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How much plastic is there in the ocean? That is a good question.

Nowadays in the ocean, there are around one hundred and fifteen million tons of plastic, this
massive quantity of plastic could be compared to one million whales, the largest animal on our
planet. Currently, on the surface of the ocean, there are more than fifteen trillion plastic pieces, all
this plastic could cover the distance from the USA to Japan, in addition, the amount of plastic is
increasing every single minute a truckload of plastic gets discharged in the ocean.

The pollution
The main cause of sea pollution is mankind that throws the plastic on the ground or in the streets;
that plastic could blow on the surface of a river or in the sea.
Is mankind that, through the plughole, throws in the sewers countless quantities of microplastic, as
the toothpaste and the beauty products.
Is the humanity that has built open-air dumps, the plastic deposited here most of the time blows
away, usually on the surface of the seas.
At this rate within 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in our ocean.

Boyan and his project

Some years ago, a young boy named Boyan Slat was swimming in the Greek sea, when he noticed
that around him there was more plastic than fish. After his vacation in Greek, Boyan started to study
the sea pollution and discovered that the majority of the plastic is transported by the currents, in
addition, he discovered that the currents made the garbage patch, huge plastic islands.
At the age of 18, he started his own company with only 300 dollars, then, by the donation of many
people he raised 2 million dollars. With this money, Boyan and his team started their project, first of
all, by means of 30 ships, they crossed the big patch to collect information, and later they started
designing their prototype of ocean cleaner, the System 001.
System 001 is like an enormous U of 600 meters that drags the plastic from the sea to the dry land,
the system is completely autonomous and is powered by green energy.
Is esteemed that within 5 years using 60 System 001 we could remove 90% of the plastic in the

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