Excel Training Deck (Basic To Intermediate Level)

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Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
The Basics

The Basics

1. The Excel interface

2. Most commonly used Excel File Formats
3. Data & Reference Types

The Excel Interface
The Basics

2 1
Command Group
It contains all the commands you will need to
Contains a series of different commands. Some
4 perform common tasks in Excel. It has
groups also have an arrow in the bottom-right
3 multiple tabs, each with several groups of
which you can click to see even more
Name Box commands.
Shows and/or allows input or edit
Displays the location, or
of data, formula, or function that will
"name" of a selected (active)
appear in a specific (active) cell.

Worksheet View Options

There are three ways to view a worksheet. Simply
click to select the desired view:
• Normal view is selected by default, and shows you
an unlimited number of cells and columns.
• Excel
Page files
areview divides
called your spreadsheet
workbooks. into
Each workbook
holds one or more worksheets (also known as
• Page Break view lets you see an overview of your
worksheet, which is especially helpful when adding
page breaks.

Supported Excel File Formats
The Basics

Format Extension Description

Excel Workbook .xlsx The default XML-based file format for Excel
2007 and later version.

Excel Macro-Enabled .xlsm The XML-based and macro-enabled file format

Workbook (code) for Excel 2007 and up.

CSV (comma delimited) .csv Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text

file and ensures that tab characters, line
breaks, and other characters are interpreted
**saves only the active sheet
PDF (portable document .pdf This file format preserves document
format) formatting and enables file sharing. Useful for
documents that will be reproduced by using
commercial printing methods.
**not supported in Excel 2007

Supported Data Types
The Basics

Data Type Sub-Types Description

• Integer (non-fraction)
• Fractions (decimal)
Generally raw numbers or dates.
Numeric • Scientific Notation
Aligned to the right by default.
• Date / Time
• Currency

String of alphanumeric characters including

String n/a alphabet, numbers, blank space, punctuation
mark, etc.

Represents the values TRUE and FALSE.

Alternatively, a Boolean 0 refers to the logic
Boolean n/a
FALSE. TRUE is always a non-zero, most of the
time equals 1.

Combination of cell/array reference and

• Reference
Formulas • Functions
functions which instructs Excel to perform

Reference Types
The Basics

Relative and absolute references behave differently when

copied and filled to other cells.

RELATIVE references change when a formula

is copied to another cell.
ABSOLUTE references remain constant no
matter where they are copied

By default, all cell references are relative references.


Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
Data Scrubbing
The Basics

1. Definition of Data Scrubbing

2. Common Types of “Bad” Data
3. Data Scrubbing Techniques

Definition of Data Scrubbing
Data Scrubbing

Data scrubbing refers to the procedure of modifying

or removing incomplete, incorrect, inaccurately
formatted, or repeated data in a database.
The key objective of data scrubbing is to make the
data more accurate and consistent before it is
transferred to the next step such as data analysis.
It is especially important in data-intensive industries,
including telecommunications, insurance, banking and
Data scrubbing is also referred to as data cleansing.

Common Types of “Bad” Data
Data Scrubbing

• Duplicates
• Errors
• Blank Cells
• Numbers/Dates stored as Text
• Extra Spaces and Non-Printable Characters
• Improper cases
• Unparsed or Disjointed Texts
• Inconsistent Formatting
• Misspelled words
• Incorrect / Broken Links and References

Data Scrubbing Techniques
Data Scrubbing

1. Sort & Filter

2. Go To Special

3. Find & Replace

4. Data Tools

5. Conditional Formatting

6. Excel Formula

7. Number Format

1. Sort & Filter
Data Scrubbing Techniques

• The sorting tool allows you to

sort by date, number, alphabetic
order and more.
• The filter tool gives you the
ability to filter a column of data
within a table to isolate the key
components you need.

Sort by Color
Sort & Filter

Allows sorting of data by color.

Text Filter
Sort & Filter

Allows to filter text data which meets specific condition.

Multi-Level Sorting
Sort & Filter

Allows to sort data in multiple levels that meets certain criteria.

