Travelperk Case Study

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Travel Perk Assignment

Recommendations - uYogi App

How to improve the Revenue & Profitability for the
uYogi App?
1. To improve the acquisition, conversion% at free, lower or similar costs at every
stage of sales funnel conversion (Google Ads, App Install, Sign Up Page)
2. To improve the Retention% of existing users for every month basis & especially after
1st Mth
3. To Change the Revenue Model & To Reduce existing Costs

Ways to study impact of suggested changes :

A. Start with your baseline
B. Look for Behavioral Cohorts of users wrt different features - Active, Unique, New, etc.
C. Look for comparable product, feature changes impacts on Key metrics
D. Assess how much impact makes it worthwhile to achieve Break Even Profitability
E. Test - Measure - Repeat
Recommendation 1.1 - Acquisition
Improving CTR% for the Google Ads :

- Google Ads Placement wrt search results or associated pages

- Better Ads Targets - based on demographic, geographical, search analysis data of user behavior
- Using Re-targeting Method - to focus on users who have showed interest on our or similar products

Hypothesis & Impact Expected :

- To place uYogi Google Ad with more health related keywords search results : 5-10% uplift in CTR
- To position these ads to users in age group of 30s, 40s who have high stress jobs, living in metro
cities : 5-10% uplift in CTR
- Users who have dropped off previously or searched for uYogi app specifically to be re-targeted via
Google ads for reaffirmation : 10-15% uplift in CTR

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
Recommendation 1.2 - Acquisition
Improving the Sign Up Initial Form from 25% CTR% :

- To make the sign up page simpler by reducing the amount of information in the same
- To make UI & UX elements wrt font, CTA buttons, icons, text reading simpler
- To give an additional Early Bird offer wrt - content, price, etc.

Hypothesis & Impact Expected :

- Launching new sign up page with lesser information should result in uplifting upto 5%
- UI UX Related changes can also give an additional push uplift of 5% conversion
- Offer launch can also result in uplifting conversion upto 5%

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
Recommendation 1.3 - Acquisition
Increasing Low cost or free acquisition channels


- SEO is lower in cost however its returns can be longer with time
- To encourage earning/benefits for users for referring new users
Hypothesis & Impact Expected :

- More Long term efforts but can result in pushing the lead generation by 50% which can
uplift final CTR% for new customer acquisition by 12.5%

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
Recommendation 2.1 - Retention %

Cross Channel Engagement

- SMS, Emails, In App Banners, Notifications
- Cross channel engagement for acquiring & engaging users which would help users to
continue using the app
- Customisation in terms of users current behavior & preferred channels of engagement,
preferred time, date of engagement (Behavioral Cohort Analysis)
Hypothesis & Impact Expected
- For 1st Month users to be sent SMS, Emails, Notifications to keep engagement higher from
the beginning - Uplift in Retention% can be expected upto 10-15%
- For M2 onwards users to be engaged with cross channel engagement can help me in
sustaining or improving mth wise retention by 10-15%

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
Recommendation 2.2 - Retention%
Improving Features, Content, UI UX, Feedback

- Additional Features - adding features for returning users, more customisation to their
- Additional Content - More relevant content with additional categories or more depth, width
- Better UI UX - Reduce bugs, enhance the customer experience, customer care support
- More engagement using in App channels - In app Notifications, in app banners, Regular
feedbacks via surveys, ratings, etc.

Hypothesis & Impact Expected

- For M2 onwards users, trying to engage with additional features, content, UI UX enhancement
regularly to help in increasing or at least maintaining the retention% as previous month

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
In App In App Feedback -
User Cohorts SMS Email
Notification Banners Survey, Ratings

30 Day Active Monthly Weekly Monthly Monthly Weekly

60 Day Active Bi-Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Weekly

90 Day Active Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly

120 Day
Weekly Twice a week Monthly Monthly Monthly

Similar Customer Cohorts can be defined basis Their feature,

content usage or basis their frequency of using the App
Recommendation 3 - Revenue Enhance

Increasing Revenue Per User

- Initial Cost per user (5 Euro) to be reworked - increased if possible
- Tier cost model for Mth wise consumption
- Initial Cost per user to be reduced & then in app purchases to be charged
Hypothesis & Impact Expected
- To reduce the initial cost of sign up & study the uplift % - impact can be estimated at
10% uplift in CTR% & New Acquisition
- The same hypothesis to be studied wrt impact on every month retention% especially for
the M1 users - uplift of 10-15% can be expected

*Hypothesis to be backed also basis more detailed current customer

behavioral data & customer feedbacks
** Expected Impact will be aligned to similar product & business models
Recommendation 4 - Reduce Costs as Last Option

Reworking Development Cost Model

- To evaluate on work hours cost model

- More Automation & Effective processes
- Avoid Fixed costs
Recommendations Impact on Revenue & Profitability Effort

Acquisition +Ve Feedback Cost Time
(Higher value)

Acquisition : Improving CTR%

1.1 High NA Low Low High
for Google Ads

Acquisition : Improving Sign

1.2 High NA Medium Low Low
Up Page CTR%

Acquisition : Free, Low cost of

1.3 High NA Low Low Medium

Retention : Cross Channel

2.1 Medium High High High Medium

Retention : Improving Content,

2.2 Low High Medium Medium High
UI UX, Features, feedback

3 Changing Rev Model Medium Medium Medium Medium High

4 Reducing Costs NA NA NA Low Low

My Suggestions on Way Forward
● To Pick up 1-2 activities for Acquisition & Retention (1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2) & work
on them in a focussed way
● To look for gradual upward in no. of paid users starting from 10% consistent
uplifts to take them back to M0 numbers at the earliest & then gradually
enhancing the revenue by keeping cost same or minimal
● Recommendation 3 is second last option unless customers ask for it
● Recommendation 4 to be the last option to save the product
Understanding User Behavior

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