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SESSION 2022-23

Dear Students
The much-awaited summer break is here again!
May the good sunshine of this season fill your life with
glee and glow and fill your heart with love and laughter! It is the right time not only to relax and
rejuvenate but also hone your skills and talents. So, make the most of your time. We wish you happy
holidays with your loved ones!
We at Blue Bells would like all our students to be global citizens, groomed to be the change makers in
the society. In sync with this, the theme of this year’s holiday activities is Sustainable Development
Goals 2030, proposed by UN. The activities have been designed to ignite your thought process and
make you aware of the global concerns.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable
future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty,
inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals
interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve each Goal and target
by 2030. All your activities are based on SDG Goal 15- Life on Land. So go through the activities well
and attempt them in a creative manner.

Goal 15 focuses specifically on managing forests

sustainably, halting and reversing land and natural
habitat degradation, successfully combating
desertification and stopping biodiversity loss. All
these efforts combined aim to ensure that the
benefits of land-based ecosystems, including
sustainable livelihoods, will be enjoyed for
generations to come.

Watch the following video to understand the topic more.
• Holiday Homework is a part of subject enrichment and will be assessed on the basis of creativity
and efforts of the students.
• Enhance your speaking skills and vocabulary by conversing in English with your family and friends.
• Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. Spend your quality time reading
purposeful books.
• A beautiful handwriting makes a good impression. Practice one page of English and Hindi
handwriting daily.
• Schedule your time for activities so that there is no piling up for the last moment.
• Practice being a change by contributing to the community by sharing your knowledge.
• Holiday homework should be your authentic creative work.

Sustainable Development Goal 15, Life on land makes the people understand that we need to live in
harmony with nature.
Do the following as a part of your homework.
1. Observe the following picture carefully on the SDG15, Life on Land.
2. Construct an interesting story with the moral- ‘Protect Plant and Animal life on Land’, in about
200- 250 words.
3. You may use the animals and birds as the characters of your story.
4. Give a catchy title to it.
5. Choose any one theme - Endangered Species or Deforestation.
6. Use 2-3 A-4 size sheets to write your story. Design a beautiful cover page. Decorate the cover
page with pictures related to the title of your story.
7. You will narrate your story in the class as a speaking task on reopening.
8. Tie all the sheets with a ribbon.
9. Do not exceed the word limit.

10. Write neatly and clearly

हमारा भविष्य जमीन की पारिस्थितिक की रक्षा से जु ड़ा है | जमीन पर जीवन के सं रक्षण के लिए थलीय
जीव-जन्तु ओं का सं रक्षण हमारा कर्तव्य है | इन्हीं बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए स्थलीय जीवों की सु रक्षा विषय
पर एक ब्रोशर निर्माण कीजिए |

प्रकृति में व्याप्त सभी चर और अचर वस्तु एँ प्रकृति का अहम् हिस्सा हैं । आज मनु ष्य को प्रकृति महत्वपूर्ण घटकों में
बिना किसी आवश्यकता के रुकावट पै दा कर रहा है । आपकी दृष्टि में प्रकृति का सुं दरतम रुप क्या होगा, यह कल्पना कर
, उसे एक चित्रात्मक रुप प्रदान कीजिए और उस पर सं स्कृत में पाँच वाक्य भी लिखें ।
Toutes les choses variables et invariables qui prévalent dans la nature font partie intégrante de la na-
ture. Aujourd'hui, la nature crée des obstacles dans les composants vitaux de l'homme sans aucun be-
soin. Imaginez quelle serait la plus belle forme de la nature à vos yeux, donnez-lui une forme picturale
et écrivez aussi cinq phrases dessus en français.
(All the variables and invariable things prevailing in nature are an integral part of nature. Today na-
ture is creating obstacles in the vital components of man without any need. Imagine what would be
the most beautiful form of nature in your view, give it a pictorial form and also write five sentences on
it in French.)
Forest cover is the total geographical area declared as forest by the government. As of 2019, the total
forest cover in India is 712,249 Sq km (71.22 million hectares), which is 21.67 percent of the to-
tal geographical area.
Collect the data about the forest cover of India. Represent it in the form of pie chart.