2. Go to Special
Data Scrubbing Techniques

Go To Special is a tool within Microsoft Excel that enables you to quickly

select cells of a specified type within your Excel worksheet.
Shortcut: F5 or CTRL + G and then click on Special

Select Specific Constants
Go to Special

3. Find and Replace
Data Scrubbing Techniques

Find and Replace allows you to search for specific data in a

worksheet or workbook, and edit those cells after finding them
Home tab > Editing group and click Find & Select > Find
Open the Excel Find and Replace dialog by pressing the Ctrl + F or
Ctrl +H shortcut.

Find using Wildcard Character
Find and Replace

Used to represent a single character or any number of characters.

• Use the asterisk (*) to find any string of characters.

Find using Wildcard Character (cont.)
Find and Replace

• Use the question mark (?) to find any single character

Remove Line breaks
Find and Replace

Step-1: Open the Replace tab

of Excel's Find and Replace
Step-2: Enter the line break
character in the Find what
filed by pressing Ctrl + J.
NOTE: No text will appear in
the Find What box -- just a
small blinking dot
Step-3: Type space character
in Replace with Box.
Step-4: Click the Replace All
button and verify the result.

4. Data Tools
Data Scrubbing Techniques

Under Data Ribbon, we a command group called Data Tools. The most
commonly used functions for data scrubbing are:
1. Text to Columns
Used to separate the contents of one Excel cell into separate
2. Remove Duplicates
Used to retain only the unique values within a selected range

Text to Columns
Data Tools

To separate the contents of one Excel cell into separate columns, you can
use the 'Convert Text to Columns Wizard'.

Remove Duplicates
Data Tools

Allows to remove duplicate data.

5. Conditional Formatting
Data Scrubbing Techniques

Conditional formatting in Excel enables you to highlight cells with a

certain colour, depending on the cell's value.

Highlight Duplicate Values
Conditional Formatting

To check for possible duplicates in a range of data….

Custom Formula
Conditional Formatting

Enables to customize formula with certain conditions.

6. Excel Formulas
Data Scrubbing Techniques

We can use excel formula (e.g., embed in conditional formatting) to

screen and transform our data using the following functions:

Excel Formula


TEST Data (Cont.)
Excel Formula



Data Scrubbing Techniques
Data Scrubbing

1. Sort & Filter

2. Go To Special

3. Find & Replace

4. Data Tools

5. Conditional Formatting

6. Excel Formula

7. Number Format

Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
& Analysis

Transformation & Analysis

1. Basics of Excel Formula

2. Effective Formula Writing
3. Data Relationship
4. Formula Auditing
5. Useful Excel Functions

Basics of Excel Formula
Transformation & Analysis

Formulas can contain cell references, ranges of cell references, operators,

and constants. The following are all examples of formulas:

Reference Types
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

Relative and absolute references behave differently when

copied and filled to other cells.

RELATIVE references change when a formula

is copied to another cell.
ABSOLUTE references remain constant no
matter where they are copied

By default, all cell references are relative references.

Reference Styles
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

A1 Reference (Default)
column name as an alphabet and row name
as a number
A1 = column A and row 1
R1C1 Reference
both column and row are in numbers
R stands for row and C stand for a column
A1 ~ R1C1 = row 1 and column 1

**Structured Reference
combination of Excel Table and
column names
Table_1[@Column_1] = current row
value of Column_1 inside Table_1

Reference Types & Styles
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

A1 Reference Style R1C1 Reference Style Reference Type

A1 R[-4]C[-1] Relative Reference

$A$1 R1C1 Absolute Reference

Relative Row and

$A1 R[-4]C1
Absolute Column

Absolute Row and

A$1 R1C[-1]
Relative Column

Relative vs Absolute R1C1 Reference
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

Excel Name Types
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

Defined name - a name that refers to a single cell, range of cells,

constant value, or formula.
when you define a name for a range of cells, it's called
a named range, or defined range
Table name - a name of an Excel table that is created
automatically when you insert a table in a worksheet (Ctrl + T).

Excel Named Ranges
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

Type a name in the Name Box

Create a name by using the Define Name option
Make a named range by using Excel Name
Manager (Ctrl + F3)

Excel Naming Rules
Transformation & Analysis > Basics of Excel Formula

An Excel name should be under 255 characters long.

