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The word “conflict” comes from the Latin word conflictus, which means collision or clash.

A conflict is serious disagreement or argument between two or more persons. Or Conflict can be
defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes,
understanding, interests, requirements and even sometimes perceptions.


1. “ Conflict is defined as opposition or dispute between persons, groups or ideas ”.

àJoe Kelly

2. “ Conflict is the appearance of difference , difference of opinions, of interests ” .


Types of Conflict

1. Individual Level Conflict:

A) Interpersonal conflict

It refers to a conflict between two individuals. This occurs typically due to how people are
different from one another. We have varied personalities which usually results to incompatible
choices and opinions. Apparently, it is a natural occurrence which can eventually help in
personal growth or developing your relationships with others. In addition, coming up with
adjustments is necessary for managing this type of conflict. However, when interpersonal
conflict gets too destructive, calling in a mediator would help so as to have it resolved

B) Intrapersonal conflict

These are conflicts which occur within an individual as a result of frustration they feel with
themselves over their personal goals, targets, plans, or accomplishments, or as a result of
competing values and questions of conscience. There are several sub-types of intrapersonal
conflict. Intrapersonal conflict can be seen as a person’s inability to make a decision
(motivational), as an inner fight between good and evil (moral), or as the gap between reality and
ambition (unrealised desire or unbalanced self appraisal)

2. Group Conflict
A) Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that happens among individuals within a team.
The incompatibilities and misunderstandings among these individuals lead to an
intragroup conflict. It is arises from interpersonal disagreements (e.g. team members have
different personalities which may lead to tension
B) Intergroup conflict takes place when a misunderstanding arises among different teams
within an institution/organization. For instance, the sales department of an organization
can come in conflict with the customer support department. This is due to the varied sets
of goals and interests of these different groups. In addition, competition also contributes
for intergroup conflict to arise.
3. Organisational Level Conflict
A) Inter Organizational Conflict- Among Different Organisations
B) Intra Organizational Conflict – With in the same organizations.
4. Based on output
A) Functional or Constructive Conflict:

Works toward the goals of an organization or group. Constructive, Increase information &

ideas Encourages innovative thinking.

B) Dysfunctional/Destructive Conflict:

Blocks an organization or group from reaching its goals

Reasons: Tension, anxiety, stress, Reduce trust, Reduce information

Types of Intra Individual Conflict

Individual Conflict -Types

Individual Conflict : Conflict within an individual

1. Conflict from frustration

An individual may experience tension and frustration with in him lf, and this may cause internal
conflict. This occurs when a person fails to fulfil his need.

Defense Mechanisms of Individual Conflict

1. Aggression: Attacking the barrier or symbolically

2. Withdrawal: Backing away from the barrier
3. Fixation: Continuation of efforts to break the barrier
4. Compromise: Search for a new goal

2.Goal Conflict

a. Approach-approach Conflict- Choose b/w alternative, both having positive outcomes

Example: Choice b/w two attractive jobs

b. Approach-avoidance conflict- Choose b/w alternative, both having positive and

negative outcomes

Example: A person is offers a more attractive job but in a remote location

c. Avoidance-avoidance conflict- when an individual has to choose between alternatives,

both of which have negative outcomes.

Example: A Person may be unhappy with the present job, but looking for another and getting it
is equally unplesant

3.Role Conflict- Due to lack of clarity between role and responsibility of job, what he/she is

Example: If an emp has more than one boss who may issue conflicting orders, he may find it
difficult to prioritize his tasks.

Types of Role Conflict:

a. Inter sender role conflict: Different role senders( bosses) expect the individual to
perform different tasks and their expectations and messages conflict with one another.
b. Intra sender role conflict: same boss expects diff incompatible behaviours from one
c. Person-role conflict: role requirements of an individual conflict with the persons moral
and ethical values.

4. Cognitive dissonance: Recognize inconsistencies in their own thoughts & behaviours.

5. Role Ambiguity:
Role and responsibilities are not defined clearly

The Effects of Stress and Intra-individual Conflict

1. Physical Problems

 Headache, increase in blood pressure, sweating, gastrointestinal disorders,

and fatigue.

 High stress level leads to – high level of cholesterol, heart diseases

 Leads to Absenteeism and health care costs- affects the financial health of
the Org.

2.Psychological Problems

 Angry, bored, depressed dissatisfied, tense & irritated – Poor performance –

Aggressive or hostile, damage /spoil the organisational activities, lower the
self esteem of employees, resulting in poor performance and job

3. Behavioural Problems
 Sleep Disorders, overeating, increased smoking / alcoholic consumption,
Drugs, rude behavioral changes, Social interactions- rapid speech and
 High stress levels – less productivity, kill his/her colleagues and superiors.
Drains a persons energy.

Strategies to cope with conflict

Conflict Resolution Techniques
1. Problem solving- face to face meeting of the conflicting parties for the purpose of
identifying the problem and resolving it through discussion

2. Expansion of resources: caused by the scarcity of a resources- say money, promotion

opportunities, office space expansion of the resource can create a win-win solution

3. Avoidance-Withdrawal from or suppression of the conflict.

4. Smoothing- reducing the differences while emphasizing common interest between

the conflicting Parties
5. Compromise- Each party to the conflict Give up something of value.

6. Authoritative command-Mgt uses its Formal Authority to resolve the conflict and then
communicates its desires to the parties involved.

7. Altering the human variable- using behavioural change techniques such as human
relations training to alter attitudes and behaviour that cause conflict

8. Altering the structural variables- Changing the formal organisation structure and the
interaction patterns of conflicting parties through job redesign, transfers, coordination etc

Conflict Stimulation Techniques

It means Creating conflicts to find new way and for innovation

1. Use of Communication: unclear messages to be sent to increase conflict levels
2. Bringing in outsider: adding employees to a group whose background, value, new
and managerial skills differ from those of present members.
3. Restructuring the organisation: Doing Structural changes, altering rules and
regulations, increasing interdependence to create functional conflict.
4. Appointing a devils advocate: Solves the problems differently of the members of the
org- conflict motivator

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