In sync with the SDG Goal 15- Life on Land, let's try to find out more about the biodiver-
sity in Aravalli Region.
The existence of a number of different kinds of animals and plants which together
make a good and healthy environment are referred to as biodiversity. The Aravalli Bio-
diversity Park was developed in Gurgaon area. The biodiversity of Delhi is nearly ex-
tinct. The prime objective of Aravalli Biodiversity Park is to bring back the lost biodi-
versity of Aravalli's. The other objective is to promote and create environmental aware-
ness among the students and public.

Visit the park with your friends and family and click the pictures of the variety of flora and fauna that
you see.
Also create a flip book on Aravalli Biodiversity Park covering the following headings:

1. Introduction to Aravalli Biodiversity Park

2. Unique features of the park
3. Species of Flora in the park with their scientific names (any 5)
4. Species of fauna found in the park with their scientific names (any 5)
5. Major problems related to the area.
6. How could these problems be resolved?

Don't forget to paste the pictures that you have clicked to make your flip book look
more attractive.

“Natural sceneries attracts us always because they are created in beautiful ways and
thus are mesmerizing whenever we saw beauty of nature; we get indulge with it. Beauty
of nature ends up the thirst of eyes it always gives our eyes and spirit calmness so read
these amazing beauty of nature”
As aware students, it's the need of the hour to judiciously use our natural resources, conserve nature,
and ensure that SDG goal 15 is met. Based on SDG 15 and focusing on the Life On Land-
Create a beautiful picturesque scenery showing the different Landforms found in In-
Art is a natural medium for free expression of one’s imagination and thoughts where
every learner has the freedom to be different and unique.
With the aim of empowering students with research and enquiry-based learning and imbibing the
Indian ethos through integration of Indian art and culture, art integrated projects have been designed
in all the subjects.
Your project topic is “Artistic Expressions” and state of study is ‘Telangana.’ Your projects on
different subjects require you to research and explore various aspects of Performing Arts (Music &
Dance) of the state of Telangana.
This will be done in groups. The class teacher will assign groups and the subject to students.
Your activities will be marked for Portfolio.

Subject wise activities are given below

Follow the steps to do your project- ‘ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS’
1. Research about the different art forms of Telangana- Music or Dance (You can choose anyone
2. Prepare a colourful & attractive poster on anyone art form. (Use an A-4 sheet)
3. Add a catchy tag line to promote that art form.
4. Mention the name of the art form.
5. Add your name, class and section at the end.
6. Prepare a write up in about 100 words on a separate sheet (A-4) describing the striking fea-
tures of the art form. Attach both sheets together.
7. Add your name, class and section at the end.
हिंदी ---
कला एक प्रकार का कृत्रिम निर्माण है जिसमें शारीरिक और मानसिक कौशलों का प्रयोग होता है |मन की स्थिति और
माननीय क्रियाओं द्वारा दर्शाना ही कला है |इसे हम नाट्य,गायन और नृ त्य द्वारा भी दर्शा सकते हैं | इन्हीं बातों को
ध्यान में रखते हुए हरियाणा और ते लां गना के नाट्य,गायन और नृ त्य कौशलों की अभिव्यक्ति को A-4 पृ ष्ठ
पर बनाकर कक्षा में प्रस्तु तिकरण कीजिए
8. कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति –
9. (नाट्य,गायन और नृ त्य )-स्वाभिव्यक्ति
10. *ते लां गना का नाट्य,गायन और नृ त्य
11. *हरियाणा का नाट्य,गायन और नृ त्य
L'art est un médium qui donne une dimension à l'imaginaire de chacun. Dans ce processus, en utili-
sant votre imagination, faites un collage de différentes formes de danse de Haryana et Telangana sur
une feuille A-4.
(Art is a medium that gives a dimension to everyone's imagination. In this process, using your imagi-
nation, make a collage of various dance forms of Haryana and Telangana on A-4 sheet.)

कला एक ऐसा माध्यम है जो सभी की कल्पनाओं को एक आयाम प्रदान करता है । इसी प्रक्रिया में
अपनी कल्पनाशीलता का प्रयोग करते हुए कोलार्ज के माध्यम से हरियाणा और ते लंगाना के
नृ त्यकलाओं का चित्रात्मक प्रस्तु तिकरण दीजिए। कार्य अ-४ शीट पर करें ।
Make a collage of different types of angles in various dance forms of Telangana and Haryana. Classify
the different dance forms and the angles found in them.


