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LESSON 1: EATING OUT 1…………………………………………………………………… 2

LESSON 2: EATING OUT 2…………………………………………………………………… 5
LESSON 3: WEATHER 1………………………………………………………………………. 10
LESSON 4: WEATHER 2………………………………………………………………………. 17
LESSON 5: TRAVEL 1…………………………………………………………………………. 22
LESSON 6: TRAVEL 2…………………………………………………………………………. 29
LESSON 7: REVIEW 1…………………………………………………………………………. 39
LESSON 8: HOTEL 1…………………………………………………………………………… 43
LESSON 9: HOTEL 2…………………………………………………………………………… 52
LESSON 10: SHOPPING 1……………………………………………………………………... 63
LESSON 11: SHOPPING 2……………………………………………………………………... 70
LESSON 12: COMPANY STRUCTURE 1……………………………………………………. 77
LESSON 13: COMPANY STRUCTURE 2……………………………………………………. 83
LESSON 14: EVENTS 1………………………………………………………………………… 91
LESSON 15: REVIEW 2………………………………………………………………………... 98
LESSON 16: EVENTS 2………………………………………………………………………… 102
LESSON 17: OFFICE SUPPLIES 1……………………………………………………………. 109
LESSON 18: OFFICE SUPPLIES 2……………………………………………………………. 112
LESSON 19: BUSINESS TRIPS 1……………………………………………………………… 116
LESSON 20: BUSINESS TRIPS 2……………………………………………………………… 120
LESSON 21: RECRUITING 1………………………………………………………………….. 125
LESSON 22: REVIEW 3………………………………………………………………………... 128
LESSON 23: RECRUITING 2………………………………………………………………….. 132
LESSON 24: WORKING ENVIRONMENT 1………………………………………………... 143
LESSON 25: WORKING ENVIRONMENT 2………………………………………………... 146
LESSON 26: RENTING/BUYING A PROPERTY 1…………………………………………. 151
LESSON 27: RENTING/BUYING A PROPERTY 2…………………………………………. 157
LESSON 28: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 1……………………………………………...... 162
LESSON 29: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 2……………………………………………….. 167
LESSON 30: REVIEW 4………………………………………………………………………... 171


1. Word forms (Dạng từ)
A word may have more than one form depending on what part of speech it is. Look at the different forms of the
word ‗compete‘. (Một từ có thể có nhiều hơn 1 dạng từ phụ thuộc vào nó là từ loại gì. Hãy nhìn vào các dạng
khác nhau của từ ‗complete‘)
We compete with several companies (verb)
Our competition in this field is growing (noun)
We are in a competitive market (adjective)
We must think competitively (adverb)
1.1. Noun forms (Dạng danh từ)
Nouns are words that refer to things, people, places, etc. We use them in sentences as subjects or as objects.
(Danh từ là những từ chỉ vật, người, địa điểm, v.v.. Chúng ta dùng danh từ như chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong câu)
This restaurant is very famous. (restaurant = subject)
I want to try the new restaurant (restaurant = object)
We can often recognize nouns through their suffixes (the part at the end of the word) (Chúng ta thường nhận
diện danh từ thông qua hậu tố, tức là phần được thêm vào cuối 1 từ)
Suffix (Hậu tố) Indication/ Use (Cách dùng) Example (ví dụ)
-er / -or / -ist / -ian person Manager, senator, pianist,
-ion / -ation / -ment To make verbs into nouns Promote – promotion
Apply – application
Govern – government
-ness / -ity To make adjectives into nouns Happy – happiness
Stupid – stupidity
Other noun suffixes include (Các hậu tố khác của danh từ bao gồm): -acy, -age, -ance, -ant, -dom, -an, -ism, -
ary, -ship.
1.2. Verb forms (Dạng động từ)
Verbs are words that show states or actions. In English, we always use a subject with a verb. The verb form
changes to agree with the subject (I, he, they, …) and to agree with the tense (present, past, …) (Động từ là
những từ chỉ trạng thái hoặc hành dộng. Trong Tiếng Anh, chúng ta sử dụng chủ ngữ với động từ. Dạng động từ
thay đổi để phù hợp với chủ ngữ và thì)
I enjoy eating lunch outside the office.
He orders some food for the event.
We can recognize verbs through their suffixes. The most common verb suffix is -ize (to make adjectives and
nouns into verbs) (Chúng ta nhận diện động từ qua hậu tố. Hậu tố phổ biến nhất là -ize, dùng để biến tính từ
thành động từ)
modern – modernize
real – realize
Other verb suffixes include (Những hậu tố của động từ khác bao gồm) -ate, -en, -ify.

1. Label the words below V (verb), N (noun). (Phân loại từ)
reservation ……….
follow ……….
specialty ………..
hunger ………
recommendation ……….
certainty ………..
suggest ……….
2. Complete the columns below. Not all words have both word forms and some words have more than one
form. (Hoàn thành bảng bên dưới bằng những từ ở bài 1. Không phải tất cả các từ đều có đủ 2 dạng, và 1
số từ có nhiều hơn 1 dạng)
Noun Verb

1. Read this paragraph about dining and check your understanding of the words in italic. (Đọc hiểu đoạn
dưới đây)
Some business people dine out as part of their jobs to entertain clients and discuss projects. Sometimes they go
for a buffet lunch or on a special occasion they might have a three-course dinner that includes an appetizer or
starter, a main course or entrée, and a dessert. Beverages are served with the meal. The menu tells you the food
that is offered and the price of each dish. Places to dine vary from restaurants where a host/ hostess will greet
you, to self-service cafeterias. However, all quality restaurants will provide waiter service. A good waiter or
waitress will make recommendations about the choice of dishes and drinks. At the end of the meal, it is normal
in many countries for diners to include a tip for the service, in addition to the amount of the check for the meal

2. Look at the italicized word in the sentences. Fill the gaps with another word with a similar meaning.
(Tìm từ đồng nghĩa với từ in nghiêng)

- Let‘s see if we can get the attention of the waiter to bring some drinks. ………………...
- May I suggest the Greek salad? ………………...
- We have a range of meals to suit all tastes and appetites. ………………...
- Would you like to finish your meal with a nice chocolate cake?………………...
- What would you like as an appetizer?………………...

3. Fill one word in each blank in the conversation between Mark and the new employee, Sonia. (Điền 1
từ vào chỗ trống)

Mark: This is our new executive dining room. Most of the managers come here to eat. They serve a buffet
1..........................for a fixed price as well as a full 2.................................. with several choices.

Sonia: Oh, this is very nice. I see it has 3...................................service.

Mark: Yes, it does. They offer a three 4..................................meal consisting of a soup or salad for a
5………………., usually two main 6…………………, and fruit pie for 7....................................And they have an
excellent beverage menu.

Sonia: How nice. And how long does the 8.................................stay open?

Mark: Well, the waiters get off work at 2:30 and then there is just a buffet selection. It stays open until about 9
p.m for employees on the late shift.

Sonia: Oh, that is good news. I‘m going to enjoy my promotion to junior executive.


PART A: Questions 1 and 2: Read a text aloud (Tập đọc)

1. First translate the text above. (Dịch đoạn văn bên dưới)

2. Use slashes to indicate where to pause while reading. (Dùng dấu / để đánh dấu chỗ ngắt nghỉ)

3. Search for the pronunciation of the words you don‘t know. (Tra phiên âm của những từ bạn không biết)

4. Practice reading. (Tập đọc)

Question 1:
When in France, you might be advised to always rest your wrists or forearms (but not elbows) on the table
while you are not using utensils to eat. Keeping your hands under the table where nobody can see them is
considered a bad dining manner. In many other countries in Europe and North America, "hands on the table" is
one of the basic dining rules. Why is that? Some people suggest this tradition started because people were afraid
of what other people might be doing under the table, like holding a weapon.

Question 2:
While in most European cultures making any noise while drinking or chewing is considered to be very rude, in
places like Japan and China, those who slurp their soups have good dining manners. In other words, slurping
your soup or noodles very loudly sends a message to the chef or the host that the food is delicious. The more
loudly you slurp it, the more appreciation for the meal you show. If you forget to do it, the cook could think that
you did not enjoy their meal!

PART B: Question 3: Describe a picture: (Tả tranh)

Direction: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture in as much detail as you can. (Miêu tả cụ
thể bức tranh bên dưới)

Question 3:

1. Opening

What is this picture about?

2. Body

What/ Who is the main subject of the picture?

How many people are there in the picture?

What are they doing?

What is on the table?

What does the place look like?

3. Conclusion

What do you think about this picture?


A. GRAMMAR: Word forms (continued)

1. Adjective forms (Dạng tính từ)
Adjectives are words that describe people and things. (Tính từ dùng để miêu tả người và vật)
We can often recognize adjectives through their suffixes. Some common adjective suffixes are -able, -ful, -ish, -
ive, -ous, -y. (Chúng ta nhận diện tính từ thông qua hậu tố. Các hậu tố tính từ thông dụng bao gồm …)
Thank you for paying for my meal. You are so generous.
This meal is worthy of the price.
We use some verbs that express feelings (amaze, annoy, bore, excite, interest, satisfy, worry, …) to make
adjectives. These adjectives use an -ed ending to describe the feelings. They use the -ing ending to describe the
person/ thing that causes the feelings. (Chúng ta sử dụng 1 vài động từ cảm xúc để tạo tính từ. Những tính từ
này có đuôi -ed để diễn tả cảm xúc, có đuôi -ing để diễn tả người/ vật gây ra cảm xúc dó)
I know a very interesting bistro. But I don‟t think you are interested because it only serves vegetarian dishes.
2. Adverb forms (Trạng từ)
Adverbs are words that describe actions. (Trạng từ bổ sung ý nghĩa cho hành động)
We can often recognize adverbs through their suffixes. The most common adverb suffix is -ly. (Chúng ta nhận
diện trạng từ qua hậu tố. Hậu tố phổ biến nhất là -ly)
This dish certainly is delicious.
The fish is beautifully cooked.

1. Underline adjective or adverb that completes the sentences. (Gạch chân tính từ hoặc trạng từ phù hợp)
1 The decision was enthusiastic / enthusiastically welcomed by the development team.
2 Hiring more people is economic / economically impossible at this time.
3 Have you found a suitable / suitably candidate for the assistant manager job?
4 The person chosen for the position has not been official / officially informed yet.
5 The second interviewee was extremely polite / politely.
6 Our project has been completed successful / successfully.
2. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective form of the given verb. (Điền dạng tính từ phù hợp)
1 The book gave a............................(fascinate) account of how to succeed in business.
2 Il you are......................(excite) about the job, you should apply.
3 You will find working at Blink's a.........................(challenge) experience.
4 The rise in sales is an.........................(encourage) development.
5 I was.........................(amaze) that our shopping cart was so successful.
6 The documentary program about business takeovers was very.............................(interest).
7 I will be very.......................(annoy) if Henri arrives late for another meeting.

1. Lauren and Brandon are going out. Before you listen, look at the picture and answer the
questions (Track 1) (Lauren và Brandon đang đi ăn ngoài. Trước khi nghe, hãy nhìn tranh và trả lời
câu hỏi)
- Where are Lauren and Brandon?
- What is Lauren going to have?
- What is Brandon going to have?

2. Now listen and check if you were right. (Nghe lại và check xem các câu trả lời trên đã đúng chưa)
Waiter: Good afternoon,..................................A table for two?
Lauren: Oh, we made a reservation. The name is Richards.
Waiter: Ah yes, could you follow me, please?
Brandon: Oh, there isn‘t much Could we have that table over there by the
Waiter: …………………….
Lauren: Yes. This is a wonderful view.
Waiter: Here are..................................for you.
Brandon: Thank you.
Waiter: And may‘s special? It includes appetizer, entrée and dessert.
Brandon: What is the special today?
Waiter: A choice of..................................or tossed salad as an appetizer and an entrée of asparagus with grilled
Lauren: Oh, I really like salmon, but I‘m not …………………….
Waiter: Well, we have a very nice salmon salad on our regular menu.
Lauren: Yes, that would be fine.
Brandon: Well, I am hungry so I would like the special, please.

Waiter: Certainly, sire. And for the appetizer?

Brandon: I‘ll have the tossed salad.
Waiter: The tossed salad. And can I get you............................................., madam?
Lauren: Oh, just water is fine, thank you.
Waiter: And for you, sir?
Brandon: Umm, would you mind bringing the.................................?
Waiter: Yes, of course, sir. Would you like anything else?
Brandon: Not that I can think of.
Waiter: OK. May I take your menus? And I‘ll be right back with the drinks menu, sir.

Directions: In this part, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture you
will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the
words and you can use the words in any order.
Question 1: TABLE, POINT


Question 3: DOCUMENT, SIT



1. Pronouns
We use pronouns to replace nouns to avoid repeating the same word.
Đại từ (Pronouns) là các cụm từ có chức năng thay thế cho các danh từ trong câu, nhằm tránh việc lặp từ và
giúp cho câu văn trôi chảy hơn.
1.1. Personal pronouns (Đại từ nhân xưng)
1.1.1. Subject pronouns (Đại từ chủ ngữ)
We use subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) to show who is doing the action.
Đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) là những đại từ chỉ người thực hiện hành động. Đại từ
nhân xưng thường đứng ở vị trí sau các động từ và đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ trong câu.
Eg. Rachel only lives two blocks away from the office so she walks to work.
(Nơi Rachel sống chỉ cách công ty hai tòa nhà nên cô ấy đi bộ đi làm.)
1.1.2. Object pronouns (Đại từ tân ngữ)
We use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) to show who is receiving the action.
Đại từ tân ngữ (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) thường đứng ở sau các động từ và đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ trong
Personal pronouns (Đại từ nhân xưng)
Subject Pronouns (Đại từ chủ Object pronouns (Đại từ
ngữ) tân ngữ)
I Me
He Him
She Her
It It
You You
We Us
They Them

Eg. I saw Sofia and gave her files.

(Tôi nhìn thấy Sofia và đưa cho cô ấy tài liệu.)

1.2. Possessive pronouns (Đại từ sở hữu)
There are two ways to talk about possession or refer to parts of the body. Some possessives (my, your, his, her,
its, our, their) go before the noun and some (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs) replace the noun.
Tính từ sở hữu (Possessive adjectives) là tính từ được sử dụng để mô tả sự sở hữu của người hay vật và đứng
trước danh từ.
Eg. I have called your mother. (Tôi vừa gọi mẹ của bạn.)
Đại từ sở hữu (Possessive pronouns) là từ dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu và danh từ khi không muốn lặp
lại danh từ.
Đại từ nhân xưng Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu
I My Mine
You Your Yours
He His His
She Her Hers
It Its Its
We Our Ours
They Their Theirs

Eg. I share a room with Amy. This is my desk and that is hers. (Tôi dùng chung phòng với Amy. Đây là bàn của
tôi và kia là của cô ấy.)
1.3. Reflexive pronouns (Đại từ phản thân)
We use reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves):
Đại từ phản thân (myself, yourself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) được dùng
● To refer back to the subject (Để mô tả hành động khi chủ ngữ và tân ngữ của hành động đó đều là một
người hay một vật)
Eg. She often talks to herself when she is alone. (Cô ấy thường tự nói một mình khi bên cạnh cô ấy không
có ai khác.)
● To emphasize who does something (Để nhấn mạnh rằng chính bản thân người hoặc vật gì làm một việc
gì đó)
Eg. I will speak to him myself. (Chính tôi sẽ nói chuyện với anh ta.)
● In some common expressions (Trong 1 số trường hợp)
Eg. Make yourself at home. (Cứ tự nhiên như ở nhà nhé.)
Help yourselves to some cake. (Tự lấy bánh cho mình nhé.)

Đại từ nhân xưng Đại từ phản thân
I Myself
You Yourself/ Yourselves
( Phân biệt Yourself – số ít
và Yourselves – số nhiều)
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself
We Ourselves
They Themselves
1.4. It and There
We sometimes use it and there in the subject positions.
It và There có thể đóng vai trò như chủ ngữ trong câu.
We use it to talk about time, weather, and distance.
It được sử dụng để nói về thời gian, thời tiết và khoảng cách
Eg. It is 10 a.m. (Bây giờ là 10 giờ sáng.)
It isn‘t very cold outside. (Ngoài trời không lạnh lắm.)
How far is it to the shop? (Từ đây đến cửa hàng có xa không?)
We use there + the verb to be to say that something exists or is present. The verb agrees with the noun.
Chúng ta sử dụng there + động từ To be để chỉ có những gì tồn tại. Động từ sẽ chia theo danh từ trong câu.
Eg. There are two tables in the room (Có hai cái bàn trong phòng.)

1. Underline the correct pronoun in each of the following sentences. (Gạch chân đại từ chính xác trong
mỗi câu dưới đây)
1) The connection is very bad. Can you / your / yours hear me?
2) Was there a call for I / me/ my / mine while I was out?
3) My boss cancelled the meeting with we / our / us team.
4) I have forgot I / me / my / mine cell phone. Can I borrow you / your / yours?
5) Did he / him / his have any comments on today‘s work?
6) Can you give this file to she / her / hers?

2. Read the email and choose the correct word. (Đọc email sau và chọn câu trả lời đúng)

3. Correct any mistakes with it and there. (Sửa lỗi sai với it và there)

1. Vocabulary
1. Cloudy / ˈklaʊdi /: nhiều mây
2. Windy / ˈwɪndi /: nhiều gió
3. Foggy / ˈfɔːɡi /: có sương mù
4. Stormy / ˈstɔːrmi /: có bão
5. Sunny / ˈsʌni /: có nắng
6. Snowy / ˈsnəʊi /: có tuyết
7. Freezing / ˈfriːzɪŋ /: giá rét
8. Shower / ˈʃaʊər /: mưa rào
9. Rain / reɪn /: mưa
10. Clear / klɪr /: trời quang
11. Dry / draɪ /: khô
12. Wet / wet / -ướt
13. Hot / hɑːt /: nóng
14. Cold / koʊld /: lạnh
15. Temperature / ˈtemprətʃər /: nhiệt độ
2. Exercise
1. Use the words given to complete these sentences. (Sử dụng những từ trên để điền vào chỗ trống
phù hợp.)
1) It‘s outside, so I need to dress warmly.
2) I‘ll take my umbrella because it looks like .
3) It‘s getting outside, so we need to close the window in case it rains.
4) It‘s too
to play tennis.
5) When the sky is
, it‘s good weather to fly a kite.
6) It‘s colder than cold. It‘s .
7) I want to go to the beach when it‘s .
8) It‘s hard to see the roadway when driving on a day.
9) Tomorrow the will still remain high.

2. Listen to the talks and answer the questions below. (Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng.) Track 1
1) What is today‘s weather?
A. Snowy B. Rainy C. Cloudy D. Sunny
2) What will the temperature be tomorrow?
A. Cold B. Sunny C. Hot D. Stormy
3) When will it rain?
A. Friday or Saturday B. Next week C. Tomorrow D. On the weekend


Part A. Questions 1 and 2: Read a text aloud
1. First translate the text above.
2. Use slashes to indicate where to pause while reading.
3. Search for the pronunciation of the words you don‘t know.
4. Practice reading.
Question 1: Good Morning. This is Amanda Smithers with the early morning weather report. I‘m

happy to report that we‘ve finally got some nice weather coming in today, and I‘d say it‘s about time,

wouldn‘t you? Temperatures will be in the low seventies with breezes of ten to fifteen miles per hour.

The sun will shine all day with no clouds expected, so it looks like a great day to spend some time

outdoors. The same great weather conditions will continue tomorrow and till the end of the week. Fog

will roll in late Friday and heavy rainstorms are expected on Saturday. So enjoy the nice weather while

you can.

Question 2: A winter storm warning is in effect for this area through midnight tonight. Heavy rain

is expected early, turning to snow by late this afternoon. This will create ice hazards tonight as the rain

and snow freeze over. This means dangerous icy conditions for rush hour tomorrow, and city officials

recommend staying home if you possibly can. It‘s not all bad news, however. Warmer temperatures

tomorrow afternoon should melt most of the ice and clear the roads by the evening rush hour. Strong

sunshine will help keep temperatures above freezing most of the afternoon.

Part B. Question 3: Describe a picture:
Direction: In this part of the test, you will describe the pictures in as much detail as you can.
1. Opening:
What is this picture about?
2. Body:
How many people are there in the picture?
Who/What is the main subject of the picture?
What are they doing?
What is the weather like in the picture?
What does the place look like?
3. Conclusion:
What do you think about this picture?
a. b.



1. Countable and uncountable nouns

1.1. Countable nouns (Danh từ đếm được)

Countable nouns can be singular or plural. They agree with a singular or plural verb and we can replace them
singular or plural pronouns.

Danh từ đếm được có 2 hình thái: dạng số ít và dạng số nhiều. Theo sau danh từ đếm được là động từ số ít hoặc
số nhiều.

Eg. A file is on the desk. / The applicants’ files are not here.

Danh từ đếm được có thể được thay thế bằng một đại từ số ít hoặc đại từ số nhiều.

Eg. I put the file down and now it is gone. / I put the files down and now they are gone.

Lưu ý: Một số danh từ đếm được luôn ở dạng số nhiều, eg. scissors, trousers

1.2. Uncountable nouns (Danh từ không đếm được)

Uncountable nouns are always singular, so they always take a singular verb and we replace them with a single

Danh từ không đếm được luôn ở dạng số ít, được thay thế bằng một đại từ số ít và theo sau là động từ số ít.

Eg. The money is on the desk.

There is coffee in the staff room. It is fresh.

Lưu ý:

- Một số danh từ không đếm được nhưng vẫn ở dạng số nhiều (đuôi -s), eg. economics, news

- Một số danh từ có đếm được và không đếm được mang nghĩa khác nhau.

The complete works of Shakespeare are available online. (works = đồ làm ra, sản phẩm, tác phẩm)

She has done a lot of work on this project. (work = nỗ lực, sự làm việc)

I can hear a loud noise coming from over there. (noise = một tiếng động cụ thể)

With the construction outside, there is too much noise for me to concentrate. (noise = tiếng ồn)

2. Grammar exercises

1. Put the following words in the correct column.

advice desk equipment fax furniture glass music news

paper clips printer scanner calendar space stationery tape noise

Always countable Can be countable or Always uncountable


2. Look at the following phrases. Choose the words in the box to complete the phrase.

scissors marker pens coffee tape water paper

1) A sheet of _paper 2) A cup of 3) A glass of

4) A pair of 5) A set of _ 6) A roll of


1. Vocabulary

1) chilly / ˈtʃili / : lạnh lẽo

2) breeze / bri:z / : gió nhẹ

3) thunder / ˈθʌndər / : sấm, sét

4) thunderstorm / 'θʌndəstɔ:m / : giông bão

5) lightning / 'laitniη / : chớp, sét

6) climate / 'klaimit / : khí hậu

7) drought / draut / : hạn hán

8) degree / dɪˈɡriː / : nhiệt độ

9) hurricane / 'hʌrikən / : xoáy lốc, bão xoáy

10) typhoon / tai'fu:n / : bão nhiệt đới

11) flood / flʌd / : lũ lụt

12) weather forecast / 'weðə 'fɔ:kɑ:st / : dự báo thời tiết

2. Exercises

1. Identify the weather conditions in these pictures.

2. True or false? If a sentence is false, write a true sentence about the weather conditions in the sentence.

1) It often pours with rain in the desert.

2) It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.

3) Thunder makes a noise.

4) Lightning can kill people.

5) A shower is a gentle breeze.

6) A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm.

7) If it is humid, the air will be very dry.

8) Below zero, water turns to ice.

9) Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.

10) When it‘s foggy you need sunglasses.

3. Complete these scales.

wind strong wind hurricane

hot warm not very warm cold

4. Complete this text with suitable words.

The single greatest influence on Japanese weather is the wind. During the summer it (1) from the
Pacific, causing (2) and humid weather, but in winter, the north•westerly (3) from Siberia
are very cold and it (4) _ heavily on the mountains of the north west. The south-eastern parts receive
cold dry air. Between June and mid July, there is a (5) of wet weather when the rice fields get the
water vital for growth. After that, there is less (6) rain, but the air is still (7) Autumn,
however, is drier, and usually very pleasant.


Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the
forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.







1. Demonstrative: this, that, these, those

1.1. Demonstratives as pronouns

Đại từ chỉ định this/ that/ these/ those thay thế cho một danh từ, chỉ ra cụ thể người hoặc vật được nói đến hoặc
thay thế cho cả một mệnh đề.

E.g. You like chocolates, don‟t you? Try some of these.

We are planning to extend the parking lot. That would mean we would have an extra 50 spaces. (that =
extending the parking lot)

Rémi suggested that we all attend the conference and that sounded like a good idea to me. (that = we all attend
the conference)

1.2. Demonstratives as adjectives

Tính từ chỉ định this/ that/ these/ those đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó. Ngoài ra, chúng cho
người nghe có khái niệm gần hơn hay xa hơn về thời gian hoặc khoảng cách.

these là số nhiều của this, nó được sử dụng để chỉ những người hoặc vật ở gần.
E.g. The traffic was bad this morning. (= today)

We need to replace these computers. (= computers that are near to the speaker)

those là số nhiều của that, nó được sử dụng để chỉ những người hoặc những vật ở xa.
E.g. I had a bad cough that day. (= a day in the past)
I‟ll stop by your house to pick up those plants after work. (= plants that are far from the speaker)

2. One / ones

one replaces singular countable nouns and ones replaces plural countable nouns.

one và ones là đại từ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ đếm được (số ít hoặc số nhiều) đã được đề cập trước đó
nhằm tránh lặp lại nhiều lần danh từ đó làm cho câu trở nên nặng nề.