Excel names cannot contain spaces and most punctuation
A name must begin with a letter, underscore (_), or backslash (\)
If a name begins with anything else, Excel will throw an error
Excel names are case-insensitive.
"Apples", "apples" and "APPLES" will be treated as the same
You cannot name ranges like cell references.
You can't give the name "A1" or "AA1" to a range
You can use a single letter to name a range like "a", "b", "D", etc.
except for the letters "r" "R", "c", and "C"

Effective Formula Writing
Transformation & Analysis

• Switch between reference types by

pressing F4
• Simultaneously write a formula in a range
of cells by pressing Ctrl + Enter
• Use Formula Autocomplete by using insert
trigger either by pressing tab or
double-clicking item in the list
• Use Function Screentips or Function
Wizard as guide when using unfamiliar
functions in a formula

Effective Formula Writing (cont.)
Transformation & Analysis

• Enter all required arguments. An argument

is optional when it is enclosed in brackets
• Match all open and closing parentheses
by paying attention to their colors as you
type the formula
• Quickly evaluate parts of a formula by
highlighting a portion and pressing F9

Data Relationship
Transformation & Analysis

There is a multitude of functions which make it easier associate one data

set to another.
The most common functions used in Finance are:

LOOKUP Function
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship

Performs an approximate match lookup in a one-column or one-row range.

=LOOKUP(value, lookup_range,[result_range])

LOOKUP Function
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship

Short for “vertical lookup”, to quickly find data associated with a value the
user enters
=VLOOKUP(value, table, col_index, [range_lookup]

VLOOKUP Function
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship

Short for “vertical lookup”, to quickly find data associated with a value the
user enters
=VLOOKUP(value, table, col_index, [range_lookup]

HLOOKUP Function
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship

H stands for “horizontal”, it looks up a value in a table matching on the first

=HLOOKUP(value, table, row_index, [range_lookup]

XLOOKUP vs normal LOOKUP Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship


• Requires static column • Uses a dynamic

reference column reference
• Will need to input • Allows you to manually
specific, static number choose which column
to indicate which you want to pull from
column they want to • Easily click on the field
return from containing the value
you want to return
• Insert column immunity

XLOOKUP Function
Transformation & Analysis > Data Relationship

This allows you to look up values in a table based off other rows and
columns. Unlike VLOOKUP, it can be used on both rows, columns, or both
at the same time.

=XLOOKUP(lookup value, lookup array, return_array, [if not found], [match mode],
[search mode])

Transformation & Analysis

Formula auditing in Excel allows you to graphically display the

relationship between formulas and cells.
Auditing of formula dependents and precedent
Find circular references
Trace errors
Time your workbook calculation for each worksheet to find
Check columns for formula inconsistencies

Trace Precedents/ Dependents
Transformation & Analysis > Formula Auditing

Precedents - cells that supply values directly to the formula in the active
Dependents - formulas that depend on the value in the active cell

Show Formulas
Transformation & Analysis > Formula Auditing

By default, Excel shows the results of formulas. To show the formulas

instead of their results, execute the following steps.

Alternatively, we can use the function FORMULATEXT()

Error Checking
Transformation & Analysis > Formula Auditing

Checks the active worksheet for errors. If your worksheet contains errors
then the Error Checking dialog box is displayed.

Error Description / Common Cause

#### error A column is not wide enough to display all the characters in a cell, or a cell contains negative date or time
#DIV/0! A number is divided either by zero (0) or by a cell that contains no value
#NAME? Excel does not recognize text in a formula. For example, a range name or the name of a function may be
spelled incorrectly.
#NULL! An intersection of two areas that do not intersect (cross). The intersection operator is a space character that
separates references in a formula
#NUM! A formula or function contains invalid numeric values
#REF! A cell reference is not valid
#VALUE! A formula includes cells that contain different data types

Evaluate Formula
Transformation & Analysis > Formula Auditing

Displays the (Tools > Formula Auditing > Evaluate Formula) dialog box
that enables you to evaluate parts of a formula.
Can be done manually from the formula bar by highlighting a portion of the
formula and pressing F9

Excel SMALL Function
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel SMALL function returns numeric values based on their position
in a list ranked by value. In other words, it can retrive "nth smallest" values
- smallest value, 2nd smallest value, 3rd smallest value, etc.


array - A range of cells from which to extract smallest values.

n - An integer that specifies the position from the smallest value, i.e. the nth

Syntax = SMALL(array,n)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel LARGE Function
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel LARGE function returns numeric values based on their position
in a list when sorted by value. In other words, it can retrive "nth largest"
values - largest value, 2nd largest value, 3rd lagest value, etc.