Rivers play a very important role in the economic and social aspects of any place. The main rivers of
Telangana are Godavari , Krishna , Bhima , Manjira , Musi , Paleru ,etc . While in Haryana its only
river Yamuna which separates the state from Delhi.
Thereby the irrigation systems followed in these states are very different.
Compare the mode of irrigation in Telangana and Haryana and present the information on an A4
sheet and decorate it's border using Bidri art form of Telangana.

Social science
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. The ultimate goal of farming
is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”
Keeping this thought in mind and design a creative Brochure, based on -

‘Comparative study on the various crops pattern grown in Telangana and Haryana”

Computer Science

Create a podcast (duration 1-2 min) for “Awareness Campaign” to Protect biodiversity and
natural habitats.
Email the link of your podcast with your respective computer teacher.


A Attempt all the assignment questions in your grammar notebook:
Q1: Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
I. Mohan has _______ candies. ( some/any)
II. Bill doesn’t have _________ money. ( many/any)
III. I have seen him walking with his dog in the park _____ night. ( every/several)
IV. _______ of the cars parked here belong to this company. ( many/every)
V. There isn’t ______ sugar in tea. (much/more)
VI. Do you know ___ scarf this is? (whose/their)
VII. ________ box of chocolates belongs to Rachel. (these/that)
VIII. Can I get ___ hot bowl of soup? (a/an)
Q2. Underline the verbs in these sentences and identify their tense, also state forms:
a. We have tidied the house. _______
b. What goes around comes back._______
c. She had been exerting herself ______
d. I will call her later._______
e. I had been sleeping for an hour when he rang the door bell.________
Q3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect
word and the correction in the space provided.
Incorrect Correct
Facebook with more then 1.2 billion users, a. ________ _______
is celebrated its 10th birthday this year. b. ________ _______
The company was launching by c. ________ _______
Mark Zuckerberg at February 4, 2004 d. ________ ________
from Harvard University. The siting was e.________ ________
conceived on a Harvard dorm as the way f. ________ ________
to connect student and let them build an online g. ________ ________
identity for himself, according to ‘Computer World’. h. ________ ________
Q4. Rearrange the following group of words to form meaningful sentences.
a. missed/minister/the narrowly/I /to/the /meet/opportunity
b. questions/ make /you /answer/the/ all/sure
c. tough/no/ be/we/will/have/to/challenge/too/succeed/if/the /will
d. by/childhood/are/memories/everyone/cherished
e. medicinal properties/sandalwood/fragrance/for its/and/highly/ valued/is
f. are located/ the Artic and Antarctica/ the south/around the north/of the Earth/poles/and
Q5. Fill in the blanks with correct verb:
