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Stellar Evolution

Classification of Stars
We can classify stars in to groups according to their colour and surface Temperature.

A very hot star emits blue in its spectrum so it looks blue. A medium star will look yellow and a cool star
appear as red. The spectral sequence O B A F G K M. The classic mnemonic
is Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me.(or Oh Boy, An F Grade Kills Me.)
All stars begin life in the same way. A cloud of dust and gas, also known as a nebula,
becomes a protostar, which goes on to become a main sequence star. Following this, stars
develop in
different ways

depending on their size.

We have to discuss the evolution of stars similar to our sun.

Nebula Main sequence star red giant star   white dwarf 

A nebula

 A star forms from massive clouds of ………….

and ………………. in space, also known as a
……………………. Nebulae are mostly composed
of ……………………………..
 Gravity begins to pull the dust and gas
 As the mass falls together it gets ……………. A star is formed when it is hot enough for the
hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to make ………………… The fusion process releases
energy, which keeps the core of the star hot.

Main sequence star

 During this stable phase in the life of a star, the force

of …………….. holding the star together is balanced by
………………… due to the high temperatures. The Sun is
at this …………………….. phase in its life.

Red giant star

 When all the ……………. has been used up in the fusion

process, larger nuclei begin to form and the star may
……………………to become a red giant.

White dwarf

 When all the nuclear reactions

are ……………., a small star like the
Sun may begin to contract under
the pull of ……………………. In this
instance, the star becomes a
white dwarf which fades and
changes colour as it cools.

1. What is a nebula?
A cloud of dust and gas

A collection of billions of stars

An early Solar System, with a protostar, planets and moons

2. What causes dust and gas to pull together and form a star?
Electrostatic attraction
The Big Bang
Gravitational attraction

3. Which two things balance and keep a main sequence star in equilibrium?
Gravity and friction
Gravity and air resistance
Gravity and radiation pressure
4. What is nuclear fusion?
The melting of solid metals
Small atomic nuclei combining to form larger nuclei, releasing energy
Large atomic nuclei splitting to form smaller nuclei, releasing energy

5. What will the Sun become in the next stage of its life?
A red giant
A red supergiant
A black hole
6. Describe the stages that small stars (like the Sun) go through.






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