• array - The array from which you want to select the kth largest value.
• n - An integer that specifies the position from the largest value, i.e. the nth

Syntax = LARGE(array,n)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel SUMPRODUCT Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies ranges or arrays together and

returns the sum of products. This sounds boring, but SUMPRODUCT is an
incredibly versatile function that can be used to count and sum like
COUNTIFS or SUMIFS, but with more flexibility. Other functions can easily
be used inside SUMPRODUCT to extend functionality even further.


array1 - The first array or range to multiply, then add.

array2 - [optional] The second array or range to multiply, then add.

Syntax = SUMPRODUCT (array1, [array2], …)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel IFERROR Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel IFERROR function returns a custom result when a formula

generates an error, and a standard result when no error is detected.
IFERROR is an elegant way to trap and manage errors without using
more complicated nested IF statements.


value - The value, reference, or formula to check for an error.

value_if_error - The value to return if an error is found.

Syntax = IFERROR (value, value_if_error)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel NOT Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel NOT function returns the opposite of a given logical or boolean
value. When given TRUE, NOT returns FALSE.When given FALSE, NOT
returns TRUE. Use the NOT function to reverse a logical value.


logical - A value or logical expression that can be evaluated as TRUE or


Syntax = NOT (logical)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel AND Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel AND function is a logical function used to require more than
one condition at the same time. AND returns either TRUE or FALSE.
To test if a number in A1 is greater than zero and less than 10, use
=AND(A1>0,A1<10). The AND function can be used as the logical test
inside the IF function to avoid extra nested IFs, and can be combined
with the OR function.


logical1 - The first condition or logical value to evaluate.

logical2 - [optional] The second condition or logical value to evaluate.

Syntax = AND (logical1, [logical2], …)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel OR Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The OR function is a logical function to test multiple conditions at the

same time. OR returns either TRUE or FALSE. For example, to test A1
for either "x" or "y", use =OR(A1="x",A1="y"). The OR function can be
used as the logical test inside the IF function to avoid extra nested IFs,
and can be combined with the AND function.


logical1 - The first condition or logical value to evaluate.

logical2 - [optional] The second condition or logical value to evaluate

Syntax = OR (logical1, [logical2], …)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel YEARFRAC Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel YEARFRAC function returns a decimal value that represents

fractional years between two dates. You can use YEARFRAC to do things
like calculate age with a birthdate.


start_date - The start date.

end_date - The end date.
basis - [optional] The type of day count basis to use (see below).

Syntax = YEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, [basis])
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel DATEDIF Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel DATEDIF function returns the difference between two date
values in years, months, or days. The DATEDIF (Date + Dif) function is a
"compatibility" function that comes from Lotus 1-2-3. For reasons
unknown, it is only documented in Excel 2000, but you can use it in your
formulas in all Excel versions since that time.


start_date - Start date in Excel date serial number format.

end_date - End date in Excel date serial number format.
unit - The time unit to use (years, months, or days).

Syntax = DATEDIF (start_date, end_date, unit)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel EDATE Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel EDATE function returns a date on the same day of the month, n
months in the past or future. You can use EDATE to calculate expiration
dates, maturity dates, and other due dates. Use a positive value for
months to get a date in the future, and a negative value for dates in the


• start_date - Start date as a valid Excel date.

• months - Number of months before or after start_date.

Syntax = EDATE (start_date, months)
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

Excel NETWORKDAYS Functions
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions

The Excel NETWORKDAYS function calculates the number of working

days between two dates. NETWORKDAYS automatically excludes
weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and can optionally exclude a list of
holidays supplied as dates.

NETWORKDAYS includes both the start date and end date when
calculating work days. This means if you give NETWORKDAYS the
same date for start date and end date, and the date is not a weekend or
holiday, it will return 1.

NETWORKDAYS can also optionally take into account holidays. For

the holidays argument, supply a range that contains holiday dates.
These are also treated as non-working days and will not be included in
the result.

Syntax = NETWORKDAYS (start_date, end_date, [holidays])
Transformation & Analysis > Useful Excel Functions


Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
Reports &
Reports & Dashboards

1. Basic Charting
2. Excel PivotTable & PivotCharts
3. Conditional Formatting & Sparklines

Why use Excel Charts?
Reports & Dashboards

Charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel provide a

method to visualize numeric data.