a. It was the speaker, not his ideas, that ______ provoked the students to riot. ( has/have)
b. The mayor, who has been convicted on four counts of various crimes, _______ finally going
to jail. ( is/are)
c. Either my father or my brothers ______ going to sell the house. ( is/are)
d.. The committee ______ about to make a decision.( is/are)
e.. I ________ seen her wearing this dress several times. ( has/have)
f. The furniture in his house_________ impressive, (look, looks)
g. Most of my friends_________ government employees, (is, are)
h. A number of people_______ reported to be missing in the train accident at Jhansi.(was, were)
B. Practice Book - Chapter -3 Princess September ( Page 19-26)
Attempt all the questions in the book itself. This will be discussed in the class.
It includes-
1.Reading Comprehension
2. Word Work
3. Go Grammar
4. Story Writing
सत्य और असत्य कथन का चयन करें ।
1.तत्सम शब्द संस्कृत से बिना बदलाव के लिए गए शब्द होते हैं।
2.‘आँख’ तद्भव शब्द है जिसका तत्सम ‘अक्षि’ होता है ।
3.वर्णों के सार्थक समह
ू को वाक्य कहते हैं।
4.बस और कार विदे शज शब्द है ।
5.दे श की भाषाओं से लिए गए शब्दों को विदे शज शब्द कहते हैं।
ु संशोधन कीजिए-
1.मेरे को घर जाना है ।
2.माता जी बाजार से लड्डू लाए।
3.भागवान का दर्शन पाकर हम धन्य हो गए।
4.महारानी लक्ष्मीबाई वीर महिला थीं।
5.सुनयना विद्वान स्त्रियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करती हैं।
6.तड़पते कुत्ते को दखकर मेरी आँख में आँसू आ गया।
दिए गए गद्यांश पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
1. मनुष्य को चाहिए कि संतुलित रहकर अति के मार्गों का त्यागकर मध्यम मार्ग को अपनाए। अपने सामर्थ्य
की पहचान कर उसकी सीमाओं के अंदर जीवन बिताना एक कठिन कला है । सामान्य पुरुष अपने अहं के
ू होकर अपना मल्
ू यांकन अधिक कर बैठता है और इसी के फलस्वरूप वह उन कार्यों में हाथ लगा दे ता
है जो उसकी शक्ति में नहीं हैं। इसलिए सामर्थ्य से अधिक व्यय करने वालों के लिए कहा जाता है कि ‘तेते
पाँव पसारिए, जेती लांबी सौर’। उन्हीं के लिए कहा गया है कि अपने सामर्थ्य , को विचार कर उसके अनुरूप
कार्य करना और व्यर्थ के दिखावे में स्वयं को न भुला दे ना एक कठिन साधना तो अवश्य है , पर सबके लिए
यही मार्ग अनुकरणीय है ।
(क) अति का मार्ग क्या होता है ?
(i) असंतुलित माग (ii) संतुलित मार्ग
(iii) अमर्यादित मार्ग (iv) मध्यम मार्ग
(ख) कठिन कला क्या है ?
(i) सामर्थ्य के बिना सीमारहित जीवन बिताना
(ii) सामर्थ्य को बिना पहचाने जीवन बिताना
(iii) सामर्थ्य की सीमा में जीवन बिताना
(iv) सामर्थ्य न होने पर भी जीवन बिताना
(ग) मनुष्य अहं के वशीभूत होकर
(i) अपने को महत्त्वहीन समझ लेता है । (ii) किसी को महत्त्व दे ना छोड़ दे ता है ।
(iii) अपना सर्वस्व खो बैठता है । (iv) अपना अधिक मूल्यांकन कर बैठता है ।
(घ) “तेते पाँव पसारिए, जेती लांबी सौर’ का आशय है
(i) सामर्थ्य के अनुसार कार्य न करना (ii) सामर्थ्य के अनुसार कार्य करना
(iii) व्यर्थ का दिखावा करना (iv) आय से अधिक व्यय करना
(ङ) प्रस्तुत गद्यांश का शीर्षक हो सकता है
(i) आय के अनस
ु ार व्यय (ii) दिखावे में जीवन बिताना
(iii) सामर्थ्य से अधिक व्यय करना (iv) सामर्थ्य के अनस
ु ार कार्य करना
पत्र लेखन-
आप के मह
ु ल्ले में जल भराव के कारण बहुत डेंगू मच्छर पैदा हो गए हैं समस्या के निवारण के लिए नगर
