simplifying, a
designer for any given machine and load parameters. Such an quadratic equation can be arrived at with capacitive
reactance, XC as the variable. Then,
attempt is made in this paper and a simple quadratic
equation, with capacitive reactance as the variable, has been X c = {− K 2 ± K 22 − 4 K1K3 } 2 K1 (4)
shown to be possible, even with the inclusion of core loss in where
the equivalent circuit. The predetermination of various K 1 = D 8 D10 + R2 Rm2 D 2 D 32 − a 2 R2 X m D 4
performance quantities and the experimental results under
various conditions of operation obtained on a 400V, 3-phase, ( R m D 2 D 3 + Rm X 2 D 3 − a 2 X 2 X m D 4 )
3.7 kW induction machine are presented in the succeeding K 2 = D 8 D11 + D 9 D10 − Rm D 2 D 3 D12 + a 2 X 2 X m D 4 D12
+ R 2 Rm D 3 D 7 − a 2 R 2 X m D 4 D 7
K 3 = D 9 D11 - D 7 D12
The conventional equivalent circuit of the induction A generator will stay in self-excitation for a given load and
machine, modified to suit the varying operating frequency, as speed only within a given range of terminal capacitance i.e.,
shown in Fig. 1 is considered. Also the parameters in this Cmin and Cmax. At these two boundary values, the
circuit are referred to rated frequency. In Fig. 1, a = p.u. magnetizing reactance of the generator will reach the highest
frequency = fg /fr and b = p.u. speed = N/NS. Then the value called critical magnetizing reactance (Xmc) [3-5].
operating slip of the machine is s = (a − b)/a. Putting Xm = Xmc in (4) for a given machine, the two values
R1/a jX1 jX2 of XC corresponding to Cmin and Cmax can be obtained. In (4),
positive sign taken for the discriminant of the quadratic
equation, leads to Cmin and negative sign gives Cmax. Thus,
− jX C Rm
(4) can be solved for XC for any required per unit frequency,
VP/a E/a jXm R2
a. Then, using the base frequency taken, the value of
jX a2 a a−b
capacitances, Cmin and Cmax can be calculated. Thus, no
higher order polynomial or numerical technique is needed in
Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit of SEIG with load this approach. It is to be noted that the value of Rm to be used
in (4) is that corresponding to the operating point which
For the circuit shown in Fig.1, the loop equation can be
gives Xmc.
written as IZ = 0. Since under steady state condition I ≠ 0, it
The estimation of capacitance range for the no-load
follows that Z = 0, i.e.,
condition ( C′min to C′max ) is also of interest for any designer
⎧ ⎡R ⎤ el ⎡− jXC ⎤ ⎫ ⎧R1 ⎫ ⎧ el Rm el ⎡ R2 ⎤⎫
⎨ ⎢ + jX⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎬ + ⎨ a + jX1 ⎬ + ⎨ jXm ⎢ a - b + jX2 ⎥ ⎬ = 0 so that whenever the load is disconnected it can be
⎩ ⎣ a ⎦ ⎣ a ⎦⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ a ⎣ ⎦⎭
ascertained that the terminal capacitance value does not fall
(1) outside these boundaries. The equation thus obtained for XC
Equation (1) can be expanded as for this case is also similar to that of (4). However the
aXXC − j RX C R1 + j aX1 expressions for M1, M2, N1, N2, K1, K2 and K3 would be
a aR + j (a 2 X − X C ) }+ a different and they are derived and given in Appendix.
