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Seeking the Kingdom

(The Sermon on the Mount Made Practical for Today)

David S. Dockery & David E. Garland

Presentation by: Ebenezer Adu-Gyamfi

Thesis / Aim (abstracted)
Provide practical ways that laypeople,
pastors, and students of the Bible can read
and apply the Sermon on the Mount in
Matthew chapter 5 to 7
Chapter 1 – What is the Sermon on the Mount?
(Matt 5:1-2)
Ø Very important in the history of the Church / Christian tradition
v “The Christian Magna Charta,” “the Christian Manifesto,” “the
Design for Life,” or “Ethics for Christian Living”
A. The Context of the Sermon
v First of 5 great discourses in Matthew (Ch 5-7, 10, 13, 18, & 24-25)
v Includes 3 basic types of materials : 1- beatitudes/declaration of
blessedness, 2 - ethical admonitions, and 3- contrast between Jesus'
ethical teaching and prevailing traditions
v Matthew depicts Jesus as the Messiah, the son of David, and
obedient Son of God, and a Teacher & Preacher of God’s kingdom
v Sermon on the Mount - first close-up shot of Jesus in the NT
Chapter 1 – What is the Sermon on the Mount?
(Matt 5:1-2)

v Teaching comprises the most unforgettable, most formidable,

and most uncompromising demands. Nonetheless, it starts with
good news: Blessed are you."
v Key point - God has blessed you (indicative); now here is what
you are to do (imperative)
v Could be compared & contrasted with laws given on Mount Sinai
(Exod 19)
B. Setting and Structure of the Sermon
v Unsure of whether preached at one sitting or at different times.
Chapter 1 – What is the Sermon on the Mount?
(Matt 5:1-2)

C. Approaches to the Sermon

1. Utopian ideal - impossible to obey/practice in a real/sinful
world, only possible in a Utopia (leads to modification)
2. Millennial Ethic - Teaching of the Sermon - only concern / will
be realized in a future millennial kingdom(not-yet eschatology)
3. Common sense guide – Sermon not to be taken literally,
teachings modified/altered so they conform to common sense
4. Binding on a committed few – teachings considered binding on
only the most devoted Christians
Chapter 1 – What is the Sermon on the Mount? (Matt 5:1-2)
C. Approaches to the Sermon
5. Teaching for the end times - teachings conditioned by end
times, ought to be applied right before the end of the ages
6. Internal Attitudes - Jesus is not concerned with specific acts
but only with internal attitudes.
7. Showing our need for mercy - main purpose of the Sermon on
the Mount - see how unworthy we are / expose our and the need
to repent weakness/helplessness). “After reading the Sermon
everyone looks pretty poor in spirit” – Luther
NB - Jesus gave us this teaching so that it could be obeyed,
not admired.
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the
Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-16)

A. The Character of Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-12)

v Beatitudes in the World of Jesus - As "Congratulations" are
familiar in our world, so the word "blessed" was a familiar
affirmation in the secular Greco-Roman world
v The Paradoxical Nature of Jesus’ Beatitudes - Jesus says,
"Happy are those the world considers unhappy." G. H. R.
Horsley observes, "poverty, humility, suffering" would never
have been "morally recommended in classical culture"
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the
Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-16)
A. The Character of Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-12)
v Blessed are the poor in spirit (5:3) - The 4 categories of those
blessed begin "p" in Greek. Alliteration (English) - blessed are the
poor in spirit,.. the plaintive,...the powerless, and... those who
pine for righteousness
Point - God can only pour his blessings on those who are not full of
themselves (i.e., those who humbly recognize their dependence on
v Blessed are those who mourn (5:4) - They are people who
sorrow/grieve over the evil in their own lives and also lament over
the wretched state of the world.
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the Kingdom
Citizens (Matt 5:3-16)
A. The Character of Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-12)
v Blessed are the meek (5:5) - Meek, not weak/an attitude of passive
submission, but strength harnessed by the Spirit of God (fruit of the
spirit (Gal 5:23)
v Blessed are those who mourn (5:4) - They are people who
sorrow/grieve over the evil in their own lives and also lament over
the wretched state of the world. Comforted by God through the
work of Christ and final destruction of evil and Satan
v Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (5:6)
Physical hunger and thirst - spiritual hunger, those who have a
gnawing spiritual hunger / desire fervently to see God's will
accomplished in their own lives and in the world.
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 5:3-16)
A. The Character of Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-12)
v Blessed are the merciful (5:7) – those who imitate the mercy of
God. Mercy - compassion that reaches out to help + compassion that
forgives (analogy - Matt 18:21-35)
v Blessed are the pure in heart (5:8) - The heart - control center of a
person's innermost of one's feelings, passions,
aspirations, and the source of one's thoughts, words, and deeds
Pure in heart
1- Singleness of the heart - purity/holiness/cleanliness of heart/purity
2- Singleness of heart - one-track mind/full devotion to God’s work

