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Roxanne Fate Delgado


Learning Area: Science

Learning Competency: Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during
daytime and nighttime.
Learning Objective/s:
1. Familiarize oneself with the elements of poetry, specifically rhyming words and;
2. Demonstrate capability of using appropriate words to describe objects found in
the sky during daytime and nighttime
Name of Performance Task: Poem Making
Rationale: When children write poetry, they familiarize themselves with words and
vocabulary. They are able to understand the meaning of certain words, how to use it,
when to use it, and they are able to define words easily. More so, in writing poetry, they
are also able to familiarize themselves with the structure of the words they are going to
use or the words that they already know, and they will be able to play around with these
to form a rhyme or learn how to rhyme words.

I. After discussion, the teacher will proceed to ask the students to grab a pencil or
their pencil case before moving to the writing center area inside the classroom.
II. The teacher will then give each student blank sheets of pad paper to write on.
III. The teacher will explain the activity that they will do today: writing a poem about
the objects they see in the sky during daytime or nighttime
IV. After explaining the instructions and the expected behavior during their silent
activity, the teacher will proceed to give the students 20-25 minutes to compose
their poetry.
V. After everyone is done with their task, they will pass their papers and then
transition to their next activity for the day.

Criteria (4) (3) (2) (1)

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Rhyming The whole Two or three A part of the No words are

sequence structure of the parts of the poem’s rhyming in the
poem is poem’s structure is poem’s
rhyming structure is rhyming structure

Appropriate The student is The student is The student The student is

usage of words able to is adept in somehow used not able to use
excellently use using appropriate the appropriate
the appropriate appropriate words to words to
words to words to define/describe define/describe
define/describe define/describe objects seen in objects seen in
the objects the objects the sky the sky
seen in the sky seen in the sky

Word usage The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s
use of use of use of use of
vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is
precise, vivid somehow vague; it is very basic
and shows a vague but the more telling
clear image in imagery shown than showing
the reader’s from the
mind composition
can still be

Behavior The student is The student is The student is The student is

during the task quiet and quiet, and quiet but noisy, unable
focused, focused, unable to focus to keep focus
readily readily and follow and follow
followed followed instructions, instructions,
instructions instructions but distracted completely
and stays on somewhat during the task distracted
task distracted during the
during the task whole task

Neatness Works neatly Works neatly, Somewhat Not neat and

and carefully, no smudges neat and careful, messy,
no smudges but paper careful, smudges and
nor crumples crumples are smudges and paper
on the paper somehow paper crumples are
evident and crumples are very evident
vice versa evident

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