Rm X 2 X m (b − a) + j R2 Rm X m To illustrate the capacitance estimation, an example of a 3-
+ =0 phase, 400 V, 3.7 kW, 4-pole, 50 Hz squirrel-cage induction
R2 Rm − X 2 X m (a − b) + j[aR2 X m + Rm ( X 2 + X m )(a − b)]
machine was chosen. The equivalent circuit parameters were
(2) computed as R1 = 1.24 Ω, R2 = 1.75 Ω, X1 = X2 = 2.58 Ω,
Equating the real and reactive parts of (2) separately to Xmc = 70.0 Ω and Rm= 500 Ω. The generator delivers rated
zero and simplifying, it can be shown that power at rated voltage and 1 p.u. speed for a load resistance
M N of R = 40 Ω (X = 0). For this machine using the equivalent
b=a+ 2 =a+ 2 (3)
M1 N1 circuit parameters, the variation of Cmin and Cmax with p.u.
frequency was studied for both cases of rated load and no
where M 1 = X C (R m D 2 D 3 − a 2 X 2 X m D 4 ) + D 7 and
load and they are shown in Fig. 2. It is seen from the Fig.2
M 2 = X C D 8 + D 9 ; N1 = X C D10 + D11 and that Cmax is less than C′max and C′min is less than Cmin. It
N 2 = X C (− R 2 R m D 3 + a 2 R 2 X m D 4 ) + D12 reveals that when the machine operation is set with the
D1 = X 1 + X m ; D 2 = X 2 + X m ; D 3 = R + R 1 chosen value of C to fulfil the performance requirement with
load, the machine will certainly be in self-excitation, even if K 5 = {aR 2 ( R m D1 + X m R1 ) D 21 + a ( R m D 2 X 1 + X 2 X m D5 ) D19
the load is removed. However, the terminal voltage would − ( R m D 2 R1 − a 2 X 2 X m X 1 ) D 23 } X c2
increase with decreasing load.
+ {aR 2 ( R m D1 + X m R1 ) D 22 + a ( R m D 2 X 1 + X 2 X m D5 ) D 20
− ( R m D 2 R1 − a 2 X 2 X m X 1 ) D 24 − (− R1 R 2 R m + a 2 R 2 X 1 X m ) D18 }
K 6 = {( aR 2 ( R m D1 + X m R1 )){a ( R m D 2 X 1 + X 2 X m D5 )} −
( Rm D 2 R1 − a 2 X 2 X m X 1 )( − R1 R2 R m + a 2 R2 X 1 X m )} X c2
D17 = Rm D2 cos φ − a 2 X 2 X m sin φ
D18 = ( − a 2 Rm D 2 X 1 − a 2 X 2 X m D5 ) cos φ
+ ( − a 2 Rm D 2 R1 + a 4 X 2 X m X 1 ) sin φ
D19 = aR2 X m cos φ + aR2 Rm sin φ
D 20 = ( aR1 R2 R m − a 3 R 2 X 1 X m ) cos φ
+ ( − a 3 R2 Rm D1 − a 3 R 2 R1 X m ) sin φ
Fig.2 Variation of capacitance versus p.u. frequency D21 = aX 2 X m cos φ + aRm D2 sin φ
The next aspect of interest is to study the effect of load D 22 = a ( R1 Rm D2 + a 2 X 1 X 2 X m ) cos φ
power factor on the value of the minimum capacitance. As + a ( − a 2 X 2 X m D5 − a 2 X 1 Rm D2 ) sin φ
an example keeping an impedance of 40 Ω, the variation of
Cmin with power factor is as shown in Fig. 3. As could be D23 = − R2 Rm cos φ + a 2 R2 X m sin φ
expected the minimum capacitance value is higher as the D 24 = {a 2 ( R2 Rm X 1 + R 2 X m D5 ) cos φ
power factor becomes low lagging and if the power factor
becomes low leading, the minimum required terminal + a 2 ( R2 Rm R1 − a 2 X 1 X m R2 ) sin φ }
capacitance can even be zero at certain operating Equation (5) can be solved for Z for a given power factor,
frequencies. taking Xm = Xmc as the boundary condition. The negative
sign of the discriminant of (5), which gives positive value of
Z is to be taken. The variation of Zmin with power factor thus
obtained for different values of excitation capacitance, C is
shown in Fig. 4 taking frequency as 1 p.u.

