SEMANA 01 S2.s1. Videoconferencia 01.01

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Videoconferencia 1

Class Goal : At the end of the lesson

students will be able to

• Al final de la unidad, el estudiante será capaz de

intercambiar información personal utilizando el
verbo to be, así como también, vocabulario básico
para presentarse y presentar a otros.


• En todo tipo de evento o contexto social tendrás la oportunidad de

entablar conversaciones con personas que conocerás por primera vez,
por lo que será necesario aprender como intercambiar información
personal utilizando el uso correcto del vocabulario y gramática
aprendido en esta unidad.

Saying Hello and Goodbye

Hello Bye
Hi Good bye
Good morning See you
Good afternoon See you tomorrow
Good evening See you later
How are you? See you next Tuesday
I’m fine thanks, and See you next week
you? Good bye
What’s up?

Countries Nationalities
The UK British
Poland Polish Other
Turkey Turkish countries
Ireland Irish Thailand Thai
Switzerland Swiss France French
Russia Russian Greece Greek
Chile Chilean Saudi Arabia Saudi
Mexico Mexican
Brazil Brazilian
Kenya Kenyan
Canada Canadian
Australia Australian
The USA American
China Chinese
Japan Japanese
Portugal Portuguese
Are you a
student? No, I’m not.
I’m a


No, I’m not. I’m from



Yes, I am.

No, ____________________


Yes, _____________.

No, ____________________


Yes, _____________.
Where are you from,

I’m from Colombia

Where are you from, Pele?

I’m from Brazil.

Where_____ ______ ____, Adele?


Where _____ ____ ______, Jim?





In first and last names

Ll = “double L”
Rr= “double R”


What’s your first name?
What’s your first name?

My first name is
What’s your family name?
What’s your family name?

My last name is
How old are you?
How old are you?

I’m 42 years old.

What’s your cell number?
What’s your cell number?

My cell number is
987 654321.
What’s your home number?
What’s your home phone

My home phone number is

074 664321.
What’s your e-mail address?
What’s your e-mail address?

My e-mail address is
1. What’s your first name? My first name is…….

2. What’s your family name? My family name is…….

3. How old are you? I’m ……………. years old

4. What’s your cell number? My cell number is…….

5. What’s your home number? My home phone number is……….

6. What’s your e-mail address? My e-mail address is…….

First name
Family name
Cell number
Home phone number
E-mail address
Task: How old are you? (PA)

2. Description
•Step 3: Outline the dialogue you are going to present, taking into consideration that it will last 1
minute and that it is expected to contain:
• Situation: You are a part of an online program where students meet to practice different
languages. You are meeting a new foreign friend for the first time. Introduce yourself to your
classmate you are working with. Ask each other personal information questions.
• Dialogue content:
• Vocabulary and expressions (Weeks 1-2)
• Countries, cities, and nationalities.
• Greetings, depending on the time of day the conversation takes place.
• The phrases and questions studied in the unit, such as "What’s your name?",
"Where are you from?", "How old are you?"
• Farewells
• Yes / no questions like: "Are you ....?"
• 1st and 2nd person singular
Task: This is my classmate

2. Description
Step 3: Outline the dialogue you are going to present, taking into consideration that it will
last 2 minutes and that it is expected to contain:
• Situation: Introduce a
new member to your study group. Before starting the dialogue, determine the roles for each m
ember. For example, who is going to start the dialogue, who will be the new member, etc.
• Dialogue content:
• Vocabulary and expressions (Weeks 1-2)
• Countries, cities, and nationalities.
• Greetings, depending on the time of day the conversation takes place.
• The phrases and questions studied in the session, such as "What’s your name?",
"Where are you from?", "How old are you?"
• Farewells
• Yes / no questions like: "Are you ....?"
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular

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