Chúng ta dùng one thay cho danh từ số ít và ones thay cho danh từ số nhiều.

E.g. I need a pen. Do you have one?

I prefer the green folders to the red ones.

3. Some / any

We use some or any with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns to indicate quantity.

Chúng ta dùng some hoặc any với danh từ đếm được và không đếm được để chỉ số lượng không xác định rõ.

some được sử dụng trong câu khẳng định hoặc trong lời mời, lời đề nghị.

E.g. I need some paper clips.

Would you like some coffee?

any được dùng trong câu hỏi hoặc câu khẳng định đưa ra nhiều lựa chọn, đi với danh từ đếm được và không
đếm được.

E.g. Do we have any days off this month?

We can meet any day next month.

Chúng ta dùng not + any trong câu phủ định.

E.g. We don’t have any pencils.

Trong một số trường hợp, some và any có thể thay thế cho nhau với nghĩa không đổi.

E.g. Can I bring you any drinks? = Can I bring you some drinks?

Note: something / anything / nothing; someone / anymore / no one; somebody / anybody / nobody,
somewhere / anywhere / nowhere / nowhere follow the same rules as some and any.

People Things Places

+ someone, somebody something somewhere

- not anyone, not anybody / no one, not anything / nothing not anywhere /
nobody nowhere

? anyone, anybody anything anywhere

E.g. Do you have anything to add to the agenda?

I have nothing to add unless you want to say something about the coming trade show.

4. Grammar exercises

1. Fill in the blanks with this, that, these, or those.

Margaret: Emma, could you bring me the files from Jacob‘s account?
Emma: I‘ve already put (1) files on your desk.
Margaret: Do you mean (2) files here?
Emma: No not (3) ones. The ones by the telephone, beside (4) picture of your
Margaret: Oh. (5) files right in front of me. Of course! Thank you. And, Emma, could you also
bring the invoice for Mr. Jacob?
Emma: Oh, I put (6) into the file.
Margaret: Oh yes. You are right. I‘m having difficulties because I broke my glasses. (9) pair is
old and they‘re not strong enough.
Emma: Ah, (10) explains everything.
2. Read Sasha‟s response to the following TOEIC writing test opinion question. Look at the
italicized words and correct the ones that are wrong. Some of the italicized words are correct.

3. Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any.

1) We didn‘t have problems.

2) Do you want chocolate?
3) How many people have sent you email?
4) I need information about train times.
5) There isn‘t space in the car.
6) Do you have advice for me?
7) I‘ve bought new shoes.
8) We‘ve got chicken but there isn‘t rice.


1. Vocabulary

1) bus / bʌs / : xe buýt

2) bicycle / 'baisikl / : xe đạp
3) motorbike / ‗moʊtəʳbaɪk / : xe mô tô
4) van / væn / : xe ô tô ( > 7 chỗ)
5) coach / koʊtʃ / : xe khách
6) lorry / ˈlɒr.i / : xe tải
7) train / treɪn / : tàu hoả
8) railway station /ˈreɪl.weɪ ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ : nhà ga
9) airport /ˈeə.pɔːt/ : sân bay
10) helicopter /ˈhel.ɪˌkɒp.tər/ : máy bay trực thăng
11) boat /bəʊt/ : thuyền
12) ship /ʃɪp/ : tàu thuỷ
13) subway /ˈsʌb.weɪ/ : tàu điện ngầm

2. Exercises
1. Cross out the incorrect word in these sentences.
1. You mustn't ride/drive a motorbike without a crash helmet.
1. She told him to get in / get on the car and fasten his seat belt.
2. Bus fares/tickets are getting more expensive.
3. Trains to the airport travel/run every half hour.
4. The pilot couldn't drive/fly the plane in such bad weather.
5. Have a look at the train schedule/timetable to find out when the next one arrives.
6. We were late, so we had to take/catch a taxi.
7. 1 left my house a bit late and I lost/missed the bus.

2. Identify these means of transport without looking at the opposite page.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3. Fill the gaps with the correct word.

journey arrival punctual platform

bus stop queue due full up

1. Our train leaves from 7.

2. I waited at the for ten minutes, and then two buses arrived.
3. I couldn't get on the first bus because it was .
4. The train was half an hour late. I think the reason for the late was bad weather.
5. Buses are not very . Sometimes they come every five minutes, then other times you have
to wait for forty minutes.
6. When I got to the bus stop there was a long of people.
7. The flight was fine but we had a terrible from the airport to our hotel.
8. I think the next train is to arrive in about ten minutes.

4. Are these statements true or false in your experience?

1. Trains are more reliable than buses.

2. Train fares are more expensive than bus fares.
3. Train journeys are more interesting than bus journeys.
4. Railway stations are nicer places than bus stations.
5. You get to the place you are going faster by taxi than by car.

5. Read this paragraph about airplane travel and check your understanding of the words in bold.

When you arrive at the airport terminal, take your baggage / luggage, ticket, and identification to the check-in
desk. Passengers who only have a carry-on bag can also check in online or on computers at the airport. Then
proceed through security to the boarding gate. Check the information boards to see if your flight is delayed or
how long of a layover you may have. As you board your plane, a member of the cabin crew will check your
boarding pass and direct you to the correct aisle and seat. When you arrive at your destination, pick up your
baggage from the carousel. If your flight was international, you will go through customs and passport control If
you have crossed several time zones, you may suffer from jetlag when you arrive.

6. Match the words with the definitions.

1. delay a. People who travel in a vehicle without controlling or driving the vehicle.
2. flights b. When you have to wait longer than expected for something to happen.
3. passengers c. The things that are done to keep someone or something safe.

d. The building people go through before getting on or after getting off

4. security
an airplane.

e. journeys in an airplane that carries passengers from one place to another.

5. terminal


Part A. Questions 1 and 2: Read a text aloud.

Question 1: Now we will start boarding GF 403 bound for Guam. This flight is scheduled to take off at

10:35. Please come to gate L14. The elderly and first class passengers will board first followed by

prestige, business, and economy class in that order. Please have ready your luggage, passport and flight

ticket. Please show your passport and boarding pass to our staff in front of the gate.

Question 2: Attention all commuters. A truck has flipped on Highway 21 next to the Stockholm

Boulevard exit. Road crews are working as fast as they can to clear the highway; but in the meantime,

we suggest taking an alternate route through Kevin Avenue, Quinn Street, or Dewey Hill. We‘ll be

providing live reports every 15 minutes, so stay tuned and listen for more traffic updates.

Part B. Question 3: Describe the picture in as much detail as you can.

1. Opening:
What is this picture
2. Body:
Who are the main
subjects in the picture?
What are they doing?
What does the place
look like?
Which types of
vehicles are on the
3. Conclusion:
What do you think about this picture?



1. Quantifiers (Định lượng từ)

Quantifiers are words that we use with nouns to indicate quantity.

Định lượng từ là những từ chỉ lượng bất định, có nghĩa một số lượng lớn người, vật hoặc sự việc.

all, enough, lots of/a lot of, plenty of, more và most đi với danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm

e.g. All the warehouses have ventilation systems. (= everyone)

We budgeted enough money to cover the advertisement costs. (= as much as necessary)

We have lots of / a lot of / plenty of time to prepare for the trade show. (= a large amount)

I would like more space in my office. (= a bigger amount)

Most people in the area work in agriculture. (= almost all)

Little, a little và much đi với danh từ không đếm được.

e.g. He needs little guidance. (= almost none)

He needs a little guidance. (= a small amount)

He doesn't need much guidance. (= a small amount)

Few, a few, many, both và several với danh từ đếm được số nhiều.

He has few requirements. (= almost none)

He has a few requirements. (= a small number)

He doesn't have many requirements. (= a small number)

She has several pictures in her office. (= some)

Both pictures on her desk are of her family. (= one as well as the other)

Much và many thường được dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định.

Do you have much work to finish up? No, I don't have much work to do.

Do you have many letters to file? No, I don't have many letters to file.

2. Each and every

We use each and every with singular countable nouns. They often mean the same thing. However, sometimes
they have a different meaning.

each và every đi với danh từ đếm được số ít. Ta dùng each khi chúng ta nghĩ tới các vật, sự việc như những
phần tử rời rạc, từng cái một. Nói cách khác each được dùng khi ta chú ý trực tiếp tới từng thành viên riêng
biệt. each thường đi với giới từ of.

E.g. We tested each applicant's English speaking skills during the interview.

(= The applicants were tested one by one.)

There were parked cars on each side of the street.

(= There were parked cars on both sides of the street.)

Ta dùng every khi ta nghĩ tới các vật, sự việc như một nhóm, một tập thể chứ không phải chỉ nói đến một thành
viên nào đó.

e.g. Every member of staff was included in the invitation to attend the opening ceremonies. (= All the names of
the staff were on the invitation.)

3. Either, neither, and either ... or and neither ... nor

We use either and neither with singular countable nouns referring to two items.

Either và neither đi với danh từ đếm được số ít, ám chỉ hai sự vật, sự việc.

E.g. Neither report covers the situation well. (There are two reports.)

Either desk can be moved. (There are two desks.)

We use either...or (= a choice of one, but not both) and neither ... nor (= not one and not the other) with a set of
two countable or uncountable nouns or two groups.

Cấu trúc either…or mang nghĩa là ―hoặc…hoặc‖, cấu trúc neither…nor mang dùng để diễn tả nghĩa phủ định
―không…cũng không‖.

E.g. Neither the sofa nor the chair is comfortable.

I think he imports either clothes or shoes.

4. Another, the other, other, the others and others
Another được dùng khi đề cập một cái khác hoặc thêm một cái, có thể đứng một mình hoặc đi với danh từ số ít.
e.g. Another customer came into the store.
I just had a cup of coffee but I would like another.
We can use the other with a singular countable noun to mean the last one of the group being discussed and with
an uncountable noun or a plural noun to mean all the rest.

The other + danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được, mang nghĩa những cái còn lại hoặc những người
còn lại trong một nhóm có nhiều vật hoặc nhiều người.

E.g. This package is damaged, but the other packages are in good condition.

(Kiện hàng này bị hư hỏng, nhưng những kiện hàng khác vẫn trong điều kiện tốt.)

E.g. Only the furniture in this room is Victorian. The other furniture is modern.

(Chỉ nội thất trong phòng này là Victorian. Những cái khác là nội thất hiện đại.)

We can use other with a plural noun or an uncountable noun to mean more of the group.

Other + danh từ đếm được hoặc danh từ không đếm được, mang nghĩa những cái khác, những sự vật khác.

E.g. There ore other customers in the shop.

You confuse an online storage service to save all your files and other data.

Others refers to different members of a group we have already mentioned. The others refers to the rest of the
members of that group.

Others mang nghĩa những cái khác, những người khác; the others mang nghĩa những người còn lại, những vật
còn lại.

e.g. We had lots of customers today. Some were interested in making purchases, but others (= other customers)
were just looking.

(Chúng tôi có rất nhiều khách hàng hôm nay. Một vài người hứng thú mua, những người khác chỉ tham khảo.)

Only one customer paid cash for his purchase. The others (= the rest of the customers who made purchases)
used a direct debit card.

(Chỉ một khách hàng trả tiền mặt, những người còn lại thanh toán bằng thẻ.)

5. Grammar exercises

1. Use either / or and neither / nor to complete the sentences.

1) The manager says that the number of staff has to be cut, but gave the alternative of cutting the annual salary

Either the number of staff or the annual salary increase has to be cut.

2) I tried to talk to the manager or her assistant but they were in a meeting.

I wanted to talk to .

3) Becky doesn't drink coffee and she doesn't drink tea.

Becky drinks .

4 The printers are late and the laptops are stuck in customs.

have arrived.

5 Some of my colleagues eat in the staff cafeteria and some bring their own sandwiches.

My colleagues .

2. Choose the correct alternative

The place where I grew up

Last week I visited the remote country village where I grew up, in a region now popular with tourists. I
remembered the two old-fashioned shops and a number of old houses in the hills. I realised very quickly that
although in (1) many / few ways it appears unchanged, in reality hardly (2) nothing / anything is the same.

(3) All / Every the traditional houses are there, of course, and (4) both / most the shops. But (5) none of the /
none of houses are owned by residents. All of (6) they / them belong to city people, who arrive (7) every
weekend / all the weekends in their noisy new cars.

(8) Neither of / Neither the shops sells local goods these days; they have expensive foreign food chosen by (9)
somebody / anyone in an office (10) anywhere / somewhere who has (11) little / a little knowledge of the region.

There are (12) few / a few new houses too, and they have (13) no / none of local character. You can see the same
style (14) anywhere / somewhere in Europe. In fact, (15) the whole / whole atmosphere of the village has
changed so much that it is (16) any / no more interesting than any suburban street.

3. Match to make sentences

1 I‘m quite busy so I‘ve got A a little time to talk to you now.
2 Happily, we have had B a few people recycle their rubbish.
3 My dad just got a good job so we have C a few complaints from hotel guests recently.
4 Pollution is improving now that D little money for luxuries.
5 My mum has lost her job so we have E few people recycle their rubbish.
6 My lesson's been cancelled so I've got F very few complaints from hotel guests
7 It's a shame that recently. G a little money for luxuries.
8 Unfortunately, we have had H very little time to talk to you now.
4. Choose the correct answer

1. If you have time at the end of the exam, check your answers.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

2. Give me minutes and I'll be ready.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

3. We've only got milk left so get some when you go shopping.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

4. Just practice every day and you'll soon be able to play the piano.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

5. We were disappointed that of the members came to the youth club party.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

6. Sprinkle sugar on the strawberries.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

7. I suppose now I'm 43, 1 have hope of playing football for England.

A. few B. a few A. few B. a few

8. Could you help me with exercises I don't understand?

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

9. There's coffee left, if anyone wants some.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

10. Becoming an astronaut is so demanding that _ people manage it.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

11. I'll meet you in half an hour - I've got e-mails to write first.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

12. Many people feel there's point in voting, even in a general election.

A few B a few C little D a little

1. Vocabulary
1) traffic jam /ˈtræf.ɪk ˌdʒæm/ = congestion / kən'dʒest∫n / : tắc đường, tắc nghẽn

2) passenger / ˈpæs.ən.dʒər / : hành khách

3) lane / leɪn / : đường mòn, đường nhỏ

4) road / rəʊd / : con đường

5) highway / 'haiwei / : đường cao tốc, đường quốc lộ

6) parking space / 'pɑ:kiη 'speis / : chỗ đỗ xe

7) parking lot / 'pɑ:kiη lɒt / : bãi đỗ xe

8) pedestrian / pi'destriən / : người đi bộ, khách bộ hành

9) intersection / intə'sek∫n / : ngã tư

10) zebra crossing / ˈzeb.rə ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ / = crosswalk / ˈkrɒs.wɔːk / : vạch kẻ sang đường

11) infrastructure / ,infrə'strʌkt∫ə / : cơ sở hạ tầng

12) accident / 'æksidənt / : tai nạn

13) rush hour / 'rʌ∫ 'auə / : giờ cao điểm

14) speed limit / ˈspiːd ˌlɪm.ɪt/ : tốc độ tối đa quy định

2. Exercises:

1. Fill in the blanks with words below:

crosswalk seatbelt intersection speed limit

fine parking lot traffic jam pedestrian

1) Slow down! The on this road is only 40 miles per hour!

2) Pedestrians should always use the when crossing the street.
3) I had to park on the street because the restaurant‘s was full.
4) If you ride in my car, we can take the lane, then we won‘t get stuck in a .
5) I saw a terrible accident last night. A car hit a _ at a crosswalk.
6) A police officer pulled me over for driving over the speed limit. I have to pay a of $50.
7) There is no traffic light at this , so there are often accidents here.
8) I always wear my when I am driving, because it can save my life if I get into an accident.
2. Circle the correct word
1) I hope to go on a trip round the world / earth one day.
2) You learn a lot about the local territory / area by speaking to local people.
3) It's good to have someone to lead / guide you when you are on holiday.
4) I get the train to work every day and the fare / fee is quite expensive.
5) Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage / travel to the Pacific.
6) Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee / ticket.
7) The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look / sight.
3. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
It's not always easy being a (1) .You spend half your TOUR
time making (2) _ for your holiday and the other half ARRANGE
worrying about sticking to the (3) . 1 think it's relaxing TIME
sometimes to spend a holiday at home.There are no (4) CULTURE
problems, you don't need someone to be the (5) and PHOTOGRAPH
you know that the local (6) are always friendly! INHABIT


Question 1 – 5: you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture you will be
given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words
and you can use the words in any order







Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase is missing. Select the best answer from the four choices to
complete the sentence. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).
1 Fran received an … letter from the job she
6 We need … the second point on the agenda.
applied for.
(A) to talk
(A) accept
(B) to talk about
(B) accepting
(C) talking
(C) accepted
(D) talking about
(D) acceptance
7 Henderson's Jewelry is … a very good
2 Sue bought that suit on sale … I don‘t think she can
benefits package.
get her money back.
(A) having
(A) as
(B) offering
(B) so
(C) applying
(C) if
(D) purchasing
(D) but
8 I think … agree on Lucy's suitability for the job.
3 The flight attendant went through the … and closed
(A) we
all the overhead compartments.
(B) us
(A) cabin
(C) our
(B) terminal
(D) ours
(C) boarding gate
9 Victor … to complete all the forms while the second
(D) passport control
point on the waiting in the departure lounge.
4 A vacancy will be opening … the spare
(A) trying
parts department.
(B) be trying
(A) of
(C) was trying
(B) from
(D) were trying
(C) in
10 I'm afraid we'll have to … Mr. Jenkins for this job.
(D) without
(A) reject
5 I … in the Andromeda project.
(B) rejecting
(A) participate
(C) rejected
(B) participated
(D) rejection
(C) participating
(D) participates

Part 6: Text Completion
Directions: Read the text. Select the best word or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D)
Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.
When applying for a job, it is important to know about any company that invites you to an interview. By
researching a company, you will be more … and interact more positively at the actual interview and are,
therefore, more likely to be … . To be a successful …, you should practice answering typical interview
questions. This will help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable, especially when asked difficult questions.
You should also plan what you are going to wear ahead of time and, of course, make sure you arrive punctually
or ahead of the scheduled interview time.
11 (A) confidential
13 (A) interviewer
(B) confiding
(B) petitioner
(C) confident
(C) employee
(D) confidence
(D) candidate
12 (A) recruit
(B) recruited
(C) recruiting
(D) recruitment

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will read documents such as advertisements, email correspondence, newspaper
articles, and letters. Select the best answer. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).

Questions 14-15 refer to the following newspaper report.

Cotton World, a popular fashion chain, was founded in 1990 when Samuel Twain opened his first store selling
ready-to-wear clothing in a small shopping mall in Atlanta. In 1995 Twain went into partnership with a natural
dye company and switched to cotton only products. Demand for his cotton clothing with all natural colors
became widespread and the company has made good profits since then. Twain has pointed out that his success
has always depended on attention to consumer wants and social trends: He was quick to recognize the large
potential demand for natural products and has promoted the health and natural aspects of his merchandise.
Today, the Cotton World label has become a nationally known brand with a bright future.

14 What is Cotton World?
(A) A clothing store chain
(B) An international product
(C) A natural dye company
(D) A shopping mall
15 What has Twain's success depended on?
(A) Demanding natural colors
(B) Providing what customers ask for
(C) Recognizing a bright future
(D) Switching to cotton products

Questions 16-18 refer to the following newspaper report.

16 Who took the message?
(A) Ms. Mahoney
(B) Mr. Douglas
(C) Mr. Jennings
(D) Ms. Shaw
17 What does the message discuss?
(A) The recovery of Mr. Douglas
(B) Interior Design's track record
(C) A missing shipment
(D) A telephone call from Mr. Jennings
18 Who is trying to locate the chairs?
(A) Ms. Mahoney
(B) Mr. Douglas
(C) Mr. Jennings
(D) Ms. Shaw

Questions 19-23 refer to the following newspaper
19 Why did Katherine Kanterin write to
Amelia Franklin?

(A) To sell her a ticket on Target Air

(B) To advise her of a change in her flights
(C) To offer her an extra destination
(D) To ask her to study the itinerary

20 In the first paragraph of the letter to Amelia

Franklin, the word "routing" in line 4 is closest in
meaning to

(A) Travel plan 22 What has Katherine attached to her letter?

(B) Road (A) A copy of the new booking

(C) Destination (B) A printout of the tickets
(D) Target (C) A flight confirmation
21 What does Katherine Kanterin want Amelia (D) A paper copy of the REF 2FUSSH
Franklin to do?
23 Where does Amelia most likely work?
(A) Travel to Stockholm
(A) At a travel agency
(B) Send her documents
(B) At a clothing shop
(C) Approve the change
(C) At a daycare
(D) Buy an e-ticket
(D) At an airport



1. Modals

Modals are the auxiliary verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to, and must. Modals
give further meaning to the main verb.

Động từ khuyết thiếu (Modal verbs) là động từ nhưng không chỉ hành động mà giúp bổ nghĩa cho động từ

e.g. How can we think about expanding right now?

We must do something soon.

Modals do not change their form.

Động từ khuyết thiếu không thay đổi hình thái từ.

e.g. He can travel with me if he wants to. (not He cans travel......)

A partner could bring in the money needed for expansion. (not A partner could to bring.......)

2. Ability (khả năng, năng lực)

We use can('t) for present ability / inability and could(n't) for past ability / inability.

Chúng ta dùng can(‗t) khi nói về khả năng / không có khả năng ở hiện tại, còn could(n‘t) dùng khi nói về khả
năng / không có khả năng trong quá khứ.

e.g. Barbara can speak Korean, but she can't speak Arabic.

The previous manager could state the sales figures for the last 10 years, but he couldn't remember our names.

When we are talking about one specific occasion in the past, we use couldn't, was(n't) / were(n't) able to. We
do not use could.

Khi diễn tả một sự việc cụ thể trong quá khứ, chúng ta dùng couldn't, was(n't) / were(n't) able to. Không dùng
could trong trường hợp này.

e.g. He was able to find his suitcase. (not He could find.....)

We use be able to for ability / inability in all tenses.

Chúng ta dùng be able to để diễn tả khả năng / không có khả năng trong mọi thì.

3. Possibility (khả năng xảy ra)

We use can / can't, could / couldn't, may / may not, might / might not, and must to indicate the degree of
possibility that the information is true.

Chúng ta dùng can / can't, could / couldn't, may / may not, might / might not, and must để phỏng đoán khả năng
xảy ra một việc việc nào đó. Mức độ chắc chắn giảm dần theo bảng dưới đây.

Chắc hẳn, chắc chắn must

Có thể can, may, could, might

Không thể, không có vẻ can‘t, couldn‘t

When we are almost certain that something is true (often based on the evidence), we use must.

Khi gần như chắc chắn điều gì đó đúng (thường dựa trên bằng chứng), chúng ta dùng must.

e.g. I saw Jackie a few minutes ago. She must be here.

I hear you've been promoted. You must be very happy.

When we are almost certain about something in the past, we use must + have + past participle.

Trong trường hợp tương tự nhưng ở thì Quá khứ, chúng ta dùng must + have + past participle.

e.g. Jackie's coat is gone. She must have left.

You must have been very happy when they told you about your promotion.

When we think something is possible, we use can, could, may, or might.

Khi diễn tả điều gì đó có khả năng xảy ra, chúng ta dùng can, could, may, hoặc might.

e.g. We could rent the empty store next door.

There may not be enough space on your computer for all the files.

Lưu ý: Dùng ngữ cảnh để hiểu khi nào là khả năng (ability), khi nào là khả năng xảy ra (possibility).

e.g. I can drive. My father taught me on country roads. (ability)

Don't worry if the taxi is late. I can drive you. (possibility)

Khi ám chỉ sự việc khó có thể xảy ra, chúng ra dùng can't or couldn't.

e.g. You can't be hungry already. We just had a big lunch. (not You mustn't be)

He couldn't have the file. I just saw it.

Trong trường hợp tương tự nhưng ở thì Quá khứ, chúng ta dùng can't / couldn't + have + past participle.

e.g. You can't have eaten all those chocolates.

4. Asking for permission

When we ask for permission to do something, we use the modals can, could, may, and might.

Chúng ta dùng các động từ may, might, can, could để thể hiện sự cho phép làm việc gì đó.

e.g. Can I join you for lunch? (Informal)

Could I join you for lunch? (less informal)

May I join you for lunch? (more formal)

Might I join you for lunch? (very formal)

5. Making a suggestion

We can make a suggestion to do something in several ways using the modals should, can and could.

Chúng ta dùng các động từ should, can và could trong các lời đề nghị hay lời mời lịch sự.
e.g. Should we go over the accounts together?
We can / could hire a part-time employee.
Can't / Couldn't you bring that point up with the manager?
6. Grammar exercises

1. Write can(„t) or could(n't) in the blanks.

1) The shipment is late so we can‟t complete the order.

2) I preferred the old system of private offices to this open plan office I get a lot more

work done before they changed it.

3) They didn't know how to run the fax machine, so they send the fax.

4) Ms. Wong prefers to take the subway because she find parking spaces near the office.

5) If you are having a problem with your computer, talk to Bill. He fix anything.

6) Lucy was originally hired because she _ speak French with the people at our Paris branch.

2. Read the following article and underline the word that completes the sentence.

3. Choose the best ending to complete the sentences.

1) I saw Mr. Williams in the office so a. he must be here.

b. he might be here.