Fig.3 Variation of minimum capacitance versus p.u. frequency with

load resistance = 40 Ω
In practice, a terminal capacitance is chosen between Cmin Fig. 4 Variation of minimum load impedance (Zmin) versus power
and Cmax based on the terminal voltage requirement and factor for different terminal capacitance with a = 1.0 p.u.
allowable voltage regulation when the wind speed varies. So, a = 0.8 p.u. a = 1.0 p.u. a = 1.2 p.u.
when the generator is working with this chosen capacitance
and with varying loads, an assessment of minimum load Zmin p.u. speed
impedance (Zmin) up to which the machine will stay in
excitation for a given speed is also of interest and it is
obtained as follows:
Let the load parameters be R = Z cosφ and X = Z sinφ,
where φ is the load power factor angle. Then using (3),
equating {M2/M1} = {N2/N1} and simplifying, a quadratic
equation with load impedance, Z as a variable can be arrived
at as
Z 2 K 4 + ZK 5 + K 6 = 0 (5)
K 4 = (D19 D 21 − D17 D 23 )X c2 + D 20 D 22 − D18 D 24 Fig. 5 Variation of minimum load impedance (Zmin) and p.u. speed versus
Power factor for different p.u. frequencies with C = 100 µF
+ (D19 D 22 + D 20 D 21 − D17 D 24 − D18 D 23 ) X c
Obviously, lower the value of C, higher is value of Zmin for a (i) Phase Angle Control Scheme
given lagging power factor. However, with leading power π 2 Rdc π 2 Rdc
factors, the effect of load capacitance is much more than the Re = and X e = tan(α / 2) (6)
9 (1 + cos α ) 9 (1 + cos α )
excitation capacitance and so the Zmin values come closer for
different values of excitation capacitance. Particularly at a If α = 0, an uncontrolled diode bridge rectifier operation is
power factor of zero lead, the load capacitance and excitation obtained for which
capacitance in parallel would correspond to C′min . The Re = (π 2 Rdc / 18) and X e = 0 (7)
variation of Zmin with power factor was also calculated for
(ii) Negative Firing Angle Control Scheme
different values of p.u. frequency, keeping the excitation
capacitance constant at 100 µF. These variations are given in π 2 Rdc π 2 Rdc
Re = and X e = − tan(α / 2) (8)
Fig. 5 along with the corresponding variation in p.u. speed. 9 (1 + cos α ) 9 (1 + cosα )
(iii) Symmetrical Angle Control Scheme
The ac power obtained from wind-driven SEIG can be
used directly for certain frequency insensitive loads. π 2 Rdc
However, many practical applications require the conversion Re = & Xe = 0 (9)
of ac to a desired dc voltage. For this conversion, a three- 18 {(1 / 2) + cos((π / 3) + γ ) } 2
phase semi-converter can be used since only one-quadrant
operation is required in renewable energy systems. For the (iv) Extinction Angle Control Scheme
control of these converters, apart from the conventional Case-a : β ≤ 60°
Phase Angle Control (PAC) scheme, other schemes such as π 2 Rdc
Symmetrical Angle Control (SAC), Negative Firing Angle Re = cos{(π / 6) − (β / 2)}
Control (NFAC) and Extinction Angle Control (EAC)
9 sin(β / 2)[(1/ 2) − cos(β + (π / 3))]
schemes have also been proposed earlier by the present &
authors. Among these various schemes, the appropriate one π 2 Rdc
Xe = − sin {(π / 6) − ( β / 2)}
can be adopted, depending upon the operating speed, load 9 sin( β / 2)[(1 / 2) − cos(β + (π / 3) )]
conditions and dc voltage/ power requirement [13]. (10)
However, the thyristors used in the conventional PAC
Case-b: β > 60°
scheme have to be replaced by self-commutating devices
such as IGBTs/power MOSFETs as shown in Fig. 6 to 2 π 2 Rdc 2 π 2 Rdc
Re = cos φ1 & Xe = − sin φ1 (11)
employ SAC and EAC schemes, without the need for force 9 H1 9 H1
commutating circuits. The pattern of firing of the devices for
where H 1 = (1.5 − cos β )(4 − 3 sin β − 3 cos β )1 2 and
realizing the additional firing control schemes has been
described in [13]. ⎛ sin β − 3 / 2 ⎞
φ1 = tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟

