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Why Sri Lanka country is Bankrupt?

Hi, introduce my name is Azriel Anandika Kesuma Hadi.I am a student from the state Polytechnic
Jakarta collaboration Jakarta global university. I am from class 2 A Mechanical Engineering, and
on this Monday 11th of July 2022 I made a video to complete the Technical English assignment.
and in this video I will discuss about the bankrupt Sri Lanka country.

The happening of the chaos in the country like its people demonstranting on the highway to the
Presidential palace. which demands the President to take a decision immediately so that the
country does not get worse.

What are the causes of his bankruptcy of Sri Lanka country? before discussing this, I will explain
tell you about the country of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an island country located on the continent of
southern Asia. bordering the sea with India to its west and north.

The happening of bankruptcy in the country was triggered by several factors. among them such
as, spending a lot of money on infrastructure projects from China's state loans, and that increase
the national debt. in the tourism sector the country is the largest foreign currency in Sri Lanka
and affected by the covid-19 pandemic, the arrival of tourists who usually visit now has
decreased visiting.

Additionally, The Sri Lanka country relies on the produce of their farmers for the main source of
foreign exchange such as, tea, coffee, rubber, and spices.and the other side, to complement the
needs of his country relying on imports such as, food, fuel, and medicines.

What the crisis getting worse?in the case of the Sri Lanka country crisis a Political crisis also
happen,the whole minister resigned,citizens are queuing for fuel to the highway, buying food
needs becomes difficult, finding difficult medical needs,and even power outages that alternate
for up to 12 hours.

Therefore all the ministers resigned in the country's cabinet leaving only the President and the
Prime Minister. and on April 5, 2022 the President lifted the state of emergency in his country.
because the decision of the president of Gotabaya Rajapaksa made the people angry and a
massive demonstration

In fact the Sri Lanka state has defaulted on the country's lar debt worth 51 billion US dollars. until
Sri Lanka central bank Governor “Nandaral Weerasinghe” on April 13, 2022 announced to ask his
people living abroad for money to help with the needs price crisis of food, medicine,and fuel

Therefore, Sri Lanka national debt. to a China country enterprise company which is getting bigger
due to 50 projects in Sri Lanka and one of them is the Hambantota port.finally handed over to
the state company of China for up to 99 years and the income from Hambantota port was mostly
to pay off the debt. because it is unable to pay off the debt.

At the time of the demonstrations by the people of Sri Lanka one of the people was interviewed
until he said "I used to vote for Gotabaya Rajapaksa to be President and I think he is firmly but I
now see him as lower to dogs."
Is it necessary for a citizen to hate like that? maybe for me it's natural to hate because something
happened to his country and his life. Even tough now the situation of the country has not

In this kind of situation, who is wrong?

The people who voted wrongly or their stupid presidents?
What's your response?


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