2) Mariam didn't look well so she a. couldn't have canceled the meeting and gone home.

b. could have canceled the meeting and gone home.

3) I can't find my keys so a I might have left them in the car.

b I might leave them in the car.

4) Tim said that he was very busy and a he may not attend the office party.

b he may not have attended the office party.

5) Not many people came to the trade a It couldn't be that it was at an inconvenient time.
b It could be that it was at an inconvenient time.

4. Complete Mr. Lewis's part of a phone conversation with a customer using phrases from the box.

Can I book Can I help Could I suggest Could you speak

Let me look Would you like Would you mind

Good morning, Chandler's Bistro. 1) Can I help you? ... 2) Hello, hello. 2) a little louder,
please? Oh, hello Mr. Binger.. . .You can't make it? OK, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll cancel your booking then 3)
another reservation for a different night?.....Yes, of course. 4) you a table on
Friday night at 7:30 P.M.? Yes, good.. . .I'll make the reservation for

four people.. . .Ah, I see. You would like a table for eight 5) holding the line for a second? I'll
just check the reservation book.....I'm sorry, Mr. Binger. I'm afraid I can't reserve a table for eight at that time.
We're fully booked. 6) _ to be sure. Ah, here's a free table 7) 8:30 P.M.? ...
Good. That's excellent. I'll have a table ready for you at 8.30 on Friday, for a party of eight then.


1. Vocabulary

1) single room / 'siηgl ru:m / : phòng đơn

2) double room / 'dʌbl ru:m / : phòng đôi

3) twin room / twin ru:m / : phòng đôi (2 giường ngủ)

4) full board / ful bɔ:d / : bao gồm bữa sáng, bữa trưa và bữa tối

5) half board / hɑ:f bɔ:d / : bao gồm bữa sáng và bữa tối.

6) reception / rɪˈsepʃn/ : lễ tân

7) receptionist / ri'sep∫ənist / : nhân viên tiếp tân

8) porter / 'pɔ:tə(r) / : người gác cổng

9) chambermaid / 't∫eimbəmeid / : người phục vụ phòng (phụ nữ)

10) luggage / 'lʌgidʒ / : hành lý

11) hotel bar / hou'tel bɑ: / : quầy rượu ở khách sạn

12) bartender / 'bɑ:tendə / : người pha chế ở quầy rượu

2. Exercises

1. Put these sentences in a logical order.

1) I paid my bill.

2) I checked in at reception.

3) I left the hotel.

4) I went up to my room.

5) I spent the night in the hotel.

6) I had an early morning call at seven o‘clock.

7) I booked a room at the hotel.

8) I went out for dinner in a local restaurant.

9) I arrived at the hotel.

10) I got up and had a shower.

11) I had breakfast.

12) I tipped the porter who carried my luggage upstairs.

2. You are staying in quite a good hotel (e.g. two-star or three-star) in your country. Would you expect
to have the following?

1) a room without a private bathroom

2) a hairdryer in the bathroom

3) a colour television in the room

4) a telephone in the room

5) writing paper in the room

6) a machine for making tea and coffee in the room

7) an electric trouser press (= a machine which presses/irons your trousers for you) in the room

8) air conditioning in the room

3. Read this text and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Staying in a hotel should be an enjoyable experience. If the staff show an interest in their visitors, it will
encourage a return visit and the guests will pass on a recommendation to their friends.

However, sometimes returning to a hotel for a second visit, can be disappointing. New owners may not be
offering the same high standards as the previous owners. Hotels seem to change hands frequently in some parts
of the country, especially if they cannot attract enough guests to cover expenses.

The hotels situated in remote areas with small local populations need to build up a good reputation. This is
done by advertising the outstanding natural beauty in the surrounding area and encouraging locals to use the
dining room when it is the 'off' season or quiet time of year. Brochures, adverts in local guide books, adverts in
timetables and by using the internet, will help to bring people into the area and enjoy the facilities that the hotel
has to offer.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words

rooms modern interiors double beverages hospitality

Boutique Hotel Budapest is a lovely hotel, in the heart of Budapest. All 72 (1) represent the (2)
style of international boutique hotels. Each of our rooms with their simple, fresh, and warm style, and
welcoming colours meet the latest city design and comfort standards. The stylish (3) of our rooms
are completed by LCD television, high-speed wireless internet connection, minibar. Most of our rooms are
equipped with queen-size (4) beds. All rooms are non-smoking.

The hotel offers a rich international buffet breakfast with hot & cold food selection. The hotel‘s Lounge Café
& Drink Bar provides a perfect place for chilling during the day, where guests can enjoy a great selection of
coffee, tea, cocktails, and other (5) .

Zeina Hotels' motto ―Enjoy the (6) !‖ expresses the desire of the Concierge team to make guests feel
like at home as much as possible in an unknown city by taking care of them.


Part 1: Read the text aloud.

Question 1: Dear Tenants,

Please note our new policy on admitting pets into the building. If you bring a new pet into your unit, you must

notify the landlord and pay the $200 pet deposit. Failure to do so will result in eviction. At this time, we only

allow cats and small dogs in the units. We may ask for proof that your pets have received proper vaccinations

before permitting them in the building.

Question 2: If you‘re shopping, sightseeing, and running around every minute, your vacation can seem like

hard work. To avoid vacation stress, come to the Blue Valley Inn on beautiful Lake Mead. While staying at our

inn, you‘ll breathe clean country air as you view spectacular sights. With its spacious rooms, swimming pool,

and many outdoor activities, the inn is the perfect place for a vacation you won‘t forget. The Blue Valley Inn

prides itself on the personal attention it provides for every guest. The Blue Valley motto has always been ―A

happy guest is our greatest treasure.‖

Part 2: Describe the pictures in as much detail as you can.





We use prepositions before a noun or a noun phrase.

Chúng ta dùng giới từ (prepositions) trước một danh từ hoặc một cụm danh từ. e.g: at home; in the big, white

Some prepositions can have several meanings.

Một số giới từ có thể mang nhiều nghĩa.

e.g. I have a family photograph on my desk at work. (= vị trí - physical location)

I saw the report on community services. (= về - about)

I made the power point presentation on my laptop. (= sử dụng - using)

1. Prepositions of time (Giới từ chỉ thời

gian) At, in, on

The prepositions at, in, and on often show time.

Giới từ at, in, on thường thể hiện thời gian.

at a specific time in a period of time on a day or date

at 10:00 at noon at night in December in 2002 on Wednesday on June
in the summer
on my birthday

By, until

The prepositions by and until indicate an end point in time.

Giới từ by và until đi với một mốc thời gian.

By nhấn mạnh vào thời điểm kết thúc một hành động, hành động đó phải xảy ra trước mốc thời gian đang được
nhắc đến.

e.g. We need to have the report ready by 10:00. (Bản báo cáo phải được hoàn thành trước 10:00)

Until được sử dụng để chỉ một hành động kéo dài cho đến một thời điểm nhất định, không kéo dài hơn.

e.g. We will work on the project until 10:00. (Chúng ta sẽ làm dự án đến 10:00.)

In, for, during

In indicates how soon the action will take place.

In thể hiện khoảng thời gian hành động sẽ xảy ra.

e.g. The meeting starts in ten minutes. (Cuộc họp bắt đầu trong 10 phút nữa.)

For indicates how long the action lasts.

For diễn tả khoảng thời gian diễn ra của một hành động, sự việc.

e.g. We were at the conference for two days. (Chúng tôi đã dự hội thảo trong vòng hai ngày.)

During indicates a period of time within which an action happens.

During có nghĩa trong thời gian, trong suốt thời gian một hành động nào đó xảy ra.

e.g. During the rainstorm we stood under the tree for two hours. (Trong suốt trận mưa bão chúng tôi trú dưới
cây trong hai giờ đồng hồ.)

2. Prepositions of place (Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn)

In, at, on

We use in to describe when something is inside something else.

In dùng để chỉ vị trí phía bên trong một cái gì đó.

e.g. Do you work in a large office building? ( Có phải bạn làm việc trong một tòa văn phòng lớn không?)

Dùng at khi đi với một địa điểm cụ thể.

e.g. The annual meeting will be at the Belcrest Hotel. (Cuộc họp thường niên sẽ được tổ chức tại Belcrest

Ta dùng on để chỉ vị trí tiếp xúc trên một mặt phẳng.

e.g. The invoices are on the desk. (Hoá đơn đang ở trên bàn.)

Over, above

Over và above có nghĩa phía trên, phía bên trên.

e.g. I put some tape over the tear in the paper. (Tôi dán băng dính lên trên vết rách của tờ giấy.)
The light above my desk has stopped working. (Chiếc đèn phía trên bàn của tôi đã bị hỏng.)
Under, below

Under và below có nghĩa phía dưới, thấp hơn.

e.g. My office is one floor below the manager's office. (= in a lower position)
The paper is under all those files. (= covered or concealed)

Beside / by, between, among
Beside / by, between và among đều ám chỉ vị trí của một hay nhiều vật thể so với những vật thể khác.

e.g. The speaker was standing by/beside the president of the company. (= next to)

What should you do if there is a fire between you and the escape route? (= two things)

My desk is among the ones on the south side of the building, near the fire escape. (= more than two)

Behind (phía sau), in front of (phía trước), và opposite (đối diện)

e.g. The outlet is on the wall behind the desk. (= in the back of)

I parked in front of the building.

I parked on the opposite side of the street. (= on the other side of the road)

3. Prepositions of movement or direction (Giới từ chỉ phương hướng)

From, to (từ…đến…)

e.g. We walked from the office to the restaurant. (Chúng tôi đi bộ từ văn phòng đến nhà hàng.)

Across (từ bên này sang bên kia), over (qua, ngang qua)

e.g. We went across the street to a pizza place. (Chúng tôi băng qua đường để đến cửa hàng pizza.)

We saw the thief jump over the wall. (Chúng tôi nhìn thấy tên trộm nhảy qua tường.)

4. Nouns + prepositions (Danh từ + Giới từ)

Noun Preposition
information, nothing, anything, something, truth about
demand, excuse, explanation, in return, in exchange, need, reason, reputation, responsibility for

belief, change, increase / decrease, drop, rise / fall in

advantage / disadvantage, cause, idea, indication, kind, knowledge, understanding, opinion, of
effect, influence, impact on
agreement, contact, connection, contract, dealings, in association, involvement, meeting, with
E.g. I knew nothing about the matter.
What was the reason for that interruption?
The change in our strategy has produced good results. We appreciate your understanding of the situation.
The immediate effect on the market will be a slowdown.
We have an agreement with the landlord that covers parking.

5. Adjectives + prepositions (Tính từ + Giới từ)

Adjective Preposition
anxious, concerned, confused, enthusiastic, excited, happy, knowledgeable, optimistic / about
pessimistic, sorry, worried
astonished, awful, surprised, terrible, useless at

amazed, annoyed, astonished, concerned, excited, impressed, inspired, shocked, surprised by

appropriate, concerned, eligible, famous, ready, responsible, suitable for

disappointed, involved, interested, specialized in
aware, conscious, capable / incapable, certain, sure, frightened, full, short, proud, tired, of
sick, typical
based, dependent, insistent on
annoyed, bored, disappointed, impressed, meet, pleased, satisfied with
e.g. They are optimistic about the marketing strategy.
We were surprised at his response.
The boss was impressed by our new web page.
6. Verbs + prepositions (Động từ + Giới từ)

Verb Preposition
care, complain, forget, hear, joke, know, learn, read, talk, think, about
warn, wonder, worry, write
aim, laugh, look, shout, smile at
choose, decide, differentiate between
apologize, apply, check, forgive, hope, prepare, search, wait, wish,
learn, prevent, stop, suffer, protect from
believe, specialize, succeed in
run, divide, cut, translate into
assure, convince, accuse, suspect, approve / disapprove, consist of
agree, concentrate, count, depend, insist, rely, congratulate, on
compliment, spend
apologize, describe, explain, listen, point, present, speak, talk, to
write, happen
play, fill, provide, supply with

e.g. I have been thinking about holding an auction.

Have you looked at the business section of the morning newspaper yet?

I have been searching for a file that I'm sure I left on my desk.

7. Grammar exercises

1. Underline the correct preposition.


1) Is there enough office space with / from / in the building?

2) The supply room is at / from / after the far end of the building.
3) When I am at/ from / for work, I usually eat in the staff cafeteria.
4) I would like to have a seat between / on / beside the window, please.


5) Hina comes to work every day at/ for/ on 9:00 exactly.

6) Inventory will take place in / at / on Monday and Tuesday.
7) Julie is going to take her vacation time in / at / on August.
8) We have to turn this proposal in until / by / in 10:00.


9) The noise along / from /about the factory can be annoying.

10) I took the file out of / towards / among the filing cabinet for Mr. Simmons.
11) The firefighter had to break out / into the building to put out the fire.
12) Every year many people are injured by falling through / over / at a household pet.

2. Some of the prepositions in this memo are wrong. Find and correct them.

From: Maria
Johnson To: All
Subject: Safety 1) among -> at work
The safety inspection team noticed the following safety hazards 2) during their recent inspection:

Sharp items are often left 3) above desks. You should keep equipment such as staplers,
scissors, and letter openers 4) in a closed drawer when not in use.
Electrical and phone cords are lying 5) from the aisles 6) between
desks. These could cause workers or visitors to trip.
Boxes and other equipment have been left 7) out the aisles. These obstruct movement 8)
beside the offices and they also create a tripping hazard. In one office, a photocopier machine

3. Fill in the blanks in this conversation with the adjectives in the box.

anxious aware annoyed bored enthusiastic interested pleased

Allen: I'm so 1) bored with going to meetings where people spend hours discussing things that don't affect me.

Yui: I know, me too! I'm really not 2) in whose responsibility it is to organize a training course
when I'm only there to discuss the latest sales figures. I guess we should try to be more 3)
about them.
Allen:Do you think that the management is 4) of this problem? Maybe we should talk to
someone about it.
Yui: Don‘t you think they will be 5) by that?
Allen: Not necessarily. Management may be 6) _ with the fact that someone is putting
forward suggestions. If you are 7) about talking to someone, I don't mind saying
4. Read the statements and make sentences using the words in parentheses. Use a verb + preposition.

1) I found a tear in the dress when I got home. (She / complain / tear / dress)

Ex: She complained about a tear in the dress.

2) I am so sorry that your order was damaged. (He / apologize / damaged order)

3) I can't find the file anywhere. (I / search / everywhere / missing file)

4) I had difficulty in unlocking the door. (I / finally / succeed / opening / door)


1. Vocabulary

1) check-in / tʃek in / : thủ tục nhận phòng

2) check-out / tʃek aʊt / : thủ tục trả phòng.

3) reservation / rez.əˈveɪ.ʃən / : sự đặt chỗ trước

4) fully – booked / ˈfʊl.i bʊkt/ : trạng thái hết phòng

5) room service / ˈruːm ˌsɜː.vɪs / : hình thức phục vụ ăn uống tại phòng

6) vacancy / ˈveɪ.kə / : phòng trống

2. Useful phrases when making the booking

● Could I book (= reserve) a room for next Thursday?

● I would like to book ...
● Do you have any rooms available?
● Would you have a room for tonight please?
● Can I reserve a room over the phone, please?
● How much is… a single room / a double room / a suite?
● Is there a reduction for children?

3. Exercises

1. What would you say in these situations?

1) You want to stay in a hotel for two nights next week with your husband/wife. You phone the hotel. What do
you ask or say?

2) You are at the hotel reception and you are planning to leave in about 15 minutes. What could you ask the

3) You want to wake up at 7 a.m. but you don‘t have an alarm clock. What do you ask at reception?

4) You have a drink in the hotel bar. The barman asks how you want to pay. What‘s your reply?

5) When you turn on the shower in your room, the water comes out very very slowly. What could you say
at reception?

6) You want to go to the nearest bank but don‘t know where it is. What do you ask at reception?

2. Read this conversation and then complete the definitions with the correct word in bold.

We stayed in the Carlton Hotel for three nights in July, but I booked our room three months in advance
because it was the middle of the tourist season. When we arrived we checked in at reception, then the porter
carried our suitcases up to our room. I gave him a small tip - about 50 pounds, I think. The staff were very
friendly - we had a very nice chambermaid - and the room was very comfortable. The only problem we had, in
fact, was with the shower which didn‘t work very well.

1) the woman who cleans the room
2) the money given to someone such as a waiter in order to thank them for their services.
3) function
4) the desk or office that books rooms for people and answers their questions.
5) before, earlier
6) reserved
7) the time when many people go to visit places as tourists
3. Writing a conversation: booking a hotel picture dialogue. Listen to the audio and look at the
pictures then write an appropriate conversation for booking a room. Track 1


Question 1 – 4: you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture you will be
given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words
and you can use the words in any order.






1. Present Simple (Thì Hiện tại Đơn)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):
Structures with Structures with
Type of Examples
normal verbs „be‟ verbs
sentence (Ví dụ)
(Với động từ thường) (Với động từ to be)
+ - S (I, you, we, they) + Vinf + - S (you, we, they) + are + O I am a teacher. I
O+… +…
teach students.
- S (He, she, it) + V(s/es) + O - I + am + O + …
+… She teaches students with me.
- S (He, she, it) + is + O + …
We are teachers.
- - S (I, you, we, they) + do not - S (you, we, they) + are not I don‘t have any pens.
(don‟t) + V + O + … (aren‟t) + O + …
He doesn‘t care about money.
- S (He, she, it) + does not - I + am not + O + …
We are not ready to start.
(doesn‟t) + V(s/es) + O +
… - S (He, she, it) + is not
James is not present today.
(isn‟t) + O + …
Wh? Wh- + do + S (I, you, we, Wh- + are + S (you, we, Why do you love her?
they) + Vinf + O + … ? they) + O + …?
How often does he go to the
Wh- + does + S (he, she, is) + Wh- + am + I + O + …? gym?
Vinf + O + … ?
Wh- + is + S (he, she, it) + O What is the time?
+ …?
Why are students absent today?
Yes/No? Do + S (I, you, we, they) + Are + (you, we, they) + O? Do you do exercise every day?
Vinf + O + …?
Am + I + O + …? Does he work in that company?
Does + S (he, she, it) + Vinf +
O + …? Is + S (he, she, it) + O + …? Are you sick?
Is that cat from your mother?
1.2. When to use Present Simple tense? (Cách dùng Thì Hiện tại Đơn)
We often use Present Simple when we talk about: (Chúng ta thường dùng hiện tại đơn khi)
- Things that happens regularly. (Những việc xảy ra thường xuyên, thói quen)
Ex 1: She often eats cereal for breakfast.
Ex 2: I am not always late for a walk.
- A general truth. (Sự thật, chân lý)
Ex 1: The sun rises in the East.
Ex 2: Water freezes at 0 Celcius degree.

1.3. Signs to use Present Simple (Các dấu hiệu sử dụng Hiện tại Đơn)
We often use Present Simple with some words showing how often the action happens, such as: (Ta thường dùng
thì HTĐ với các từ chỉ tần suất, ví dụ)
- Always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never…
- Once/Twice/N times + per… (once per week, twice per month, three times per year, …

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses. (Hoàn thành câu với dạng
đứng của từ trong ngoặc.)
1. Sally collects (collect) shipments from the airport on Mondays.
2. Peggy and I (not want) to move to a new house.
3. That cat always (run) away from strangers.
4. What time you often (go) to school?
5. he (climb) the mountain once a month?
2. Choose the best ending to complete the sentences. (Chọn cách tốt nhất để hoàn thành câu.)
1. Mr. Williams use a company car………. a. when he travels to conferences.

b. because the bus drivers are on strike.

2. Chloe is preparing her presentation so… a. she is not busy.

b. she doesn‟t want anyone to interrupt her.

3. Does Mary help Jim with his data a. because he is too busy?

b. because he always has chicken for dinner?

4. I am locking my desk drawer a. because I don‟t need to.

b. because I have some money there.

5. Jacob clears the papers from his desk a. before he goes home.

b. because he finds some cockroaches.

3. Choose the correct forms of the given words to fill in the blank (Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc)
Jon's daily routine is a little boring, but he (like) it. He usually _ (get) up at about 6:00 or
6:30 in the morning, after his alarm clock _(wake) him up. First, he (brush) his teeth
and (shave) and (wash) his face. Then, he (get) dressed and
(go) downstairs to have breakfast with his family. He always has coffee, cereal, and lots of fruit.
That's him in the picture with his wife. He (take) a bus to work because he doesn't like to drive, and
he always (arrive) at his office before 8:00. Five o'clock is his favorite time of the day because he
(finish) work and (hurry) back home and (see) his wife and children again.
He has two boys, Thomas, who is six years old and Patrick, who is eight. They eat dinner together in their
dining room at around 6:00, and after that he (spend) time with his wife and kids at home. They
really enjoy watching their favorite TV programs together. In addition, two or three times a week he
(do) exercise in the evening, so he can stay strong and healthy. He (think) that this is
very important! Finally, at about 9:30, he (go) to bed, (read) for a while, and then
(fall) asleep. Sure, some people think his daily routine is a little boring – but on weekends and
holidays he (love) to fly airplanes ... for fun! It's his favorite hobby.

1. Read these email extracts and then complete the definitions with the correct word in italics. (Đọc
đoạn email sau và tìm định nghĩa chính xác cho các từ in nghiêng)

1 an outlet a shop that sells one type of product or the products of one company.
2 things you buy
3 a machine that is used in stores for keeping money in, and for recording everything that
is sold.
4 a piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for goods or services
5 a number of similar shops, restaurants, etc., owned by the same company.
6 a piece of printed paper that you can use to buy something at a cheaper price
or to get something free.
7 a building or a place in a building where you can buy
things 8 a person who works in a store helping customers.
2. Listen to the conversation between Mary and Anita and fill in the blank. (Nghe đoạn hội thoại sau giữa
Mary và Anita và điền vào chỗ trống) – Track 1
Anita: Hi Mary! How are you?
Mary: Well, I'm a bit tired. I've just returned from my trip to New York City (1) .
Anita: Of course! When did you get back?
Mary: I arrived late last night.
Anita: You were looking forward to that trip, weren't you? How was it?
Mary: It was really good and I've placed lots of (2) for some really interesting books and also lots of
(3) science titles.
Anita: Great. You've been going to that book fair for a while now, haven't you?
Mary: Yes, every year for about 10 years. Anyway, this morning I came in early to catch up on some
(4) before everyone arrives. But I've been wondering why no one was on the streets and there
was no traffic. Is there any special reason why everything is (5) _? I haven't seen anyone all morning-
until you arrived.
Anita: But it's still really early.
Mary: Early! It's already 9:30.
Anita: No, it's not. It's only 7:30.
Mary: 7:30! It can't be! Oh, I know. I forgot to (6) the time on my watch after my trip! So, I've been
thinking that everyone was really late, but in fact, I was really earty. That means I've been here since 5 a.m.!
Anita: Well, did you get a lot done?
Mary: Yes. In fact, I've been working really hard all morning. I've already put the money in the
(7) register, arranged some merchandise on the (8) _and put some new books on the
(9) . I've also put the summer clearance sale sign up in the window and changed the display.
Anita: Wow, that's great. Maybe you should go home and take a nap. I can look after the (10) for the
rest of the morning.
Mary: Yes, good idea. I've been feeling a little sleepy!

3. Read this text about online shopping and check your understanding of the words in italic. (Đọc
các đoạn văn sau về shopping và tìm cách hiểu các từ in nghiêng)
Online shopping is the most recent phenomenon in the online space. Men and women of all ages visit the
eCommerce websites regularly and buy the necessaries of life. People visit online marketplaces to buy and sell
goods. The most striking feature in the online market is that it is free of large crowds and noise. A person can
visit the online shopping site during his free time and place orders to buy an item.
Many people make their daily purchases online. Today, there are online shops even for grocers. Rice, pulse, oil,
and stationary goods are also bought online. The online grocery stores also sell fruits, vegetables, potato,
onions, bread, butter, etc.
There are online shopping websites that sell toys, paper, exercise books etc. There are eCommerce websites to
buy products for babies. They sell almost everything that a kid may ever need.
The most important advantage of online shopping is that we can compare the prices of various items across
several eCommerce websites. In this way, we are assured the best deal.

1. Respond to questions (Trả lời câu hỏi)
You will have to answer these questions immediately after the questions have finished. There will be no
preparation times.

(Bạn phải trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây ngay khi câu hỏi kết thúc, và sẽ không có thời gian chuẩn bị.)

Teacher: Imagine that a famous supermarket chain is doing research in your region. You have agreed to
participate in a telephone interview about your shopping habits.

a. How often do you go to the supermarket? b. What do you often buy in the supermarket?

c. Would you pay using credit cards or cash?

=> Tips:

- Không nên trả lời ngắn chỉ với „Yes‟ hay „No‟. Cố gắng trả lời bằng câu đầy đủ, ví dụ như Yes, I do
hoặc I think yes because … để mở rộng câu trả lời.

- Cẩn thận với những câu có 2 lựa chọn.

- Để có thời gian nghĩ, hãy lặp lại 1 phần câu hỏi hoặc dùng các mẫu câu trì hoãn (Well, let me think…, To be
honest, …)

- Thêm các ví dụ nếu được.

2. Respond to questions using information provided (trả lời câu hỏi với thông tin cho trước)

You will answer 3 questions on the information provided. No preparation time is provided.

(Bạn sẽ phải trả lời 3 câu hỏi dựa trên các thông tin cho trước. Sẽ không có thời gian chuẩn bị.)