⎝ 3 / 2 − cos β ⎠
L i
G1 E G2 E G E o The equations (10) and (11) show that the EAC scheme
reflects the dc load resistance, Rdc at the output of the
converter as a capacitive impedance Ze = (Re − jXe). This
S1 C S2 C S3 C
DFW capacitive effect can be better understood, if Rdc is
iin vo represented as Z el , where Z el is the parallel combination of
D'1 D'2 D'3
vin Rdc Rel and X el . Then, Cel comes in parallel with the excitation
capacitor C across the generator terminals and so the net
capacitance increases from C to ( Cel +C), thereby improving
D1 D2 D3 the voltage regulation of the generator. The expression for
Cel can be shown to be
Fig.6 Three-Phase semi-Converter circuit between SEIG and load Case-a : β ≤ 60°
L – smoothing inductor 9 { 0.5 − cos [ β + (π / 3) ] } sin( β / 2) sin φ 2
C el = (12)
In the analysis of performance of the generator, While it ω π 2 Rdc
feeds a load of resistance (Rdc) through a converter, Rdc has where φ 2 = (π / 6) − ( β / 2)
to be represented as an equivalent impedance, Ze ( = Re ±
jXe) across the generator terminals in the equivalent circuit. Case-b : β > 60°
Re and Xe are functions of Rdc and the firing control angleα, 9 H 1 sin φ1
Cel = (13)
γ, β. The derivation of these equivalent parameters has also 2 ω π 2 Rdc
been explained in the earlier paper, assuming a large The variation of Cel with the extinction angle β for various
smoothing reactor at the converter output terminals [13].
However, for immediate reference, the expressions Re and Xe Rdc is given in Fig. 7. It is seen that (i) as a load resistance
for the various schemes are listed as follows: decreases C el increases and (ii) higher capacitive effect is
obtained in the region of extinction angle β around 90o.
A. Predetermination of Cmin with converter loading experimentally. All these operating points have also been
To illustrate the calculation of Cmin for the generator verified using the equations (4) and (5). These calculated and
operating with a converter - set at a given control angle - the experimental values were in close agreement, thereby
predetermination was carried out for a specified speed and dc validating the theoretical analysis for Cmin and Zmin.
load resistance (Rdc). For this purpose, the equivalent Table 1
resistance (Re) and reactance (Xe) value should be first Variation of minimum capacitance with rotor speed for different loadings
calculated for the given Rdc for each of the control schemes. Cmin, Rotor speed, r/min (R & X in Ω)
Then, Cmin was calculated as before for any given p.u.
µF AC loading DC loading
frequency. The variation of Cmin with different set control
angles, thus obtained for a =1p.u. and Rdc = 73 Ω is shown in No R=165, R=40, R=165, R=40, Rdc Rdc
Fig.8. It is to be noted that this value of Rdc gives the value load X=0 X=0 X = 220 X = 220 =100 =55
of Re = 40 Ω, which is the full load resistance per phase of 49 1440 1475 1785 1545 1600 --- ---
the generator for diode bridge operation. So, it is seen that in
60 1284 1340 1585 1395 1448 --- ---
the operation of generator-converter system when control
angle is varied to obtain a desired dc voltage, the 80 1120 1154 1330 1213 1262 1254 1465
corresponding Cmin also varies. 100 1005 1025 1155 1082 1144 1105 1220

B. Voltage and Current Waveforms

The generator was run at no-load at a speed of 1005 r/min
and the corresponding minimum capacitance of 100 µF was
connected with two different initial voltages of 125V and
30V. The oscillographic waveforms of building up of stator
voltage and current are given in Fig.9. It is observed that the
time taken to reach the steady-state is smaller with higher
initial voltage on the capacitor.