They shall see God - not just physical face but come into God’s
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 5:3-16)
A. The Character of Kingdom Citizens (Matt 5:3-12)
v Blessed are the Peacemaker (5:9) – Note - Jesus does not say
blessed are the peace lovers but the peacemakers (those who
pursue peace actively and persistently /who energetically
/consciously strive to make peace)
v They shall be called sons of God - share in what God is doing /
become participants of God’s work in the earth
v Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake (5:10-
12) – That is, persecution that one undergoes as a result of his or
her devotion to Christ/righteousness.
2 reasons to rejoice: i- appointed for future glorification. ii - in good
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 5:3-16)
B. The influence of Kingdom Citizens (5:13-16)
- Salt of the earth –Variety of uses of salt in ancient world:
*Preservative - preserves the society from spiritual decay
*Antiseptic - fight the rot and rid the world of the infection/malady of
*fire catalyst - catalyst/agent that helps ignite and sustain spiritual
fire on earth.
*fertilizer - improved the soil. - so as salt, the disciples are to improve
the soil (i.e. the hearts of unbelievers - by their prayer & life so it
might be more receptive to the seed of God's Word
*Associated with the covenant sacrifice in Judaism (Lev 2:13, Num
18:19) - As salt, the disciples are to sacrifice themselves for the world
to save others from the wrath of God's judgment
Chapter 2 – The Character and Influence of the Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 5:3-16)
B. The influence of Kingdom Citizens (5:13-16)
- Light of the World - In response to the failings of the
leaders/children of Israel – Disciples – Light
"Let your light shine" - understandable translation but unable to fully
capture the 3rd person imperative in the Greek - shine (your light)

- The doing of good works (5:15-16)

We, as salt, must come into direct contact/touch with the people we
want to effect/impact if we can make any impact, and we achieve this
through good works.
Chapter 3 – The righteousness of Kingdom Citizens (Matt
A. The Fulfillment of the Law (5:13-16)
- Jesus fulfills the Law and Prophets in three ways
1- by living in perfect obedience to them
2- by recapturing their divine purpose – lead to God and godliness
3- by completing/fulfilling their promise – they all pointed to Him.
His life and words represent the ultimate expression of God's will
Chapter 3 – The righteousness of Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 5:17-48)
B. Examples of Higher Righteousness (5:20-48)
- Anger, namecalling, sacrifice on the altar (21-26)
- Adultery (27–30)
- Divorce, exception clause, divorce and adultery (sin vs sinner) -31-32
A piece of paper does not nullify the permanency of marriage
- Swearing Oaths (33-37) – Honesty does not need oaths to prop it up
- Retaliation, turning the other cheek, being sued, going the extra
mile, giving and lending to those who ask (38-42)
- Loving your enemies 43-48) - Reasons – God’s kind way, conquer evil,
mark of the disciple
- Be perfect - Right in relation to God/fulfil your purpose, not religious
Chapter 4 – The Genuineness of Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 6:1-18)
- Jesus critiques/addresses cowardice in Matt 5:16 and deals with the
tendency/proclivity toward vanity in Matt 6:1-8
- Hypocrite - actor/one who wore a mask in the Greek world
In the NT - spiritual pretender, one who plays the part of
righteousness, without possessing the inner reality
- We must not be self-conscious about our giving, for self-
consciousness can quickly deteriorate into self-righteousness
- The Model prayer (6:9-13)- The "disciple's prayer" instead of the
"Lord's prayer" (Jn 17)
Chapter 5 – The Security of Kingdom Citizens (6:19-34)
- Jesus critiques/addresses cowardice in Matt 5:16 and deals with the
tendency/proclivity toward vanity in Matt 6:1-8
- Hypocrite - actor/one who wore a mask in the Greek world
In the NT - spiritual pretender, one who plays the part of
righteousness, without possessing the inner reality
- We must not be self-conscious about our giving, for self-
consciousness can quickly deteriorate into self-righteousness
- The Model prayer (6:9-13)- The "disciple's prayer" instead of the
"Lord's prayer" (Jn 17)
- Mammon - wealth or anything of value
- If a person is dedicated to the making of money, God will inevitably
be pushed to second place or even lower. A heart given over to
mammon means that one will not have the heart to serve God
Chapter 5 – The Security of Kingdom Citizens (6:19-34)
- On worry
- Root idea/word of the verb "to be anxious" in Greek - to be pulled
- Jesus is not discouraging forethought but rather nervous anxiety
Chapter 6 – Relationship of Kingdom Citizens
(Matt 7:1-12)

- On Judging - Rebuke but don’t condemn

Chapter 7 – Commitment of Kingdom Citizens (7:13-27)

- On wise vs foolish builders

"Sometimes a storm or crisis or calamity betrays what manner of
persons we are, for true piety is not fully distinguished from its
counterfeit till it comes to trial" - John Calvin
Chapter - Jesus' Words for Today (Matt 7:28-29)
Conclusion – Jesus' Words for Today (Matt 7:28-29)

- Who is Jesus in Matthew

- Teacher - One who interprets, emphasizes and amplifies the OT
teachings - Accepts it at the Word of God and builds his teaching
ministry on it.
- Son of Man - Divine title of suffering and exaltation
- Son of David -title of kingship /messianic title
Son of God - Christological title - refers to Jesus' special intimacy
with the Father, his divine nature
- The Christ - the anointed one - associated with a divine commission
to a royal, priestly, or prophetic ministry.
- Lord - Yahweh - Jesus performed miracles with divine power
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