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Shopping goods Specialty goods Unsought goods
Purchase level
involved in
convenience goods
No purchase in
is high as the Medium LOW level purchase
1. Level of this segment as
product is purchase level involved due to price
purchase these are
relatively involved in factor and less
involvement needed in
inexpensive and shopping goods. demand.
more people can
reach out.
Medium customer
Medium to high
loyalty because
level of customer Very high level of
they don’t put Not related to
loyalty. Reason is customer loyalty
much thought the customer
2. Extent of customer link because customers
before buying. loyalty in these
customer loyalty their previous are attached to the
Main objective is goods.
experiences brand.
to satisfy the need
while buying.
of the hour.
High importance is Very high level
Very low importance is
given to products. of importance is
importance isas given to as
Product has given to
3. Importance of they are often customer is
established itself and products as they
product repeated and paying low price
brands need to are used during
modified. and satisfying its
maintain that level. emergencies.
It is of medium
importance as
Low importance as
consumer It has a very high
customer just need No importance
attached itself to value as consumer by
4. Importance of the good, and will is given in
the brand while the goods mainly
brand not care of the emergency
using the product because of the
brand one the products.
and based on brand.
need is satisfied.
their past

Low importance as
importance is High if they
customers are
given to these diversify
attracted to a specific
5. Value of products. horizontally
product. And
product line Companies look to customer can Not valuable.
companies look to
extensions expand the buy different
enhance the same
product portfolio products from
product instead of
to reach out to the the same brand.
making a new one.
new customers.
Low . price sensitivity
This segment is
Inexpensive Low, as only a bunch varies
price sensitive,
6. Price products and of people can afford depending on
and customer
sensitivity accessible to all to buy it due to the type of
relates to price
strata of income inequality. product or
while buying the
population. service

High. The
7. Very low
High, as the amount of sale
Responsiveness People interpret this
product will get will directly
to sales is a sign of Not Applicable
customer depend upon the
promotions and depreciation in the
attention. amount of
discounts. quality

High High
Make the Low, as the customer
Channels are Strategical
8. Importance of product base is low and
needed for the location must be
the place mix accessible to its demand is often
placement of the determined for
target skewed.
products. the better sales.

High High
Making the High transportation and
product available managing the warehousing High
9. Role of as and when they flow of cargo migration must be on Need can arise
logistics are needed and from supplying exact time to anytime.
desired by the source to final promote customer
customer customer satisfaction.

Trust in retailer will Low
10. Role of Brands get good
bridge the gap The product speaks N/A
retailer highlights from
between the brand for itself.
relationships the retailers.
and customer

Very hard to
Discounts always Low
11. High promote to sell
have an edge in As the product is
Responsiveness Customer want consumers. No
consumer priced high and only
to promotion effective products specific
behavior of who can afford it are
and advertising in low price. customer base.
deciding for the expected to buy.

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