TQM Model 2

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RonT. D
123(Ato6| 33
T-E eE- e
Pasr- A
uality s predieLable deqree P u n t o r mi anc C e penda b il :A

a lo cost ohel suitcd o-tha mar Ree CDemi ng)

Qua lity is tness or use CJuran)

Qua litg is conformance to raqvivemente CCraso)

Quol:Lg= bs Perormen
2 BeneRAs ef am
m preumd Prodvet quality
Lproved produetivit
Redurad gualy costs.
nerease nmasrkat ond custemars.

Vision, ampawerwmant, T s i o n , s e l t onodevslandding

Nalva congrunca
eamuork is Lhe cumulatie actions atthe e
cach menber et he Leo m eubor dina tec
durin ntrasia nd opinian s e T ha objective:
h i s indisiduaN
ar 3oa ot the grou p.

S. F l o chart as process
low chort
aleo Rnaus
AFlow char tp r o c e s s
and deploymant
Plous, is dia gromma
order that
l o diagram in sequan tial
s t e ps
o + t h a vo ious
Ovevo- proCess in an organi2a
groph that displays d a t a
6. A comrol chart is a
A ontval
vaxiatons a t t h i s da ta
Ovey me and =ha
ot t h e Pracess
illustsetes thedynamic
Pa tormanea

S awme.asuea sle Pepary a + a

T Tha. Proce ss coPabiliA as process e L
s p e c i c a t u i o n e p v asse ol
Process o he
ndex ov as a Proce.ss par tov mance
8o To improve quaH
9 t t h e . mora octe nmion

Orgonizatson Standardi zation Cas)

T h e Thernationa zevlond. hev t

establiehad in lau6 w Geneva jSuwt


is still based.

Standovd Bodies. ot
TSo ah assócóLiowof Natianal

mor e han 15o countries

Io. Audit Planning

Audit Performnant a
AdE Repocting.
Andit Folla P .

tt-a Qulit is nass to uee-Jran
to reqyivemerls
Qua l: conter manca

Dulit s a PredicAsable, :dagvee ot unitor miity and depend albil:

cos andl suie-d t o t h e mar bat-
at low
o+ managingeha- r 3 n Z a o n
Quali istn i esserca, o usa-y

-Faisan baumn
ond Preventing loss ,nat i~in q i t
Quli t i s
oss- Hoshin

Evolutior of qwelidg
Piox e the 2 0 cerlury
Qualit is an avt
r e
Ond opproac.he s
tonolardl s
Lale 50s7 Quali
in Fronce and. o pan
of standa.rol
4 5 : Founding.the Jopan
Foundng ot
he Aaa
published in56
in a pen, Book
conro l
For he

195 Foundinq of Eoropean orgeni aotio

of que lity
us a n d indagvand
motivaLion is sAarting in the
1961: Qualit

Pragam bagun
civeles ave storted n a Pan.
a6a Quali
I964 shi kausa publishas boaa on Qsali i managemard.

the basis a th
the booa on

an Tshihawa publishas ot Totai Quali ie eirnad

irales omd t h e
in dapanaea inalustries
a n d davi saol or
andd q v a i
become erusia I
199o U s t - in Tiwme
9To to us and European
number ot
tiLive.ness . A lavge oduane e of
pa to aPprec'iaAetha

ra beginnin q
co Pora Sons
aporn's inolustriess.
°ecoma a neeessiiu
o t quolly
management management.
a a l l evale

(2 Per tormnance A Pprajsal objeelbuas

to h e aployee Su pevuisav
t prouides usefel teas baek teka
specialists anal allous tha m
ond personnel uvthar
t improve per tormance
Cov e c t i v e
basis p employee, promotion,
vamen t s
Pey a d j s t m en *S, n e
d e term ining pyae
3.I4 halps in the merit ot the m
anusas as i
to plan thai
t halps employae

Peo rce APpralsal;

wso of pev tor ma n c e
onol objecLive
I's a
s4slema tic
ot an

systemeri, periodic
onol an im partial vodtng
I t s tha
excellence in matevS pertoining
o On am plo gees
his potentil far batuar ob
Presenb jda onol
Need tor pertrmance oppraisal

o identify employeesor Aolaxy YaNi6ion, Prom o on

ronsfer et
heeds ot he
2 o de termine training and davalo pameære
metwate employees by prov iding teadbaek on tha'
parterma nee le ve I .

To improve communicoati on in an orgesizatio.

