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These are your preliminary activities before the lesson proper. Read the instructions carefully. This is
ungraded but your participation is highly appreciated.

Activity 1: Pre-assessment
I. The first part of the questionnaire focuses on the values and competencies of NSTP that a
student should have acquired after taking the course. Place a check ( ✓) mark in the cell that
applies to your current level.
4 - Highly knowledgeable (able to train others)
3 - Knowledgeable (comfortable doing)
2 - Somewhat knowledgeable (needs help)
1- Not knowledgeable

Before taking the course, I am now able to: 4 3 2 1

1. demonstrate the significant roles of the youth in promoting civic consciousness, nation- ✓
building, good citizenship, nationalism, and patriotism;

2. demonstrate the Louisian core values and CICM advocacies that promotes justice, ✓
peace, the integrity of creation, and indigenous people's apostolate;

3. illustrate how one’s capabilities can be a primary tool in community welfare ✓

involvement while exhibiting Christian values; and

4. design a sustainable community project development that would contribute to the ✓

pursuit of the common good of the community.

II. The second part is for you to answer the following questions:
1. What are your expectations in this course?
I expect that this course will be both hard and interesting since I expect to learn a lot from it to
help me expand my understanding of the Foundations of Service.
2. As a student in this course, what will you do to achieve the required values and

As a student, being responsible is one of our values and competencies.

3. What are the positive and negative attitudes that your classmates, friends, family members and
other people in the community observe in you for the past weeks?
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I've only observed these people's positive attitudes over the past few weeks.
They put in a lot of effort and are polite, responsive, and respectful.

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 2

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