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Nama : Della Dwi Saputri

Kelas : XII IPA 5

Mapel : Sastra Inggris

1. Please explain the meaning and function of:

- Medical form
Medical form is a form which is filled in by a patient to a doctor. This form
contains the patient's personal health information, such as his/her illness, allergies,
currently taken medicines, family health history, etc.
Medical forms can be categorized as tools used by medical practitioners as a
means to collect information and consent from patients or their families to provide
care to patients without direct legal consequences to the medical practitioners

- Order form
Order form is a commercial document which is filled in by customers and used
to order goods from a company. This form contains The company name, client's
information, types, quantities, and agreed prices of products ordered.
An order form is a document that a buyer uses to request merchandise from a
wholesaler, manufacturer, or retailer. It is mostly used by businesses that buy
products in higher quantities.

- Withdrawal slip
Withdrawal slip is a small paper form which has to be filled in before making a
withdrawal of money from a bank, building society, etc.
A withdrawal slip is a printed piece of paper used in Bank to withdraw money
in cash from account. The slip contains certain particulars such as name of
customer, date, amount to be withdrawn in words and figure, signature of
customer etc.

- Purchasing form
Purchase form is also known as purchase order (PO) form. Purchase form is a
commercial document which is made by a buyer to a seller and used as a request
to purchase products or services (normally in large quantities). This form contains
The company name, client's information, types, quantities, and agreed prices of
products or service purchased.
Purchase Form is used to place an order of purchase to the seller, a Purchase
Form is made to ensure that the purchase will go without any troubles.
2. Della Dwi Saputri or commonly called Della by the
people around her. She was born in Serang on
October 07, 2003. She is female. is the second of
three children, from the couple Nurhandoyo and
Mujirah. Domiciled in Cikande Permai Housing
Block I 6 no 8, Serang Regency, Banten Province,
Indonesia, 42186. She is 17 years old.
Besides having an interest in fields
related to plants, he also has a hobby
of exercising, especially jogging.
For him plants and health are
important and interrelated with each
other. For those of you who want to
contact him, his mobile number is

3. Officer: Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?

Customer: Good morning. I want to reserve train ticket for Eid holiday and the
destination is Surabaya. I can reserve the tickets from now, right?
Officer: Can I know when the exact date you want to reserve, Sir?
Customer: I want to reserve for May 19th for departure from Jakarta and June 1st
from Surabaya
Officer: So it’s a round-trip reservation, right? For how many people?
Customer: For six people, five is adult and one is infant
Officer: Okay, I accept your data and the date that you requested is still open for
reservation. I can proceed this reservation if you give your identition card along with
other passenger’s identition
Customer: Here are our identition cards
a. (+)They will go to tokyo next month
(-)They won't go to tokyo next month
(?)Will they go to tokyo next month?

b. (+)Students of SMAN 1 Cikande will study at the school in September.

(-)Students of SMAN 1 Cikande will not study at school in September.
(?)Will the students of SMAN 1 Cikande study at the school in September?

5. Flower Shop

Order total price

Item The amount of goods Unit price Total price
Red Jackets 2 Rp. 350.000 Rp. 700.000
Chocolate 3 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 225.000
Total Price Rp. 925.000

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