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1. Gen Pervez Musharraf was born in Agra India on 11 Aug 1943 .he was raised in Karachi and
Istanbul. He is a Pakistani former politician and retired four star general of Pakistan army. He became
the 10th president of Pakistan after the successful military takeover of the federal government in 1999.
However he remained chief of the army staff until retiring in 2007.musharaf held the presidency from
2001 until 2008.


The book covers topics ranging from Musharraf's personal life to global and governmental
challenges, as well as his climb to power. He writes about his upbringing and experiences. The biography
also mentions a few significant international occasions that Musharraf and his actions directly impacted.
In addition to them, he also writes about the main assassination attempts on him and his time spent in
the Pakistani Army. Additionally, he claims that he was not involved in the 1979 seizure in Makkah.


Musharraf has mirrored the life of his country ever since the creation of Pakistan. His and
Pakistan’s stories narrated by him are dramatic and vital to the entire world. The book is divided into the
6 different. In the starting chapters Musharraf describes his personal life. He wrote some of his
childhood memories about the early life in Karachi and Istanbul where his father served in the embassy.
He gave touch the stories of his love for an east Pakistani Bengali girl named Sahiba , their marriage and
birth of his children. He has also enlightened his tenure in Pakistan military academy. From the academy
to the army house and to the head of the state is very crucial and pack of the risks. He describes the
evening in 1999 which he called the (the night of counter coup) being army chief his airplane was denied
access to the Pakistani land by the orders of then PM Nawaz Sharif. And how he and his companions
managed to seize the control and overthrow the Nawaz’s government.

The next chapters of the book deals with rebuilding the economy of the country. How Musharraf
rebuild the economy by the initiative of an economic liberalization program headed by his finance
minister Shaukat Aziz. In this section he has self [raised his policies of rebuilding economy.

Musharraf also has explained how he narrowly escaped the two assassination attacks not only his only
but his finance minister Shaukat Aziz. He details mouse and cat games of his lieutenants and Osama bin
laden and zahwari. He also portraits the stories of Pakistan’s attempts to negotiate with mullah Umar.
Musharraf reveals the new details about the conflict with India in Kashmir (Kargil conflict) and offers a
proposal of resolving the Kashmir dispute. Concerning A Q khan he briefs the when and what his
government knew.

Musharraf explains his agenda of recognizing Israel as country if Israel accept the proposal of
separate proposal of Palestine state. He also describes that how he was pressurized by the USA after
9\11 and given seven points to accept. Musharraf narrates it as do or die situation for Pakistan as
following the threat of getting Pakistan back to the Stone Age. He also wrote that how his country had
no choice but to cooperate. Musharraf also talks about al-Qaida, Islam and Pakistan’s positon in that
war. He also narrates the sad story of Pakistan’s experience with democracy his efforts to make Pakistan
a democratic country.

The memoir is the remarkable piece of work, as every chapter takes u back in the time and u see
the picture of the Musharraf. This book is an insight to the difficulties he faced as student, as an army
officer and as head of state. Personality of Musharraf encourages us to be committed to our country and
to ourselves. This book is honest picture of Pakistan against terrorism as Musharraf briefly explained
how exactly Pakistani authorities tracked down and smashed Al-Qaeda control centers in Pakistan. All
the events in author’s life are well explained. I would say as it is an autobiography so one gets authors
views and his ways to deal problems.

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