Danville Fair
Location: 250 Jasmine Way
Date: 30th January 2021
9:00 Opening fair entrance
9:00-10:00 Check-in
10:00-11:00 Opening Ceremony
11:00-12:00 First sale waves – 25% off for books and magazines
12:00-13:00 Lunch time – 25% off, free drinks.
13:00-14:00 Second sale waves – 40% off for clothes and accessories
14:00-17:00 Biggest sale waves – 60% off for home appliances
17:00 Lucky Draw + Ending ceremony
*Must be reserved and paid for when you book your tour tickets

Question a
Teacher: When and where is the fair taking place?

Question b
Teacher: What will happen at the end of the fair?

Question c
Teacher: What are the main sales events happening at the fair?
=> Tips:

- Đọc và gạch chân các từ quan trọng ở những dòng ko phải lịch trình
- Phải hiểu bản chất câu hỏi:
1. Could you tell me what time the meeting starts and how long it will last?
-> When does the meeting start? How long is it?
2. OK, first, I need to know their arrival time, and the flight number.
-> What time does the plane arrive? What is the flight number?
- Để có thời gian suy nghĩ, dùng các mẫu câu:
- Yes, certainly. I‟ll just have a look for you.
- Let me just check the agenda
- Of course. Let me see now


1. Present Continuous (Thì Hiện tại Tiếp Diễn)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):

Type of Structures Examples

sentence (Ví dụ)
+ - S (you, we, they) + are + Ving + O + … I am listening to music now.
- I + am + Ving + O + … She is playing badminton with her brothers.
- S (He, she, it) + is + Ving + O + … They are taking care of the garden.
- - S (you, we, they) + are not (aren‟t) + Ving + O You are not paying attention to me.
I am not working on that now.
- I + am not + Ving + O + …
James is not sitting at the counter.
- S (He, she, it) + is not (isn‟t) + Ving + O + …
Wh? Wh- + are + S (you, we, they) + Ving + O + … ? Who is teaching in my class?
Wh- + am + I + Ving + O + …? What is she eating?
Wh- + is + S (he, she, is) + Ving + O + … ?
Yes/No? Are + S (you, we, they) + Ving + O + …? Are they running on the street?
Am + I + Ving + O + …? Is she waiting for the bus?
Is + S (he, she, it) + Ving + O + …?
1.2. When to use Present Continuous tense? (Cách dùng Thì Hiện tại Tiếp Diễn)

We often use Present Continuous when we talk about: (Chúng ta thường dùng Hiện tại Tiếp diễn khi)

- Actions that are happening at the time of speaking. (Những việc đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói)
Ex 1: Mary is playing with her children right now.
Ex 2: I am not teaching at the moment.
- Actions that are temporary (Những việc mang tính tạm thời)
Ex 1: We are offering a 25% sale on clothes.
Ex 2: Are you advertising the new shampoo right now?

1.3. Signs to use Present Continuous (Các dấu hiệu sử dụng Hiện tại Tiếp Diễn)

We often use Present Continuous with some words showing when the action happens, such as: (Ta thường dùng
thì HTTD với các từ chỉ thời gian xảy ra hành động, ví dụ)

- Now, at this moment, currently, today, this week, this month, this year…

1.4. State verbs (động từ chỉ trạng thái)

- We often use some verbs in the present simple because their meaning indicates a general truth rather
than something temporary. State verbs describe:

Có một vài động từ thường được dùng ở hiện tại đơn, mặc dù với nghĩa diễn tả một sự việc xảy ra ở thời điểm
nói, bởi chúng thể hiện 1 sự thật nói chung thay vì là một điều tạm thời. Đó là các Động từ chỉ trạng thái, ví dụ:

• senses (giác quan): hear, see, smell, taste

Ex 1: The hotel buffet smells wonderful.

Ex 2: Do you hear that noise?

• feelings (cảm xúc): enjoy, feel, like, mind, need, want, prefer

Ex 1: What do you want me to do with it when I find it?

Ex 2: I don't like the new advertising campaign.

• thoughts (suy nghĩ): agree/disagree, believe, know, mean, realize, recognize, think, understand

Ex 1: I know the original copy of those papers is in the office.

Ex 2: They don't recognize the market potential.

• possession (sở hữu): have, own, belong

Ex 1: Do you have a copy of the Newhaven report?

Ex 2: Mr. Franck owns a chain of restaurants.

• description (mô tả): appear, contain, look, seem, sound

Ex 1: Janet's suggestion sounds very interesting.

Ex 2: This advertisement doesn't look very attractive, in my opinion.

- However, some state verbs can also be used in continuous form when the meaning is temporary.
Here are some examples:

Đôi khi ta có thể dùng 1 vài động từ chỉ trạng thái ở dạng tiếp diễn với nghĩa hành động nhất thời. Ví dụ:

Temporary State

What are you thinking about now? I think it‘s a good plan.

(= considering) (= in my opinion)

I'm having problems with this program. Can you help We have a photocopier in our office.
me? (= experiencing)
(= possession)

I'm seeing Fran Harkins this afternoon. I see that the office renovation has started.

(= meeting) (= notice)

We're feeling pressure from the competition I feel we made the right decision.

= (= experiencing) (= believe)


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses. (Hoàn thành câu với dạng
đứng của từ trong ngoặc.)
1. You are too late. Your plane (take off) right now.

2. They _
(put) goods in the storeroom at this moment.
3. Shaun and I currently
4. you (pay) attention to me?
5. Keep silent! Who (talk) right now?
2. Choose the correct form of the words. (Chọn dạng đúng của từ để hoàn thành câu.)
1. A: June looks / is looking for some new office furniture.
B: I don't know why. Her furniture looks / is looking new to me.
2. A: I don't have / I'm not having any success in getting this printer to work.
B: Oh, that printer doesn't work when the paper supply is low. We have / are having some in the supply room.
3. A: Jim always enjoys / is enjoying trade fairs.
B: Well, he really enjoys / is enjoying this year's fair.
4. A: I think / am thinking about quitting my job.
B: Really? I don't think / I'm not thinking that is a good idea.
5. A: I see / am seeing that we need to reserve a place in the exhibition hall.
B: Yes, we do. I see / am seeing one of the trade fair organizers about a place today.

3. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold (Viết lại câu đúng bằng cách sửa từ in đậm)
1. My dad is often getting up late on Saturday mornings.

2. Are you speaking any other languages apart from English?

3. Actually, I think Darren does works right now.

4. We don‟t eat any meat at the moment, as we‘re both on diet.

5. My mother is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend.

6. How much are babysitters generally earning?

7. Dan talks on the other phone right now.

1. Read this email complaints and then complete the definitions with the correct word in italics.
(Đọc đoạn email phàn nàn sau và tìm định nghĩa chính xác cho các từ in nghiêng)

1 helpline a phone or online service that provides advice and information about particular

2 be able to connect to another person on the other line.

3 a person who is in charge of running a business

4 costing a lot of money

5 making you believe something that is not true.

6 a person who pays money to receive regular copies or access to a

service. 7 so bad that you think it should not be allowed.

8 two times

9 the antonym of ‗expensive‘

10 ask somebody for some information

11 talk about something with somebody

2. Listen to the conversation, and fill in the blank from the text below: (Nghe đoạn hội thoại sau và
điền vào chỗ trống trong phần sau.)

a. Track 1

Customer: Excuse me. I bought this (1) at your shop yesterday. When I got home, I looked at the
(2) and saw that you had _ (3) me ten euros.

Manager: Oh, I'm so sorry. It appears that our (4) made a mistake. I'll be happy to (5)
your money.

Customer: Actually, I've also decided that the jumper is not really the right (6), so I'd like to
(7) them for something in red or yellow.

Manager: That's no problem. I'll be glad to help you.

b. Track 2

Customer: Excuse me. I've just noticed the flight to Manchester's been (8). Is there anything you
can do? I've got to be there by tomorrow. It's really important.

Customer: I use your (9) all the time. Is there anything you can do? Go via London or

Agent: We've got a lot of people in the same position I'm afraid, but don't worry. I'm sure we'll (10)
something out. So, let's see what we can do.

3. Read this text about online shopping and check your understanding of the words in italic. (Đọc các
đoạn văn sau về shopping và tìm cách hiểu các từ in nghiêng)

Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the
feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. It is also the process of assisting another
person or persons who buys goods and services from a shop. It can be provided either directly by a sales or
service representative or through automated means like internet sites. The latter means provides 24/7 services to

However, according to the survey conducted by National Retail Foundation (NRF) along with American
Express in 2004, just 16 percent of traditional shoppers were extremely satisfied with their most recent
customer service experience while an additional 51 percent were very satisfied.

D. WRITING: Respond to a written request

1. Read a piece of email below. You will have to respond to the email and make AT LEAST
TWO COMPLAINS about the services you‟ve recently received.
Đọc mẩu email dưới đây. Bạn sẽ phải trả lời email này và đưa ra ÍT NHẤT 2 PHÀN NÀN về dịch vụ bạn trải
nhiệm gần đây.

2. Read the email extract below and respond to it and answer their questions.


1. Present Perfect (Thì Hiện tại Hoàn Thành)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):

Type of Examples
Structures (Cấu trúc)
sentence (Ví dụ)

+ - S (I, you, we, they) + have + VPii + O + … I have received your emails.

- S (He, she, it) + has + Vpii+ O + … She has finished her homework.

- - S (I, you, we, they) + have not (haven‟t) + Vpii + You haven‘t replied to me yet.
He hasn‘t met Ronaldo before.
- S (He, she, it) + has not (hasn‟t) + Vpii + O + …

Wh? Wh- + have + S (I, you, we, they) + Vpii + O + What have you done today?
Which sports has she played?
Wh- + has + S (he, she, is) + Vpii + O + … ?

Yes/No? Have + S (I, you, we, they) + Vpii + O + …? Have you ever fixed a computer?

Has + S (he, she, it) + Vpii + O + …? Has she been to Canada?

1.2. When to use Present Perfect tense? (Cách dùng Thì Hiện tại Hoàn thành)
We often use Present Perfect when we talk about: (Chúng ta thường dùng Hiện tại Hoàn thành khi:)
- An action that happened at a time that is not specified (Những việc đã xảy ra nhưng không xác
định được thời gian.)
Ex 1: Mr. David has gone to the bank. He hasn't returned yet.
Ex 2: I have been to Paris.
- An action that happened recently. (Một hành động xảy ra gần đây)
Ex 1: I‟ve just finished the TV show.
Ex 2: You haven‟t washed our trash can yet.
- An action that began in the past and continues to the present, often with „since‟ or „for‟. (Một
hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và kéo dài tới hiện tại, thường đi kèm với „since‟ hoặc „for‟)
Ex 1: Luna has been our manager for 10 years.
Ex 2: I haven‟t seen my parents since last August.
- An action that happens for a number of times. (Một hành động xảy ra nhiều lần)
Ex 1: I have only visited the new supermarket once.
Ex 2: They haven‟t seen my parents since last

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses. (Hoàn thành câu với dạng
đứng của từ trong ngoặc.)
1. Carlo Merendino left five minutes ago. A sales representative calls wishing to speak to him. Ben
says, "I'm afraid he has just left . (leave)."
2. Carlo returns. Ben says, "A sales representative, Mr. Lee, just (call)."
3. Carlo asks Ben if Mr. Lee left a message. Ben says, "Mr. Lee (receive) your order."
4. Carlo asks if Mr. Lee said anything else. Ben says, "Yes, he and his wife (invite) you
out for lunch tomorrow."
5. Carlo asks, "Are they in town?" Ben says, "Not yet, but they (reserve) seats on an
evening flight."
2. Complete the email with the present perfect form of the verbs. (Hoàn thành email với dạng Hiện
tại Hoàn thành của động từ trong ngoặc.)
Hi Flora,

As you can see, I (1) ‟ve arrived (arrive) safely. Paul and I (2) (already / do) lots
of things even though (3) (I / only / be) in New York twenty-four hours. (4)
(I / not sleep) for two days! (5) (I / take) hundreds of photos already. Paul
(6) (show) me lots of famous landmarks and (7) (I / eat) a real
American breakfast. (8) (I / ride) in a yellow cab and (9) (I / travel) on the
subway too. (10) (I / not spend) any money yet because Paul (11) (pay) for
everything so far. I‘ll email you again tomorrow when (12) _ (I / have) some sleep.

Love, Theresa.

3. Write „for‟ or „since‟ in the spaces below. (Chọn „for‟ hoặc „since‟ để điền vào chỗ trống.)
1. Ernie has been looking for the missing receipts Tuesday.
2. Rachel has been ordering perfumes from the same supplier 10 years.
3. The Browns have been selling antiques 1951.
4. Mona has been working at the check-out counter in a department store _ three months.
5. Business has been bad that new shopping mall opened.

4. Complete the sentences using the words in the box (Hoàn thành câu bằng các từ trong khung sau):
already before ever For just rarely since so still yet

1. Have you dreamt of winning the lottery?

2. I haven't worked out how to set the timer on the video .

3. My dad has lived in the same house he was born.

4. The film's only been on a couple of minutes.

5. Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition far.

6. I get the chance to get any exercise - I'm just too busy.

7. He's only got home.

8. It's eleven o'clock and Todd hasn't come home. Where could he be?

9. I've never met Ruth . What's she like?

10. Have you finished ? That was quick!

1. Read this conversation and then complete the definitions with the correct word in bold. (Đọc đoạn
email sau và tìm định nghĩa chính xác cho các từ in đậm)

1. _Board of Directors a group of people who make significant decisions about the company.
2. people whose jobs involves examining information and data
3. the person in charge of the daily operation of the company.
4. owners of shares in a company or business
5. the most important person in the Board of Directors.
6. the United States‘ term for ―Managing Director‖
7. the one supervising their staff
8. the general job title for a normal staff
2. Read this text about company structure and check your understanding of the words in bold. (Đọc
các đoạn văn sau về shopping và tìm cách hiểu các từ in đậm)
Often a company is a business owned by one owner or proprietor. The owner receives the profit from the
business, but also takes on the risks. When two or more individuals own the business, it is called a partnership.
Some companies merge with others or expand and restructure to become corporations that raise capital by
offering shares to shareholders. The company can use the money from the shares to invest in its products or
services and make a profit. The management of corporations is performed by directors who do not own the
company but follow the instructions of the stockholders.

3. Now fill in the blanks with a word from the box. (chọn từ trong khung để điền vào chỗ trống)
corporation directors partnership shareholders produce expansion
One of the most interesting news stories this week was that the (1) proprietor of ATC, Phillip Allen, has
decided to enter into a (2) with another well-known businessperson, Lucia Mendez, to set up a
new IT company. It is understood that the partners will continue as (3) of the new company,
which will be called ATech. The plan is to become a major (4) in the high-tech sector. (5)
are eagerly awaiting a new share offering which will raise much needed capital for the (6)
plans. It is thought that ATech will (7) a range of new high definition mobile
communication devices.

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. (chọn từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu)

1. If this _partnership is going to be a success, communication between the partners must be a priority.
(partners / partnership)

2. There has been a lot of talk recently about a between the Good Old Egg company and the
Fancy Cake company. If these companies , they will be able to put cake products on the market at
a much lower price. (merge / merger)

3 Bonnie Floyd is on the new team. She used to Hopscotch Bakeries.

(management / manage)

4. The company would like to but the costs of the may be too high. (expansion/expand)

5. According to law, the individual stockholders are not responsible for the 's liabilities.
(corporation / corporate)

6. We are presently undergoing a complete . Once we have fully , we will be much

more competitive. (restructured / restructuring)

1. Respond to questions (Trả lời câu hỏi)
Teacher: Imagine that an insurance company is doing a survey in your company. You have agreed to participate
in a telephone interview about your working conditions.

a. What is your position in your company?

b. What is the rate of your salary from your previous job?

c. Which responsibilities are you taking at work?

2. Respond to questions using information provided (trả lời câu hỏi với thông tin cho trước)

You will answer 3 questions on the information provided. No preparation time is provided.

(Bạn sẽ phải trả lời 3 câu hỏi dựa trên các thông tin cho trước. Sẽ không có thời gian chuẩn bị.)


(This class is available for managers and supervisors only)

Course Day Date Time Location

Promoting employees‘ independence Thursday February 4th 10:00 – 11:30 Room 101
Team management Tuesday February 9th 10:00 – 11:00 Room 101
Conducting Internal Investigations Tuesday February 9th 15:00 – 16:30 Room 102
Performance Feedback Thursday February 11th 10:00 – 10:45 Room 103
Negotiation Skills Friday February 12th 9:15 – 10:00 Room 103

Teacher: Hello, this is Hanna Steward. I received the email with the schedule for the company‘s training course.
Unfortunately, I deleted it, and now I don‘t know any details about the following class. I think that courses will
take place next week, so would you mind answering some questions on the schedule?
a. Teacher: What is the earliest course about? When and where will it take place?
b. Teacher: From what I remember, all of the courses are scheduled to start after Is that right?
c. Teacher: I have some problems on February 9th from to Are there any courses that I will


1. Past Simple (Thì Quá khứ đơn)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):

Type of Structures with normal verbs Structures with „be‟ verbs Examples
sentence (Cấu trúc với động từ thường) (Cấu trúc với động từ to be) (Ví dụ)
+ S + V(ed) + O + … S (I, you, we, they) + were + O I finished my homework
+… yesterday.
He was very handsome in
S (He, she, it) + was + O + …
his outfit last night.

- - S + did not (didn‟t) + Vinf + O S (I, you, we, they) + were not You didn‘t pick our
+… (weren‟t) + O + … daughter up yesterday.
Mary and I weren't with
S (He, she, it) + was not
our grandparents last week.
(wasn‟t) + O + …

Wh? Wh- + did + S + Vinf + O + …? Wh- + were + S (I, you, we, What did Edison invent in
they) + O + …? 1880?
Who was absent from the
Wh- + was + S (He, she, it) + V
class yesterday?
+ O + …?
Yes/No? Did + S + V + O + …? Were + S (I, you, we, they) + O Did you clean the house
+ …? last week?
Were you a member in our
Was + S (He, she, it) + O + …?
1.2. When to use Past Simple tense? (Cách dùng Thì Quá khứ Đơn)
We often use Past Simple when we talk about: (Chúng ta thường dùng Hiện tại Hoàn thành khi:)
- A completed action in the past (Những việc đã xảy ra và hoàn thành trong quá khứ.)
Ex 1: I had some good snacks yesterday.
Ex 2: I came to the supermarket to get some paper last night.
- Actions that follow other actions in the past. (Hành động xảy ra ngay sau hành động khác trong
quá khứ)
Ex 1: When I got to the hotel, I found my girlfriend there.
Ex 2: After I finished my homework, I went out with my friend.
- An activity that took place regularly in the past (Một hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ.)
Ex 1: I ate out every evening last week.
Ex 2: I parked my car on the same avenue last month.

1.3. Signs to use Past Simple tense? (Dấu hiệu dùng thì Quá khứ Đơn)
We often use Past Simple tense with phrase emphasize on times in the past, such as:
- yesterday (yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, …)
- last (last week, last month, last year, last semester ...)
- ago (five days ago, two minutes ago, …)
- in + year in the past (in 1991, …)
1.4. “Used to” – “Be used to”

Used to Be used to
Structure (cấu trúc) Used to + Vinf Be/Get used to + Ving/Noun

When to use Talk about past routines that we no Be used to: when we talk about being
(dùng khi nào) longer follow. familiar with doing something
(nói về thói quen trong quá khứ, nhưng (nói về việc đã quen với một việc gì đó)
bây giờ đã không còn tiếp tục nữa)
Examples I used to be a doctor. (Now I‘m not) I am used to being a doctor (I‘m still a
doctor now, but I‘m more familiar with
1. Look at Sara‟s schedule for yesterday, and finish the sentences below using the correct forms of
the words in brackets

1. (do?) What did you do yesterday?
2. (meet/ do) Well, in the morning,
3. (not have) I
4. (finish) In the afternoon
5. (do / evening?) What
6. (meet / go) In the evening
2. Complete using the correct form of verb in brackets. (Hoàn thành câu bằng dạng đúng từ trong ngoặc)
1. (you / enjoy) the film?

2. When I went to get the tickets, I realised I (not / have) any money.

3. When I was young, we (go) to France every year on holiday.

4. Elvis (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.

5. I (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello.

6. The old man (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down.

7. We (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.

3. Choose the correct phrases. (Chọn cách diễn đạt đúng.)

1. When she was a girl, my mum is used to living /used to live in a village.
2. People used to die / are used to dying of diseases in the past that we can cure today.
3. There is used to being / used to be a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it down.
4. It was strange at first, but I am used to playing / used to play the bagpipes now.
5. Did you use to have / Were you used to having blonde hair?
4. Fill in the blank with the correct spellings of these irregular verbs:
Infinitive Past tense Past participle














1. Read this conversation and then complete the definitions with the correct word in bold. (Đọc đoạn
email sau và tìm định nghĩa chính xác cho các từ in đậm)

1. Contract an official written agreement.

2. a period of exemption from work granted to an employee

3. the announcement of one‘s intention to quit an agreement or relation at a specified


4. cease to employ (a worker)

5. leave the company.

6. form an ending

7. agreements

8. the number of days per year for which an employer agrees to pay employees who are

9. rules or orders issued by an executive authority

10 improper behavior

11 time off from a job given to a mother/father after a child is born

12 to write down (one's name)

2. Choose the correct word form. (Chọn dạng từ đúng)

1. The regulates / regulations are very clear about parking in the loading zone.

2. Sandra will be absent / absence from the office for 10 days while she goes on a training course.

3. Mr. Henrick has received an acceptance / accept letter for the job that we offer to the best candidate.

4. Tim isn't going to sign / signature the contract until he has talked to his lawyer.

5. We have to terminate / termination the project because of a lack of funding.

6. It states here in your contract that your entitled / entitlement for paid vacation time is four weeks.

3. Now fill in the blanks with a word from the box. (chọn từ trong khung để điền vào chỗ trống)
fired layoff misconduct notice
sick leave signature vacation quit

1. He was fired from the company for misconduct .

2. Please add your at the bottom of the form.

3. If you decide to leave the company you must give at least one month's .

4. I was so angry that I shouted at our manager and then he me.

5. You will earn two days of paid time for every month you work here.

6. Did you hear that Marie her job? She got a better job offer.

7. Last month I was quite ill and took several days of

8. With the downturn of the economy, the factory has had to _ a large number of employees.

D. WRITING: Respond to a written request

1. Read a piece of email below. You will have to respond to the email and make AT LEAST
TWO RECOMMENDATIONS to change the regulations.
Đọc mẫu email dưới đây. Bạn sẽ phải trả lời email này và đưa ra ÍT NHẤT 2 ĐỀ XUẤT thay đổi.

2. Read the email extract below. Pretend that you‟re the supervisor and respond to this email giving
AT LEAST 2 REASONS not allowing this employee to be absent.


1. Past Continuous (Thì Quá khứ Tiếp diễn)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):

Type of Structures Examples

sentence (Cấu trúc) (Ví dụ)

+ S (I, he, she, it) + was +Ving + O + … I was listening to music at 9.00 yesterday.

S (You, we, they) + were + Ving + O + … We were throwing a party when my parents came

- S (I, he, she, it) + was not (wasn‟t) + Ving I was not playing games at 10pm last night.
We were not having fun when the teacher arrived.
S (You, we, they) + were not (weren‟t)
+ Ving + O + …

Wh? Wh- + was + S (I, he, she, it) + Ving + O What were you doing this time yesterday?
+ …?
Who was cleaning the room while the boss was
Wh- + were + S (you, we, they) + Ving + talking?
O + …?

Yes/No? Was + S (I, he, she, it) + Ving + O + …? Were they eating while the teacher was teaching?

Were + S (you, we, they) + Ving + O + Were they wandering around the street this time
…? last night?

1.2. When to use Past Continuous tense? (Cách dùng Thì Quá khứ Tiếp diễn)
We often use Past Continuous when we: (Chúng ta thường dùng Quá khứ Tiếp diễn khi):
- Talk about an action that was in progress at a certain point in the past (Nói về một việc đang
xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.)
Ex 1: I was doing my homework at 9.00 last night.
Ex 2: She was working as a CEO this time last year.
- Talk about an action that was in progress that was interrupted by another action (Nói về 1
việc đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì 1 việc khác chen ngang)
Ex 1: When I came home, my girlfriend was playing video games.
Ex 2: She was enjoying her vacation when her boss suddenly called.

- Emphasize the duration of the action (nhấn mạnh vào thời gian hành động diễn ra)
Ex: I was working for Team Enterprises all summer.
- talk about actions that continued at the same time in the past. (những hành động đang diễn ra
song song trong quá khứ)
Ex: I was looking for my phone while I was walking to the gate.

1. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the words in parentheses.
(Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)
While I (1) was reading (read) the flight information board, I (2) (notice) that my flight
left from a different terminal. I (3) (run) through the departure lounge to catch the airport shuttle
bus when I (4) (trip) over someone's luggage and (5) (drop) my handbag.
All the contents of my handbag (6) (fall) out onto the floor. While (7) (pickup)
my things, I (8) (see) a passport under a chair in the lounge. I (9) (reach) for
the passport when I (10) (hear) an upset passenger talking to an airport official. I quickly (11)
(go) over to them with the passport. But, while I (12) (talk) to the airport
official and the passenger, the shuttle bus (13) (leave). The airport official (14)
(arrange) for me to ride with some pilots and flight attendants who (15) (go)
to the other terminal. And that is how I (16) (meet) the pilot I (17) (marry).