You can create a chart or graph to represent nearly

any kind of quantitative data to facilitate discovery of
relationships and trends.

Excel has a variety of preset chart and graph types so

you can select one that best represents the data
relationship(s) you want to highlight.

Excel Chart and Graph Categories
Reports & Dashboards

While multiple chart types might work for a given data

set, you should select the chart that best fits the
story that the data is telling.
Category Sample Description
Column (or Bar) Charts best used to compare information for multiple
categories of one variable (for example, multiple
products or genres)

Line Charts most useful for showing trends over time, rather
than static data points.

Pie Charts compare percentages of a whole (“whole” is the

total of the values in your data).

Others Scatter (correlation), Area (similar to line charts),

Stock, Surface (3-D landscape), Radar, Waterfall.
Excel Charts & Graph Anatomy
Reports & Dashboards

Chart Area
3 2
The chart itself, or the rectangle that holds
Chart Axes
4 else Chart Title
Plot Area of horizontal axis (category axis), and
comprised A descriptive phrase that provides an idea what
the verticalthat
Rectangle axisholds
(value axis).
the potted graphic your chart is all about
elements 5
Visual guide to line up major or minor units in
your axes.

Data Labels
Display the actual value corresponding to a data
point plotted in your chart

Combo Charts
Reports & Dashboards

A combination chart is a chart that combines two or more chart

types in a single chart.

PivotTable and PivotChart
Reports & Dashboards

A pivot table is a data processing tool used to query,

organize and summarize data or information
between spreadsheets, tables or databases.

Dragging and dropping fields into a pivot table

facilitates rotational, or pivotal, structural changes.

A pivot chart is the visual representation of a pivot

table in Excel. Pivot charts and pivot tables are
connected with each other.

Components of PivotTable
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

1)Values Area
2)Row Area
3)Column Area
4)Filter Area

Components of PivotTable: Values Area
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

The values area is the large, rectangular area below and to the
right of the column and row headings. In the example, the values
area contains a sum of the values in the Sales Amount field.

The values area calculates and counts data. The data fields that
you drag and drop there are typically those that you want to
measure — fields, such as Sum of Revenue, Count of Units, or
Average of Price.

Components of PivotTable: Row Area
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

The row area is shown here. Placing a data field into the row area
displays the unique values from that field down the rows of the
left side of the pivot table. The row area typically has at least one
field, although it’s possible to have no fields.

The row area of a pivot table gives you a row-oriented


Components of PivotTable: Column Area
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

The column area is composed of headings that stretch across the

top of columns in the pivot table. The column area of a pivot table
gives you a column-oriented perspective.

Placing a data field into the column area displays the unique
values from that field in a column-oriented perspective. The
column area is ideal for creating a data matrix or showing trends
over time.

Components of PivotTable: Filter Area
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

The filter area is an optional set of one or more drop-down

lists at the top of the pivot table. Here, the filter area
contains the Region field, and the pivot table is set to show all
regions. The filter area allows you to easily apply filters to the
pivot table report.

How PivotTable works?
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

Our data set consists of 15 records and 6 fields. Order ID, Bank Code,
Bank Name, Region, Limit and Date.
Order ID Bank code Bank Name Region Limit Date
1 NAB National Australia Bank AO 5,000,000.00 1/25/2019
2 CBA Commonwealth Bank of Australia AO 4,000,000.00 6/26/2019
3 ANZ ANZ Bank AP 8,000,000.00 1/25/2019
4 CITI Citibank EO 7,000,000.00 3/2/2019
5 BARC Barclays EO 4,000,000.00 4/4/2018
6 ASB Australian Security Bank AO 5,000,000.00 7/9/2019
7 BOQ Bank of Queensland AO 900,000.00 5/23/2019
8 JPMC JP Morgan and Chase NA 600,000.00 11/30/2019
9 LB Lloyd's Bank EO 1,000,000.00 1/12/2019
10 DNK Dedanske Bank NA 2,000,000.00 6/4/2019
11 BPI Bank of Philippine Islands APAC 7,000,000.00 6/5/2019
12 MB Metropolitan bank APAC 12,000,000.00 2/25/2019
13 BDO Banco De Oro APAC 7,500,000.00 6/6/2019
14 HSBC Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation AO 8,000,000.00 10/31/2019
15 PNB Philippine National Bank APAC 10,000,000.00 6/2/2019

How PivotTable works?
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

Step 1: Click any single cell inside

the data set.

