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Author(s): U. B. Carr Bower

Review by: U. B. Carr Bower
Source: The Antioch Review, Vol. 51, No. 1, Growing Up: Nurture or Neglect? (Winter, 1993), p.
Published by: Antioch Review Inc.
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Accessed: 04-01-2016 06:58 UTC

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150 The Antioch Review

Vampire,as well as in The Queen of Ian Hamilton Finlay: A Visual

the Damned. In each of these works, Primer by Yves Abrioux. The M.I.T.
Rice portraysLestat as totally self-con- Press, 317 pp., $50.00. The second edi-
fident, whether as the killer of wolves tion of this book has expanded its vi-
outside his decaying manor house in sual and scholarly content in the seven
France, or as a theatricalentrepreneur years since its first publication in 1985,
-the latter occupation reminding the which is only fitting to the artist's in-
readerof Goethe's WilhelmMeister. tense activity during this period.
And Lestat's aplomb characterizesthe
It is visually a most pleasing book,
blood-sucking rituals as well.
again befitting the artist who wrote in
In the fourth book, however, an unset- 1970: "Beauty is the thing, Orderand
tling change occurs: Lestat determines Beauty-in the honestest [sic] way,
that he wants to be human again - given the possibilities of the time."
though only briefly. But as the body
Finlay should not, however, be seen as
thief reneges on his part of the agree-
a visual artist;he himself would want
ment, the seemingly always cagey
to be regardedprimarilyas a poet. Col-
Lestat is horrified as he learns what it
laborationswith artisansand visual art-
is like to be imprisoned in a human
ists have produced a handsome visual
body. Rice adroitly utilizes Swiftian
arena for the poetry, but Finlay's writ-
imagery as Lestat recoils at experienc-
ing is articulatingthe moment, the per-
ing the most ordinaryof bodily func-
son, the sign, the idea more than any
retinal image. The distinctive, self-ref-
Provocative and inventive, Rice's con- erential atmospheresurroundingthese
ception allows the readerto witness issues is observed and described in a
anotheraspect of Lestat. Previously, cool, orderedway.
unencumberedby his humanity,he has
Abrioux charts Finlay's stand vis-a-vis
casually traveled throughcenturies and
Europeanculture in an erudite manner
crossed oceans. His adventureswere
with justice paid to culturally historical
characterizedby irreverenceand a
influences and conceptual orientations
markedlack of guilt; indeed his favor-
fulfilling the demands of a primerwith
ite epithet in any century is "Oh hell."
such concise, compact writing as to be
In previous works, he scoffs at braids
a most generous introduction.For
of garlic and crosses, those traditional
those interested in scholarship, he
methods of thwartingvampires popu-
opens many avenues not only apropos
larized by Bram Stoker's Dracula.
of Finlay's work but on many notions
As in her previous novels, Rice man- from the history of civilization. Al-
ages to combine a riveting plot with though Abrioux illuminates these av-
astute characteranalysis. Certainly enues with the knowledge of a long as-
Body Thief can be considered a kind sociation with Finlay, they remain a
of Bildungsromanas Lestat relearns study of the poet's work outside the
what it is to be human, but sadly con- context of other contemporarypoets or
cludes, "I didn't want the weakness; I conceptual artists.
didn't want the limitations." - U.B. CarrBower
- Suzann Bick

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