2. Complete the sentences with the correct alternative. (Chọn đáp án chính xác nhất để hoàn thành câu)
1. I saw / was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray's birthday party.
2. Richard watched / was watching TV when the phone rang.
3. When we were on holiday, we went / were going to the cafe almost every day.
4. Denise practiced / was practising the song every day until she could sing it perfectly.
5. The phone was engaged when I called. Who did you talk / were you talking to?
6. Mr. Connors owned / was owning two houses and a villa in the south of France.
7. I did / was doing my homework as soon as I got home from school.
8. A car came round the corner and I jumped / was jumping out of the way.
9. When my dad met my mum, he worked / was working as a bus driver.
10. I got / was getting up at six o'clock every morning last week!
11. My cousin and I played / were playing on the computer when there was a power cut.
12. No, that's not right. I did pass / was passing the test. I got a B.

3. Choose the correct alternative (chọn đáp án đúng)
It is sometimes said that there is nothing new in the world of fashion. Annabelle was a well-known
model during the seventies. When her granddaughter Zoe was a schoolchild, she (1) was enjoying / used to
enjoy looking at granny‘s old photo albums. She (2) was finding / found it hard to believe that granny (3) was
wearing / used to wear such strange clothes. (4) Did people really use to think / Were people really thinking
flared trousers looked good? And those ugly platform shoes! Annabelle (5) was admitting / admitted that
people (6) were often falling / often used to fall over because their heels were so high. When Zoe went to
university, however, Annabelle noticed to her amusement that seventies styles (7) were / used to be in fashion
again. ‗I (8) planned / was planning to throw all my old clothes away,‘ she said, ‗but Zoe went to a party last
week, and guess what she (9) used to wear / was wearing – that‘s right, some of my old clothes!‘

1. Match the correct events with the pictures below
A. School party B. Wedding C. New Year‘s Eve D. Wedding E. Graduation F. Birthday

2. Read this text about New Year‟s Eve and match the words in bold with its definition. (Đọc các
đoạn văn sau và nối từ in đậm với định nghĩa đúng)

New Year‟s Eve

It is a special day for the people as this day is the beginning of the new year and they welcome the upcoming
year in their way. People start the preparation for the new year celebration many days earlier. People buy new
clothes, gifts and many new things from the market. Shops are full of the crowd these days. On the midnight of
31st December and on 1st January, there is a celebration of New Year all over the world.

On December 31st night, we recall all the good and bad memories of the whole year and say goodbye to the
going year and welcome the new year. Although different communities celebrate their new year on different
days according to their calendar, everyone celebrates the new year on 1st January, and this is a festival for all
the community people. And then people spread joy and happiness.

People around the world often celebrate the New Year‘s Eve with lots of parties, events and the final new year
fireworks at midnight. There are also special gatherings in many families.

1. Special not ordinary or usual.
2. show somebody or something that you are pleased that they are there.

3. a thing that you give to somebody, especially on a special event.

4. a period when people stop working to celebrate a special event

5. a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year.
6. to share

7. a meeting of people for a particular purpose

8. to remember something

9. a large number of people gathered together in a public place

10 a special event that people organize in order to celebrate something

11 something burns or explodes and produces bright coloured lights and loud noises

12 the act or process of getting ready for something or making something ready
3. Now fill in the blanks with a word from the box. (Chọn từ trong khung để điền vào chỗ trống)

calendar gathering recall preparation welcome

gifts special fireworks celebration

People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. Many start to do some preparations (1) for their homes
with lights, Christmas Tree and even more before the (2) marks December 24th. We also want to
have a family (3) to share our joy and (4) good and bad memories with each other.

When midnight falls, we often spread the joyful atmosphere via the famous ‗Merry Christmas‘, and
(5) our guests to visit us. That‘s when the (6) start to take place. In the next
morning, children, in particular, often receive a lot of (7) from their parents, who later fool them
by saying that the gifts come from the mythical Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an
increasingly commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a fortune on gifts and food.

Many schools, churches and communities organize (8) events, such as decorating the
neighborhood or shopping mall. It‘s very rare to see (9) on this event, but some places in the
world do have it.

4. Choose the correct answer verb to fill in the blank below.

1. We ran out of time and were forced to _ 3. The board members couldn't come to a
the meeting. so they had to hold a vote.
A. allocate A. grievance
B. address B. designate
C. adjourn C. consensus
2. If you have a please wait until Marie 4. Since everyone was so we were able to
has finished speaking. finish the meeting early.
A. commence A. participant
B. comment B. punctual
C. formality C. confidential

1. Respond to questions (Trả lời câu hỏi)
You will have to answer these questions immediately after the questions has finished. There will be no
preparation times.

(Bạn phải trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây ngay khi câu hỏi kết thúc, và sẽ không có thời gian chuẩn bị.)

Teacher: Imagine that an event hosting agency is doing a survey in your country. You have agreed to take in a
telephone interview about special events in your country.

a. What is your favorite event in your country?

b. In which time of the year in your place are there a lot of festivals?

c. Describe a special event that you remember the most?

2. Respond to questions using information provided (trả lời câu hỏi với thông tin cho trước)
You will answer 3 questions on the information provided. No preparation time is provided.

(Bạn sẽ phải trả lời 3 câu hỏi dựa trên các thông tin cho trước. Sẽ không có thời gian chuẩn bị.)

Time Events
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome
10:00 – 10:15 Declaration of Intention by Couple
Declaration of Support
Exchange of Vows
10:15 – 10:30 Exchange of Rings
Lighting of the Unity Candle
10:30 – 11:00 Official announcement

Teacher: Hello, this is Rebecca. I received the timetable for my wedding from your agency. However, my
phone has broken down and I don‘t have anything to check it, and I don‘t have any idea for the specific plans.
Would you mind answering some questions on the schedule?
a. Teacher: What is the time that guests should arrive at the ceremony‟s venue?
b. Teacher: What does the last part of the ceremony contain?
c. Teacher: Some of my friends couldn‟t come before 10:15? What will they miss?


Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture. Directions: In this section, you will be given two words or
phrases and a photograph. You will be asked to write one sentence about the photograph, using the two given
words or phrases. You can change the forms of the words and use them in any order. Your sentence will be
scored on grammar and how relevant the sentence is to the photograph. You will have 8 minutes for this part.

Questions 6 - 7: Respond to a written request
Directions: In this question, you will write a response to
an e-mail. Your response will be scored on vocabulary,
organization, and the quality and variety of your
sentences. You will have 10 minutes to read and respond
to each e-mail.
Directions: Read the email. In your email, ask TWO
questions and make ONE suggestion.

Directions: Read the email. In your email, ask ONE question and make TWO requests.

Question 8: Write an opinion essay
Directions: In this section, you will write an essay about a given issue. You will be asked to state your opinion
and explain and support the opinion. A successful essay will usually contain a minimum of 300 words. Your
essay will be scored on grammar, vocabulary, organization, and whether your opinion is supported with reasons
and examples. You will have 30 minutes to complete your essay.
Essay question:
Do you think that people are exposed to too much advertising these days? Use specific reasons and examples to
explain your answer.


1. Past Perfect (Thì Quá khứ Hoàn thành)
1.1. Structure (Cấu trúc):

Type of Structures with normal verbs Examples

sentence (Cấu trúc với động từ thường) (Ví dụ)

+ S + had + Vpii + O + … We had lived at the treehouse for a couple of months

before we moved in with John.

I‘d been single for a year until I decided to marry her.

- S + had + not (hadn‟t) + Vpii + O + … She was very upset because she had not finished her

The cat had already eaten before I filled her bowl.

Wh? Wh- + had + S + Vpii + O + …? Where had you been before the class?

What had you bought before I came?

Yes/No? Had + S + Vpii + O + …? Had you already got the flower when he visited?

Had they finished their dinner when I came by?

1.2. When to use Past Perfect tense? (Cách dùng Thì Quá khứ Hoàn thành)
We often use Past Perfect when we talk about: (Chúng ta thường dùng Quá khứ Hoàn thành khi):

- Situations and states before the past (Những việc đã xảy ra trước một hành động trong quá khứ
Ex: We‟d lived next to the lake for a year before I decided to join Barbara.
- Completed actions before a moment in the past. (Hành động đã hoàn thành ngay sau hành
động khác trong quá khứ)
Ex: I had already finished my dinner when John asked me to eat out.
- Completed actions where the important thing is the result at a moment in the past (Hành động đã
hoàn thành là nguyên nhân của một hành động khác trong quá khứ)
Ex: She hadn‟t felt like playing Scrabble because we had just finished a long game of Monopoly.

1.3. Notes (lưu ý)
- There are often few or no differences in meaning between Past Simple and Past Perfect.
For example:
Ex: We‟d lived next to the lake for a year before I decided to join Barbara.
= We lived next to the lake for a year before I decided to join Barbara.
- After we have used the past perfect simple once, we often then use the past simple instead
of continuing to use the past perfect. For example:
Ex: We had already had one flying lesson, which was great fun, and I knew immediately that I wanted to
get my pilot‟s license.

1. Complete using the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous of the verbs in the box. You
may need to use a negative form. (Sử dụng dạng Quá khứ đơn hoặc Quá khứ Hoàn thành của các
động từ trong bảng để hoàn thành câu. Bạn có thể phải sử dụng dạng phủ định)
Eat Stay Wait Know Write See Listen Get Have Run
1. By the time he died, Beethoven...................................................nine symphonies.
2. We chose the Hotel Rio because we..................................................there before.
3. I..................................................the film before, so I knew how it ended.
4. When he got married, I..................................................Chris for about two years.
5. Holly..................................................oysters before, so she wasn't sure what to do with them.
2. Complete using the correct answer. (Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu)
1. My brother and I.....................swimming almost
3. When the robbery happened, the security
every day last summer.
A. went
A. slept
B. had been going
B. was sleeping
C. were going
C. had slept
D. had gone
D. was slept
2. We.............when someone knocked at the door.
4. Jack chess before so I showed him what to do.
A. talked
A. hadn't been playing
B. had talked
B. didn't play
C. were talking
C. wasn't playing
D. were talked
D. hadn't played

5. I wasn't sure how Belinda would react because I 7. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he
………. her long. ………..
A. didn't know A. was already left
B. wasn't knowing B. already left
C. hadn't been knowing C. had already been leaving
D. hadn't known D. had already left
6. the factory long when he was 8. When we got to the airport, I realised I …………
made a manager. my passport at home!
A. hadn't been working A. was left
B. wasn't working B. had left
C. didn't work C. left
D. wasn't worked D. had been leaving
3. Choose the correct phrases. (Chọn cách diễn đat đúng)

Thought you‘d like to know that the conference was very successful. The talks (1) were / had been really
interesting and all the speakers (2) had prepared / prepared their material very thoroughly. Everyone agreed
we should do the same next year.
However, there were some problems with the conference centre. When we (3) arrived / had arrived, we (4)
discovered / had discovered that the manager (5) reserved / had reserved the wrong room for us. This meant
that we (6) didn‟t have / hadn‟t had enough space. Unfortunately, he couldn‘t let us have the larger room
because he (7) gave / had given it to another group, which was even bigger than ours.
He (8) also misunderstood / had also misunderstood the form explaining what lunch options we (9) wanted /
had wanted. In fact, we (10) suspected / had suspected that he (11) lost / had lost it. I recommend not using
that venue again!
Best wishes,

1. Match the words below with their definition. (điền những từ trong khung với định nghĩa của chúng)
introduce list out key memo report began manager discuss conference assistant
1. tell somebody what one‘s name is
2. a person who helps or supports somebody, usually in their job
3. most important
4. a person who is in charge of running a business
5. a large official meeting
6. write or talk about something in detail, showing the different ideas and opinions.
7. mention or include somebody/something in a list
8. an official note from one person to another
9. started doing something
10. an official document written by a group of people who have examined a particular
situation or problem.
2. Then use the words above to fill in the blank below (sau đó chọn từ thích hợp ở bài trên để điền vào
chỗ trống).
Chair: Good afternoon, everyone. If we are all here, let's get started. First, it is my great pleasure to (1)
James Anderson, Vice President of our London Metropolitan Area operations.
James Anderson: Thank you for having me, the pleasure is all mine.

Chair: I'd also like to introduce my new (2) , Mary Crawford.

Mary Crawford: Hello, it's nice to meet you all.

Chair: Mary is taking the minutes today and she will be passing round the attendance sheet in a moment. Make
sure to sign your name, please! Right. I'm afraid our sales (3) _, Mark Channing, can't be with us
today. He is in Paris, attending a (4) on spending trends in the European market.
Chair: Let's get started. We're here today to discuss ways of improving sales in the London metropolitan area.
First, let's go over the (5) from the last meeting which was held on January 5th. Right, Tessa, over
to you.

Tessa Simpson: Thank you, Terry. Let me just (6) the main points of the last meeting. We (7)
by reviewing the results of market research done last autumn. After discussing the (8)
findings, we had a brainstorming session on the changes that will need to take place.
Tessa Simpson: We then moved on to (9) earlier suggestions on customer service improvements.
You'll find a copy of the (10) with all the main ideas in front of you. The meeting was closed at 1.30

3. Choose the correct word form. (Chọn dạng từ đúng)
Read the following text and answer the questions below:

Calling a Meeting

There are a number of ways that you may call or be called to a meeting. Some meetings are announced by e-
mail, and others are posted on bulletin boards. If a meeting is announced at the end of another meeting, it is
important to issue a reminder. A reminder can also come in the form of an e-mail or notice. Verbal
announcements or reminders should always be backed up by documented ones. The date, location, time, length,
and purpose of the meeting should be included. It is also important to indicate exactly who is expected to attend,
and who is not. If you are planning on allocating someone to take on a certain role, make personal contact with
that person to inform them of his or her duty.

1. On which place should the announcement of a

meeting be posted, apart from e-mail?

A. Television

B. Bulletin boards
3. What is the closest meaning of the word
C. Walls “verbal” in line 3?
D. Phones. A. relating to actions
2. What should be done when a meeting is B. relating to verb
announced when another meeting ends?
C. written
A. A reminder should be issued
D. spoken
B. An email should be sent
4. What is not mentioned as things that should be
C. Someone should talk about it included in documented announcements?
D. Nothing A. time

B. venue

C. duration

D. plan

4. Read the text below and check your knowledge on the meaning of the highlighted words.

If the meeting is a small group, it is probably unnecessary to take attendance out loud. The person who is
taking the minutes will know everyone personally and can indicate who is present and who is absent. In a
larger meeting, it may be necessary to send around an attendance sheet or call out names. If an important figure
is absent, it may be necessary for the chairperson to apologize for his or her absence and offer a brief
explanation for it.

D. WRITING: Respond to a written request

1. Read a piece of email below. You will have to respond to the email. (Đọc mẩu email dưới đây và viết
email trả lời)
From: Nancy Jones, Administrative Assistant To: Supervisor
Sent: August 8
Re: Arranging time for the next meeting
Hello, everyone! Tomorrow, I am going to arrange the schedule for the next monthly meeting. I want to know more
Please reply to me before noon tomorrow and let me know if you have any special plans. Thanks.

2. Read the email extract below. Pretend that you‟re the supervisor and respond to this email giving
AT LEAST 2 REASONS to object the brief plan

From: Brian Hendry, Administrative Assistant

To: Managers
Sent: August 8
Subject: Asking for opinion on coming Annual meeting plan
Dear all managers! As you might know, the Internal Communication teams has
delivered a recommendation on the venue for our Annual meeting, which is the
Metropole Hotel.
However, due to the lack of information, we want to ask for your opinions before
making the final decision. Below are some details on the meeting, and if you have
any reasons to object this option, feel free to let us know.

LOCATION: Room 3 – Metropole Hotel
DATE: Friday, May 5th
TIME: 2:00 PM-4:00 P.M.
FOR: All employees and investors


1. Future Simple
1.1. Structure:
Type of
Structures Examples
+ S + will („ll) + V O + …
inf + I will start working on it tomorrow.
He will be ready in five minutes.
- S + will not (won‟t) + V + O + … inf I will not be able to join the meeting
Marie won‘t go to school next Friday.
Wh? Wh- + will + S + V + O + … ?inf When will you go out?
Who will take care of this task?
Yes/No? Will + S + V + O + …?
inf Will she be there on time?
Will Jack and Sarah recover from that
1.2. When to use Future Simple with “Will”
We often use ‗will‘ when we:
● Make a decision about the future at the time of speaking.
Đưa ra quyết định về tương lai tại thời điểm nói
Ex 1: It is 11:30 now. I will take over the stand while you have lunch.
Ex 2: What? Ken is in the hospital now? I will come to visit him.
● Give a prediction in the future without obvious clues.
Đưa ra 1 phỏng đoán trong tương lai nhưng không có chứng cứ cụ thể
Ex: People will get to Mars one day.
● Promise to do something.
Lời hứa
Ex: I promise I will never tell somebody about that.
1.3. Signs to use Future Simple with “Will”
We often use ‗will‘ when we encounter words and phrases that indicates future events, such as:
- Next + (Next week, next month, next year), tomorrow.
- One day, in the future, …
1.4. Notes:
- Sometimes, we can replace ―Will‖ with ―Shall‖, especially for ‗I‘ and ‗we‘. ―Shall‖ is more formal than ―Will‖. For
example: “We shall never forget the holiday we had in Vietnam.”

2. Exercises:
1. Put the verbs into the correct form of simple future tense:
1. You (earn) a lot of money.
2. You (travel) around the world.
3. You (meet) lots of interesting people.
4. Everybody (adore) you.
5. You (not / have) any problems.
6. Many people (serve) you.
7. They _ (anticipate) your wishes.
8. There _ (not / be) anything left to wish for.
9. Everything _ (be) perfect.
10. But all these things (happen / only) if you marry me.
2. Finish the sentences below:
1. I'm afraid I (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting (not/ take) place at 9 o'clock.
3. A: ―Go and tidy your room.‖
B: ―I (do) now.‖
4. If it rains, we (not/ go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she (pass) the exam.
6. A: ―I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?‖
B: ―Okay, I (not/ take) the bus, I'll come with you.‖
7. He (buy) the car, if he can afford it.
8. I've tried everything, but he (not/ eat).
9. According to the weather forecast, it (snow) tomorrow.
10. A: ―I'm really hungry.‖
B: ―In that case we (not/ wait) for John.

1. You are going to hear Bill and Mr. Boswell preparing a room for job interviews.
Listen and put a check beside the nouns that you hear in the conversation. Track 1
 Computer  Water  Scissors
 File  Music  News
 Table  Furniture  Noise
 Cabinet  Advice
 Scanner  Equipment
2. Look at the words in Exercise 1. Put them into the following categories. You do not need to use all
the words.
1. Office supplies
2. Electronic equipment
3. Furniture

3. Read this paragraph about office supplies and check your understanding of the words in italic.
My name is Max Jones. I recently opened a stationery store and I'm already supplying many of the businesses
in the area with all their office needs. My store is located in the center of town on the corner of 4th and Grand,
and is an easy walk from the surrounding offices and stores. I carry paper supplies, computer accessories, and a
variety of office accessories such as clocks, calendars and novelty items. Whether you need an eraser or a box
of paper clips, an address book or a study lamp, we have it.

Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution.
In your response, make sure you show that you recognize the problem and propose a way of dealing with
the problem.
―Hi this is Mia from A&U office. Recently our company is setting up for a new office. This is the first time I‘m
in charge of getting our office ready. It‘s in a hurry because it will be opened on 1st January and I don‘t know
what to buy to set up a proper office, especially office supplies. If anyone has an idea of what to buy, please
contact me. I would very much appreciate your help‖!


1. Near future tense:
1.1. Structure:

Type of sentence Structures Example

+ I + am + going to + Vinf + O I am going to visit my uncle next

You/we/they + are + going to + Vinf + O
She is going to go to the US
He/she/it + is + going to + Vinf + O

- S + am/is/are + not + going to + Vinf + O She is not going to pass the

I‘m not going to talk to him ever

Wh – questions? Wh-q + am/is/are + going to + Vinf + O ? Where are you going to study
abroad ?
Who is going to be in charge of
this section ?

Yes/No questions? Am/is/are + S + going to + Vinf + O? Are you going to come back to
your hometown this month ?
Is he going to take the IELTS
exam in May ?

1.2. When to use Near future tense:

Predictions: (Dự đoán)

We use be going to to predict something that we think is certain to happen or which we have evidence for now.
Ta sử dụng be going to để dự đoán 1 việc gì đó mà chúng ta nghĩ nó sẽ chắc chắn xảy ra hoặc có chứng cứ ở
hiện tại rằng nó sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.

+ It‟s going to snow again soon. (The speaker can probably see dark snow clouds.)
+ Look out! He’s going to break that glass.

Intentions: (Ý định)
We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions. Usually the decision about the future plans has
already been made.
Ta sử dụng be going to để nói về những kế hoạch tương lai hoặc ý định. Thông thường thì quyết định về kế
hoạch trong tương lai đã có từ trước.

+ She‟s going to be a professional dancer when she grows up.

+ I‟m going to look for a new place to live next month.

1.3. Note: Gonna ( Informal context ) = Be going to

Spoken English:

We use gonna /gənə/ instead of going to in informal contexts, especially in speaking and in song lyrics.
Ta sử dụng gonna thay cho going to trong bối cảnh thân mật , đặc biệt khi giao tiếp thường ngày hoặc trong
những lời bài hát.

+ Are you gonna try and get stuff sorted as soon as you can then? (Are you going to try and get things
organised as soon as you can?)

+ One day I‟m gonna be a star.

2. Exercises:

1. Put the verbs into the correct forms of near future tense:
1. She (come) to her grandfather‘s house in the countryside next week.

2. We (go) camping this weekend.

3. I (have) my hair cut tomorrow because it‘s too long.

4. She (not buy) a new house next month because she was robbed yesterday.

5. Our grandparents (visit) our house tomorrow. They have just informed us.

6. You (come) to John‘s birthday tomorrow? He has just invited us to his birthday party.

7. My mother _(go) out because she is making up her face.

8. They _ (sell) their old house because they have just bought a new one.

2. Put the verbs into the correct form by using “will” or “be going to”:
1. ―I am not going to play soccer this afternoon.‖
―What you (do)?‖
2. Look at those clouds. It (rain).
3. I feel terrible. I think I (be) sick.
4. ―Tom had an accident last night.‖ ―Oh! I see I_ (visit) him.‖
5. I think Li Li (like) the present we bought for her.
6. We visit our grandparents this evening.
7. ―Nam phoned you while you were out.‖ ―OK. I (call) him back.‖
8. I am tidying the room. I (hold) my birthday tonight.
9. I (see) the movie Dream City this evening.
10. ―Don‘t play soccer here again.‖ ―I‘m sorry. I (not do) that again.


Read the following passage and write the words in the blanks below:

access duplicate failed search

allocate display figure out shut down

compatible deleted ignore warning

When I try to (1) my computer, a (2) pops up and that says ― low memory‖.
From there, I can‘t (3) what to do. The computer won‘t let me (4) any of
my files, so I can‘t (5) for those I could delete. I‘ve already (6) _ all of my
(7) files, and I can‘t believe that my remaining files are using up so much memory. I'd be
happy to (8) the computer‘s warning, but I have no option, since the (9) is frozen
on this message. Do you think I‘ve (10) to understand something about the operations of this
computer? If you can, would you please (11) a few minutes in your busy schedule to help me
solve this dilemma? As I said before, I‘m sure that my software is (12) and not the source of
this problem.


1. Direction: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email.

Respond to the email as if you have recently moved to a new city. In your email to the committee, make at least
TWO requests for information.
2. Respond to the email as if you are trying to sell your house privately. Answer the questions and
provide at least TWO details about the neighborhood and ONE reason why you can or can‟t
negotiate the price.


A. Grammar: Comparative (So sánh hơn)

1. Short adjectives and adverbs (Tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn)

- Formula (Công thức):

+ Adj: S1 + tobe + adj-er + than + Noun/ Pronoun/ Object / S2 + Auxiliary V (Trợ động từ)

Example: He is shorter than me.

+ Adv: S1 + V + adv-er + than + Noun / Pronoun/Object / S2 + Auxiliary V

Example: He works harder than I do.

2. Long adjectives and adverbs (Tính từ dài và trạng từ dài)

- Formula:

+ Adj: S1 + to be + more adj + than + Noun/ Pronoun/ Object / S2 + Auxiliary V

Example: She is more beautiful than me.

+ Adv: S1 + V + more adv + than Noun / Pronoun / Object / S2 + Auxiliary V

Example: He speaks Korean more fluently than his friend.

*Note: We use less when we compare two things, to say that one thing is smaller in amount than another
thing.....We use more when we compare two things, to say that one thing is bigger in number or amount than
another thing.

Sử dụng less khi chúng ta muốn so sánh ít hơn giữa hai vật, còn more khi so sánh nhiều hơn.

Example: This pie is less bitter than that pie (Cái bánh này thì ít đắng hơn cái bánh kia)

This pie is more delicious than that pie (Cái bánh này ngon hơn cái bánh kia)

3. Exceptional form: (Trường hợp đặc biệt)

1. Adjectives that have two syllables but ending by letters ―y, le, ow, er‖, use it in the short comparative form

Tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng các chữ cái ― y, le, ow,er‖, thì sử dụng những từ đó ở dạng so sánh
hơn của tính từ ngắn.

Example: Happy -> Happier

Simple -> Simpler
Narrow -> Narrower
Clever -> Cleverer
2. Adjectives and adverbs that have 2 syllables ending by ―y‖, change ―y‖ to ―i‖ then plus ―er‖ to the adjectives
and adverbs.

