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Minutes of 3rd Meeting

with Bina Marga

1. Project Information
Title Pilot Project for Advanced ICT-based Hydrological Measurement in the West Flores Island, Indonesia
Exe.Agency MoE/K-water and MPWH(DGWR)
Period 21 December 2020 ~ 30 June 2022
Consultant Yooshin Engineering Corporation

2. Meeting Information
Agenda 3rd Joint Discussion Meeting for permission of installing hydro station on the bridges (with Bina Marga)
Date 15:00~17:00 (Thursday), 7 April 2022
Venue Zoom Conference between Indonesia (Jakarta, Kupang) and Korea (Daejon, Seoul)
Participants 16 Participants (K-water 2, Yooshin 3, MPWH/BTSDA 2, BWSNT2 1, BPJN 5, Extern 2, Translator 1)
(Korea) K-water Mr. Shin Hee-jung, Mr. Ha, Sejeong
Yooshin Dr. Ko, Ick Hwan, Mr. Jang Young-jae, Mr. Kim Sang-woo
Extern Mr. Wee Jae-bok(Tele/Equip.), Mr. Jeon, Jong-baek(Tele/Equip.), Evenly (Translator)
(Indonesia) BTSDA Andi Sudirman, Oky Subrata
BWSNT2 Willem Sidharno
BPJN Bagus Aditya – BGTS, Gatot Sukmara – BGTS, Djibrael T. Rohi
PPK-BM-60-MAHMAH DM, 0_03_Fahmi Aldiamar_Balai_Geoteknik Terowong
Bina Marga_Kasatker P2JN NTT_Nuruddin Pujoartanto
(BPJN named on Zoom Register as shown up on screen)

3. Review

Abbrev. MPWH : Minstry of Public Works and Housing

BTSDA : Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air
BWSNT2 : Balai Wilaya Sungai Nusa Tenggara 2
NTT : Nusa Tenggara Timur
BPJN : Balai Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (under DJ Bina Marga)

4. Minutes of Meeting
Review 08. April. 2022 Year
Pages 4

Minutes 1. Introduction
of Meeting ⋅Andi Sudirman Deputy Director in BTSDA
□ In continuation of last week’s meeting, permission of installing hydro-staion on a bridge will further
discussed today. As mentioned, this is a pilot project under GtoG cooperation basis between Indonesia
5 and Korea. Since the project completion period is almost close by June 2022, I hope that we have
fruitful wrap-up discussion today to can conclude this permit issue.

2. Project Overview
⋅Presented by Dr. Ko Ick Hwan,
10 □ Checking result of provided data. Requesting core data for stability analysis with given condition. Propose
Alternative Design to fully reduce the weight of installing measurement equipment.
□ Requesting Bina Marga opinion and prompt check the availability and permission for installation space
near Wae Laku bridge,
□ Requesting Bina marga’s approval if agreed the alternative design. Then, supportive document will be
15 handed to Bina Marga thru BWS NT2 within 7 days.

3. Q&A
⋅Willem Sidharno Deputy Chief in BWSNT2
□ Thank Dr. Ko for presenting the project. I also hope to get permission for installing equipment. I hope to
20 have a Q&A time. Please, feel free to share your opinion.

⋅0_03_Fahmi Aldiamar_Balai_Geoteknik Terowong

 How many weight is reduced in the alternative design
 (Consultant) Alternative design is installing stack on piers so load would be distributed. Only water level
25 sensor is designed to be attached on a truss by minimizing truss deformation resulting from welding
heat. Weight of platform in original design is about 500㎏. And rainfall station and CCTV posts are
around 200㎏ each and Water level post is around 100㎏. That means alternative design reduces
70~80% of weight from original design option.

30  It is worried of corrosion in welding part in alternative design.

 (Consultant) Welding part in alternative design does not effect on a truss negatively and it is a common
method to install additional structure on a bridge. Moreover, welding part is painted to prohibit any

35  Will the bridge can be unbalanced if a station (about 1 ton) is install on one side? Then, it will be
 (Consultant) A bridge is considerably heavy compared with a station weight, so it is vary trivial effect
on a bridge. If proper data handed over, the stability of a bridge can be reviewed.

40 ⋅Bagus Aditya – BGTS

 It may not a good design if any part on a truss is welded. I suggest to seek other method to fix the
sensor like the Citarum project. Fixing on a con’c slab could be possible to be installed.
 (Consultant) No corrosion will be occurred by welding. In th Citarum project, thickness of con’c slab is
much thicker than two bridge in Flores. There is no supporting point to fix the sensor without using
45 truss. Moreover, flood overflows the Wae Pesi bridge so sensor could be in danger if installed on same
level of the slab.
 What is weight of the water level sensor?
 (Consultant) It is about 5.4㎏.
 What is the height of installing the sensor from the slab? Supporting bar is fixed between two diagonal

Minutes truss, and the sensor is fixed by clamping ring from top chord member. It could be a alternative
of Meeting design without welding
 (Consultant) Due to flood level, height from the slab is about 1~1.5m. As proposed the design, the
sensor could be unstably swung easily so it causes error in data measurement. However, if you insist
5 without welding option, we’ll seek alternate way.

 What is height of assembly box? In Indonesia, each part is installed on higher level not to be stolen
easily as shown in the last meeting. It is suggesting to install a part such as solar panel and assembly
box separately on top of truss.
10  (Consultant) Considering O&M, the height of assembly box is about 1.5m. The box should be maintained
by a person so it should be easy and safe to access. Fence and locking tool will be considered to
prohibit stealling equipment. It is impossible to install separately each part. Please remind that this is a
pilot project under both countries. Installing One-Set is necessary.

15 ⋅Dr. Ko Ick Hwan, from Yooshin

 I am asking your opinion if the consultant’s alternative design is acceptable to Bina Marga, Installing
stations on piers with changed attatching method of the water level sensor. Moreover, you’re requested
to promptly check regarding ample space and land permit near Wae Laku bridge.
 (Bina Marga_Kasatker P2JN NTT_Nuruddin Pujoartanto) Basically, I agree with alternative design. I am
20 waiting to check from the responsible official regarding the land permission but it seems no problem to
use the land space near Wae Laku. The result of today’s meeting will be delivered to BWS NT II.

⋅Willem Sidharno Deputy Chief in BWSNT2

 To apply permission, additional drawing and document should be handed out.
25  (Consultant) The document will be handed out to BWS NT II within next week. BWS NT II is requested
to re-submit the document to Bina Marga immediately to get the permit and not to delay the project
any further.

⋅Mr. Shin, Hee-jun in K water

30  I appreciate sincere participation and consultation from PU SDA, Bina Marga, and BWS NT II in this
Ramadan period. K water will arrange an invitational training to Korea for this project for 20 PUPR
officials for two weeks. I’d like to request PU SDA (Bina Tek) to select candidate trainees soon.
 (Dr. Ko.) I hope Bina Tek will further discuss with K-water to prepare for the training program.

35 4. Closing Words
⋅Andi Sudirman Deputy Director in BTSDA
■ I appreciate all participants, especially today’s presenter, Dr. Ko. Also, thank you for Bina Marga and K
■ I am looking forward to complete this pilot project successfully by June 2022, and anticipating follow-up
40 project for expanding the system to other region or Island of NTT step bt step. Thank you all.



Minutes ※ Zoom Meeing Photos
of Meeting


< Attendee List 1 > < Attendee List 2 >



< 0_03_Fahmi Aldiamar_Balai_Geoteknik Terowong > < Bagus Aditya – BGTS >



< Bina Marga_Kasatker P2JN NTT_Nuruddin Pujoartanto >






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