14-b Types of maintenancr

Correetive a ) breakdown maintena-nea
oT mplies tha-trepaics aremade attev Flura ot
machine or q u i pmen

T t so wai until a i l e occurs and t h e n vamad

h e s i tuaLion s
2uickly asPoesi ola.

Seheduled Cov Rodine maintenenta.

T a sitch-in-ime proceduve oi med to avaiding

b r aah downs.

This ineluddas oll wov e undartean t e

eaee thaa
Produetthan 1ipmant 1neFReieS conok ti an
- m a y couev per'hodic ins pecion 3c leani ng orieatian
epoiv , veplaca.mant e t

3 P r evenii ve main-e hance

L i Cary i nol ort be fove, Ahe filove orise Cov) prior
h e equi pman acta lly aveahdouns

o T i n ualve.s vepei Live ond period ic upeeep, seeuici n9

o the equipment o pravent breae.daun
4 PrdicAe mainte nant
On h a predietion
of ans ol4,

oaing dona

E i pmaint condtion
is measurad
c o n i i u s bas'is,

13.a Failure Hoda. ond EPfeet AnalyeieCFnEA

FMEA an nahalical echniva h a t comloines Sha
peopla in idendiing
echrola33 n d axperiance of n c plenring o v
i l u v e modes of a prooluct o r pvoca ss
Ls eliminaLi on.
FhEAis a" betora. t h e avant oction vaquivng a aam

Lo easil a n d inex pensi val o1lavietue changa

e ffor A
dlesi qn and product o n

Design FnEA
Process FRE AA
Rallebi lAg inportont.charaataxisbes
is o
the nost
Rallabí 1:4 ene

w h a t i t s applicaion

Cn produet , no s h a t o daaling w h
impar tent aapee
T i s alco
n @xternal. av

t a v h a iedevn~
cAian , s he
cust mer o A s o have vela ivel
produatt Fluvaa,
Custornars us an a

lHe uwih long

long Ser uice

t h e pro b a i i af h e
me- be
de Rnad as
Pa la bi V Cayiis pevia
ex pee ted tov
Produe Ao pev fovm a o p e r i n3
condiian 5

Aha iva-n lexistea

oAma, un oder h e rec
p r o d u A p e v tav mene

' 9 P of foiluras steges

Yela. a - t h a . initia
Debug :Trc ludas high fai luva ofls ha. desi qn
beceuse af ine ppro priete
Fov monutaaueeing
ot he produe due o ace
Chance i 6 the oilv a

S on ha des'an
mainanance or im aion

Wear ovtcovers
Foilure a f L e x h e pro e or pr ocass

le ast ha i e
has pevtbr med as ex pectad For at
os ne pvoduct OY procas35
e bythe manu aeturer shauld idet
Rfe. A suc ce
ss ha desig or product
ast methoo
only in Lhis
16-a Maslows Hierareh ot Needs
Physiologiea or Suruival naaels neads
ave the biological
Physio lagical needs t a a
regui veol to pvesevve human
inclu d e neesls or toe d cAethina and
The6e neeods
be met vst b a Pore
needs must
Shelter. T hese
hiahe level ne a d s emara

2 S e ty Needs
when h e physiological needs a r e aeasona l e s a h s Gies
h e n h e s a Fety ne.ads become etiuo-teod

These neads ineluda

Preteci on tvom physiolagieal dlan gars.
i)Eonomic 'securit
itDesive tov on av der ly ond pre.dictable e n ivoman
D e a sive o anoas t h e imits a t o c c e ptable behaviaue

3. Soeial needs,
AfAv Ahe needs ot L ha bad y and e cei t o v a
saieRecd the n asense t belonginq andl c e e p t a n e e
become P r a dami n a s t in mauatn9 behaviouv

The see nends ve for love viendshi p ,e xehangs of ealina

iavonees ,veceqni t e , anv@<Saian, balon ging nass
po nian shi p , aAe
Esteem Needs

these Fav Salf-conidance,

needs inelude.
Selt eseem
sal-vespect enow ledqe
c.hievam e n t ,
an d o v inde pendance a n d

needs are t h o se he t
e conol roup
ona's veputLotion ne eds
ve latad t o ano tha leseru ad vespec 4
e ciai on
e c o gnii o n , o a
f ones te\louws.

Self -Actualisetion Needs;

shich do miinatec persons
This is t h a limate
l1 louwar ne eds ere s o i shed
behaviovv han
self-rea l'soion ne ads
Salf-aciualistion a l s o callad
tht ane
to become aveything
thne desive
refars t o
i s coPebla becoming.

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