Tính từ và trạng từ có 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng ―y‖, chuyển ―y‖ thành ―i‖ rồi thêm ―er‖ vào tính từ và trạng từ đó.

Example: Early -> Earlier

Dirty -> Dirtier

3. Exceptional adjectives and adverbs:

Adjective Adverb Comparative form

Good Well Better

Bad Badly Worse

Far Far Further

Little Little Less

Many/Much More


1. Put the words into the correct form of comparative

1. Are cats (intelligent) dogs?

2. She is (young) John.

3. Canada is (large) Vietnam.

4. My garden is (colorful) than this park.

5. His new boyfriend treats her (gently) her ex boyfriend.

6. My Geography class is (boring) my Math class.

7. My bedroom is (big) yours.

8. He did the homework (carefully) I did.

9. The weather this autumn is even (bad) last autumn.

10. This homework is (hard) than I thought.

2. Choose the correct words.

1. I think London is more expensive/ expensiver than New York.

2. Is the North Sea more big/ bigger than the Mediterranean Sea?

3. Are you better/ good than your sister at dancing?

4. My dad is funnier/ funny than your dad.

5. Crocodiles are more dangerous/ dangerously than dolphins.

6. Physics is badder/ worse than Chemistry.

7. Cars are much more safer / much safer than motorbikes.

8. Australia is hotter / more hotter than Ireland.

9. It is strange that coke is more expensive / expensiver than beer.

10. Non-smokers usually live more long/ longer than smokers.

C. Vocabulary:

1. Nan has taken care of the arrangements for Inez‟s business trip. She is telling Inez the plans she has
made. Before you listen, look at the picture. What do you think her plans are? What will the weather be
like? (Track 1)

2. Listen again and check if you were right.

3. Listen again and complete the sentences below.

1. What does Nan say about Inez‘s departure? ―You leave Tuesday evening at 6.00.‖

2. What does Nan say about the Kivilinna Guesthouse? ―It for repairs.‖

3. What does Inez say about getting into Helsinki? ―I just a taxi.

4. What does Nan say about Wednesday‘s transportation? ―They _ someone to your hotel to
pick you up at 9:30.‖

4. Below are some words you heard in the conversation concerning Inez‟s trip to the trade fair
in Helsinki. Group the words in the box in the categories below.

Amenities Book Complimentary Guesthouse Reserve Hotel


1. Place to stay

2. Arrange to have a room, table, etc.

3. Services


Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution.
In your response, make sure you show that you recognize the problem and propose a way of dealing with
the problem.

―Hi! This is Hannah, Mr. John's secretary. I've reserved a room at your hotel on 21st July for Mr. John business
trip. But he is a smoker and he wants a room that he could smoke inside. I'm asking if you could change the
previous room to the room that is suitable for his needs. Just let me know as soon as possible. Thank you in


1. Formation of Superlative Adjectives
As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
Cũng như thể so sánh hơn, có 2 dạng của tính từ so sánh hơn nhất.

● short adjectives: add "-est"

● long adjectives: use "most"
Formula: S + to be + the short adj-est + O
S + to be + the most + long adj + O

Short adjectives

1-syllable adjectives old, fast

2-syllable adjectives ending in -y happy, easy

Tính từ 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng -y

RULE: add "-est" old → the oldest

Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st late → the latest
Nếu tính từ kết thúc bằng -e, thì chỉ thêm -st

Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, big → the biggest
double the last consonant
Nếu tính từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm, nguyên âm, phụ âm thì ta gấp
đôi phụ âm cuối

Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to i happy → the happiest
Nếu tính từ kết thúc bằng -y thì ta đổi y thành i.

Long adjectives

2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y modern, pleasant

Tính từ 2 âm tiết không kết thúc
bằng -y

all adjectives of 3 or more syllables expensive, intellectual

Tất cả tính từ có 3 âm tiết hoặc
nhiều hơn

RULE: use "most" modern → the most modern

expensive → the most expensive

With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most":

Với 1 vài tính từ 2 âm tiết, ta có thể sử dụng cả -est hoặc -
most quiet → the quietest/most quiet
clever → the cleverest/most clever
narrow → the narrowest/most narrow
simple → the simplest/most simple

Exception: The following adjectives have irregular forms:

Những tính từ có dạng đặc biệt:

Use of Superlative Adjectives

● good → the best
● abad
We use → the worst
superlative adjective to describe one thing in a group of three or more things. Look at these examples:
far →
Ta sử● dụng the farthest/furthest
so sánh hơn nhất để so sánh 1 vật trong 1 nhóm hoặc từ 3 vật trở lên.

● John is 1m75. David is 1m80. Chris is 1m85. Chris is the tallest.

● Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is the biggest.
● Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

2. Exercises:

1. Put the adjectives into the correct form of superlative:

1. Who is............(tall) person in your family?

2. My mum is.............(good) cook in the world.

3. December is the….......(cold) month of the year in my country.

4. What‘s...............(dangerous) animal in the world?

5. Ethan is the.............(happy) boy that I know.

6. Where are..................(nice) beaches in your country?

7. She bought...............(big) cake in the shop.

8. Who is the..................(famous) singer in your country?

2. Choose the correct answer:
1. She is.........singer I‘ve ever met.

A. worse B. bad C. the worst D. badly

2. Mary is........responsible than Peter.
A. more B. the most C. much D. as
3. It the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy
4. She sings...............among the singers I have known.
A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful
C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully
5. She is.........student in my class.
A. most hard-working B. more hard-working

C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working

6. The English test was........than I thought it would be.
A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier
7. English is thought to be........than Math.
A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest
8. Jupiter is.........planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest
9. She runs …… in my class.
A. the slowest B. the most slow C. the slowly D. the most slowly
10. My house is........hers.
A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than


1. Read this paragraph about a business trip and check your understanding of the words in bold.
Usually a business trip is less stressful if the traveler knows something about the destination before making the
journey and has a well-planned itinerary. During periods when there are exhibitions or conferences, all kinds
of accommodations from expensive hotels to lower-priced guesthouses, can fill up quickly. When there are not
many vacancies, hotel receptionists will not accept bookings unless they get last-minute cancellations. So
company representatives travelling on business trips should reserve their hotel rooms ahead of time.
Fortunately, most hotels publish brochures, either online or in paper form, advertising the facilities and
amenities available. These amenities may include such things as the availability of a gym or swimming pool,
and complimentary meals. The hotel may provide courtesy transportation. In case it doesn‘t, a traveler should
have some local currency available to pay for the fare. Before registering at a hotel, travelers should pay
attention to this information if they don‘t want to be disappointed.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in italics.
1. The Clive Hotel offers guests a complimentary breakfast and a courtesy bus at the airport. courtesy /

2. I am going to look for comfortable at a small within a few blocks of the

station. accommodations / guesthouse

3. We can offer cheap and fast to your next . destination / transportation.

4. My is planned so i can attend several in the same region. itinerary / conferences
5. I have at a hotel with excellent . facilities / registered
6. I'm sorry. We are fully for next weekend, but we can put your name on a waiting list in case
of an unexpected . vacancy / booked


Direction: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an e-mail. You have
10 minutes to read and respond to each email.
E-mail 1:

From: Chris Dunvail

To: Owner of 2012 Karema XR
Subject: Interested in your car
Sent: May 15, 11: 52 AM
Hello. I‘m interested in purchasing the 2012 Karema XR you listed for sale on the Wheel and Deal web page.
Could you also tell me why you want to sell it? Thank you for your time.
Respond to the email as if you have recently listed your car for sale. In your email to the potential buyer,
answer their questions.

E-mail 2:
From: Jay Jackson

To: Mr. Kim

Subject: Confirmation
Sent: June 2, 2011
Dear Mr. Kim,

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of the management of H20 Hotel. The essence of the letter is to know
the things that you will be needing in your event. According to our record you made bookings on the 15th of this
month for the small conference centre of which you intend to use for your upcoming annual conference.

We want to assure you that your bookings have been recorded and we promised that you would get the real
value for your money. We would like to know if there‘s any request that you would like to make regarding the
things that you have to prepare for the seminar such as lights, extension cords, sound system etc. we will be
glad to assist you. We hope for your response.


Jay Jackson.

Respond to the email as if you were Mr. Kim. Ask TWO questions regarding your accommodation and
make TWO requests.


1. And, or and but
And, or and but join two or more words, phrases, or parts of the sentences.
The most common way to add a sentence or a phrase is and.
Eg: I gave the presentation and my colleague answered questions.
We often use ‗and‘ with ‗both‘.
Eg: We have both a schedule and a program.
We use or to connect two or more options.
Eg: We could book a flight or take the train.
We use but when the parts of the sentence show a contrast.
Eg: Lucy ran to the supply room to get new ones, but she discovered that we only had permanent markers.
But can be used with not only and also
Eg: I not only have experience in research but also in sales.
2. So, such, as and such as.
So and such
We both use so and such for emphasis.
Eg: The movie was so funny.
It is such a beautiful day.
We also use so and such to show a cause and a result.
Eg: I was tired so I left the office party early. (I was tired = cause; I left = result)
It was such a successful presentation (that) everyone stood up and cheered. (It was a successful
presentation = cause; everyone stood up and cheered = result)
We use so before adverbs, adjectives, and some quantifiers (many, much, little, few)
Eg: I was so happy about the sale (that) i brought a cake to the office to celebrate.
We had so many customers that we had to hire an extra salesperson.
We also use so when speaking to introduce a new idea, question, or comment.
Eg: Mr. John didn't have any ideas. So what happened next?
We can use as to connect two sentences.
Eg: As i understood the contract, we have to pay those fees. (As = The way that)
Eg: The alarm went off as I was approaching the door. (As = at the same time)
Eg: As it is my responsibility to protect our security systems, I check the alarm daily. (As = because, since)
Such as
We use such as to introduce examples.
Eg: We like watching American TV series such as Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Shameless,....

3. Too and enough
Too indicates more than one needs or wants. We can use it before an adjective or adverb.
We can also use it before much + an uncountable noun or many + a countable noun.
Eg: There was too much noise in the office. It was too noisy for me to concentrate.
He worked too quickly and made too many mistakes.
Enough means a sufficient amount or number. We can use it before a noun or after an adjective or adverb.
Eg: We saved enough money for a new car.
The instructions are clear enough for everyone to understand.
4. Grammar exercises:
1. Underline the correct work.
1. The service in that restaurant was so/ as/ such unpleasant that we couldn't recommend it.
2. It was hard to hear the talk because the presenter spoke so/ such/ such as quietly.
3. I‘ve never attended so/ such/ such as a motivating conference before.
4. It was so/ as/ such late when I left work that the buses were no longer running.
5. So/ As/ Such as before, you start by opening a new document.
6. Our company has outlets in several cities, as/ such/ such as Paris, Tokyo and New York.
2. Complete the sentences with enough or too.
1. A company can never do to attract and retain talented personnel.
2. Sam doesn‘t have self-motivation to be really successful in his job.
3. Although it paid well, my factory job was repetitive, so i quit.
4. Our profits have increased for us to invest in some new technology.
5. many complaints aren‘t solved quickly . We need to do something to improve the situation.
6. I am shy to give a presentation in front of a large audience.
3. Correct the mistakes in each sentence. The first one is done for you.
1. The customer wanted to return the dress or buy a suit. Or -> And.
2. Was the conference postponed but canceled?
3. Mr.Lee wanted to have the meeting today, or several people were out of the office.
4. He but wanted a new mouse for his computer.
5. Sue is going to the trade show but will give a product presentation there.
6. Our profits are up, or the outlook is still uncertain.

1. Read this paragraph about applying for jobs and check your understanding of the meaning of the
words in bold.
When employers want to fill a permanent or short-term/ temporary vacancy, they usually advertise
the position in a newspaper or on the Internet. If you want to apply for the job, you should send a well-written
cover letter and resume to the company or recruitment agency. You should give details of your
qualifications and references. If they think you might be the right candidate for the job, they will call you in
for an interview. As well as the right qualifications and relevant work experience, they might look for other
qualities, including people skills, communication skills, and the ability to work well as a team member. After
the interview the company will decide whether to reject or hire you.

2. Read this extract from an email and underline the correct word.

3. Match the sentences in column A with those in column B. The first one is done for you.
Column A Column B
1. I don‘t feel too disappointed - d a. I‘m looking for a temporary job.
2. I need to earn some money this summer. b. I would like a better position here.
3. I have been with this company for a long time. c. There are more vacancies than
4. I want to keep the same job until I retire. d. Lots of people were rejected for the
5. I‘m sure I‘ll get the job. e. I want a permanent job.

Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution.
In your response, make sure you show that you recognize the problem and propose a way of dealing with
the problem.

―Hi I‘m the founder of A&U English Center. Because the corona virus is spreading out seriously, so our country
is now lacking native speakers. I‘m calling out asking for your help on where I can find and hire them. If you
have any idea, leave me a message. I would be so thankful if you would give us useful advice.


Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase is missing. Select the best answer from the four choices to
complete the sentence. Mark (A). (B). (C), or (D).
1 The job requires an … team member.
6 Ms. Wong was looking forward to purchasing
(A) enthusiasm some duty-free …
(B) enthusiastically (A) bits
(C) enthusiastic (B) pieces
(D) enthuse (C) elements
2 There is a first aid … in the secretary‘s office. (D) items
(A) bag 7 The noise in this cafeteria is … loud.
(B) kit (A) much
(C) carton (B) too much
(D) equipment (C) extreme
3 Suzuki San is an authority … marketing (D) extremely
8 Alberto Martinez checked … at the airport two
(A) with hours before his flight.
(B) of (A) on
(C) on (B) off
(D) by (C) in
4 Of the two parking lots, one was for customers (D) at
and … was for staff.
9 Did you see that Sibley's has been … more staff?
(A) other
(A) renting
(B) others
(B) collecting
(C) the others
(C) hiring
(D) the other
(D) making
5 The chairperson was … our response to
the agenda item. 10 I propose that we … now and meet again at 2
(A) surprising with
(A) adjourning
(B) surprised at
(B) to adjourn
(C) surprised for
(C) adjourned
(D) surprise about
(D) adjourn
Part 6: Text Completion
Directions: Read the text below. Select the best word or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B), (C), or
Questions 11-13 refer to the following memo.
To: All personnel
From: Jane Ross Re: Travel expenses
It has become clear to management that some staff members abused their use of company credit and …
for their business expenses at the recent trade fair. This has … the company a lot of money. Because of this, the
procedures for reporting and claiming expenses while on company business have had to be reviewed and
updated. A special committee met over the weekend and has come … with several recommendations.
Management has decided to implement several of them effective next week.
Please read the enclosed new rules, I do hope all staff members will understand the importance of strictly
following these rules. They are for the good of the company.

11. (A) overcharge

(B) overcharging
(C) overcharges
(D) overcharged
12. (A) paid
(B) improved
(C) cost
(D) estimated
13. (A) up
(B) over
(C) above
(D) on top of

Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Directions: In this section, you will read documents such as advertisements, email correspondence, newspaper
articles, and letters. Select the best answer. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).
Questions 14-16 refer to the following message.
14 Who made the phone call?
(A) Ms. Darren
(B) Ms. Platini
(C) Mr. Maher
(D) Mr. Gere
15 Why was the call made?
(A) To change Mr. Gere's travel plans
(B) To return a call to Ms. Darren
(C) To cancel a meeting at Micro Appliances
(D) To notify Mr. Maher of the new meeting time
16 What should Mr. Maher do?
(A) Meet Ms. Platini at Micro Appliances
(B) Attend the meeting at 6 P.M. on Tuesday
(C) Call Mr. Gere back
(D) Change the meeting time

Questions 17 - 18 refer to the following invoice.

17 How many spark plugs did Ari Luokala buy? 18 How much did Ari pay Wattayah Automotive?
(A) 1 (A) 220.000
(B) 2 (B) 921.000
(C) 5 (C) 73.680
(D) 6 (D) 847.320

Questions 19-23 refer to the following two memos.
19 On what day was the fire drill originally 22 Why have the instructions for leaving the
planned? building been changed?
(A) Monday (A) A change of time has been made
(B) Tuesday (B) The fire escape will be blocked off
(C) Wednesday (C) Staff would get in the way of the repair work
(D) Thursday (D) The restructuring of the building will be
20 Why was the drill postponed? finished
(A) Because repairs are being done to the outside of 23 What have staff members been asked to do
the building before the drill?
(B) Because management was worried about the (A) Avoid using the elevator
fire escape (B) Change the time of the drill
(C) Because the original day chosen was not (C) Pass on the new information
convenient (D) Be on the ground floor for the drill
(D) Because of technical complications
21 What exit should a worker on the second floor
use during the drill?
(A) The front entrance
(B) The inside staircase
(C) The fire escape
(D) The elevator


1. Reported Speech (Câu tường thuật/Câu gián tiếp)

1.1. What is Reported Speech? (Câu tường thuật là gì?)

- We use Reported Speech when we want to say something someone else said. (Chúng ta sử dụng Câu tường
thuật để nói lại điều mà người khác nói.
- If the reporting verb is in the past (e.g. said), we usually have to change the tense of what the person actually
said. (Nếu động từ tường thuật ở dạng quá khứ, ví dụ như ‗said‘, thì ta thường phải thay đổi thì của câu gốc mà
người đó đã nói.)
Example (ví dụ):

Direct Speech (Câu trực tiếp) Reported Speech (Câu tường thuật)
1. Tom said: ―I am going to the supermarket‖. Tom said (that) he was going to the supermarket.

2. Jerry asked me: ―What do you often do in your

Jerry asked me what I often did in my free time.
free time?

1.2. Use of reported statements and questions (Cách tường thuật các câu phát biểu thường
và câu hỏi)
- The most common verbs that introduce a reported statement are “tell” or “say”. A reported question is
introduced with the word ―ask‖.
(Hai động từ hay dùng nhất để tường thuật lại 1 câu phát biểu thường là “tell” và “say”. Với câu hỏi, ta thường
dùng động từ “ask”.)
Ex 1: My mom told me: “You are beautiful.” My mom told me that I was beautiful.

Ex 2: Her brother said to her: “I love Laura.” Her brother said to her he loved Laura.
- When we report statements and questions, we may need to make changes in the verb tense, pronoun, and
time/place phrases.
(Khi ta tường thuật lại câu phát biểu và câu hỏi, ta có thể sẽ phải thay đổi thì của động từ, đại từ và các cụm từ
chỉ thời gian.)
Ex: His teacher asked him: “Where were you last night?” His teacher asked him where had he been the
previous night.

- How you should change the verb tenses in reported speech (Cách thay đổi các thì trong câu tường thuật):

Direct Speech Reported Speech Examples:

'I need a credit card,' said Tim.
Present Simple Past Simple
Tim said he needed a credit card.
I am taking Lizzie shopping,' said Tim.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Tim said he was taking Lizzie shopping.
'I've bought Tom a present,' said Tim.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Tim said he had bought Tom a present.
'I spent six euros, 'said Tim.
Past Simple Past Perfect
Tim said he'd spent six euros.
'I was hoping to find a new top,' said Tim.
Past continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Tim said he had been hoping to find a new top.

'I'd looked everywhere for my credit card before I found

it,' said Tim.
Past Perfect Past Perfect (no changes)
Tim said he'd looked everywhere for his credit card
before he found it.
'I'm going to go shopping,' said Tim.
Am/is/are going to Was/were going to
Tim said he was going to go shopping
'I will need a credit card, ' said Tim.
Will Would
Tim said he would need a credit card.
'I can take Lizzie shopping,' said Tim.
Can Could
Tim said he could take Lizzie shopping
'I must go to the supermarket,' said Tim.
Must/have to Had to
Tim said he had to go to the supermarket.
'I may go shopping later,' said Tim.
May Might
Tim said he might go shopping later.

- How you should change pronouns in reported speech (Cách thay đổi các đại từ trong câu tường thuật):

Direct Speech Reported Speech Examples:

'I've lost my credit card, ' said Tim.
my his/her
Tim said he had lost his credit card.
I love this sweater,' said Tim.
this/that + noun the/that + noun
Tim said he loved the / that sweater.
This is a lovely sweater,' said Tim.
this/that + verb it
Tim said it was a lovely sweater.
'I love those sweaters,' said Tim.
these/those + noun the/those + noun
Tim said he loved the / those sweaters.
These are lovely sweaters,' said Tim. •
these/that +verb they
Tim said they were lovely sweaters.
'I'm going to buy these,' said Tim.
verb + these/those them
Tim said he was going to buy them.

- How you should change time and place in reported speech (Cách thay đổi các từ/cụm từ chỉ thời gian trong
câu tường thuật):

Direct Speech Reported Speech Examples:

'I usually shop here,' said Tim.

here there
Tim said he usually shopped there.
'I'm shopping at the moment,' said Tim.
now/at the moment then/at that moment Tim said he was shopping moment then / at that
I'm going shopping tomorrow, ' said Tim.
tomorrow the next/following day Tim said he was going shopping the
next/following day.
'I'm going shopping tonight,' said Tim.
tonight that night
Tim said he was going shopping that night.

'I'm going shopping next week,' said Tim.
next week/month/year the following week/month/year Tim said he was going shopping the following
'I went shopping yesterday,' said Tim.
yesterday the day before/the previous day Tim said he'd been shopping the day before I
the previous day.
I went shopping last week,' said Tim. • Tim said
the week/month/year before he'd been shopping
last week/month/year
or the previous week/month/year Tim said he'd been shopping the week before
/ the previous week.
'I went shopping two days ago,' said Tim.
ago before/previously Tim said he'd been shopping two days before
I previously.

1.3. Reported Questions Structure (Cấu trúc câu tường thuật của câu hỏi)
- We still use the same rules regarding tense, pronouns and time/place phrase change. (Vẫn sử dụng cùng quy
tắc biến đổi thì, đại từ và cụm từ chỉ thời gian/địa điểm)

- Structure (cấu trúc):

+ In direct questions we use the question form and question marks (E.g. Can you ...?). (Trích dẫn trực tiếp thì
vẫn sử dụng dạng câu hỏi và có dấu hỏi ở cuối câu.)
+ In reported questions we don't use the question form or question marks (E.g. asked if he could ... ) (Khi biến
về dạng tường thuật thì sẽ không còn ở dạng câu hỏi và không có dấu hỏi ở cuối câu.)

Direct Speech Reported Speech Examples:

Yes/No questions 'Can you get me an ice cream, Tom?' asked Tim.

(have/do/be/or use ―if‖ or ―whether‖ Tim asked Tom if /whether he could get him an ice
modal) cream.

Wh- Questions
what, who, which, when, 'Why did you buy these shoes?' asked Tim.
(What, who, which, where, why and how
when, where, why Tim asked me why I had bought those shoes.
where, why and how
and how)

1.4. Reported verbs: (Tường thuật bằng động từ)
- Instead of reporting the speaker's exact words, we can use different verbs to show the attitude of the speaker.

(Thay vì tường thuật lại bằng chính xác từ của lời nói, ta có thể sử dụng các động từ khác để thể hiện thái độ
của người nói.)
Reporting verbs can be followed by that, to-infinitive, a preposition + -ing I noun, or pronoun/ noun. (Các động
từ tường thuật này có cách dùng của riêng chúng.)
+ Verb + someone + that: assure, inform, persuade, remind
Ex: The manager informed the staff that the store would close later during the summer.

+ Verb + that: agree, announce, believe, claim, complain, deny, explain, insist, promise, propose, reply,
request, suggest, think

Ex: Jeff denied that the accident was his fault.

+ Verb+ someone+ to-infinitive: advise, ask, encourage, invite, remind, urge, want, warn

Ex: She invited me to take a seat.

+ Verb + to-infinitive: agree, ask, claim, otter, propose

Ex: The teller offered to see if a loan officer was available to talk to me.
+ Verb +someone+ a preposition+ -ing / noun: advise about/ on/ against, remind about, congratulate on, thank
Ex: She advised me against renting an apartment in that area of town.

+ Verb + a preposition + -ing I noun: complain about/ to, apologize for, insist on
Ex: She apologized for leaving the lights on.

+ Verb + someone + noun: offer, promise

Ex: Lisa offered Anna a ride to work.

+ Verb + -ing + noun: accept, admit, suggest

Ex: Lee Wong suggested selling the stocks.

1. Rewrite as reported questions, beginning with the words given. (Viết lại câu dưới dạng tường thuật)
1. 'Have you had your ear pierced?'
My mum asked me if ...........................................................................................................

2. 'Can I meet you there at six o'clock tonight, Doug?'

Julian wanted to know whether ..........................................................................................

3. 'Are you still moving to Blackpool next week?'

Fiona asked Rod and Jenny whether ...................................................................................

4. 'Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?'

I asked Mrs Daley if Graham ................................................................................................

5. 'Do you want someone to feed your cat while you're away?'
Jan asked me if ....................................................................................................................

6. 'Can you guess what I've given Lindsay for her birthday?'
Daisy asked Wendy if ...........................................................................................................

7. 'Do you love me or not, Gloria?'

Fred asked Gloria whether ..................................................................................................

8. 'Will Simon be coming to the party tomorrow night'

Adrian wondered whether ...................................................................................................

9. 'Tell me if you were anywhere near 34 Aylesford Street last night.'

The police officer demanded to know whether Sykes ........................................................

2. Rewrite as direct questions. (Viết lại câu dưới dạng trực tiếp)
1. She asked me why I was thinking of quitting the gym.