Fig.7 Calculated equivalent capacitance at the generator terminals

Rdc = 73 Ω
a = 1 p.u.

Fig.8 Variation of minimum capacitance versus control angle for various

firing angle control schemes.

Fig.9 Oscillographic waveforms of stator voltage and stator current of SEIG
For illustrating the usefulness of estimating the Cmin and for different initial capacitor voltages. C = 100 µF and rotor speed = 1005
Zmin in the performance assessment of the SEIG systems, the r/min. {voltage axis = 200 V/div; current axis = 5 A/div.}
generator mentioned in section-2 was run using a dc motor The SEIG was tested with a load resistance of 40 Ω and
and tested at different operating conditions described as excitation capacitance of 100µF at the minimum speed of
follows: 1155 r/min. This is one of the operating points given in Table
A. Estimation of Cmin and Zmin 1. With this steady-state operating point, the speed was
The generator was run with a fixed excitation capacitance reduced by a few r/min. The stator voltage and current
and load at rated speed. The speed was then reduced till the collapsed after a very short time gap and machine came out
generator comes out of excitation and so for this speed the of self-excitation. This experiment was repeated with a dc
connected capacitance is to be taken as Cmin and the load is load of 55 Ω connected to the generator through a 3-phase
Zmin. The experiment was repeated with different connected diode bridge rectifier, the excitation capacitance kept at
100µF and the generator running at 1220 r/min. This
capacitors and load connected both directly across the
operating point is also given in Table 1. Again the dc voltage
generator as well as through diode bridge rectifier. For the
and current collapsed when the speed was reduced by a few
sake of illustration, a few values obtained experimentally are
r/min. Voltage and current waveforms corresponding to these
shown in Table 1. For example, at a rotor speed of 1475 rpm, observations are given in Figs.10 and 11. These observations
the Cmin = 49 µF and Zmin = 165 Ω (X = 0 Ω) were obtained further validate the calculation of Cmin and Zmin.
presented and they agree with the values predetermined
Voltage collapse using the derived expressions. The oscillographic waveforms
stator voltage starts at this point of load voltage and current for ac as well as dc loads on the
generator further demonstrate the validity and usefulness of
the theoretical analysis.
stator current Speed less than 1155 r/min Expressions for M1, M2, N1, N2, K1, K2 and K3 for no-load on
the SEIG:
M1 = X C R m D 2 + D13 ; M 2 = X C aR 2 X m + D14 ;
N 1 = X C aX 2 X m + D15 & N 2 = -X C R 2 X m + D16
Time axis 500 ms/div; voltage 200 V/div; current 5 A/div 2 2
where K 1 = a 2 R 2 X 2 X m + R 2 R m D 2 ;
Fig. 10 Oscillographic waveforms of stator voltage and stator current of K 2 = aX m ( D15 R2 + D14 X 2 ) + Rm ( D13 R2 − D16 D2 ) &
SEIG for Zmin = 40 Ω (X = 0 Ω) and C = 100 µF.
K 3 = D 14 D15 - D 13 D 16 ; D 13 = − a 2 (X 2 X m D 5 + R m X 1 D 2 )
dc voltage Voltage collapse starts at this point D14 = aR 2 (R 1 R m - a 2 X 1 X m )
D 15 = a (R 1 R m D 2 - a X 1 X 2 X m ) ;
dc current D 16 = a 2 R 2 (R 1 X m + R m D 1 )
Speed less than 1220 r/min
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Experimental results obtained on a 400 V, 3-phase, 3.7 self-excited induction generators”, Proc. of 2002 IEEE International
kW, induction machine run as a generator have also been Conference on Industrial Technology, 11-14, December 2002,
Bangkok, Thailand, Vol.II, pp. 986 – 991.

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