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People do a lot of work to improve their quality of life.

Those works are consider as

economic activity. Every people in the world definitely attached with economic activity.
There are two factors which can affect economic activities. One is natural factor and
other one is cultural factor. Cultural factors are described below:
Cultural factors are those factors which are basically created by human activity or
depend on human beings. This factor can be dividend in 4 types. The types of that
factors are socio-economic, demography, historical, political.
Socio-economic: This factor is very important and has a great impact on economic
activity. Level of education and income range is the element of this factor. Because
the life style of an educated person is totally different from an uneducated person and
same thing goes with rich and poor people. For example in Gulshan we can find
various types of luxurious products which are unavailable in rangpur because of
buying capacity of the people of that particular area.
Demographic: This parameter indicates population size, their age, sex etc. of an area.
All of this things are vary place to place and for this economic activity is also changed.
For example we can take the economic activity of Bangladesh and Canada.
Bangladesh has a huge population and here labor cost is very low that’s why we find
lot of garments here on the other hand in Canada we cannot find garments because of
their small population and high labor cost. Almost all of their industry is based on
Historic: Actually this factor indicates the legacy of a nation. Most of the time people
follow their previous generation when they engage in any type of economic activity.
For example in our country we see people making jamdani saree which is the work of
their previous generation. Besides we discover many things which are quite similar to
British because they ruled our country.
Political: This factor can influence an economic activity most. It is very important when
a person start and run a business. Because of uncertain political situation many
business ruined. For example we often see different kind of political protest in our
country and for them the economic activity stopped. To make it clear we can give the
example of Myanmar. In Myanmar recently some political problem arise and military
take over power. For this many powerful country like America, Russia, Malaysia are
stopped business relationship with Myanmar. As a result their economic activity
seriously hampered.
From above discussion we can clearly understand that cultural condition is very
important and can affect the economic activity. So everyone should very careful about
it when started any kind of economic activity.

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