2. He asked her what the difference was between a refugee and an asylum seeker.

3. They asked us how we had got on with Peter three days before.

4. I asked them when they had last been on holiday.

5. She asked him which of them he preferred.

6. I asked you how you were going to get to Manchester tomorrow.

7. Carl asked Megan who she had been out with the weekend before.

8. Megan asked Carl what gave him the right to ask questions like that.

3. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. (hoàn thành câu, sử dụng dạng đúng của từ
trong bảng)

agree apologize ask claim deny order refuse state suggest tell

1. If you a question, put your hand up.

2. I .................................................. very clearly several times already that this government is not going to be
blackmailed by terrorists.
3. The general....................................................the soldiers to retreat, which they did as quickly as they could!

4. Isabelle,...................................................that story about the giraffe. I love that story!

5. Glenda me for losing my CD player.

6. If cooperate with the police, you would have been in big trouble!
7. I'd like....................................................waiting a few more days before we make a final decision.

8. The politician....................................................having done anything wrong, despite the evidence against him.
9. help you with your homework, not do it all for you!

10. Some thieves .................................................. to be electricity meter readers so they can gain access to
people's houses.

1. Match the words below with their definition. (điền những từ trong khung với định nghĩa của chúng)

apply provide uniform temporary permanent

CV interview opportunity responsibility

1. a written record of your education and the jobs you have done, that you send when
you are applying for a job
2. formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a
particular job
3. give something to somebody

4. make a formal request, usually in writing, for something such as a job.

5. lasting for a long time or for all time in the future

6. the synonym of chance.

7. a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something

8. lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time

9. the special set of clothes worn by all members of an organization or a group at work

2. Then use the words above to fill in the blank below (sau đó chọn từ thích hợp ở bài trên để điền vào
chỗ trống).

saturday provide uniform advertisement half

interviews CV temporary many apply

Pauline: Good morning, how can I help?

Andrea: Good morning. I would like to ask about the job (1) I saw yesterday in a newspaper.
Pauline: Oh, yes. My name's Pauline and I'm the assistant manager. Are there any questions you'd like to ask?
Andrea: Well, could you tell me how (2) hours there are exactly in the contract?

Pauline: 37

Andrea: And how many days per week would I have to work?
Pauline: 4 days per week plus every other (3)
Andrea: Would I have to wear (4) ?
Pauline: No, but you would have to wear the clothes from our shop.

Andrea: Would I have to pay for them?
Pauline: No, we provide our staff with some new clothes twice a year.

Andrea: It says in the advertisement that it is a (5) position, but it doesn't say for how long.
Pauline: It's for (6) a year but there is a chance that this position will become permanent.
Andrea: That's great. How do I (7) for this job?

Pauline: You can leave your (8) with me and we'll be inviting people for (9) with the
manager next week.
Andrea: Thank you very much. Here's my CV. You'll find my phone number and address there.

Pauline: See you next week then. Bye.

3. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank. (Chọn từ đúng để điền vào chỗ trống)

candidate contract strengths weaknesses

night shift interviewer turn down experience

1. Two things an interviewer sees in a candidate are and .

2. A formal agreement which is signed when a candidate is selected by a company is called .

3. Working during night is also known as working in .

4. Earlier exposure to different jobs or positions is called _.
5, The person interviewing candidates is called _ .

6. A person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job is called

7. means to refuse or decline someone‘s offer or request.

4. Choose the best answers. (Chọn đáp án chính xác nhất.)

1. "I've been very careful about the companies 3. The second one showed clear , but
where I have ." I valued his _ more.
A. sent A. bad - good
B. checked on B. weaknesses – strength
C. applied. C. terrible – well
2. That is by far the most suitable 4. Great, let‘s have our signature on the
man for the assistant position at this moment. right away!

A. candidate A. paper
B. contract B. note
C. contract

5. I like the interviewer, but with such a poor offer, B. experience
I think I‘ll have to .
C. jobs
A. turn down
7. I have a today, but I‘m busy with
B. turn over my girlfriend. Can you switch with me?
C. turn up A. busy
6. I had plenty of working as a B. night shift
C. absent
A. period

D. WRITING: Respond to a written request

1. Read a piece of email below. You will have to respond to the email to accept the interview
invitation (Đọc mẫu email dưới đây và viết email trả lời đồng ý với lịch phỏng vấn)

Subject: Invitation to interview Dear Ms. Sarah Potts

As a result of your application for the position of Account Analyst, I would like to invite you to attend an interview o
Please bring three references as well as a copy of your driver's license, to the interview. If the date or time of the inte
Best regards, Thomas Gunn

2. Read the email extract below. Pretend that you‟re the supervisor and respond to this email to
turn down the offer, giving AT LEAST 2 REASONS.

Dear Felix Navarro,

We are excited to be offering you a full-time position as a Graphic Designer at Company ABC, reporting directly to
Per your conversation with Marvin Yates, we‘d like to offer you an annual starting salary of $6,000 paid out on a mo
If you decide to accept this role, your anticipated start date will be March 12, 20201 at our 1234 Southern Avenue lo
Further information is included in the document attached below.
To accept this offer, please email me aby March 02, 2021 and I will get you started with the rest of the onboarding p
We are excited about the possibility of you joining Company ABC! If you have any questions, please contact me dir
Adam Smith



We can make questions by adding a tag question to the end of a statement. In the tag question, the verb goes
before the subject, like in a yes/no question. (Chúng ta có thể đặt câu hỏi bằng cách thêm câu hỏi đuôi và cuối
câu trần thuật. Trong câu hỏi đuôi, động từ đứng trước chủ ngữ như trong câu hỏi yes/no.)
To make a tag question, we use an auxiliary verb (e.g. have, do) modal verb (e.g. can, should) or the verb to be,
and a pronoun (e.g. he, she). The auxiliary verb and pronoun match the statement. When the statement is
positive, the verb in the tag question is negative. When the statement is negative, the verb in the tag question is
positive. (Để đặt câu hỏi đuôi, chúng ta sử dụng trợ động từ (vd: have, do), động từ khiếm khuyết (vd: can,
should) hoặc động từ to be, và một đại từ (vd: he,she). Trợ động từ và đại từ cần khớp với câu trần thuật. Khi
câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định, động từ trong câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định. Khi câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định,
động từ trong câu hỏi đuôi ở thể khẳng định.)
+ -
Amy is representing us at the trade fair, isn‟t she?
Joseph works in our Houston branch, doesn‟t she?
The books have been delivered, haven‟t they?

+ -
Joseph hasn‟t left yet, has he?
Amy can‟t pick up the package, can she?
The invoice didn‟t go out yesterday, did it?

When the tag is negative and the subject is I, we use the auxiliary ‗are‘ in place of ‗am‘. I‟m late, aren‟t I?
(Khi câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định và chủ ngữ là I, chúng ta sử dụng trợ động từ are‘ thay cho ‗am‘. I‟m late,
aren‟t I?)
When the speaker uses a tag question to confirm an opinion, the speaker‘s voice goes down. (Khi người nói sử
dụng câu hỏi đuôi để khẳng định một quan điểm, người nói sẽ xuống giọng.)

I don‘t have to write up the report, do I? (The speaker expects the answer to be no.)

It is difficult work, isn‘t it? (The speaker expects the answer to be yes.)
When the speaker uses a tag question to ask for some information, the speaker‘s voice goes up. (Khi người nói
sử dụng câu hỏi đuôi để hỏi thông tin, người nói sẽ lên giọng.)

I don‘t have to write up the report, do I? (The speaker doesn‘t know and is asking for this information.)

1. Complete the conversation with tag questions.
weren‘t you
James: You were at the staff meeting yesterday, 1..............................?
Eva: Yes, you didn‘t go, 2…...................................?
James: No, I was out of town. What was it about?
Eva: You read the email about the customer service problems, 3…...............................?
James: No, I didn‘t but someone told me about it. We‘ve had a few complaints, 4…....................................?
Eva: Yes, about 20, I think
James: They were mostly about defective products, 5…...................................?
Eva: Yes, and there were also complaints about discourteous staff.
James: Really? That can‘t be a big problem, 6…....................................?
Eva: I‘m afraid so. You remember when Phil shouted at a customer, 7…...................................?
James: Oh, yes, of course. But he was fired, 8…...................................?
Eva: Yes, he was. But I think the management is just worried. They don‘t want that to happen again,
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. He's still sleeping,
6. They will wash the car,
A. is not he?
B. isn't he? A. will it?
B. won't they?
C. wasn't he?
C. wouldn't they?
2. You do go to school, _
7. We must lock the doors,
A. do you?
A. mustn't they?
B. aren't you?
B. shouldn't we?
C. don't you?
C. mustn't we?
3. Let's go for a walk,
8. I'm right,
A. shall we?
A. amn't I?
B. shan't we?
B. am not I?
C. will we?
C. aren't I?
4. We won't be late,
9. So you bought a car,
A. won't we?
B. will we? A. did you?
C. are we? B. haven't you?
C. weren't you?
5. Nobody called,
10. You wouldn't like to invite my Dad,
A. do they?
B. didn't they? A. did you?
C. did they? B. would you?
C. won't you?
1. Read the following passage and write the words in the blanks below
Service advantage insurance retirement
salary skills offer review
benefits signed raises wage
An important part of the job search often comes after an (1)..............................has been made. Papers should
not be (2) …………………. until you have successfully negotiated your (3)...............................and benefit. You
want to make sure you will be adequately compensated for your (4)............................., work, and time. This is a
delicate and difficult area. You should be aware of what the salary ranges are at the company and in the field.
Some workers are not on a salary; rather they work for an hourly (5)...............................In some cases, workers
who earn an hourly wage have more flexibility with the hours they work. The trade-off is that the worker may
not receive any (6)..............................For those workers on a salary, the base salary that is negotiated is
because most subsequent pay (7)........................come in small incremental amounts. Most companies have a (8)
…………………. process either on an annual or semiannual basis. As a result of the review, an employee may
receive a raise
Each employee has a unique situation. Health (9) …………………coverage and (10).............................plans
may be essential to some employees, whereas they are not important to others. Many companies will offer
benefits in such a way that it is to the employee‘s (11) stay with the company for a longer
period of time. Employees may not be eligible to sign up for a retirement plan until they have been with the
company for one year and employees are not fully vested in these plans until they have five years of (12)
…………………under their belts. Some bonus plans are paid out over a period of years. Vacation time
increases after more years of service.
2. Read this paragraph and check your understanding of the words in bold then answer the questions.
A healthy workplace environment is good for your company as it could lead to bringing sales for business. A
healthy workplace environment improves productivity and reduces costs related to turnover, workers‘
compensation, and medical claims. Supportive workplace environment is one of the most important aspects to
look into when creating a healthy workplace environment:
Everyone has personal problems, and it is only human that some personal emotions get brought into the
workplace. Try not to ignore them but instead, find the core of the problem and be a supportive employer by
showing concern. Your employee may come in to work depressed due to the passing of a loved one or they had
a terrible weekend.
As an employee, show compassion and be there for them. You do not need to sit by them the whole day, but by
dropping an email, saying your doors are always open for them, shows that you not only care about the
progress of the company, but you also care about the well-being of your employees. Remember that a
supportive workplace culture is the foundation of a healthy workplace environment.
1. What are the advantages of a good working environment?
2. How can employers help employees with personal problems?
3. What should employers pay attention to besides the development of the company?

Part F: Express an opinion
Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic.
Teacher: Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company.
Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


There are three types of conditional sentences. (Có 3 loại câu điều kiện)

Type Condition

We use the first conditional when we talk about future situations, we believe are real or possible.
(Chúng ta sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 1 để nói về những tình huống trong tương lai mà chúng ta tin
I rằng có thật hoặc có thể xảy ra.)

The second conditional is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or
II unlikely in reality. (Câu điều kiện loại 2 được dùng để tưởng tượng ra những tình huống ở hiện tại
hoặc tương lai không thể xảy ra trong thực tế)

Third conditional sentences are used to explain that present circumstances would be different if
something different had happened in the past. (Câu điều kiện loại 3 được sử dụng để nói về những
III tình huống hiện tại sẽ khác đi nếu như một sự việc nào đó trong quá khứ xảy ra theo một hướng

1. Form (Các dạng câu điều kiện)

Type If-clause Main clause

I Simple Present will-future or (modal + infinitive)

II Simple Past would + infinitive

III Past Perfect would + have + past participle

2. Examples (if-clause at the beginning) (Ví dụ, mệnh đề if ở đầu câu)

Type If-clause Main clause

I If I study, I will pass the exam.

II If I studied, I would pass the exam.

III If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.

3. Examples (if-clause at the end) (Ví dụ, mệnh đề if ở cuối câu)

Type If-clause Main clause

I I will pass the exam if I study.

II I would pass the exam if I studied.

III I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

4. Examples (affirmative and negative sentences) (Ví dụ, câu khẳng định và câu phủ định)

Type Examples

Long forms Short/contracted forms

I + If I study, I will pass the exam. If I study, I'll pass the exam.

If I study, I will not fail the exam. If I study, I won't fail the exam.
If I do not study, I will fail the exam. If I don't study, I'll fail the exam.

+ If I studied, I would pass the exam. If I studied, I'd pass the exam.

If I studied, I would not fail the exam. If I studied, I wouldn't fail the exam.
If I did not study, I would fail the exam. If I didn't study, I'd fail the exam.

If I had studied, I would have passed the

+ If I'd studied, I'd have passed the exam.

If I had studied, I would not have failed the If I'd studied, I wouldn't have failed the
exam. exam.
If I had not studied, I would have failed the If I hadn't studied, I'd have failed the
exam. exam.

* We can substitute could or might for would (should, may or must are sometimes possible, too). (Chúng ta
có thể thay would bằng could hoặc might, thỉnh thoảng cũng có thể thay bằng should, may hoặc must)

● I would pass the exam.

● I could pass the exam.
● I might pass the exam.
● I may pass the exam.
● I should pass the exam.
● I must pass the exam.

1. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
a) If you (go)……………..out with your friends tonight, I (watch)........................the football match on TV.
b) I (earn) ……………..……………..a lot of money if I (get)............................................that job.
c) If she (hurry / not) ……………..…………….., we (miss).............................................the bus.
2. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.
a) If he (try)…………………………………. harder, he (reach).......................................................his goals.
b) I (buy) …………………………………. these shoes if they (fit) …………………………………. .
c) It (surprise / not) …………………………………. me if he (know / not)............................................the

3. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.
a) If we (listen) …………………………… to the radio, we (hear)..............................................the news.
b) If you (switch) ……………………… on the lights, you (fall / not).......................................over the
c) She (come) ………………………… to our party if she (be / not)..........................................on holiday.

4. Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).

a) If I am/ will be/ were/ had been/ would be/ would have been stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
b) If we'd seen you, we stop/ will stop/ stopped/ had stopped/ would stop/ would have stopped.
c) If we meet/ will meet/ met/ had met/ would have met him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
d) He would have repaired the car himself if he has/will have/had/had had/would have/would have had the
e) If you drop the vase, it breaks/ will break/ broke/ had broken/ would break/ would have broken.
f) If I hadn't studied, I do not pass/ will not pass/ did not pass/ had not passed/ would not pass/ would not
have passed the exam.
g) I wouldn't go to school by bus if I have/will have/had/had had/would have/would have had a driving
h) If she doesn't see/ won't see/ hadn't seen/didn't see/ wouldn't see/ wouldn't have seen him every day, she'd
be lovesick.
i) I don't travel/ won't travel/ didn't travel/ hadn't travelled/ wouldn't travel/ wouldn't have travelled to
London if I don't get a cheap flight.
j) We'd be stupid if we tell/ will tell/ told/ had told/ would tell/ would have told him about our secret.

1. Complete 13 words that describe the best workplaces
1. F_n
2. Ch_lleng_ng
3. Fri_nd_y
4. Rew_rd_ng
5. Fl_xi_le
6. Sup_ort_ve
7. E_cit_ng
8. Carin_
9. Pr_fe_sional
10. Te_mw_rk
11. Po_itive
12. Comf_rta_le

2. Read this paragraph and check your understanding of the words in bold and make sentences with
these words.
Here are some tips on how to implement a few of these elements into your own culture!
1. Fun
Provide in-office games, like a ping pong table or board game station.
Host themed office parties for common holidays.
Surprise employees by bringing in coffee, catering lunch, or hosting a happy hour.
2. Challenging
Encourage employees to take on different responsibilities outside their daily tasks.
Push employees to create challenging goals.
Use GOOD one-on-one meetings for thought-provoking career discussions.
3. Friendly
Create a welcoming onboarding experience.
Hold quarterly, cross-departmental gatherings so employees get to know other teams.
Assign a culture coach to new hires to teach them how the organization functions and answer any questions.

Direction: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state,
explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of
300 words. You will have 30 minutes.
Some people believe a high salary is the most important factor when choosing a job. Others believe that a good
working environment is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



An embedded question is a type of question which is included within another question or sentence. It is
different from other types of questions. Sentences that include embedded question usually begin with common
introductory phrases like: (Câu hỏi phức là dạng câu hỏi nằm trong một câu hỏi khác hoặc một câu khác. Câu
hỏi phức khác với các dạng câu hỏi khác. Các câu có chứa câu hỏi phức thường bắt đầu bằng các cụm từ như:)
There should be no question mark at the end of the sentence if the embedded question is part of a statement. If
the question
o Could is inyou
present or past indefinite form, then the auxiliary verb should be omitted and the verb needs to
tell me
be changed to its appropriate
o I‟d like to know form. (Nếu câu hỏi phức là một phần của câu trần thuật thì cuối câu sẽ không có
dấu chấm
o I‟mhỏi. not
Nếusurecâu hỏi ở thì hiện tại hoặc quá khứ, cần phải bỏ trợ động từ đi và thay đổi dạng của động từ.)
o Do you know
For example:
o I wonder
Would What
Direct oQuestion: you mind
work did he do best?
o Let‟s
Embedded ask I‘d like to know what work he did best.

Direct Question: What is her name?

Embedded Question: I wonder what her name is.
If there‘s an ―auxiliary‖ or ―to be‖ verb included within the embedded question, the position of the subject and
the ―auxiliary‖ or ―to be‖ verb needs to be reversed. (Nếu có trợ động từ hoặc động từ to be ở trong câu hỏi phức,
vị trí của chủ ngữ và trợ động từ, hoặc động từ to be cần được đảo lại.)

For example:
Direct Question: Is the doctor available?
Embedded Question: Could you tell me if the doctor is available?

Direct Question: What was his job here?

Embedded Question: I wonder what his job was here.

Using verbal contraction at the end of the sentence is not acceptable in the case of embedded questions. (Không
được viết tắt ở cuối câu hỏi phức.)

Direct Question: How tall are they?

Embedded Question: Do you know how tall they are? (correct)
Embedded Question: Do you know how tall they‘re? (incorrect)

Direct Question: How talkative is she?

Embedded Question: Can you tell me how talkative she is? (correct)
Embedded Question: Can you tell me how talkative she‘s? (incorrect)
There are some questions which don‘t have any question words and so they begin with an auxiliary verb. In
such cases, embedded questions are introduced by whether, if and whether or not. (Một số câu hỏi không bắt
đầu bằng từ để hỏi thường bắt đầu bằng trợ động từ. Trong trường hợp này, câu hỏi phức sẽ đứng sau whether,
if và whether or not.)

For example:
Direct Question: Was she sick?
Embedded Question: Could you tell me if she was sick or not?
Or, Could you tell me whether or not she was sick?
Or, Could you tell me whether she was sick or not?

Direct Question: Are you mad?

Embedded Question: I wonder if you are mad or not.
Or, I wonder whether or not you are mad.
Or, I wonder whether you are mad or not.
Sometimes the question word can be followed by an infinitive, as shown in the following example: (Đôi khi,
động từ nguyên mẫu có thể theo sau các từ để hỏi như trong ví dụ sau:)

Direct Question: Where could I look for her?

Embedded Question: Could you tell me where I could look for her?
Embedded Question with an Infinitive: Could you tell me where to look for her?

Direct Question: How should I prepare for a train journey?

Embedded Question: I‘m not sure how I should prepare for a train journey.
Embedded Question with an Infinitive: I‘m not sure how to prepare for a train journey.

At times native English speakers tend to use embedded questions rather than direct questions while inquiring
about something because it makes the question sound more polite. (Đôi khi, người bản ngữ có xu hướng sử
dùng câu hỏi phức nhiều hơn câu hỏi trực tiếp khi yêu cầu một việc gì đó vì nó khiến cho câu hỏi trở nên lịch sự

For example:

Direct Question: When does the train leaves for Chicago?

Question: Can you please tell me when the train leaves for Chicago?
1. Choose the correct answer
1. what you know about me. d) Do you know if or not you are bored?
a) I wonder what you know about me. 7. if he was being honest or not?
b) I‘m not sure what you know about me? a) I‘d like to know if he was being honest or not.
c) Let‘s ask what you know about me. b) I‘m not sure if he was being honest or not?
d) Would you mind what you know about me? c) Could you please tell me if he was being honest or
2. why he was running late. not.
a) Let‘s ask why he was running late. d) Would you mind telling me if he was being honest
b) I‘m not sure why he was running late? or not?
c) I‘d like to know why he was running late. 8. what I should do now.
d) Do you know why he was running late. a) Could you please tell me what I should do now.
3. if it can be done within tomorrow? b) I‘m not sure what I should do now
a) I don‘t know if it can be done within tomorrow? c) Do you know what I should do now?
b) I wonder if it can be done by tomorrow? d) I wonder what I should do now?
c) I‘m not sure if it can be done by tomorrow. 9. how I can prepare tea?
d) Could you please tell me if it can be done by a) Could you please tell me how I can prepare tea.
tomorrow? b) I wonder how I can prepare tea?
4. how irresponsible he is? c) I‘m not sure how I can prepare tea?
a) I wonder how irresponsible he is? d) Would you mind telling me how I can prepare tea?
b) I wonder how irresponsible is he 10. if I can do this or not.
c) Would you mind telling me how irresponsible he is? a) I‘m not sure if I can do this or not?
d) Would you mind telling me how irresponsible he is? b) I don‘t know if I can do this or not.
5. how conservative they are? c) I wonder if I can do this or not?
a) I‘m not sure how conservative they are? d) Let‘s ask if I can do this or not?
b) Would you mind telling me how conservative they 11. when the meeting will be held?
are? a) Could you please tell me when the meeting will be
c) Could you please tell me how conservative they‘re? held?
d) I‘d like to know how conservative they are? b) I‘m not sure when the meeting will be held?
6. you are bored. c) I don‘t know when the meeting will be held?
a) I wonder whether or not you are bored. d) Let‘s ask when the meeting will be held?
b) Could you please tell me if or not you are bored.
c) Would you mind telling me if or not you are bored?

12. when the bus leaves for New York? 17. whether or not I‘ll be able to play today.
a) I wonder when the bus leaves for New York? a) Do you know whether or not I‘ll be able to play
b) I don‘t know when the bus leaves for New York? today.
c) Do you know when the bus leaves for New York? b) Let‘s ask whether or not I‘ll be able to play today?
d) Let‘s ask when the bus leaves for New York? c) I‘m not sure whether or not I‘ll be able to play
13. if you accept this or not. today.
a) I‘m not sure if you accept this or not? d) Could you please tell me whether or not I‘ll be able
b) I‘d like to know if you accept this or not. to play today.
c) Could you please tell me if you accept this or not. 18. if they‘ll join us or not.
d) Would you mind telling me if you accept this or a) Do you know if they‘ll join us or not.
not. b) Let‘s ask if they‘ll join us or not.
14. giving me the direction towards the hospital? c) Would you mind telling me if they‘ll join us or not.
a) Could you please give me the direction towards the d) I wonder if they‘ll join us or not?
hospital. 19. whether or not I can rely on his words
b) I wonder if you‘d mind giving me the anymore.
direction towards the hospital? a) Do you know whether or not I can rely on his words
c) Would you mind giving me the direction towards anymore?
the hospital? b) Let‘s ask whether or not I can rely on his words
d) Let‘s ask if you‘d mind giving me the anymore?
direction towards the hospital? c) Would you mind telling me whether or not I can
15. if it‘s available or not. rely on his words anymore.
a) Let‘s ask if it‘s available or not. d) I don‘t know whether or not I can rely on
b) Could you please tell me if it‘s available or not. him anymore.
c) I wonder if it‘s available or not? 20. where we should go next.
d) Do you know if it‘s available or not. a) Do you know where we should go next?
16. what‘s wrong with him. b) Could you please tell us where we should go next.
a) I‘m not sure what‘s wrong with him? c) I wonder where we should go next.
b) Could you please tell me what‘s wrong with him. d) Would you mind telling us where we should go
c) I‘d like to know what‘s wrong with him? next?
d) I wonder what‘s wrong with him.
2. Change the normal question into an embedded question. Start with 'I don't know'.
1) Where does she live?
2) What arrived in the post?
3) How did they have the idea?
4) When is she working?
5) Why did he leave?
6) Has she eaten?
7) Have they found a flat?
8) Did the teacher go on the training course?
9) Did Julie like school?

10) Will David get a new job?
11) Whose socks are those?
12) Where is the office?
13) Who drinks coffee?
14) How did it happen?
15) Why will she be sleeping at 7pm?
16) Will I pass the exam?
17) Does Jenny own a car?
18) Had I had dinner before I met Jack?
19) Is the boss coming today?
20) Has Amanda got a new job?

