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Upskilling for Accountants


Amazon 2025 - Amazon’s $700 million strategy to upskill its employees

Apprenticeships - Combination of on-the-job training and classroom learning

Coaching - Qualified professional works with individuals (usually executives, but

often high-potential employees) to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals,
achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as a sounding

Demonstration - Teaching by example

Digital badging -- a visual/digital image which a learner can display to represent

knowledge or skills acquired

Disney Aspire - Disney’s strategy to upskill its employees. The plan includes
paying 100% tuition up front for 90,000+ hourly employees

Donny Shimamoto - CPA advisor based in Hawaii.

Education as a Benefit - training provided as a benefit for employee’s current


Executive Education - academic programs at graduate-level business schools

for executives, business leaders and functional managers globally

Formal Training - Practical and theoretical teaching process

Job/Role Rotation - Pushes employees through a number of positions within a

company within a relatively short period of time.

Mentoring -- System of semi-structured guidance: One person shares

knowledge, skills and experience to assist others to progress in their own lives
and careers

New collar jobs - jobs that require specialized skills, but not necessarily a
traditional college degree

New World - New Skills - Upskilling initiative of PriceWaterhouseCoopers

On the Job Training - Hands-on method of teaching the skills, knowledge, and
competencies needed for employees to perform a specific job within the

On-Ramp Programs - initiatives that find and train quality, diverse candidates for
hard-to-fill roles

Onboarding - Helps new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and
behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders

Out-skilling - training provided as a severance benefit for employees being laid

off or bought out

Outplacement - assistance provided to a terminated employee to help with the

transition to a new job

PWC Digital Fitness App -- online software that provide PwC staff with
personalized assessments of their digital acumen.

Reskilling -- training designed for workers who need to move into an entirely new
type of job and career. They don’t just need additional skills; they need entirely
new ones.

Reverse Mentoring -- Junior team member enters into a "professional friendship"

with someone more senior to exchange skills, knowledge and understanding

Rob Nixon -- Accounting technology coach based in Australia

Self-Education -- Learning on your own

Upskilling - process of training staff to enhance performance AND increase

organization productivity

Value billing - amount billed is based on the value of the service (or information)
instead of the number of hours spent.

Will Robots Take My Job -- Occupational automation prediction website at

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