निगम अधिकारी को पत्र लिखें।
आप मध्यावधि परीक्षा नहीं दे पाए इसके लिए पन
ु ः परीक्षा कराने के लिए प्रधानाचार्या को पत्र लिखें।
दिए गए विषय पर संवाद लिखें।
1.बढ़ते वायु प्रदष
ू ण पर संमाचार संपादक से हुई वार्ता को संवाद के रूप में लिखें।
2.मोबाइल फोन के प्रयोग तथा उसके प्रभाव पर माता-पिता से हुई वार्ता को संवाद के रूप में लिखें।
गद्याशं पठित्वा प्रश्नान ् उत्तरत-
नम्रता एकः दिव्य गुणः। विनम्राः जनाः परे षां हितमिच्छन्ति तदर्थं प्रयतन्ते। विनयवन्तः यत्र गच्छन्ति।
स्वकीयव्यवहारे ण सर्वान ् वशीकुर्वन्ति। ते कदापि ईदृशं वचनं नैव उच्चरन्ति येन जनाः दखि
ु नः भवन्ति। येषु
अयं गुणं न भवति ते उद्दण्डाः भवन्ति। पदे -पदे विवदमानाः ते मित्राणि अपि शत्रत
ु ां नयन्ति सिद्धमपि कार्यं
ु तम ्-नमन्ति फलिनो वक्ष
ृ ाः नमन्ति गणि
ु नो जनाः।
ृ ाश्च मूर्खाश्च न नमन्ति कदाचन।।
एकपदे न उत्तरत-
1.अस्माभिः कथं व्यवहारः कर्तव्यः? 2. कः गण
ु ः दिव्यः कथ्यते?
ृ ाः कदा नमन्ति? 4. विनम्राः जनाः किम ् कुर्वन्ति?
पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरत-
1.के-के न नमन्ति? 2.मूर्खाः किं कुर्वन्ति?
निर्देशानुसारं उत्तरत-
1. ‘विनम्राः जनाः’ पदे विशेषण विशेष्य पदं किम ्?
2. ‘त्यक्त्वा’ प्रकृति प्रत्यय विभज्यताम ्।
वाक्यानां संस्कृतभाषायाम ् अनुवादं कुरुत.
क. बंदर खेल के मैदान में खेल रहे हैं। ख. बच्चे चलचित्र दे खना चाहते हैं।
ग. हम परिवार के साथ घूमने जाएँगे। घ.हम सब गीत गाएँगे।
ङ. तम्
ु हें सर्य
ू को नमस्कार करना चाहिए। च हमें पेड़ लगाना चाहिए।
निर्देशानुसारं शब्द रूपाणि लिखत-
शब्द विभक्ति वचनम ् पदम ्
अस्मद् पंचमी एकवचनम ् ...........................
यष्ु मद् सप्तमी द्विवचनम ् ...........................
कवि चतर्थी
ु एकवचनम ् ...........................
नदी षष्ठी बहुवचनम ् ...........................
किम ् (प)ु द्वितीया बहुवचनम ् ...........................
एतत ् (स्त्री) तत
ृ ीया एकवचनम ् ...........................
तत ् (नपंु) पंचमी बहुवचनम ् ...........................
किम ् (स्त्री) चतर्थी
ु एकवचनम ् ...........................
सूर्य सप्तमी द्विवचनम ् ...........................
गुरु चतुर्थी एकवचनम ् ............................
निर्देशानुसारं धातु रूपाणि लिखत-
धातु लकार पुरुष वचन धातुरूप
कृ लङ्लकार प्रथम एकवचन ..........................
नम ् लट्
ृ लकार मध्यम बहुवचन ..........................
स्म ृ लोट्लकार उत्तम एकवचन ..........................
अस ् लट्
ृ लकार मध्यम द्विवचन ..........................
दा लङ्लकार प्रथम बहुवचन ..........................
स्था विधिकलिंग मध्यम बहुवचन ..........................
कृ लङ्लकार प्रथम एकवचन ..........................
क्रीड् लोट्लकार मध्यम द्विवचन ..........................
ु संशोधनं कुरुत-
1.वयं तानि मधुराणि फलानि नयामि।
2.द्वे काकौ उड्डयतः।
3.छात्राः गुरुं नमति।
4.बालकाः विद्यालयात ् गह
ृ ं आगच्छिष्यन्ति।
5.श्वः सोमवासरः अभवत ्।
6.एक बालकः जनकस्य सह दिल्लीनगरं गच्छति।
प्रकृति प्रत्ययं संयुज्य लिखत-
कृ+क्त्वा क्रीड्+तम
ु ुन ् नम ्+क्त्वा धाव ्+तम
ु ुन ्
ृ क्त्वा अस ्+तुमुन ् दा+क्त्वा लिख ्+तुमुन ्
स्था+क्त्वा खाद्+तुमुन ् गै+क्त्वा पा+तम
ु ुन ्
आ+दा+ल्यप ् सम ्+भू+ल्यप ् आ+रुह्+ल्यप ् आ+नी+ल्यप ्
सम ्+पूज ्+ल्यप ् प्र+नम ्+ल्यप ् आ+पठ्+ल्यप ् उत ्+स्था+ल्यप ्
दिए गए चित्र को दे खकर संस्कृत में पाँच वाक्य बनाएँ -