1. Listen to the question and the three responses. Choose the response that best answers the question.
Track 1
1. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ
2. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ
2. Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer. Track 2
1. Who is the audience for this talk?
3. What length of time does the speaker recommend
(A) Customers and clients for a lease?
(B) Landlords (A) Four years
(C) Lawyers (B) Five years
(D) Tenants (C) Nine years
2. What should a business owner do before signing (D) Ten years
a lease?
(A) Make sure her business is successful
(B) Look at the neighborhood
(C) Get more customers
(D) Occupy the space

3. Questions 19-23 refer to the following e-mail message
To: Ted Van Dorn
From: Bernadette Riley
Subject: Office space
Date: April 10
I have found the solution to our office problems. I know that you have been wanting to get out of the
neighborhood where our office is currently located, but that you have been apprehensive about the cost of
renting in a better neighborhood. I have found an office downtown that I am sure we can afford. It is a bit
smaller than our current space, but I think it will be big enough. The best part is, the rent is the same as we are
paying now. This is due to the fact that the office is not in excellent condition. However, I think it will be easy
for us to paint it and make a few small repairs. The space will be available for occupancy on the fifteenth of
next month. We have the option of signing a one- or two-year lease, so we won't have to lock ourselves into a
long-term contract. However, in order to get the low rent, we have to sign by the thirtieth of this month. If you
are interested in this, I can arrange for you to see the space this weekend. Let me know as soon as possible.
1. Why doesn't Ted like his current office?
4. The word apprehensive in line 3 is closest in
(A) It is in a bad location.
meaning to
(B) It is too expensive.
(A) certain.
(C) It isn't big enough.
(B) relaxed.
(D) It isn't in good condition.
(C) anxious.
2. When can Ted and Bernadette move into the new
(D) delighted.
5. The word condition in line 6 is closest in
(A) April 10
meaning to
(B) April 15
(A) state.
(C) May 10
(B) price.
(D) May 15
(C) location.
3. What do they have to do before the end of this
(D) requirement.
(A) Paint the office
(B) Sign the lease
(C) Change the locks
(D) Leave their old office

Part F: Express an opinion
Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic.
In some countries, people prefer to rent a house for accommodation, while in other countries people prefer to
buy their own house. Does renting a house have more advantages or disadvantages than buying a house?
Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.



1. Functions of the passive voice (Chức năng của câu bị động)
The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the
person or object that performs the action. (Câu bị động được dùng để nhấn mạnh người hoặc vật trải qua 1 hành
động thay vì người hoặc vật thực hiện hành động đó.)

 The passive voice is used frequently. (= we are interested in the passive voice, not in who uses it.)
 The house was built in 1654. (= we are interested in the house, not in who built it.)
 The road is being repaired. (= we are interested in the road, not in the people who are doing
the repairs.)
Sometimes we use the passive voice because we don't know or do not want to express who performed the
action. (Đôi khi chúng ta sử dụng câu bị động vì chúng ta không biết hoặc không muốn đề cập đến người thực
hiện hành động)

I noticed that a window had been left open.

 Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
 All the cookies have been eaten.
 My car has been stolen!
The passive voice is often used in formal texts. Switching to the active voice will make your writing clearer and
easier to read. (Thể bị động thường được sử dụng trong những đoạn văn trang trọng. Chuyển câu bị động sang
chủ động sẽ khiến cho bài viết rõ ý và dễ đọc hơn)

Passive Active

A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well- A few well-chosen words convey a great deal of
chosen words. meaning.

Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wraps around our planet.

Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of
If we want to say who or what performs the action while using the passive voice, we use the preposition by.
When we know who performed the action and are interested in him, it is always better to switch to the active
voice instead. (Nếu chúng ta muốn đề cập ai đó hoặc cái gì thực hiện hành động khi dùng thể bị động, chúng ta
sử dụng giới từ by. Khi chúng ta biết rõ ai thực hiện hành động và muốn nhấn mạnh người này, chúng ta nên
chuyển sang dùng câu chủ động.)

Passive Active

"A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Beatles. The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night".

The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET.

This house was built by my father. My father built this house.

2. Forming the passive voice (Tạo câu bị động)

The passive voice in English is composed of two elements: the appropriate form of the verb 'to be' + past
participle (Thể bị động trong tiếng Anh gồm 2 yếu tố: dạng đúng của động từ to be + phân từ 2)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

The house was built in 1899. The house wasn't built in 1899. Was the house built in 1899?

These houses were built in 1899. These houses weren't built in 1899. Were these houses built in 1899?
3. Tenses in passive voice (Các thì trong thể bị động)

Subject + to be (conjugated) + past participle + rest of sentence

Simple present

The house is cleaned every day.

Present continuous

The house is being cleaned at the moment.

Simple past

The house was cleaned yesterday.

Past continuous

The house was being cleaned last week.

Present perfect

The house has been cleaned since you left.

Past perfect

The house had been cleaned before they arrived.


The house will be cleaned next week.

Future continuous

The house will be being cleaned tomorrow.

Present conditional

The house would be cleaned if they had visitors.

Past conditional

The house would have been cleaned if it had been dirty.


The house must be cleaned before we arrive.

4. Passive voice with infinitives (Thể bị động với động từ nguyên mẫu)
The infinitive passive voice is used after modal verbs and other most verbs normally followed by an infinitive.
(Thể bị động với động từ nguyên mẫu được sử dụng sau động từ khiếm khuyết và hầu hết các động từ khác
thường được theo sau bởi một động từ nguyên mẫu.)


 You have to be tested on your English grammar.

 John might be promoted next year.
 She wants to be invited to the party.
 I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
 You may be disappointed.

5. Passive voice with gerunds (Thể bị động với danh động từ)
Gerunds are used after prepositions and verbs normally followed by a gerund. (Danh động từ được sử dụng sau
giới từ và động từ theo sau bởi một danh động từ)

 I remember being taught to drive.

 The children are excited about being taken to the zoo.
 The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.
 Most film stars hate being interviewed.
 Most film stars hate to be interviewed.
 Poodles like to be pampered.
 Poodles like being pampered.

1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the passive voice in the correct tense

1. The week (DECLARE).

2. Your tomorrow afternoon. (MUST FINISH)
3. That house............................since I was a child. (NOT PAINT)
4. this hotel (NOT ALLOW)
5. After all the flights...........................the tourists checked in at the airport hotel.(CANCEL)
6. The car............................for over a week (NOT WASH).
7. He...........................a new contract last year (GIVE)
8. This the Beatles in 1967. (WRITE)
9. The earth...........................if we try hard enough to do something (CAN SAVE)
10. The new the moment. (BUILD)

2. Change the sentences to passive by filling in the missing words

1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.

2. People speak English all over the world.
3. Where did they invent gun powder?
4. The police didn't find the missing girl last weekend.
5. Tourists don't visit this museum very often.
6. Workers are building a new fun park in town.
7. When did they translate this book into English?
8. Women send thousands of emails to the star every month.
9. Sally brought me some fresh grapes.
10. Some dangerous looking men were following me the whole evening.
11. George told me about the incident at dinner.
12. They are holding the election next week.
13. The cleaning lady has watered the plants.
14. You must put coins into the slot machine.
15. Sharon will meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel.
16. Have they delivered the new music system yet?
17. You can obtain further information at the desk.
18. You should send your children to a good school.
19. They won't take a decision until the next meeting.
20. They have never opened the door before.


1. Underline the correct word

1. I want to rent office space in a building / builder / build near the business district.
2. We don't provide soft furnished / furnishings / furniture in our apartments.
3. The real estate agent has many rents / renters / rentals on his website that we could consider.
4. They were wondering if we had any houses that needed renovate / renovation / renovator.
5. My landlord owns / owner / ownership and rents out several buildings in this area.
6. Do you have any residents / residential / residences for sale in the La Paloma district?
2. Check the meaning of the words in bold.
An apartment, in most cities, is a better arrangement for families to live in and offers numerous advantages.
There are certain pros to owning a house but this does not come without a cost and not all families can afford a
house. I believe that living in an apartment brings more benefits.
To begin with, a landlord has to pay the tax, bear the cost of maintenance, renovate the house every year and
face many other obstacles and disputes. On the contrary, someone living in a flat does not have to take those
things. All he has to do is pay the utility bills and enjoy the service offered by the building authority. To cite an
example, my uncle who is 3 years younger to my father, had once sought legal advice for the dispute he had
regarding his house and this continued for more than 5 years.
Moreover, a house owner gets stuck in a certain place and it is difficult for him to move to stay near his office
or his child‘s school. However, an apartment dweller can easily move to a new location to live near of the place
he or his family members need to travel to and from frequently. On top of that, purchasing a house is a
complicated process and requires a great deal of money and compared to that, apartment agreements are much
flexible and middle-class people can afford that.
To conclude, an apartment is a smart arrangement for people to have a living place and this comes with
numerous facilities on one hand and eliminates several responsibilities and costs on the other hand. Personally,
I would like to own a flat in a nice location than owning a house with a lot of responsibilities.

Direction: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state,
explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of
300 words. You will have 30 minutes.
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment.
Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.



Relative clauses give information about a noun (or noun phrase). They are linked to the noun (or noun phrase)
by a relative pronoun (e.g. who, which). The relative pronoun can be either the subject or the object of the
clause, and we do not use another pronoun in the clause to refer to the noun: (Mệnh đề quan cung cấp thông tin
về danh từ (hoặc cụm danh từ). Chúng được nối với danh từ (hoặc cụm danh từ) bằng đại từ quan hệ (Vd: Who,
which). Đại từ quan hệ có thể là chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ của mệnh đề và chúng ta không sử dụng một đại từ khác
để chỉ danh từ đó)
Why not install lights which have a timer? (not why not install lights which they have a timer?)
1. Relative pronouns (Đại từ quan hệ)
We use
• who to refer to people:
Please welcome Mike Bowers, who is going to talk to us about how to look after your home.
• which to refer to things:
These are dangerous if you live in a flat which is in a large high-rise building.
• that to refer to people or things:
Find someone that can check on your home while you're away.
Store away any objects that could become damaging missiles.
‗That‘ is an alternative to who and which and is more common in spoken English.
‗That‘ is not used in non-defining relative clauses (see below).
• where to refer to places:
This is your home, the place where you keep your most treasured possessions.
• when to refer to times:
Programme them to come on at times when you would normally be home.
• whose to show possession:
You're a person whose job involves a lot of travel.
He lives in an old house, whose roof needs repairing.
• why after the reason or reasons:
There are often very good reasons why one house is burgled and another is not.

2. Defining relative clauses (Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định)
Defining relative clauses give information after a noun to identify the noun more clearly: (Mệnh đề quan hệ xác
định cung cấp thông tin sau danh từ để xác định danh từ đó rõ hơn)
Find someone who can collect your mail for you.
Store away any objects that could become damaging missiles if it gets windy. (the relative clause identifies
the type of objects)
Without these relative clauses, it is unclear which person, place or thing we are referring to: Store away any
objects if it gets windy. (we do not know which objects) (Không có các mệnh đề quan hệ này, người nghe sẽ
không rõ chúng ta đang đề cập đến người nào, nơi nào, vật nào: Cất bất kỳ đồ vật nào khi trời trở gió)
We can leave out the relative pronoun when it refers back to the object of the defining relative clause. Compare:
(Chúng ta có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ khi nó đề cập đến tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ xác định)
Maybe there's a neighbour (that) you can ask. (neighbour is the object of the verb)
In the evening, a house that's very dark can really stand out. (house is the subject of the verb: not a house is
very dark can really stand out)
3. Non-defining relative clauses (Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định)
Non-defining relative clauses add extra, non-essential information about something. Compare: (Mệnh đề quan
hệ không xác định bổ sung thêm thông tin ‗không quá cần thiết‘ về đối tượng đang được đề cập)
I applied to the university, which is located in the centre of the city. (there is only one university, so its location
is extra information: non-defining) (chỉ có 1 trường đại học duy nhất nên vị trí của nó là thông tin bổ sung thêm:
I applied to the university which is located in the centre of the city. (there is another university which is not in
the centre of the city: defining) (có một trường đại học khác không nằm ở trung tâm thành phố: defining)
With non-defining relative clauses (với mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định)
• we do not use the relative pronoun ‗that‘ (chúng ta không dùng đại từ quan hệ ‗that‘)
The burglars got in through the kitchen window, which the owners had forgotten to shut. (not the kitchen
window, that the owners)
• we separate the relative clause from the main clause with commas. There may be two commas or one comma
depending on whether the relative clause comes in the middle of a sentence or at the end: (chúng ta dùng dấu
phẩy để tách mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề quan hệ. Có thể có 2 hoặc 1 dấu phẩy tuỳ thuộc vào việc mệnh đề quan
hệ đứng ở giữa câu hay cuối câu.)
A letterbox can become full of uncollected letters, which is a great help to a burglar.
Mr Smith, who was my primary school teacher, got married last week.
• we cannot leave out the relative pronoun (chúng ta không thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ)
My new house, which I have just redecorated, is much larger than my old house. (not my new house, I have just
• the relative pronoun can refer to a single noun phrase or to a whole clause (đại từ quan hệ có thể chỉ một cụm
danh từ hoặc cả một mệnh đề)
My neighbour, who lives upstairs, often looks after my flat. (who refers to my neighbour)
Some people seem to think it's just a matter of locking all the doors, which is fine as long as there are no
nasty storms while you are away. (which refers to the whole of the first phrase)

Compare the key differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses:
Defining relative clauses: Non-defining relative clauses:
• identify the thing that you are talking about • give additional, non-essential information
• ‗that‘ can replace who or which • that cannot be used
• the relative pronoun can be left out if it refers to the • the relative pronoun cannot be left out
• must have commas
• no commas
4. Prepositions (Giới từ)
When prepositions are used with relative clauses they usually come at the end of the clause in spoken English:
(Khi giới từ được sử dụng trong mệnh đề quan hệ, chúng thường đứng ở cuối mệnh để trong văn nói)
You may have a neighbour that you can rely on. (informal)
In formal style the preposition can be placed before the relative pronouns which or whom: (Trong văn phong
trang trọng, giới từ có thể được đặt trước đại từ quan hệ which hoặc whom)
I was unsuccessful in obtaining a place at any of the universities to which I applied.
My boss, for whom I have worked for over 30 years, has decided to retire.

1. Match the beginnings (1-10) and endings (a-j) of these sentences and join them by adding a relative
pronoun. In which two sentences can the relative pronoun be left out?
1. The college has many students who, d (example) a. Mozart performed many of his operas.
2. My cousin Phillip is a solicitor; he was the one b. flat I rent.
3. I went to a school c. every student wants to have.
4. I visited the theatre d. are classed as 'mature' because they are over 21.
5. Why don't you call again at a time e. advised me to study law.
6. Mrs Jackson is the kind of teacher f. I'm not as busy.
7. Faraday was the man g. invented the first electric motor.
8. Is there any reason h. factory burned down yesterday?
9. What was the name of that company i. didn't have very good sport facilities.
10 That's the woman j. manufacturers like to keep demand above supply?

2. Rewrite the sentences below as single sentences using non-defining relative clauses.
1. My father lives in a small house full of ornaments. This makes it really difficult to dean.
My father lives in a small house full of ornaments, which makes it really difficult to dean.
2. Some students take a year out before university. This allows them to work or travel.
Some students………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The Guggenheim Museum is in Bilbao. It only displays contemporary art.
The Guggenheim Museum………………………………………………………………………………..
4. My English teacher is leaving. His lectures are very interesting.
My English teacher………………………………………………………………………………..
5. The lecture was about current economic policy. It was not very easy to understand.
The lecture ………………………………………………………………………………..
6. In 1951 my parents arrived in New York. They stayed there for the rest of their lives.
My parents arrived in New York ………………………………………………………………………………..
7. I gave my assignment to the faculty secretary. She was not very friendly.
I gave my assignment ………………………………………………………………………………..

1. Match the words with the correct definition.
1. architectural a. a thing that is made of several parts, especially a
2. construction
b. to build or make something such as a road,
3. preserve building or machine
4. standard c. relating to architecture and buildings
5. primary d. to change the structure or shape of something
6. construct e. a thing that has been built or made
7. expansion f. main; most important; basic
8. remodel g. empty; not being used
9. vacant h. an act of increasing or making something increase
10. structure in size, amount or importance
i. a level of quality, especially one that people think
is acceptable
j. to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make
sure that something is kept

2. Questions 1-3 refer to the following articles

Local Business
March 23
The famously small Caravanne Café will soon increase its floor space by taking over a nearby building. —
[1] —. Owner Ibraham Akkad says he is excited about his popular restaurant's expansion because it is too
small at present to handle the large crowds wanting to eat there, especially on weekends.
Mr. Akkad has already begun updating the eatery's current dining area, located at 72 Clover Street. — [2]
—. At the same time, he is busy remodeling the vacant structure next door, which was previously occupied
by Kainer's Clothing Store. The opportunity to rent the larger neighboring storefront arose when, after 23
years at the same location, owner Roselyn Kainer decided to move her business to Marax Shopping Plaza.
— [3] —
. "I grabbed the chance to rent the space," Mr. Akkad said.
Mr. Akkad has not set a timeline for the completion of the expansion, but said that it will be celebrated with
1. aWhat
[4] —. Its opening
mainly hours, menu, and other2.information
discuss? can be found
What is suggested at
about Kainer's Clothing Store?
(A) A local business event (A) It is managed by Mr. Akkad.
(B) Changes to a restaurant's menu (B) It used to be located on Clover Street.
(C) The expansion of a business (C) It used to occupy a smaller space than
Caravanne Café.
(D) The popularity of a weekend event
(D) It opened a second branch in Marax Shopping
3. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"He would like patrons to know that the business will operate as usual until then."
(A) [1 ]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Part F: Express an opinion
Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic.
Some people think that newly built houses should follow the style of old houses in local areas. Others think that
people should have freedom to build houses of their own style. Discuss both these views and give your own



Reduced relative clauses refer to the shortening of a relative clause which modifies the subject of a sentence.
Reduced relative clauses modify the subject and not the object of a sentence. (Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn là
những mệnh đề được rút gọn đi nhưng vẫn có thể xác định rõ chủ ngữ của câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn chỉ
dùng để xác định rõ chủ ngữ và không dùng để xác định rõ tân ngữ của câu.)
Types of reduced relative clauses (Các dạng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn)
1. Present participle:
Relative clauses have an active meaning Present participle: Nếu mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề chủ động thì rút
thành cụm hiện tại phân từ (V-ing).
- The man who stood/ stands/ is standing at the door is my uncle The man standing at the door is my uncle.
2. Past participle:
Relative clauses have a passive meaning Past participle: Ta có thể dùng past participle (V2ed) để thay thế cho
mệnh đề đề quan hệ khi nó mang nghĩa bị động
- The woman who is / was given a flower looks very happy The woman given a flower looks very happy.
3. Infinitive relative clause (active / passive)
the first, the second, the last, the only, superlative adjectives + N + relative clauses to infinitive: Mệnh đề
quan hệ được rút thành cụm động từ nguyên mẫu (To-infinitive) khi trước đại từ quan hệ có các cụm từ: the
first, the second, the last, the only hoặc hình thức so sánh bậc nhất.
Active: The first student who comes to class has to clean the board The first student to come to class has to
clean the board.
Passive: The only room which was painted yesterday was Mary‘s The only room to be painted yesterday was
Notes: We don‘t use active or passive to-infinitive after ‗an‘ (Chúng ta không sử dụng active hay passive to-
infinitive sau ‗an‘)
4. Reduced relative clause with to be and adjective/ adjective phrases (Mệnh đề rút gọn tính từ có
dạng be và tính từ/cụm tính từ)
Formula 1: Drop who, which… to be KEEP the adjective (BỎ who, which…to be -> GIỮ NGUYÊN tính từ
phía sau)
- something, anything, anybody… +that (nếu phía trước that là đại từ phiếm chỉ như something,
anything, anybody…)
Ex: There must be something that is wrong There must be something wrong.
- There is a comma before the relative pronoun and there are at least 2 adjectives (có dấu phẩy phía trước
và phải có từ 2 tính từ trở lên)
Ex: My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house My grandmother, old and sick, never
goes out of the house.

Formula 2: The remaining cases put adjectives BEFORE noun (những trường hợp còn lại ta đưa tính từ LÊN
TRƯỚC danh từ)
Ex: My grandmother, who is sick, never goes out of the house My sick grandmother never goes out of the
I buy a hat which is very beautiful and fashionable I buy a very beautiful and fashionable hat.
Note: If the adjective phare has a noun Ving (nếu cụm tính từ gồm cả danh từ ở trong nó thì ta chỉ còn cách
dùng V-ing mà thôi)
Ex: I met a man who was very good at both English and French => I met a man being very good at both English
and French.

1. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases:
1. Do you know the woman who is coming towards us?
2. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.
3. The children who attend that school receive a good education.
4. The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.
5. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page.
6. They live in the house that was built in 1890.
7. The papers that are on the table belong to Patrica.
8. The man who is talking to the policeman is my uncle.
9. The number of students who have been counted is quite high.
10. George is the man who was chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. Replace the underlined clauses by an infinitive or infinitive phrase:
1. I don‘t like him playing in the street. I wish we had a garden that he could play in.
2. He simply loves parties. He is always the first who comes and the last who leaves.
3. The last person who leaves the room must turn off the lights.
4. The first man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable.
5. I‘ve got a bottle of wine but I haven‘t got anything that I could open it with.

3. Use reduced relative clauses in place of the relative clauses
1. We had a river in which we could swim.
2. Here are some accounts that you must check.
3. The last student that was interviewed was Tom.
4. We visited Hanoi, which is the capital of VN.
5. My father, who is a pilot, often goes abroad.
6. I was the only one who realized him.
7. I have some homework which I must do tonight.
8. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
9. I was awakened by the sound of laughter which came from the room which was next to mine at the motel.
10. There are six reports which have to be typed today.

1. Match the words with the correct definition.
1. issue
a. a situation in which something is replaced, improved or
2. management made more successful
3. encounter b. a person whose job is to fit and repair things such as water
pipes, toilets, etc.
4. sweaty
c. a problem or worry that somebody has with something
5. locksmith
d. to allow liquid or gas to get in or out through a small hole
6. plumber
e. the activity of running and controlling a business or similar
7. sink organization
8. leak f. a person whose job is making, fitting and repairing locks
9. drip g. to produce or let fall drops of liquid
10. renewal h. a large open container in a kitchen that has taps to supply
water and that you use for washing dishes in
i. covered or wet with sweat
j. to experience something, especially something unpleasant
or difficult, while you are trying to do something else

2. Questions 1-4 refer to the following articles
Top 3 Most Common Property Maintenance Issues
According to Murphy‘s Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Though we at Property Meld prefer
to see the world through a slightly rosier lens, when it comes to property management, it remains true that
things will inevitably ―go wrong.‖ So utilizing our data, we compiled a list of the top 3 most common
maintenance issues you can expect to encounter as a property manager.
1. Air conditioning (14.2% of all reported issues)
Your city is in the midst of a heatwave and surprise, half of your units‘ air conditioning systems just threw in
the towel. Sound familiar? If so, at least now you know you‘re not alone.
As we noted in an earlier post, about half of all HVAC — heating, ventilation, and air conditioning— service
requests in the southern United States occur in a span of three months when summer arrives and air
conditioning units start the heavy lifting. That means your area HVAC specialists are also feeling the heat,
leading to service delays and sweaty, disgruntled tenants. The majority of negative reviews for HVAC repairs
happen after just three days. If you don‘t have a process in place to gauge your HVAC system‘s usable life or
a system to track this time-sensitive repair schedule, you‘re going to hear it from your tenants and/or feel it in
your wallet.
2. Doors (11.7%)
Imagine one of your tenants comes home from a long, stressful day at work. All they want is a room full of
silence and a glass full of wine. As they slide their key into the front door‘s deadbolt, click-click-click,
nothing happens. You‘re the first person they call. You better have a trusty locksmith on speed dial or you‘re
going to have an unhappy tenant. You‘re also going to want to have a way to follow-up on the repair to
ensure it goes down quick and smooth, like that wine.
3. Sinks (5.0%)
Whether it‘s a drip, clog, leak or something else, sink issues need to be addressed quickly before they sink
your company‘s chance at a favorable tenant review or lease renewal. The cause of a leak isn‘t always easy to
identify, meaning your plumber may have to make multiple visits. You better have a system to track repairs.
Or maybe you enjoy playing phone tag and sitting on hold.
1. When do HVAC service requests often occur?
2. What are the consequences of the heat in HVAC service requests?
3. What should property managers do to solve problems with doors?
4. Why do plumbers have to visit the properties with problems many times?

Part F: Express an opinion
Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic.
Some people think that it is more beneficial for tenants to deal with maintenance problems on their own to
reduce the rental. What is your opinion about this idea? Give reasons for your opinion.


Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture

Directions: In this section, you will be given two
words or phrases and a photograph. You will be asked
to write one sentence about the photograph, using the
two given words or phrases. You can change the
forms. of the words and use them in any order. Your
sentence will be scored on grammar and how relevant
the sentence is to the photograph. You will have 8
minutes for this part.

Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request

Directions: In this section, you will write a response to
an e-mail. Your response will be scored on vocabulary
organization, and the quality and variety of your
sentences. You will have 10 minutes to read and
respond to each e-mail.
Directions: Read the email. In your email, describe
ONE problem and ask TWO questions,

Question 8: Write an opinion essay
Directions: In this section, you will write an essay about a given issue. You will be asked to state your opinion
and explain and support the opinions successful essay will usually contain a minimum of 300 words. Your essay
will be scored on grammar, vocabulary, organization, and whether your opinion is supported with reasons and
examples. You will have 30 minutes to complete your essay.
Essay question:
Describe a presentation that you have watched. Did you enjoy the presentation? Explain why / why not. Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

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