Step 2: On the Insert tab, in the

Tables group, click PivotTable.

Step 3: Click OK

How PivotTable works?
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts


The PivotTable Fields pane

appears. To get the total amount
for each Region, drag the following
fields to the different areas.
1. Region & Bank Name field to
the Rows area.
2. Limit field to the Values area.


How PivotTable works?
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts


Step 1: Click any cell inside the

sum of amount column

Step 2: Right click and click on



How PivotTable works?
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

Change Summary

1. Click any cell inside the

Sum of Amount column.
2. Right click and click on
Value Field Settings.
3. Choose the type of
calculation you want to
use. For example, click
4. Click OK


Grouping in Pivot Table
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

In a pivot table, you can group dates, number

and text fields.
For example, group order dates by year and
month, or group test scores in bands of 10.
You can manually select text items in a pivot
table field, and group the selected items. This
lets you quickly see subtotals for a specific set
of items in your pivot table

Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

A pivot chart is an interactive graphical

representation of the data in a pivot table.

A pivot chart is linked to the pivot table and always

displays the same data as the pivot table.

Difference between a Normal Chart?

The most obvious difference is that pivot charts
contain field buttons. These can be used to change
the layout of the chart.

Creating a PivotChart
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

There are a number of ways to create a

1. When you create the PivotTable, by
choosing PivotChart on Step 1 of the
2. Pressing the PivotChart button on the
PivotTable toolbar.

Creating a PivotChart (Cont.)
Reports & Dashboards > PivotTable & Pivot Charts

To insert a pivot chart, execute the following steps.

1. Click any cell inside the pivot table.
2. On the Analyze tab, in the Tools group, click
The Insert Chart dialog box appears.

3. Click OK.

8000000 900,000.00
6000000 1,000,000.00
4000000 2,000,000.00
2000000 4,000,000.00

109 10,000,000.00
Conditional Formatting & Sparklines
Reports & Dashboards

In Excel, you can use conditional formatting for data

visualization based on a set of criteria against a cell’s
value or a custom formula.

A sparkline is a tiny chart in a worksheet cell that provides

a visual representation of data. Use sparklines to show
trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases
or decreases, economic cycles, or to highlight maximum
and minimum values.

Position a sparkline near its data for greatest impact.

Icon Sets
Reports & Dashboards > Conditional Formatting & Sparklines

Excel conditional formatting icon

sets are used to visually represent
data with arrows, shapes, check
marks, flags, rating starts and other

Data Bars
Reports & Dashboards > Conditional Formatting & Sparklines

Conditional formatting Data Bars are

used to represent data graphically
inside a cell.
The longest bar represents the
highest value and shorter bars
represent smaller values.

Reports & Dashboards > Conditional Formatting & Sparklines

Sparklines are tiny charts that reside in a cell in Excel. These charts are
used to show a trend over time or the variation in the dataset.
Types: Line, Column, Win/Loss

Reports & Dashboards > Conditional Formatting & Sparklines

• Sparklines are tiny charts that reside in a cell in

Excel. These charts are used to show a trend over
time or the variation in the dataset.
• Types: Line, Column, Win/Loss
Dashboarding in Excel
Reports & Dashboards

Do’s and Don’ts

• Don’t Clutter Your Dashboards
• Minimize use of volatile formulas
• Don’t keep extra data in your workbook
• Numbering your Charts/Section
• Restrict Movement in the dashboard area
• Freeze Important rows/column
• Make Shapes/Charts Stick
• Provide a User Guide
• Save Space with Combo Charts
• Use Symbols & Conditional Formatting

Training Journey

Best Practices to
allow users to
TRANSFORMATION visualize and interact
& ANALYSIS with data
Techniques to help
DATA execute efficient data
mapping, and
SCRUBBING perform analysis to
Tools to detect, discover useful
correct and remove information.
THE BASICS inaccurate records to
A quick Excel ensure data quality
refresher to jumpstart
the discussion
Excel Training
National Housing Authority
June 2022

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