Do Page No. 2 to 5 (Lesson 1) and Page No. 6 to 12 (Lesson 2) in Workbook- Mon Passeport (Cahier d’exerci-

1. Simplify:
2. Huma, Hubna and Seema received a total of Rs. 2,016 as monthly allowance from
their mother such that Seema gets of what Huma gets and Hubna gets 1 times
Seema’s share. How much money do the three sisters get individually?

3. Find x if

4. Divide the Sum of their product.

5. Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 11. The given number is less than the
number obtained by interchanging the digits by 9. Find the number.
6. Aaron is 5 years younger than Ron. Four years later, Ron will be twice as old as
Aaron.Find their present ages.
7. The cost of two tables and three chairs is Rs705. If the table costs Rs40 more than
the chair, find the cost of the table and the chair .

8. Solve the equation:

9. Find the side of a square whose area is equal to the area of a rectangle with sides
6.4m and 2.5m.

10. Simplify:

11. Divide Rs. 5090 between Rita and Seema such that one –third of Rita and half share
of Seema are same.
12. The digits of a two-digit number differ by 3. If digits are interchanged and the resulting number is
added to the original number, we get 121. Find the original number.
13. In the given figure ABCD and BDCE are parallelograms with common base DC. , BC

is perpendicular to BD, find

14. The ratio between exterior angle and interior angle of a regular polygon is 1 ; 5. Find the number of sides
of the polygon.
15. ABCD is a trapezium such that AB II CD, : = 2 : 1, : = 7 : 5, find the angles of the trapezium.
16. BELT is a rhombus. Find the length of the side of the rhombus.

17. RENT is a trapezium in which TN||RE. What is the value of x.

18. SONI is a rectangle. What is the length of IN ?

19. Find the smallest number by which 1800 must be multiplied so that it becomes a perfect square. Also find
the square root of the perfect square so obtained.
20. The sum of two numbers is 2490. If 6.5% of one number is equal to 8.5% of the other, find the numbers.
Section A to be attempted in the worksheet & Section B to be done in Science homework notebook
Section A
Q1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called
2. Damaged seeds would _____________ on top of water.
3. For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight, _____________ and _____________ from the soil are es-
4. In India, the two main crops according to seasons are__________________ and
5. Paddy is a_________ crop.
Q2. Match the columns:
Column A Column B
(a) Coffee, rubber  (i) Organic substance
(b) Manure (ii) Oil crops
(c) Maize, cotton (iii) Weedicide
(d) Coconut, mustard (iv) Cash crops
(e) 2,4-D (v) Kharif crops
Q3 . Picture Based Questions:
Picture 1 & 2 are the traditional methods of irrigation. Identify them.

Pic 1 _____________________________ Pic 2 _______________________________

Identify the process shown in the picture attached. Why do you think has the farmer closed his
mouth & hands?


Q4. Multiple Choice Question:

1. Which of the following cannot be provided to the soil by a chemical fertilizer?
(a) nitrogen (b) humus (c) potassium (d) phosphorus

2. Which of the following is not a rabi crop?

(a) soyabean (b)peas (c) wheat (d) linseed

3. Which of the following crops would enrich the soil with nitrogen?

(a) apple (b) pea (c) paddy (d) potato

4. Assertion: Weeds are unwanted plants.

Reason: They should be allowed to grow along with the main crop, as they are unwanted so do not cause
any harm.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.

(d) Reason is true, but Assertion is false

5. Assertion: The loosening of soil helps in the growth of earthworms.

Reason: These organisms help to add humus to the soil thereby increasing the fertility.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.

(d) Reason is true, but Assertion is false.

Section B

Q 6. Attempt the following question in SCIENCE INTERLEAF NOTEBOOK

1. Differentiate between Rabi & Kharif crop.
2. What is crop rotation?
3. Enlist & explain the various agricultural processes in sequential order.
4. Write short note on: Drip Irrigation & Sprinkler Method Of irrigation
5. Why is it necessary to remove weeds?
6. Explain how fertilisers are different from manure.
Q1 Name the most important Abiotic resources available to us.
Q2. What EEIC means and where it set up its first trading post in India.
Q3. What was the outcome of the Second Carnatic War?
Q4. Explain the British Conquest over Bengal.
Q5. Write a short note on Battle of Plassey.
Q6. List out the results of Battle of Buxar.
Q7. Name the various policies followed by EEIC in order to expand its territories In India.
Q8 Explain the main principals of Subsidiary Alliance.
Q.9 Why land is the most important resource for human beings.
Q10. Explain the various physical factors on which land use depends.
Q11. Write a short note on “conversation of land”.
Q12.What are the various Determinates of the soil.
Q13. Time affects the rate of humus formation during the process of soil formation. (True /False)
Q14.’Drip irrigation helps in reducing the soil Erosion’. Justify.
Q15 How are wind breaks useful in soil conservation.

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