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1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.

2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.

3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.
2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.
3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.
2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.
3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.
2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.
3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.
2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.
3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
1. The dogs dig holes for big bones.
2. Everything around her started to spin and then went black.
3. She sells the sea shells by the sea shore.
4. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
5. A bear named Moose run loose chasing a goose.
Complete the sentences using the verbs of movement below.

carry move pull

follow jump sit

1. I often _____________ a lot of books in my school bag.

2. I can’t see the screen. Can you ____________ please?

3. I don’t like standing at football matches, so I usually ____________ at the front.

4. The door didn’t open when I pushed it, so I decided to ____________ it.

5. When I hike with my family, my father leads and we ____________ him.

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