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A recent report has warned of global food 11.

shortages…………………                        SHORT 
unless the current system of farming and food distribution is changed. 
The report highlights fears that rapid increases in production come at the  
expense of sustainability, and that unless action is taken,                  
hunger and 12…MALNUTRITION………………. will become
problems.                               NUTRITION 
The population   is expected to rise to around 8.3 billion in the next 
twenty years, and 13URBANISATION……………………… is set to
continue:                                URBAN 
it is expected that 65-70%  f the world’s population will live in cities.  
Increasing world 14……PROPSPERITY…………….. will lead to the rise in demand    
for energy,   food and fresh water. The report also considers the billion  
people worldwide who 15OVEREAT………………… and are therefore obese to
be                 EAT                        
another example of the 16…FAILURE…………………. of the current system                
to provide health and well-being to the world’s population. 
The authors believe that the 17APPLICATION…………………… of
new                                     APPLY                       
of new technologies can play a role in
future food shortages. They see cloning, nanotechnology and 
genetic19 …MODIFICATION………………………  as potential
solutions.                                   MODIFY 
However, although many of these technologies have been adopted  
worldwide, there is still 20…RESISTANCE………………… to their use in      RESIST 
parts of Europe.  

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